Fashioned for Love (A Silver Script Novel Book 3)

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Fashioned for Love (A Silver Script Novel Book 3) Page 7

by Weist, Jaclyn

  “Thank you.” Nikki hung up, and Debra moved over to the scanner.

  As soon as they were scanned, Debra sent them to Nikki, wishing there was more she could do. She put the files back in the cabinet and moved to the next campaign.

  It was after three before Erin brought Debra a sandwich. Debra pulled off her reading glasses and leaned back in her chair, grateful for a break.

  “I don’t suppose you got yourself some lunch.” Erin set down the food and sat down in the chair across from Debra’s. “So, why are you really here? I told you I had everything covered.”

  “There were things I needed to do. And Lance’s parents are in town, so I figured he wouldn’t need me.” Debra knew it sounded lame. It’s not like his parents had treated her badly. She just didn’t want to overstep her bounds.

  Erin narrowed her eyes. “Do you like him?”

  “Yes. A lot. But I still have work that needs to get done.” Debra held up the file that had been sitting next to her elbow.

  “Uh-huh. And those things are jobs you can’t do while you’re there with him?” Erin took the folder from Debra. “This commercial was shot earlier this morning. It’s not something I couldn’t have taken care of.”

  “Yes, well, then there were the files Nikki needed for Walker Apparel. If I’d been gone, they’d still be running around in a panic. Besides, we just met. And while I like him, I can’t just leave work whenever I want.” Debra opened the container that held her sandwich. “Oh, man. Thanks. This is exactly what I needed.”

  “Chicken club is good for the soul. Now, tell me what else needs to be done, and then I’m going to push you out the door. The fashion show is in just a couple of days, and I’m guessing Lance is probably stressing out right now. He needs you to be there for him.”

  Debra took a bite as she thought about what else had to get done that day. She’d finished most of it. “If you could work on the jewelry commercial and make sure Nate is getting his done, I think we’ll be set for the night. Oh, and call Nikki to make sure she got the ads.”

  Erin wrote down the instructions. “Most of this has already been done. Nate told me he sent you the files and sent them on to the client. He also asked if Jake needed a roommate, so that was awkward.”

  Debra laughed. “Poor guy. You know he’s desperate if he’s asking that. I guess my old place was rented out already.”

  “Well, it is New York. Thing is, Jake could probably use one for a bit. His acting is taking off, but it’d help out while we’re preparing for the wedding.” She stood. “Good luck. Tell Lance hi, and that we have everything under control.”

  “Thank you.” Debra finished her sandwich and sent out a couple of emails she had left before switching off her computer. Just as she was pulling on her coat, her cell phone rang. It was Lance. Her heart raced a little as she answered. The last time she’d received a call from this phone, it had been bad news. “Hello?”

  “Hey, are you busy?” Lance’s voice was quiet.

  Debra slipped her purse over her shoulder. “I was just about to leave to come and visit. Is everything okay?”

  “I want to get out of here, and I need you to help me. You have your license, right?” His voice went even quieter.

  “Yes, but I don’t—”

  “You don’t need a car. I just bought one and I need you to bring it to me.”

  Debra stared at her phone for a second. He bought a car? “Are … you okay?”

  Lance chuckled. “Yes. I promise. They just told me they want to keep me for a few more days, and I can’t take it. I’d have my parents do it, but they agree with the doctor. They think I work too hard and this is a good break.”

  “So, the dealership is just going to let me walk in and pick up a car?” She couldn’t believe she was even playing with the idea. Lance had to be on too many painkillers to think they could pull this off.

  “Yes, I took care of it over the phone. I’ve used them several times before, and they’d heard about my accident on the news, so they were more than happy to help me out. I told them you’d be coming in. Think you can handle driving a Porsche out to get me?”

  Debra’s mouth went dry. The last car she’d owned was a beat up Honda that she sold when she moved to the city. “I guess so. Give me the address, and I’ll be there as soon as I can. And if I get arrested, you’re bailing me out.”

  “Fair enough. Now I need to go. I just heard the doctor outside my room.” He gave her the address and hung up.

  Debra stood there for a few minutes before she could force herself to move. She’d never so much as cheated on a school assignment, and now she was about to break a guy she’d just met a couple of weeks before out of the hospital. She hurried out of her office before she could change her mind.

  “Oh, hey, Debra.” David called from behind her.

  She turned to see him walking quickly toward her. “Hey, how are you doing?”

  “I’m good. Here, Lance asked me to give you this.” He handed her a roll of hundred dollar bills. “It’s just in case they give you any trouble. Oh, and here’s the paperwork for the hospital discharge. Just leave it on his bed.”

  Debra took the papers and the roll of cash, and looked up at him. “You knew about this?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m the one who gave him the idea. Now hurry. The dealership should close in the next hour or so.” David grinned and turned to walk away.

  “Remind me not to let the two of you around each other anymore,” she said.

  David laughed. “That’s probably a good idea. See you tomorrow.”

  “If I’m not in jail,” she muttered and hurried toward the elevator before anyone could make this worse than it already was.

  Debra took a taxi to the address Lance had given her and climbed out. The driver smirked as he looked back at her.

  “Thinking big, eh?” He took the cash from her.

  “Time to live a little.” She smiled and climbed out. The door shut on his laughter. She took a deep breath and opened the door to the dealership. It was time to get this over with. It was time to turn on her business side. The new car smell welcomed her as she went inside.

  One of the salesmen perked up when he saw Debra, and he walked quickly over to her. “Hello, how can we help you today?”

  “I’m here to pick up a car for Lance Walker. He said you’d be expecting me.” Debra’s heart beat wildly as he studied her.

  He turned and walked back to the computer he’d been working at. “Please give me your name.”

  “It’s Debra Thomas.” She pulled out her ID and handed it to him.

  “And you’re his wife? Why do you have different last names?” He narrowed his eyes.

  Wife? Seriously? Lance would hear about this. “Yes, I go by my maiden name for professional reasons. We’re … married.”

  “I see. Congratulations. I had no idea that he’s finally tied the knot. We’ve worked with him for years.”

  Debra smiled to force down her irritation and leaned forward. “We’re trying to keep it quiet. The announcement will come later, so I’d appreciate it if you keep it between us.”

  “Of course.” He smiled and typed a few more things into the computer. “Everything seems to be in order. I’ll have to have you sign a couple of papers and then I’ll get you the keys.”

  “Wonderful.” Debra held in the sigh of relief. She wasn’t in the clear yet, and had to keep up appearances. Everything was fine. This wasn’t normal for her to be in a place like this, where Lamborghinis, Porsches, and Bentleys sat on display. Cars that she only ever dreamed of driving.

  The man came out of the office a few minutes later. “Okay, let’s have you come in here so we can have you sign the paperwork. Your car is being detailed right now.”

  “Wonderful.” She followed him into a small office and signed in the areas he told her to. Most of it had been filled out, and Lance’s name was filled out electronically, so she only had a couple of places to sign. The fact that her name was now
associated with the paperwork of a Porsche left her breathless. And what was she thinking driving the thing all the way to Staten Island?

  “All right, let’s go get your new car, Mrs. Walker.” He let Debra out of the office and smiled as she was handed the keys. “Enjoy, and tell your husband to be a little more careful this time.”

  Debra laughed with him. “I’ll do that. Thank you.”

  A sleek black Porsche sat parked outside of the dealership, and several employees stood smiling as Debra unlocked the door and climbed in. She put the key in the ignition and started the car, praying that she’d remember how to drive after all this time.

  The first few feet were a little jumpy as she got used to the sensitivity of the brakes and gas, and then she pulled out and onto the road. She could do this. A computer sat on the dash, so she typed in the address of the hospital and settled into driving.

  Traffic was heavy in parts, due to the evening commute, but for the most part, it was a smooth drive. She realized too late that the route would take her through a tunnel, but she didn’t have much of a choice. There were too many cars around for her to get out of the lane. She paid the toll and continued on. As she went into the tunnel, she couldn’t help but hold her breath. She went on the subway all the time, but this just seemed different as she drove through.

  As soon as she was out of the tunnel, she dialed Lance’s number. He answered after a few rings.

  “Lance Walker. How may I help you?” His voice sent a thrill through Debra.

  “Hey, I just came out of the tunnel. I should be half an hour or less. Unless I get lost.”

  "Were you able to pick up the order?”

  Debra stayed silent for a moment. “Um, what?”

  “The order. Were you able to get it with no problem?” There was interference in the speaker, and muffled voices.

  It clicked that Lance was trying to cover up what this was actually about. She waited for him to get back on the phone before she answered back. “Yes, I got the order. When should I drop it off?”

  “As soon as possible. It’s—one second.” There was more muffled talking before Lance ordered whoever it was out of the room. “Sorry. My parents were trying to take my phone. I had to tell them it was for the fashion show and it would completely flop if this call didn’t happen. By the time you get here, I’ll have my parents convinced that I’m exhausted and need my sleep. I hope. Thanks again.”

  “Glad I could help. I’ll be there as soon as possible.” Debra ended the call just as she heard the door open in the background. No wonder he wanted out of there. Somehow that seemed to be the hardest part of the plan.

  It took a couple of tries to get the car parked straight, but Debra finally turned the car off and pulled the keys out of the ignition. She checked her reflection in the mirror, adding just a touch of lipstick.

  Debra smiled at the nurses she passed as she walked into the hospital. She’d been there often enough that most of those on duty knew her. And now she was going to try to get past all of them with a guy who couldn’t even walk.

  Lance’s parents came around the corner and Debra quickly backed up behind a column. She didn’t want to give them any hint that she’d been around. As they walked past, discussing how they’d change the house so he could get around easier, Debra sighed. From what Lance had told her, the house had looked pretty much the same his entire life. They were willing to go out of their way to help him out, and here she was helping him escape.

  She could walk away right now. Take the car to his house and go back home. Or she could get him out and back to work where he could help Nikki with the problems there. No, maybe his parents were right. He should have a break.

  But it was his choice. He was a grown man. He was acting like a child by hiding, but he was still in charge of his own life. Debra pushed off the wall and walked into his room. She quickly turned away as he pulled on his shirt over his head. He’d obviously worked out by the tone of his chest and arms, but she hadn’t expected to see it when she walked in. A knock probably would have been a good idea.

  “Oh, hey. You’re here.” Lance’s voice was happier than she’d heard it in a while.

  She peeked to make sure the shirt was on before turning back toward him. “Hey. I saw your parents. They were talking about fixing the house up for when you get there.”

  He smirked. “They say that now, but I’m pretty sure I heard them making plans to visit my sister in Africa.”

  “Maybe they’ll go after they’re done with the changes.” Debra helped put his socks and shoes on. She lowered her voice. “Do you think this is a good idea?”

  Lance tipped Debra’s chin up so their eyes met. “I need to get out of here. There’s absolutely nothing they can do for me here that I can’t do at home. I haven’t had an IV for two days, and I’ve been cutting down the painkillers to where I’m down to just the bare minimum. Please.”

  The flecks of green in Lance’s eyes mesmerized Debra as she stared into them. She finally nodded. “Okay. But we need to hurry. I assume they’ll be in to do therapy or something soon.”

  “Already took care of that. I had my mom and dad help so I’d make sure everyone was satisfied. Now, do you have the papers from David?”

  “Oh, yes. They’re right here.” She pulled them out of her purse and smoothed them out. “You really think this will help?”

  Lance shook his head. “I have no idea, but I’m not about to wait around to find out. Oh, and the cash? I figure I better pay them for the wheelchair since we’ll be taking off with it.”

  “I thought that was for the car.” She pulled the roll of cash out and handed it to him.

  “It was.” He tossed it on the bed next to the papers. “But since you had no problems, I figure we might as well use it. I’ll pay David back as soon as I get back to my computer.”

  Debra moved closer so he could wrap his arm around her to climb into the wheel chair. “And we’re just going to walk out of here?”

  “Yep. Remember you were going to take me on walk the other day. We’re just doing it now instead. Oh, and you’ll need to carry my laptop bag over your shoulder. Having me take it would look a little suspicious.” He pulled on his coat, and Debra helped him zip it up. “How close did you park?”

  “Just around the corner. I figured we wouldn’t want to have everyone watching.” Debra put his bag over her shoulder and pushed his wheelchair toward the door.

  Lance looked back at her. “Thank you. I owe you for this.”

  “Hey, anything for my husband.” She emphasized the last word, making Lance chuckle.

  “Sorry about that, but it was the only way they would have let you out of the dealership with it.” He nodded at his doctor as they pushed past. Thankfully Dr. Peterson only nodded back before continuing his discussion with the nurse.

  They continued out the door to the back of the hospital where most of the patients went for their time outside. No one was out because of the weather, so they had to move quickly before questions were asked. Debra glanced around and ducked around the corner toward the car. She unlocked the door and started it using the remote, then opened the trunk.

  “Wow, I didn’t know it had all those features.” Lance waited for her to open the door and moved himself from the chair to his seat in the Porsche.

  Debra quickly folded the chair up and shoved it in the trunk before going to the driver’s side. Her heart beat rapidly as she backed out of the parking spot. Lance took her hand, sending tingles up her arm.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Relax.” He squeezed her fingers.

  “That’s easy for you to say. You didn’t just kidnap a patient from the hospital.” In her rearview mirror, she could see a few nurses rush out the doors and look around. Dr. Peterson followed closely after and ran his hand through his hair. “Looks like we didn’t quite make a clean getaway.”

  Lance laughed. “They’re not coming after us. We’ll be just fine. Besides, I overpaid the bill by quite a bit, so they can’t
complain too much.”

  Debra glanced over at him. “How do you know much the bill was?”

  “I pulled up my chart while the nurse was getting my medicine for me. They really need to make their passwords harder to figure out.” He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

  “So you’re a hacker on top of a fashion designer. Good to know.” Debra glanced into her mirror to make sure no one was coming. “Where are we going, anyway?”

  Lance shrugged. “You can take me to my office if you’d like. I just don’t want to go home.”

  “I’m thinking that’s not the best place to go. Do you know where David lives? Maybe you could go there.” Debra pulled onto the freeway and headed for Manhattan.

  “He moved to a small town outside of the city. I could call him.” Lance pulled out his phone.

  Debra tapped her fingers on the steering wheel. “No. That would be bad now that I think about it. He still has the paparazzi after him, and that’s the last thing you need right now.”

  “Good point.” Lance stared out the window.

  “You okay?” Debra checked the mirror again, then glanced over at him. “You look a little pale.”

  He nodded. “I’m just tired. That took more effort than I thought it would.”

  Debra sighed and tapped in an address. She knew the way, but it helped to have the computer remind her of all the turns. It was a few minutes later that Lance’s breathing became deeper as he fell asleep.

  “Hey, Lance. Wake up.” Debra shook his shoulder. “We’re here.”

  Lance jerked awake and glanced around. “Where are we?”

  “My apartment. You’ll stay here until we can get you back home.” She helped him out of the car and into his chair. “Nikki’s grabbing some stuff for you and she’ll be by later. She’s pretty ecstatic that you’re back.”

  Lance rubbed his eyes. “Man, I must have been out. How’d you get all of that planned?”

  “Well, it was hard to do over your snoring, but thankfully, Nikki could still hear me.”

  Debra pushed the button on the elevator and waited for it. This was the first time she’d used the parking spot and hoped the manager wouldn’t get suspicious. When the doors opened to her floor, she pulled her keys out of her purse.


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