Fashioned for Love (A Silver Script Novel Book 3)

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Fashioned for Love (A Silver Script Novel Book 3) Page 9

by Weist, Jaclyn

  Debra pursed her lips, but didn’t say anything. She walked over to the box and pulled it open, gasping. She pulled out the first gown and held it up. “I’d seen these in drawings, but they look fantastic in person.”

  “I have to admit that looks much better than I’d envisioned. Let’s hang them on this rack as we pull them out.” He moved closer to Debra. “I’m sorry. I should have asked instead of assuming you’d help.”

  She smiled and pulled out the next dress. “This is your turf. It’s okay. I’m just used to being the one telling people what to do.”

  Lance frowned. “I’m not sure about that one. Let’s set it on the other side of the rack until I figure out what’s wrong with it.”

  “I don’t see anything wrong. It’s beautiful.” The black satin dress was one he’d struggled with in the design phase. Debra held it away from her, studying it. “With the right jewelry, it’ll be perfect.”

  “You're probably right. Let’s set it over there and go through the rest. Then I’ll come back to it.”

  She set it on the rack and picked out another dress. With each new dress, Lance would sort them between being perfect, and needing a little work. He was thrilled with how they’d turned out, and even those he’d said weren’t ready were still close. They just needed a few subtle changes. But that first one he’d put aside continued to nag at him. Maybe Debra was right and it just needed some jewelry to go with it.

  “These are going to knock Anthony’s socks off.” Nikki stood next to him, studying the gowns on the rack. “Where’d you come up with the ideas?”

  Lance shrugged. “They just hit me the night of the New Year’s party, and I worked on them the whole next day.”

  Nikki nodded and glanced over at Debra. “The New Year’s party, huh?”

  “Yes. Okay, so are you done with the others? I’d like to see these on the mannequins so we can figure out what needs to be fixed.” Lance tried to ignore the fact that his face was burning after Nikki’s assumption. It had nothing to do with Debra. It was the whole excitement of the night … right?

  Nikki smirked and went to find Ella. The mannequins were organized in front of Lance and his employees went to work. Lance shifted in his chair and winced in pain. If he could just get up and walk around, he was sure he’d feel better.

  Debra left his side and came back a couple of minutes later with a large glass of water and a pill. “Here, I think you forgot something.”

  He smiled up at her. “Thank you.”

  She put her hand on his shoulder. “Of course. I’m going to go grab a bag of chips or something from the vending machine. Those pills can be a killer on the stomach.”

  Lance put the pill in his mouth and drank a few large gulps of water. Hopefully this wouldn’t make him as drowsy as whatever it was they gave him in the hospital. By that time, the dresses were up on the mannequins. He went from one dress to the next, suggesting the changes. Only one needed a few major alterations with the sleeves and the cut of the skirt. When he came to the black satin gown, he stared at it.

  “Where is the costume jewelry? I want to try a couple of things with it.” He waited for Ella to pull it out and drape a large diamond necklace around the mannequin’s neck. “That’s good. Okay, we’ll hold off on altering this one. Let’s fix the rest and get a photographer in here first thing tomorrow.”

  Debra came into the room with a sandwich and some chips. “Wow, you’re already done?”

  “Yes, thankfully these were fairly painless to fix.” Lance took the sandwich she handed him and put it on his lap. “I thought you were just going to the vending machine.”

  She shrugged. “Nothing looked filling enough to help your stomach and I saw the deli as we walked toward your building. I hope you like chicken.”

  “These are my favorite. Thank you.” He fumbled with the paper around the sandwich until Debra took it from him. She unwrapped it and handed it back. “This bandage is a pain. Thank you.”

  “No problem.” She walked along the dresses, studying each one. It shouldn’t have bothered Lance, but he couldn’t help feeling self-conscious about it. “I think we’re going to need to rearrange a few of the ads I had set up for these. When do you expect the men’s suits and outerwear?”

  Nikki turned to Debra. “They should be here tomorrow. We had to use a different company to make them because of time constraints.”

  Debra nodded. “I understand that. It’s got to be crazy right now. Do you think I could bring one of my photographers tomorrow? That way we can get the ads rearranged and sent out tomorrow night.”

  Lance let go of the breath he was holding. She liked them. “Of course. I’m thinking the delivery will be around noon. If you think you need more time, I can call and see if they’re ready sooner. We’ve picked up orders in the past when we’re on a deadline.”

  “That should be fine. I’ll have Erin and Carissa come too. It’ll go faster that way.” She turned and smiled at him. “These are beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” A wave of dizziness suddenly hit Lance. “Oh, boy. I need to lay down.”

  Debra was instantly at his side. “We pushed you too hard. Let’s get back home.”

  “I’m not sure I can make it there, and I don’t want you to have to carry me. There’s a couch in my office. Just help me in there, please.” Lance’s head was spinning.

  Debra pushed him into the office and helped him move from the chair to the couch. She took one of the decorative pillows and set it gently under his head. There was rustling before a warm blanket was laid over the top of him. She kissed him on the cheek. “Do you want me to stay?”

  Lance hesitated before nodding. As much as he wanted to say he was fine without her, he knew that wasn’t true. “Please. I just need to sleep for a bit, and then I’ll be ready to go.”

  “Of course.” She brushed his hair out of his eyes and kissed his cheek once more before walking away.

  As Lance drifted into darkness, the feel of her lips brought a smile, and a small thrill of excitement in his stomach.

  Chapter 9

  Debra sat on a small armchair in the showroom, working on a new layout for the ads. She didn’t want to take any pictures until they had everything set out, but she was still able to rearrange by comparing the dresses to the drawings.

  It was something she probably could have done in the morning, but it kept her busy while she waited for Lance to wake up. He’d been pale when she helped him lay down, and she hoped it was just the medicine affecting him. She wouldn’t forgive herself if she’d helped him escape when he really should have stayed in the hospital.

  The models and Lance’s assistants had cleaned up and left an hour before, leaving the studio empty except for the two of them. She was tempted to turn on some music so it didn’t seem so quiet, but she couldn’t risk waking him up.

  She stood to stretch and wandered through the showroom. Boxes and crates filled shelves, each labeled with buttons, snaps, zippers, and other accessories. An old fashioned sewing machine sat on a pedestal in the corner. Debra recognized it as the machine that was part of the company’s logo.

  Dresses, shorts, shirts, and other items hung on racks, labeled with the season and theme. Everything in the room was organized perfectly, and the thick white carpet had no stains. How he managed to do that in the winter was beyond her.

  Erin, Nate, and Carissa constantly teased her about her neat and tidy office, and it made her feel a little better knowing she wasn’t the only one who liked things in their place.

  A thump, followed by a groan, came from the office. Debra’s heart pounded as she ran into the office to find Lance on the ground. He pushed up on his elbows and looked around. “I forgot I wasn’t in my bed.”

  Debra crouched to help him sit on the couch and then into his chair. “Are you okay?”

  Lance struggled with pulling up his pant leg, so she helped him push it up higher. A small part of the incision bled a little, but otherwise it looked fine. “I’ll be o
kay. But I need something looser to wear.”

  Debra checked her phone. “It’s pretty late. I’m not sure we’ll find any place open right now. We can run you home just to grab a few things.”

  He shook his head. “No. Not yet. I’m not ready to face my parents and their lectures.”

  Debra glanced out at the showroom. “Could you sew something? I saw bolts of fabric out there.”

  His face brightened. “No, not with my legs how they are. But I have a better idea. Can you help me down to the basement?”

  “You have a basement?” Debra’s eyebrows raised.

  “Several of the buildings in this area do. We use it for storage.”

  Debra pushed Lance toward the elevator. “I wondered where all your older clothes went. What I saw in here only goes back a year or so.”

  He nodded. “We keep things out so people have an idea of what we’ve done in the past, but we can’t keep too much out. The rest goes downstairs until it’s back in style again. Then we do alterations. A group just had their dresses made out of refurbished dresses, and from the email I received this morning, they’re absolutely in love with them.”

  “Perfect all the way around.” She pushed the button to the basement and watched the numbers go down. “We’re not going to freeze down here, are we?”

  “No, we keep it airtight and make sure the temperatures stay just right to preserve the materials.” He typed a code into the keypad next to the door, and Debra pushed him through.

  “Whoa.” There were boxes upon boxes full of clothes in the room, all labeled by season, year, and article of clothing. It was a shopper’s dream come true down here. “So what are we looking for?”

  “Winter clothes. Let’s go back a couple of years when sweats were big. As much as I detest them, I need a pair or two until these incisions heal.” Lance directed Debra toward the middle of the room where they stopped.

  While Lance went through a few boxes, Debra wandered over to the women’s section. She pulled out a sun hat and pair of sunglasses with large lenses. She paired them with a scarf from the winter section, and a maxi skirt with leopard print.

  “Now that is style.” Lance’s voice behind her made her spin around. He laughed clapping his good hand on his knee. “Oh man, that look on your face was classic.”

  She cleared her throat and pulled off the hat. “Sorry, I was just having fun while I waited.”

  “No, I loved it. Really. Although, I think you should try this hat instead. It complements the print of your skirt.” He held up a black hat with roses, daisies, and a large blue bow.

  “Wow, that is … loud. Did you design that?” She set her sun hat back on the box where she’d gotten it and tried on the hat Lance was holding.

  “Come to think of it, I’ve never seen this in my life. I think we have gremlins infiltrating the storage area.” He rolled his chair backward and turned to go down another aisle. “Yes, I think so. Otherwise, this would never have shown up.”

  He came back, wearing a scarf from the hippie era, along with a shirt that clashed spectacularly with it.

  “Okay, I thought the hat was bad. What else do you have in this place?” She put the hat where he’d gotten it from and pulled off the maxi skirt.

  “I don’t even know. Some of this came from my dad’s best friend. I bought his company a few years ago, and his taste is a little more eccentric than mine. We pull some of this out when we’re working on Halloween or other themed lines. My employees raid it for their costume parties, which I don’t mind as long as they put it back.”

  Debra laughed and turned to another box. “They could wear something new every week and never repeat.”

  “Pretty much. Okay, time to be serious. I need some dress clothes.” He pulled out a plaid button up shirt and a pair of striped pants. “I’m going to try these on. No peeking.” He went back the way he’d come, and Debra shook her head and went the other way.

  Several of the boxes were sealed, while others were in plastic wardrobe bags, hanging on racks. Every now and then she’d catch a draft from the temperature control, and it brought a slight musty smell that she hadn’t noticed before.

  She moved along to a section from the fifty’s and found a poodle skirt and shirt to go with it. The oxford shoes were a size too big, but she’d make them work. She ducked into an old dressing tent nearby and changed into the outfit. The blouse was a bit tight, but the skirt was perfect. She slipped on the shoes and went to find a ribbon for her hair. Once she was done, she went back toward the entrance.

  “Lance?” Her voice echoed off the walls.

  “One sec,” he called back. “Don’t come this way yet.”

  Debra closed a few boxes that were left open from other workers, and waited for him to come around the corner.

  “Okay, I’m ready.” He came around the corner, and looked quite spectacular in his outfit. “I’m thinking this will be my new fashion show getup. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s perfect. Especially with the evening gowns you’re presenting.” She put her hands on her hips. “What about this? Good for my next meeting? I’m thinking my employees will really take me seriously.”

  “Only if you’re advertising for leather jackets or jukeboxes.” He tapped his chin. “I’m thinking something more along the lines of this.”

  He opened a box and pulled out a red dress that looked like it belonged it in a bridesmaids-dresses-gone-wrong show. “Yes, this’ll do.”

  “I see how you are. Well, if that’s how you feel, I just have to say that I’m not quite as fond of yours as I thought. I think you need to try something else.” She went through a few more boxes and came up with a kilt. She raised an eyebrow. “Why do you have this?”

  “Showing off my Scottish roots, I guess. Don’t knock it. I can make it look good.” He held his hand out and she dropped it on his lap.

  “Okay, if you insist.” She walked back to the dressing tent she’d used before and changed. She carefully folded the skirt and blouse back up so she could put them back, and then tried on the dress. Yes, this definitely belonged to an old bridesmaid once upon a time. Although … she turned and inspected herself in the old mirror at the end of the aisle. It was still ugly, but it accented her curves pretty well. She put the poodle skirt, blouse, and oxfords back before going in search of some heels. Among the boxes where Lance had found the dress, she found a pair of two inch spiked heels and tried them on. Perfect fit.

  Lance came around the corner and whistled. “Wow, that is one … ugly dress, but you made it work beautifully.”

  “Thanks. And wow, that kilt is awesome. But I suggest you hold off wearing it until you’re out of the wheelchair. Or, at least until you have the bandages off.” Debra laughed.

  “I don’t know. It’s roomy, and allows air on my legs so they can heal faster.” He tried to keep a straight face, but started laughing. “Okay, one more chance. I found a suit over here and I’m pretty sure it’ll fit.”

  Debra went to the racks of dresses near the back of the room and went through them. Most were too small for her, but she found one that was made of a maroon chiffon. She usually saw the material in lighter colors, but this was perfect. She tried it on and stared at her image in the mirror. It almost looked like it was made for her. The fabric was loose and flowed around her, like the dresses she’d worn to dance in years before. The cut was a little lower than she preferred but it worked.

  She pulled her hair up into a twist and went to find some jewelry. There was a box full of it nearby the racks of gowns, and she used a necklace, earrings, and a clip for her hair. She took the other dress back to where Lance had found it, then put away the shoes. The movement of the dress made her feel like she was floating as she moved down the aisle.

  “Okay, this is it. Are you …?” Lance stopped as he came around the corner. He looked sharp in his tux and shiny black shoes. His jaw dropped as he stared at Debra. “Wow.”

  Debra smiled and turned in a circle. “You l
ike? I found it on the racks. I hope it wasn’t for something important.”

  He leaned his elbow on his chair and scratched his chin. “I’m speechless.”

  “For once.” She laughed. “You look fantastic. I think you found the perfect suit for the show.”

  “I was thinking of wearing this to the Grammys, actually. I was invited this year, but I probably won’t go if I can’t walk by then.”

  Debra took a step forward and held her hands out. “Come here.”

  “You know I can’t stand. Remember last time I tried?” But he paused as he studied her.

  She leaned forward to grasp him by his arms, careful not to touch his hand. Together they pushed up and helped him stand. “See? I knew you could. You just needed a little motivation.”

  He put his arms around her and winced as he moved from one foot to the other. “It’s a good thing the meds kicked in.”

  “Yep, I know. Will you dance with me? Just for a moment, please.” Debra’s arms were sore from helping hold him up, but they turned in a circle swaying back and forth. She looked up into his eyes and her breath caught as he leaned down to kiss her. It only lasted a few seconds before Lance pulled away and collapsed into his chair, but the touch of his lips on hers left her breathless. She helped him put his feet back onto the pedals. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard.”

  Lance reached out and touched her face, making her look into his eyes. “No. Don’t be sorry. That’s the best I’ve felt in a couple of weeks.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him again, allowing her feelings to rush to the surface. When she pulled away, he had the same dazed expression that she knew she wore as well. “I’ll go change and get you back to my place.”

  “No. Just leave this on. It belongs on you.” He swallowed hard.

  “Okay, but I still need to grab my clothes. I’ll be right back.” She went back to the tent to collect her things and covered her face in her hands. What had been fun had suddenly turned into so much more. She smoothed her hair, trying to digest what had just happened. It was just a kiss, right? Not really. That had meant more than she wanted to admit, and she hoped he was okay after the dance she’d insisted on. She took a deep breath, gathered her things, and went back to find Lance holding a pile of clothes on his lap. “Ready to go?”


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