Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4)

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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4) Page 2

by Brittany Crowley

  “I am fucking happy. I have everything I could possibly want, fuck, I could buy this town I’m raking in so much cash. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

  As I slip into my custom sports car, visions of a gorgeous red head with a slight line of freckles across her cheeks invades my brain. It almost takes my breath away.

  Sophie is the complete opposite of what I go for. Now. There’s a reason why I go for older women and it’s not because they’re more experienced. I can’t handle comparing everyone to her. It’s much easier with a mature woman. The first year of my fighting career I jumped from bed to bed not caring who the fuck it was as long as she didn’t have red hair or freckles.

  Knowing she’s back in town means nothing. She still never returned my calls after what happened. She didn’t care, so why should I?



  It’s Wednesday night but you wouldn’t think it’s any old weekday from the music cranking throughout my house. I was feeling bored and rather claustrophobic stuck to the confines of my house and this town. Sure, I can leave… but go where? I have no desire to mingle with the townspeople and my family just makes fun of my life choices.

  With that being said, I decided to have a party.

  There’s a movie being filmed in the city and few of my close buddies acting in it are supposed to be popping in for tonight’s festivities. My people. I need to be around my people.

  There’s a knock at the door and a smile lights my face. A few people are here so far, a couple friends from Vegas who I flew in. Including my best friend Preston.

  “Ky, you have your hands full. Let me.” And that’s why he’s my main man. What friend would let you get off the couch when some hot little blondes sitting on your lap? I’ll tell you. A bad one, a friend I don’t need in my life. That’s why I have Pres.

  “You da best!” I shout at his retreating form.

  I turn my attention to… Mandy. No… Melissa… who the fuck cares? I haven’t gotten laid in over a week and my dicks about to burst through the seam of my pants if I don’t take him out to play soon.

  “What do you say we go up to my room?” I whisper in the blonde’s ear. She wiggles her ass on my cock and I’m up off the couch with her over my shoulder heading for the stairs. I stop dead in my tracks when I see my brothers and their wives coming through the front door. Pres stares at me in shock with his mouth agape. It appears our young Preston is quite surprised the Cages have arrived.

  If I hadn’t walked through at this moment Pres would have kicked them out. He’s not too fond of my family and their judgmental ways.

  I let the little minx on my shoulder down, and greet my family. I’m actually really happy they came. They can see how happy I am and enjoy themselves for once. They’re all about responsibility and schedules since they’ve had kids. What a downer!

  “I thought we were going upstairs.” The blonde sidles up to me and runs one of her fingers down my chest until it reaches the top of my jeans. I quickly grab her hand and pull it to my lips nipping at her fingers.

  “Later little one.”

  “Shit, he’s tanked already.” Savvy laughs.

  “No way, I’ve had like four, maybe five beers. I’m a fucking tank!”

  “He’s delusional when he’s drunk.” Josh laughs.

  “Fuck, you aren’t allowed to be downers. Have fun for once! There are beers in the kitchen and food spread every fucking where. Make yourselves at home, I’ll be back. I need to…” I eye the blonde then look back at the crew. “I’ll be back.”

  I proceed to throw her over my shoulder again and I bomb up the stairs. Fifteen minutes later when we’re leaving my room I’m less than pleased with the mediocre handy Milly gave me. A fucking handy! Who gives those other than a sixteen-year-old who’s trying to hold off sex with her boyfriend for the first time? Not that I’d be a pro having lost my virginity at 19. But one can imagine.

  “You’re an asshole you know that!” She barges past me for the stairs leading back to the party.

  “Maybe if you put some effort in I would have reciprocated!” I shake my head and plan to find Preston to get that tease out of my party.

  Now I have my blinders on. I need to get fucking laid! That subpar orgasm if you want to call it that, did nothing to take the edge off. I think my problem was her age… too fucking young. My age. Preston knows what I like and I hope he pulls through for me tonight.

  After telling Pres to deal with Mindy and grabbing myself another beer, I found my family out on the back deck playing some beer pong. It’s good to see them actually putting some effort in. Anytime they’ve ever come to Vegas we’ve had to do stuff on their terms. Go to the restaurants they like, party where they wanted to. They’d never let me throw my own saying they couldn’t stand my friends.

  “Who’s winning?” I ask as a ball comes flying at my face. “FUCK!” It got me right in the eye and it’s burning something fierce. What the hell was on that ball? I look to the ground and see that a ball didn’t hit me in the eye but a motherfucking gherkin. You know those little ass pickles? No wonder it stings.

  “Who the hell…” I stop when I see Marge looking over at me with a smile on her face. This bitch!

  I feel a hand land on my shoulder and when I look over my shoulder I see Preston scowling at the blonde. Thank god, he’s finally gonna handle her. I don’t need this shit.

  “Do you know who you’re messing with baby doll?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Someone that just made my IQ drop 100 points?”

  “Consider your days as a MMA whore over. No guy on that roster is going to touch you with a fucking branch.”

  “Did he really just say branch?”

  I scowl at Jayden. I said what I fucking said god damnit.

  “You don’t have that kind of power.” She spits back at me.

  “I don’t?” I look around my party and everyone’s now outside watching our little war of the words. “Who the fuck am I?” I shout out.

  They all start chanting Reckless as they start to shout names at the blonde until she bursts into tears running out of my house. I have a huge smile on my face over the fact that I put her in her place after that horrific hand job. Then I look at my family and can’t figure out why they’re walking through the door to the house.

  “Hey, wait up guys where are you going?” I pound the rest of my beer and follow them into the house, finally catching up to them at the front door.

  “Wait! What’s going on? I thought we were having fun!”

  “Fun?” If looks could kill Ash would have me dead on the ground right now. “What you just did to that poor girl… there was no reason for that!”

  “Are you kidding me? She gave me a handy! I’m Kyle Cage not a 15-year-old nerd.”

  “I can’t believe you. We’ll see you when you’ve sobered up.” Georgie states as they all leave the house. Zander lingers behind and I know he has something to say.

  “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed. I thought I got through to you the other day Ky. But now I can see that too much has happened, the old Kyle’s gone.” He walks out the door and I’m left speechless.

  I’m right, I know I am. I didn’t do anything wrong! They all act high and mighty but did I hear one of the guys say anything? No, because they were just like me at my age. Hell, I remember the first time Savvy went out to Vegas with Zander she caught Jayden fucking some girl in the middle of the penthouse. And they want to scold me on my choices? Fuck them, fuck them all. If they can’t accept me for who I am I don’t need them.

  After pounding six shots, I pull a mature brunette up to my room. At least I was able to salvage my night and end on a high note.

  And let me tell you, she didn’t give me a fucking handy.



  “Why are you over here by yourself looking so miserable?”

  “Hey Mom.” I smile at her from behind my designer shades. She takes a seat next to me
and wraps her arms around my shoulders.

  “It’s been too long.” She whispers and I hear her sniffle.

  “Don’t be like that Mom, I’ve been busy. Will you stop crying if I promise to do better?”

  She sits up. “You’re gonna do what you think is best baby, we have this conversation every time I see you. I’m not going to nag you anymore. I’ll soak up these visits so they’re nothing but good memories to last me until the next one.”

  Well, that hit me in the heart. Coming to this party may have been a mistake, mentally I have been beaten and bloodied. Back in Vegas I’m king. No one gives me shit and everyone knows exactly who I am. Coming home has started putting things into perspective. Life is way fucking easier in Vegas.

  I questioned coming after the whole party fiasco the other night. But I decided to suck it up and forgive them for overreacting. So here I am, taking hit after hit once again from my family members and segregating myself in the back corner of the yard.

  “Why is it so hard to be home?” The question leaves my mouth before I can stop it. Even when I haven’t seen my Mom in a year it’s always like no times passed. I immediately regret the question, it makes me sound like a pussy.

  “Never mind…” I try to get out but she goes for it with gusto anyway.

  “A lot has happened over the last couple years. Relationships have changed. They’re your family yes but you need to work at a relationship. Even if it’s just a phone call. I know your brothers would love to hang out and help you with your training… I’ve overheard them a time or two.” She winks at me. “Don’t tell them I said that. They like to give you a hard time about your fancy life.” She gets up and walks back to the other side of the yard after kissing my cheek. I take a deep breath and try not to get angry that she always takes their side. I remember once upon a time it was me and her against them. Damn, a lot has happened. Luckily, I’m 24 years old, a man, and I don’t need my Mommy to be my best friend. Or so I keep chanting in my head.

  When I arrived an hour ago, I was met with blank stares. My own nieces and nephews had no idea who I was and the oldest said “Oh, look. Uncle Poopy head’s here.” Amelia’s certainly a spitting image of her mother. Already with no filter at the age of three, she’s Ash through and through.

  But I took it in stride. I haven’t been back in a while, maybe I should try hanging out with them more while I’m home? It wouldn’t kill me. I bought Everly a kick ass present, that’s sure to get me some Brownie points.

  “Baby Bro!”

  I look up and see my older brother Jayden making his way to me with a baby strapped to his chest. The sight makes me laugh but I sigh in defeat as I’m sure another you can do better speech is coming my way.

  “Don’t hate, this thing is fucking awesome. Plus, Silas loves it.”

  He’s holding my new nephew that I have yet to meet. He must be a couple months old by now. I stand up and get a look at the little runt. Si grips onto my finger hard.

  “Poor bastard, he looks just like you. But look at this grip, he’ll be in the ring before you know it.”

  “I know, it’s fucking awesome. Oh crap.” He covers the baby’s ears. “Fucking awesome. Georgie hates that they look like me. I wouldn’t hate it if the boys took up fighting… although Georgie may have my balls for it.”

  I laugh. He has two kids with my sister-in-law Georgie. Two boys. I know she’s gunning for a girl but I hear that Jay wants to stop with the two boys. He’s wrapped around her finger and I bet they have three more boys before having a girl.

  “Listen, about the other night.” I sigh knowing he’s going to somehow knock me down.

  “Don’t Jay, let’s enjoy the party.”

  “No, you don’t know where I’m going with this. You’re young, you should be able to enjoy life and what you’ve accomplished in your short career. I just want you to think about how you treat people. Really think about who you can actually trust in your life. I can’t imagine treating people that way makes many friends?”

  “I have Preston and Maggie.”

  “Your manager and the head of your PR team.”

  “You know me and Pres have been friends most of my life… and Maggie’s awesome.”

  “Yeah, I know her reputation as a Pitbull must really make her a fun time. Just promise me you’ll try being home more.”

  “God, when did you turn into such a Dad?” I laugh.

  “I know right. Ever since we’ve had kids I’ve become Mr. fucking Rogers.” He laughs back.

  “I’ll try to come around more.” I promise hoping to keep it.

  He looks around and takes a deep breath. “Have you seen Soph around?”

  “Nope, I have no reason to. Why would you bring her up?”

  “Shut the hell up. Suck up your pride and go talk to her. I really think you should go see her. I ran into her at the store a few weeks back.” He’s looking at me weird like I should be in on the joke somehow.

  I nod my head in understanding. “We’ll see.”

  “So… when’s the big fight? Two months, right?”

  “Yup. I really need to buckle down on my training. My home gyms good but I need to spar again.”

  “You got it. Meet me at Z’s gym tomorrow morning.”

  “Maybe I’ll get someone else…”

  “Why the fuck would you do that?” He growls then puts his hands over the baby’s ears.

  “Well, you’re old now. I need someone that’ll be a challenge… no offense.”

  He starts pacing in circles, bouncing on his feet. “Ohhhhhhh, it’s on.” He points his finger at me. “Make sure your ass is at the gym at 7 AM little boy.”

  I fucking hate when they make references to me being young. I’m 24!

  “I’m already on thin ice with Mom, I can’t add injuring her precious baby to my rap sheet.”

  “Knock that shit off, I can take a hit. Did she tell you about the wedding?” He has a giant smile on his face.

  “What wedding?” I wonder who’s getting married.

  “Billy proposed a few weeks back. They’re getting married beginning of next year.”

  “What? And no one bothered to tell me this?” I’m pissed. Why the fuck wouldn’t they tell me huge news like that?

  “Do you ever return our calls or reply to our texts? Call us just because or fuck, fly home every once in a while? You don’t know because you’ve become a prick. Someone you promised me back at Josh’s bachelor party that you’d never become. Don’t come at me, look in the fucking mirror bro.” With that he turns on his heels and marches away, baby in tow.

  “Christ!” I whisper yell not wanting to become an even bigger spectacle today.

  All right, maybe segregating myself isn’t the best idea. Everyone keeps approaching me and telling me what a dumb fuck I am. With that thought, I get up and make my way back to the party. Well, I try before the one and only Jack Jenks walks by me, grabs my elbow and pulls me behind a few bushes.

  “These fucking parties…” He pulls a flask out of his back pocket, unscrews the cap and takes a healthy swig. It doesn’t surprise me in the least. Savvy’s dad is funny as shit and I’m hoping we can hide out for a bit. “What happened to keeping your guests happy? If I have to endure a kid’s soiree filled with unicorns and fucking tutu’s someone needs to keep a cold beer in my hand and plenty of food in the other.” He offers the flask to me and of course I take it.

  After a big gulp, the burn is instant. “Christ, what is that?” I cough but try to hide it. I’m not a pussy.

  “Canadian Club, take it like a man.” He takes another gulp and doesn’t flinch. “What the hell type of drinks are they giving you out in Hollywood? Fucking Cosmo’s and Mimosa’s? Man up Kyle!”

  I can’t help but laugh. I’ve always liked Jack even though I’ve never really been one-on-one with him like I am now. “I’ll try.”

  “So, you have Gibson in a couple months, huh?” He eyes me with curiosity letting me know he doesn’t really want to
talk about my fight.


  “Are you ready?”

  “I will be.”

  “You gotta lay off the booger sugar first.”

  I shouldn’t have taken another sip from the flask, I immediately start spewing it everywhere… including on Jack.

  “Fuck son, I already took a shower this morning. Say it, don’t fucking spray it.” He’s pulling his shirt off his chest with a look of disgust aimed in my direction.

  “Jack, I don’t do drugs. I know what’s been written in the tabloids but it was all a misunderstanding.”

  “Were you at a club with people dabbling in blow?”

  I nod my head.

  “Did you have a high-class hooker in your hotel room the same night?”

  “She wasn’t as high-class as she looked.” I mumble.

  “Don’t shit yourself, no hookers are high-class.” He laughs. “What the fuck is going on Kyle? Everyone’s worried about you.”

  “I wish they wouldn’t. I’m fine, living the American dream. I have more money than I know what to do with, a different woman in my bed every night and I’m the Light Heavy Weight Champ! Which I won from my own flesh and blood by the way. What more could I ask for?”

  “Do you really need that answered? You’re only fooling yourself.” He eyes me skeptically. Jack has always been good at getting his point across with his eyes.

  I take a deep breath and run my hand through my hair. “I thought that’s how I felt… until I got home and now I’m starting to question it.” I can’t believe I’m actually admitting what’s been in my head out loud. “I love my life and everything I have but every time I’m home it’s like I’m not enough. They all treat me like the black sheep of the family. And they wonder why I don’t come home more often.”

  “That’s not true. I think they have their panties in a twist because you’ve shut them out. Think, now really think Kyle. What aspects of your life do you let them in? You have two top notch MMA fighters you could use for training and you ignore them. A Mom that just wants you home for a visit more often and a whole plethora of little psychos that if given the chance, would look up to you as a role model. Hell, little Jesse has seen all your fights and idolizes you even though he plays it cool in front of his cousins. But first you need to stop fucking up your life.”


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