Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4)

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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4) Page 7

by Brittany Crowley

  He couldn’t be more wrong. Seeing how much my boy idolizes me makes me want to kick the shit out of Trip Gibson even more. I can’t look like a pussy in front of my kid and I plan on him being there. I’m giving Sophie a little more time before I suggest it and quite frankly, I’m waiting to see if there’s anything left between us. She can say there’s nothing until she’s blue in the face but I know when she’s lying.

  I can tell from the way she checks me out when she thinks I’m not looking that she still has feelings for me. I just need to prove myself to her and show her that I’m going to be a great Dad. Just like mine was.

  What I wouldn’t give to have my Dad with us today. I was young when he passed away so I have few memories of him. What I do remember I hold close to me. Our annual fishing trips, camping in the backyard and coaching my tee ball team.

  Just some guidance from him would be appreciated right about now. At least I have my brothers to watch and the opportunity to learn from their fuck ups.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I look up and see Josh walking through the door.

  “I was thinking about Dad.”

  “Ah. I find myself doing that a lot lately myself.”

  “Yeah. What’s up? Why are you here at seven in the morning?”

  “I’m taking you to train. Leah called and said to get you out of the house.”

  I groan. “I just had a late session last night. I was planning to take today off.”

  He eyes me. “Can’t hack our training schedule pretty boy? It’s okay. Take the day off. Want me to call the spa and book you in for a facial?”

  “Fuck you. Let me get my shit then check in with Leah before I go.”

  I quickly grab my stuff and catch up with Leah to make sure everything is on track for Gabe’s party. She assures me everything will be fine and not to come back until noon. Fuck, I probably should have left Preston here to get everything done. To make sure everything stays on time.

  “Let’s go Ky, she’s got it under control.” Josh throws his arms over my shoulders and steers me towards his minivan.

  “How about I drive?”

  “Scared to cruise around in a Mom mobile?”

  “Fuck yes, let’s take my Ferrari.”

  He chuckles and doesn’t change our direction. I sigh in defeat because he’s boxing me so I have no choice to jump in the passenger seat. When he starts the engine, a child starts singing and it’s the most torturous thing my ears have ever had to endure. And that’s saying something because I’ve had some women in my bed that sounded like dying llamas.

  “Sorry. Ash lets them listen to that shit.”

  “Yet, I can’t help but notice its cranked all the way up and there were no kids in the car on your ride over.”

  “Shut up.” He growls and drives towards the gym.

  Zander’s gym has been a gold mine since he first started it years ago. His retirement didn’t slow it down at all, if anything every MMA hopeful flocked to it hoping he’d train them personally with the extra time he had on his hands. They didn’t estimate how much time kids take.

  When we walk through the doors of the gym I’m surprised to see it way emptier than usual. Not to toot my own horn but people are usually lined up to watch me train. Not that we let them but they hang around to get a glimpse at Reckless.

  I see Z and Jay at the front desk and head for them. “Kind of quiet this morning huh?”

  “I kicked everyone out. The new rule is the gym’s empty when you train. We’ve had an incident.”

  “What incident?”

  “Gibson had a lackey down here secretly recording your training sessions. As far as I can tell it was just the one time. At least that’s what I got out of the guy and believe me, he was about to shit his pants. You give a guy a couple jabs to the nose and throw him in an arm bar and they sing like a canary.”

  “Wait, when the hell did this happen? Why didn’t I know about it?”

  “We were taking care of it. You have a lot on your plate and didn’t want to add to the stress. Plus, there wasn’t anything you could do without getting in trouble. You’re here because you’re in hot water, you need to stay squeaky clean.”

  “Guys…” I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep breath. “I’m not a loose cannon. I don’t do drugs and I don’t fuck prostitutes. I know I haven’t been around a lot but cut me some slack. I’m still your brother, still the same Kyle you know.”

  “It’s been dealt with so deal. Now are we gonna spar or are we gonna have a fucking tea party?” Zander levels me with a glare.

  “Let’s do this Z.”

  “The rematch of the century!” Jay chants as he follows me back to the locker room.

  “Hey, you didn’t need to know about that asshole. We’ve dealt with it and contacted the league. They’ll look into it and deal with it accordingly. My guess is he’ll get a slap on the wrist because they’ve invested way too much money in the fight right now.”

  “Figures. I’m in hot water over something that was blown out of proportion and that asshole cheats and nothing’s going to happen. Shit, maybe I shouldn’t fight Z, I’m gonna crush him.” I quickly change my clothes and start stretching my arms as I exit the locker room.

  “You might be surprised. He hasn’t fought professionally in two years but he hasn’t lost it. Not by a long shot.”

  “That’s fine, because I beat him in his prime.”

  Jay smiles and claps his hand on my back. “If you say so.”

  I enter the ring with a smile on my face ready to kick some Hitman ass.



  “Put some ice on it Baby Cage.” Josh laughs before peeling out of my driveway.

  Damn I’m hurting. I should have taken Zander a little more seriously. It was good though. This morning showed me I need to put in way more effort with my training if I plan on keeping up with Trip Gibson. Fuck! I thought I had this in the bag. If I can’t keep up with an old guy like Zander I’ll get my ass handed to me.

  As I walk up my walkway all thoughts of my pain and big fail in the ring vanish from my mind when I see balloons and a giant Lightning McQueen banner staked in my front lawn. I would have thrown him the type of party he wanted, me. He actually wanted to have a Reckless party. But I couldn’t do it, it would have been a little weird having my banners all over the place and thinking about the shit my brothers would give me made me choose his second option. Hopefully still a fucking awesome option in his eyes.

  I open the front door and the smell of food assaults my senses. Desserts to be exact. I let my nose lead the way and it brings me into the kitchen where every square inch of counter space is covered with some type of pastry. Cookies, brownies, cake pops, cupcakes. I watch what I eat on a daily basis, I can’t go around gaining ten pounds and showing up with a gut to the fight. But today I can make an exception.

  I’m about to sneak a chocolate covered strawberry figuring at least its fruit when Leah shows up spoiling my plans.

  “Don’t even think about it!” She smacks my hand and glares at me. I’m so stunned I just stare with my mouth open.

  “Did you just hit my hand?”

  “I did. You don’t get to eat the snacks!”

  I go to grab another and she grabs my wrist causing me to laugh. I keep trying and we somehow end up in a mini wrestling match laughing our asses off on the floor.

  “Daddy what’re you doing?”

  I freeze. I’m lying on the ground with Leah straddling my waist beating me with a wooden spoon. When I look over I see the laughter in Gabe’s eyes then shift my eyes further and see the disappointment in Sophie’s.

  “You must be Sophie.” Leah chirps as she leisurely gets off me but not before rubbing her ass on my dick.

  I’m a guy. Shits gonna happen if you rub your ass on my cock. I shift and try to hide the very noticeable tenting in my gym shorts but Soph’s gaze lands on my erection before she grabs Gabe and ushers him outside the house.
  “Nice job. Like she’s gonna take you seriously now.” I whisper to myself and continue to internally berate myself.

  I quickly check myself before heading outside. Gabe is running back and forth unsure what to try first. My eyes roam my yard and a sense of accomplishment washes over me. Several giant bounce houses line the back fence of my yard, tents to shield the sun are all grouped together over tables outside the pool fence and my pools crystal clear and ready to go with a shit ton of floats in it. Leah did an awesome job.

  I feel a hand rub from the left side of my back to the right before landing on my ass. Leah hovers close and her perfume assaults my senses. “How does it look? Is it all to your liking?” She smiles and alarms are screaming in my head. What’s gotten into her? In all the times I’ve used her for parties she’s never been this hands on if you know what I mean.

  I move out of her touch and nod my head. I clear my throat, I’ve never been in this situation before. A few weeks ago, I wouldn’t have hesitated taking Leah back to my room for a quick fuck.

  “There’s some time before the party…” Leah leaves her comment open and I’m sure her legs would be willing to do the same.

  “Listen, I think we have it all under control from here. Thanks for your help, send me an invoice for your work.”


  “Thanks Leah.” I dismiss her and head for Gabe. Today’s his day.

  “Daddy, did you see the jumpy?”

  “I did little man, let’s go in there!” I start removing my shoes and help him take his off.

  Fifteen minutes later we’re still jumping around when I see Sophie walk up to the mesh net and look in at Gabe.

  “Do you want some juice baby? It’s hot out today.”

  “No, come in Mom! Look how high we can jump!”

  After some more trash talking, Gabe not me, we coax Sophie into the bounce house. She’s jumping up and down but I can tell her smile’s forced. When I raise my eyebrows at her in question she shakes her head but looks away quickly.

  Yup, she’s still heated over my damn erection. I bounce over towards her and hip check her into the wall. She goes flying and if looks could kill. Jeesh!

  “Fuck off baby Cage.” She says loud enough for just my ears.

  “Them some fighting words Soph.”

  “Why don’t you go finish what you started in the house?”

  “Listen, my dick doesn’t know any better. An ass rubs against it and it rises like a loaf of bread. I promise there was no funny business going on. Well, on my part.”

  “I knew it. She couldn’t stop eye fucking you!”

  “Gee Soph, this sounds an awful lot like jealousy.” I bat my eye lashes at her and she can’t stop the grin from forming on her lips.

  “Nope, I’m not jealous at all. Why would I be jealous? I’m the furthest thing from jealous.”

  I fake fall and take her down with me, pinning her beneath me. “Oh my, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.”

  “Get off me fat ass!” She punches at my back.

  “Oh dear, I can’t move, silly me.” When she moves her thigh it’s right against my dick and once again he likes the attention.

  “Don’t do that, you’ll be sorry.”

  “What, why? Get off me Ky!” She continues to rub her thigh along my now hardening length causing me to groan. It’s been so fucking long since I’ve gotten off and any attentions sure to have me busting a nut in my pants. Call me crazy but masturbating just isn’t the same once you have sex. Sure, I’ve rubbed one out a couple times since I’ve been home. But this is the longest dry spell my cocks ever seen and what she’s doing with her thigh feels phenomenal.

  Without thinking I thrust my hips upwards which has her halting her leg completely.


  “Fuck… so close.” I roll to my back and try to catch my breath.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me! You were gonna cum on my leg!” She laughs hysterically.

  “It’s been for fucking ever since he’s gotten any attention. Give a man a break.”

  “I’m sure.” She goes to get up but I grab her arm and pull her back towards me so we’re lying face-to-face.

  “I’m not lying. I haven’t been with anyone since before I saw you at the hospital.”


  I move a strand of hair behind her ear and let my fingers linger on the side of her face. “You know why.” I whisper and just as I’m about to go in for the kill, to place my lips on her soft ones to make this moment real, to show her I’m interested, Gabe jumps on us.

  “Guys, get the hell up!”

  “Cock blocked.” I mutter under my breath.

  “You can’t be blocked if your…” She looks at Gabe then back to me. “C-O-C-K wasn’t going to get any love.”

  “That’s debatable sweetheart.”

  I receive another grin that internally has me doing fucking backflips.

  “I need to poop.”

  “Alright buddy, let’s get in the house. You have the worst timing ever. Anyone ever tell you that?”

  “Nope, come on!”

  Gabe drags me out of the bounce house and through the yard. When I look back I see Sophie touching the side of her cheek and smiling.

  Oh yeah, she feels it too.

  Whatever it is.



  Get it together girl!

  Never in this little family scenario did I anticipate old feelings coming into the equation. Nope, not once. How could I be so stupid.

  This is a guy I had a crush on since the third grade. Through all the awkward teenage years; me not him. He’s always been freaking gorgeous. I think I was banking on the fact that he was going to be a huge asshole. And I’m sure he is… in his world. It’s an eat or be eaten world he lives in and I don’t know how he deals with it.

  He’s been nothing but an amazing father to Gabe and when he shoots me those looks, the ones that let me know he’s mentally stripping my clothes off… how do you fight that? The fact that he wants me baby pudge and all... I shake my head unable to finish that thought because it’ll have me following them in the house and pulling Kyle into a spare room.

  I watch them until they’re out of view and exit the bounce house.

  The fucking bounce house.

  I know he was going to kiss me and I foolishly would have let him. Thank god, my little man intervened. Kyle called him a cock blocker. I think he’s more of a god send for keeping me from making a bad decision.

  There are screams and little footsteps coming my way, so I pop my head up and see a stampede of Cage offspring running my way with Gabe front and center.

  “Mom look who’s here!”

  “I see baby. Hey guys have at it.” I move to the side, so they can all jump in. A few need a boost into the bounce house and it makes me laugh.

  I turn towards the house and notice Kyle standing on the back deck, bent over with his forearms resting on the rails. His arms are on display in his tank top and I’m aching to find out what’s beneath. I remember how he looked when we were in college and he’s definitely in better shape now. The dudes a Hulk!

  He’s doing it again, giving me the look. I wonder if he’s still thinking about the bounce house?

  And god help me, that’s exactly what I can’t stop thinking of.



  I’m gonna do it. I can’t resist her anymore.

  Especially when she’s standing there in her cutoff shorts and black tank looking at me like she’s a second from dragging me into the house. I’ll just march right up to her and kiss her like I’ve wanted to since the moment I first saw her at the hospital. I’m Kyle Cage, if I want something I go for it. I don’t know why I’m such a pussy when it comes to Sophie Frankel.

  I’m about to walk down the deck stairs when someone stops me. I turn around to give them a piece of my mind but stop myself when I come face-to-face with Anne, Sophie’s Mom.

Hey Anne, I’m so happy you could make it.” I walk up and pull her into a hug.

  “I’ve missed you Kyle, it’s been too long.” She looks out over the backyard and I can tell when her eyes find Gabe because a grin the size of the Grand Canyon parts her face.

  “How’s everything going?” She turns to face me after waving to Sophie.

  “I’m sure you’ve heard everything.” I chuckle then rub the back of my neck nervously.

  “Yes, but I want to hear it from you and know how you’re doing with all of this. It can’t be easy to find out you have a five-year-old son you never knew about.”

  “You know, it’s been great. I don’t want to say easy but everything’s been just that. The hard part is going to be when my fight comes up soon. I don’t want to leave them and… never mind.”

  I can’t believe I almost just spilled the beans to Sophie’s Mom about getting them to come to Vegas with me. She will not be on board with anything that could take her daughter and grandchild away from her.

  “You still love her.”

  I choke on my saliva as she throws that line out without a care. “What? No way.”

  “You do, I can see it in your eyes when you look at her. I need you to listen to me Kyle.”

  I nod my head in understanding.

  “You can’t break her heart again. I know she should have told you about Gabe, or tried harder at least. She puts on a strong front but you did some damage to her. She hasn’t been with anyone else since you left. I know she was in Texas for a few years but you’ve been it for her. Don’t ruin another chance if you get it.”

  “If I get it… that’s what I’m working on.” I chuckle. “I know you probably heard what happened in Vegas?” I look over not wanting to see the confirmation but I do it anyways. When she nods I feel like apologizing but I don’t. It’s over and done with. “I wasn’t in my right mind. There’s no way I would have sent her away to raise my kid by herself, no way.”


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