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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4)

Page 12

by Brittany Crowley

  “Girl, you’re in the hot bed now. Other than LA I suppose.” Savvy looks nervous.

  “What do you mean the hot bed? Like orgies?”

  Ash laughs. “Have you ever seen footage of celebrities at LAX in California? That’s what it’ll be like when we land.”

  “How do they know we’re coming in?”

  “It’s hard to keep anything a secret these days. I saw a couple girls gawking at the boys out on the tarmac before we took off. They thought they were being stealth and took pics. No doubt they tweeted them and now they’re everywhere. Everyone knows Reckless is about to arrive in preparation for his big fight.”

  “Yeah, and it doesn’t help that Ky’s private jet has his face plastered all over it.” Savvy laughs.

  “Don’t be hating, it’s not like I put it there.” Kyle drops down next to me and Ash groans, put out that she needs to slide down so we’re not on top of each other.

  “What are you ladies talking about? Me I hope.”

  I pinch his side making him yelp. “They were warning me about the craziness when we land. You could have told me you going back to Vegas was like the Beatles going home.” I laugh.

  “Thanks ladies.” He glares at them. “But it’s not that bad. There will be a lot of people yeah, but we have security and we shouldn’t see that many people with how we’re going in. If we flew commercial and had to go through the actual airport everything would be a clusterfuck.”

  “Thank god. I was getting nervous for a second.”

  As our wheels touch down on the runway and we bounce a bit before taxiing into our final destination the excitement is back. I know Kyle’s gonna be super busy in the next two weeks but I can’t wait to see the sights! I’ve always wanted to go to Vegas.

  I look at the girls. “You two have been here a lot, you’ll have to show me around.”

  They start to nod their heads and tell me where they want to take me when Kyle chimes in.

  “What about me? You’re not going to let your boyfriend show you around his city?”

  “Wow, that was conceited.” I laugh. “You’ll be busy a lot and I don’t want to hang out in the hotel room all day long.”

  “I won’t be that busy.” He pouts but I know he’s lying.

  “Training for hours a day, meet and greets, press tours. You’re right, what was I thinking?”

  “Alright, I get it. But all that craziness doesn’t start until this weekend. We’ll make the most of the next couple days.” He leans in to me and his breath hits my ear. “I can assure you that you won’t be bored at night babe.” He bites the shell of my ear then resumes his seat leaving me all hot and bothered.

  “Aw, do you remember that phase?”

  “Yes. When did ours stop? I miss when Josh couldn’t keep his hands off me.”

  “The fuck you say woman?” Josh barks from the other side of the plane and starts marching towards us with a determined Zander on his heels. He picks her up off the couch, dips Ash and kisses the ever loving shit out of her as Zander throws Savvy over his shoulder and marches for the bathroom.

  Josh places Ash on her feet and she’s in a daze. He places a gentle kiss on her lips with a knowing smile.

  “Tell me again how you’re not satisfied Hell Cat.”

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t satisfied, I just miss when we’d jump in the bathroom for a quickie.” She pouts her lips.

  “It appears the bathroom is taken…” He looks thoughtful before grabbing her hand and pulling her to the back of the plane.

  “We’ve landed!” Kyle yells laughing.

  “It’s your plane, tell them to hold the fuck up!”

  Hmmm… I think I just took part in getting my girls laid. I try not to think about the men giving them the business because they’re like brothers to me. But woohoo!

  “That’ll never happen to us.”


  “I’ll never be able to keep my hands off you.” He throws his hand around my shoulders and I sink into his warmth.


  The stewardess comes into view and announces the stairs are down and we can exit the plane. Kyle gets up and quickly bangs on the bathroom door then what I assume is the bedroom door telling them to hurry up. I guess we only have one car to the hotel.

  “Ten fucking minutes and you’ll have to find your own ride!” Kyle yells.

  Walking through the exit of the plane the bright light of the Vegas morning nearly blinds me as I slide my sunglasses on my face. Kyle does the same and I can’t help but admire his sexiness. My man is a sex symbol through and through. He’s wearing a tank top and makes it look good as it clings in all the right places and leaves his arms exposed. His hulking arms are what dreams are made of and his tattoos along with the Ray-Bans on his face are making my bad boy fantasies come to life.

  “If you keep looking at me like that we’ll be joining them all back on the plane.” He squeezes my hand as my cheeks burn.

  “Where’s our luggage?” I look around finally seeing the crew pull it from beneath the plane.

  “They’ll load it.” He looks around and his jaw gets hard. “Fuck. I really thought we could avoid them.” I look to where his eyes are trained and see a few photographers taking pictures through the windows of the airport.

  “It’s amazing what cameras can do nowadays. I bet those lenses make it look like they’re two feet from us.”

  “Yup, so make sure you smile.” He instantly has a grin on his face and I follow his lead.

  When we get to the blacked-out SUV, the driver comes around and opens the door with a sly smile on his face. He looks like a slime ball of the worst kind.

  “Hey baby, we’ve missed you.”

  My mouth hangs open as two women, two very attractive identical women, greet us from the back seat.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Don’t be like that Ky Ky. We’ve been lonely.”

  The Bobbsey Twins spread their legs and I’m turning my back trying to wipe the image of their haggard vaginas from my memory. I groan because every time I close my eyes I see their hairy snatches in my head. That might seem mean but they’re in our car ready to pounce on my boyfriend!

  “Where are you?” Kyle booms and I look to see him on his phone.

  “Doing your job?” He laughs. “If you were doing your fucking job I wouldn’t have women in my car! Get your ass over here and take care of this!” He hangs up and turns to face me.

  “Babe, I’m so sorry. I knew nothing about this.”

  “It’s okay.” A pit forms in my stomach. “I’m sure this is what you’re used to.”

  “Don’t do that. Don’t close down on me over something I can’t control. Yes, I know them but I didn’t plan on ever seeing them again.”

  “You’ve slept with them… together?” The champagne I drank an hour ago along with some fruit threatens to expel from my mouth at the thought.

  “Yes… but I’ve changed.”

  I walk to the back of the car because he has changed and I know that. His reputation preceded him and I was never under any false assumptions of who Kyle Cage was. A girl just needs a few minutes when she finds twins about to double team her man. I need to clear my mind and the last two minutes from my head and move the hell on. I’m an adult for fucks sake. With my mind made up, I walk to the door of the SUV and address the twin sluts.

  “Excuse me ladies, kindly close your legs. Those...” I gesture to their downstairs, “won’t be needed today.”

  “Who the hell are you?” The one on the right asks and I can’t help but look at the cleavage about to bust out of her tight red dress.

  “Kyle’s girlfriend.”

  They immediately start laughing. “That’s funny sweetie. Why don’t you take a hike and let us deal with him? We know what he likes.”

  “Apparently not because he doesn’t like loose pussy. And from the looks of it…” I gesture to the one on the left whose legs are still wide open. “I mean, I knew pussies had lips b
ut I didn’t know they could talk let alone do a dance number.”

  “You bitch.”

  “Yes, I know I’m the worst. What are your names?”

  The one on the left answers for them. “I’m Louise and this is Lynn.”

  “Ladies why don’t you have some dignity and go to a nice old folk’s home to find yourself some husbands. Guys more in your age range.”

  I close the door to them yelling profanities and turn to see Kyle laughing.

  “I love you.” He pulls me close and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth.

  “I love you too, even though that right there…” I point back at the car. “I could have done without.”

  “I’d like to say that won’t happen again but…”

  “I knew what I was signing up for and I know you weren’t celibate all these years.”

  “Well, neither were you.”

  I look at the ground, we never had this talk nor did I ever want to.

  “Hey Soph, look at me.” I look up. “You don’t have to tell me how many guys if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I’m sure you don’t want to hear my track record.”



  “I’ve only ever been with you. I had Gabe and no other man did it for me.” I look back down to the ground but he doesn’t give me a chance to wallow before his big burly arms are around me.


  “I’m sorry, I know this isn’t your fault. I’ll try taking everything in stride.”

  “Don’t be sorry. If I were a choir boy for the past five years this wouldn’t be happening.”

  I smack his chest as footsteps approach us.

  “Sir.” A man in a black suit approaches us that looks like one of the Men in Black. I thought bodyguards were supposed to blend in?

  “What the fuck Felix? I thought you checked the car. Get them the fuck out!”

  “I did sir. Let me get them out of there and figure out what’s going on.”

  He does his thing and gets the old ladies out of the car. I can’t believe this is the type of woman he went for. It’s kind of disturbing because they’re practically his Moms age.

  Felix returns a few minutes later. “It was the driver. The girls gave him a good time in exchange for being let in the car. They were hiding out in one of these hangers until he pulled around.”

  “He’s fired.”

  “Already done sir. I’ll be personally driving you home.”

  “Thanks.” He opens the door for us and we slide inside. The strong smell of musky perfume lingers in the air and I roll all the windows down already feeling a headache coming on. The heat wins out so I roll them back up and deal with the stench and pop some Tylenol. I start laughing at the absurdity of the situation then notice our crew still hasn’t left the plane.

  “Man, Z and Josh are really trying to prove something huh?” I giggle.

  “They’re trying to compete with us. Little do they know they’ll lose. Every. Single. Time.” His hand lands on the top of my thigh and squeezes. It starts to creep higher when the car door is pulled open.

  A smiling Savvy jumps into the backseat followed by Zander. Then Ash is jumping in next to me and Josh slides in the front seat.

  We drive for fifteen minutes and I’m dying inside. Laughter is threatening to bubble over as I lean over and roll the windows back down heat be damned.

  “Fuck its hot. Why are you rolling the windows down Soph?” Z questions.

  “Because the smell of sex and cheap perfume is killing me.” I laugh and everyone joins in.

  “Wait, cheap perfume? My shits not cheap!” Ash nudges me with her shoulder.

  “When you were in the plane…” I proceed to tell them the whole sordid story and they laugh their asses off as Kyle sulks in his seat.

  I’m starting to think Vegas might not be so bad.



  I’m looking around the venue with nervous anticipation. This is where it happens.

  “What are you thinking?” A pair of tattooed forearms slink around my waist and pull me back into a hard body.

  I smile. “How crazy this is gonna get and how excited Gabe’s going to be when he sees this place.”

  “I can’t wait to give him a tour. He’ll go crazy when I take him into the octagon! How’re you doing being away from him?”

  Tears come to my eyes and I bow my head trying to go for indifferent. “I’m fine.”

  Kyle twirls me around and holds me in his arms. “It’s okay, I know this is the longest you’ve ever been away from him. But he’ll be here in two days with my Mom.”

  “I know, it’s just hard. I’ve never spent the night away from him. It’s good that I came out first though, got us settled in before he meets us.”

  “And I get to take you out tonight.”


  “I’m taking you out on a date. We’ve never been on one of those.” He laughs. “We’ve kind of done things ass backwards.”

  “Definitely unconventional. A date you say? I could stand to be wined and dined.”

  “Good, I plan on doing that and plenty more after my interview later.”

  “I’m gonna need a nap if we’re going out after the late-night talk show.” Christ, it’s on at eleven.

  “It’s prerecorded.” He looks at his watch. “We have to get going. I think we have just enough time to get home and changed before heading to the studio.”

  I look around the arena again and I can’t help the feeling of dread that takes over. Kyle’s the best MMA fighter on the roster but things go wrong. People make mistakes or underestimate the situation. You can be the best of the best and something can go wrong that’s out of your hands.

  “Now what’s that face for babe?”

  “What if Gibson gets you in his anaconda choke? What happens if he goes at your weak side?”

  “What weak side?” He growls. “Wait, you know I’ve been training my ass off, right? I’ve studied his tapes, his moves, even worked on getting out of his signature submissions. I’ve got this Soph.”

  “Don’t get too cocky.”

  “I’m Reckless baby, I was born cocky.”

  I start to laugh my ass off. “God, it’s so weird seeing my Kyle then seeing Reckless. Cocky my ass.”

  Seeing how he interacts with his team and fans astounds me. With his fans he comes off as an arrogant fighter. How can he play the bad boy and still be the most popular MMA fighter in the league? How can he play the part of a heart throb yet still be my sweet Kyle when it’s just us?

  “But seriously, what the hell are you talking about? Which is my weak side?”

  “Your left side sometimes comes off a little subpar when being attacked.”

  “Damn that’s fucking sexy. My girl knows about MMA, let’s go find the locker room.” He crowds me and boxes me in with a wall at my back.

  “You have an interview mister. You’re gonna have to wait until after our date.”

  “Fuck. Okay, I hope you don’t plan on sleeping tonight.”

  “I took a nap on the plane.” I wink and duck under his arm. “I just hope you can keep up with me.”

  I hear him mumble something about being a tease, then he comes charging at me as I take off like a bat out of hell. As I’m running down the hall towards the back, I run into a petite woman with a scowl on her face.

  “Maggie, what do we owe the pleasure?” Kyle throws his arm around me and smiles at the tiny woman.

  “Someone has to keep you in line.” She smiles before staring at me.

  “Oh, sorry babe, this is Maggie the head of my PR. Maggie, this is my girlfriend Sophie.”

  “I know who she is.” She gives me a once over and can’t hide the revulsion from her face.

  I stick my hand out and she reluctantly accepts my hand shake. “It’s nice to meet you Maggie, Ky’s told me a lot about you.”

  “Ky’s told you the correct protocol to follow and how to deal with the press I

  Well, I guess pleasantries are over.

  “Ash and Savvy gave her a briefing on the plane. No worries. Don’t be so stressed Maggie.”

  She takes a deep breath. “Those girls coached your girlfriend on how to deal with the madness?” She pinches the bridge of her nose. “And it would have been nice to get a little warning about the label.”

  “The label shouldn’t mean anything.”

  “You have a lot of female fans Reckless.”

  “Not because I’m a fighter…”

  “Because you’re a sex symbol and you have a particular image to uphold if you want to keep pulling in those endorsements. A kid and being tied down isn’t the image we’re going for.”

  “Maggie, you work for me, not the other way around. Remember that. And I don’t give a fuck what everyone thinks. Sophie and I are together and I couldn’t give two shits who knows it.”

  “If that’s all I’ll be picking you up later for your interview.”

  “We’ll meet you there.”

  “She’s coming?”

  “Talk to you later Maggie.”

  Kyle grabs my hand and walks us towards the exit of the venue. He stays silent but judging from his heavy breaths and his clenched jaw, he’s fuming. Once we’re outside and safely in his sports car, he turns towards me.

  “I’m sorry babe.”

  “It’s not your fault. You did nothing wrong, I just don’t want to be a cause for problems while I’m here.”

  “You could never be a problem. Let’s grab some lunch on the way home before we have to get ready.”

  My stomach growls and it sounds like a bear’s trying to bust out of my stomach. “Yup, let’s grab something quick. Don’t want you tired for later.” He waggles his brows and has me laughing.

  Damn, only the first day of Vegas and two girls tried to double team him straight from the plane and his PR lady hates me.

  I pray the interview later goes off without a hitch.

  I can’t believe my eyes as I walk through the entrance of Kyle’s pent house. This isn’t what I was expecting at all and I shouldn’t be surprised he lives in a place as luxurious as this. I’m used to his house back home which is massive but not to the extent of this.


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