Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4)

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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4) Page 16

by Brittany Crowley

  “What the hell did I miss? I wanna punch Preston.” Jayden whines as he hands me my good luck charm.

  “We’ll fill you in later. We need to get out there, Gibson just got introduced.”

  “I’m gonna rip him apart.”

  We finish our walk towards the end of the hall and Preston groans when I step on his hand instead of over him. Fuck him and fuck everyone right now. I need to get this done so I can get home and hopefully grovel at the love of my life’s feet. I can’t even think about her not hearing me out like I did to her at this point.

  I’ll get them back.

  The further down the hall we get the more my minds slipping into Reckless. Unyielding, take no prisoners and focused on beating the hell outta that motherfucker in the ring.

  My brothers don’t turn around as I approach the door. They part so I can get through, as I take a few deep breaths and soak all the cheers in as my promo video plays on the jumbotron.

  Right when the beats of Gucci Mane ‘Reckless’ blasts through the arena the doors open and I’m met with crazy loud cheers. It makes me smile, I love this. Always have.

  One of my brothers puts their hand on my shoulder and I know it’s time. I start jumping up and down, pumping myself up before I start my way through the arena towards the center. The octagon’s in my sights and everything else is forgotten.

  I feel hands patting my back as my team follows me to the ring. There’s always tons of security at these things because walking through the crowd can sometimes be a bitch. These people love MMA just as much as I do and I completely understand their enthusiasm.

  Once I’m outside the cage, I stare at Gibson. He must know he’s fucked. You don’t come at a man and his family and live to talk about it. I kiss the rosary beads in my hand and pass them off to one of my brothers. Which one grabs them I can’t tell you because I’m focused, eyes on the prize.

  I’m gonna humiliate him like I was. He’s gonna wish he never crossed me.

  As the ringside announcer goes through our stats I don’t take my eyes off him. I can’t. The only thing going through my head right now is he’s the reason Sophie isn’t ringside with my boy. He’s the reason why she got photographed trashed in a bar and I can still see his hand slinking down to cover her ass a few nights ago at that dinner. Dudes got balls, I’ll give him that.

  All he’s managed to do is piss me the fuck off and ensure I get in there and beat the living hell outta him.

  As we stare each other down, I smile.

  Then the bell rings and I attack.



  Just turn it on… just for a minute.

  I’ve been internally battling myself for the past twenty minutes on whether to turn the fight on or not. My anger towards Kyle keeps me from changing the channel from the latest repeat of The Kardashian’s but my heart is giving my head a run for its money because a part of me, a huge part, wants to make sure he’s okay. I’ve had similar fights with myself over the past several years.

  The logical part in me saying I need to check his well-being wins out and I turn the channel. My breath whooshes from my mouth when I see Kyle walking down to the ring. His song choice always makes me roll my eyes when I hear it. Cocky shit.

  Kyle staring down his opponent is unlike anything I’ve never seen. I see so much rage and hatred in his eyes. It makes me nervous for Gibson’s wellbeing even though I can’t stand the asshole.

  When the ringside announcer starts his spiel, I continue with my usual ritual of praying for Kyle’s safety during the match. I may hate his guts right now but I don’t want him to get hurt.

  I’m completely surprised when the bell rings and Kyle goes crazy! In all the years I’ve been watching Kyle he always feels out his opponent before attacking. But this time he strikes Gibson and he attacks hard. In seconds they’re on the ground and Kyle’s wailing on him without mercy. When I hear Gabe shouting in his room I know I need to give in. Creeping up on his door I can’t help but smile.

  “…Weighing in at 670 pounds, Kyle ‘Reckless’ Cageeeeeee!”

  I hear Gabe going crazy and if I weren’t so heartbroken I’d be laughing. To say the last day or so has been rough would be an understatement. How can he believe Gabe’s not his? How could he ruin everything we’ve worked for? The trust is gone… and so is Gabe’s Dad.

  I still don’t know how I’ll tell him that he’ll never see Kyle again. At this point I can’t stand to see him so tomorrow I’ll change over Gabe’s room. He’ll understand if I take him to the store and let him pick out some new stuff. He’s a kid, they love new shit.

  “… and he hits him with a rear naked choke!”

  I’m not sure this is the best decision, Gabe’s been fighting me all night since I told him he couldn’t watch the fight. It’s my own problem with his Dad and I shouldn’t take it out on him. I look in his room and he’s wearing his Reckless clothes with the matching title belt around his waist.

  Someday Kyle will realize he made a mistake and be there for Gabe. I’ve been chanting this over and over in my head willing it to be true. There’s no hope for me and Kyle but I want nothing more than for Gabe to have his Dad in his life. Sometimes we need to be selfless for the ones we love and push our own hurt and betrayal to the side.

  “Come on.” I nod my head towards the living room and a huge smile lights his face.

  “You’re the best Mom ever!” He runs up and hugs me before darting for the living room. This is going to be hard but I’ll give him this. One last time.

  “Mom it’s already started! Hurry!” He yells.

  When I walk into the living room I see Gabe shadowboxing in the middle of the floor while completely transfixed on his Dad. And it looks like Kyle has gone full-on Reckless tonight. Just what everyone expects.

  Jesus, he’s kicking Gibson’s ass! He totally deserves it, Gibson’s the worst kind of person. Is it horrible that I’m hoping he gets one or two hits in on Kyle, you know, to make it fair and all? Shut it, you’d wish the same if you just had your heart broken.

  Five minutes later and the fight’s evened out a little. Gibson’s gotten a few good hits in but Kyle’s still going crazy. I’ve never seen him fight like this before, it’s kinda hot. Fucking hell girl!

  Then it all happens so fast.

  “Oh no Mom! Is Dad okay?”

  I look on in horror fear immobilizing me unable to move or answer his question. I run for the TV to shut it off as fast as can be to shield Gabe.

  Oh Kyle…



  I smile knowing I’m kicking Gibson’s ass. He’s chasing me around the cage and playing right into my master plan. He’s exhausted and he’s barely gotten a hit in. We move to the center of the ring as the next round is about to begin and he has a smile on his face.

  “You ready for me Cage?”

  “Huh, think you can put up with more Gibby?”

  The bell rings and I’m expecting him to lunge at me but he doesn’t. He just looks at me and smiles even bigger.

  “How’s your little family doing Reckless?”

  “Motherfucker!” I dive and get nailed with a knee to my midsection. It hurts but I brush it off and dive back in. We end up in a tussle on the floor trying to fight for the advantage. He manages to get it and throw me into a sloppy arm bar. It’s easy enough to get out and I do so quickly. Finding the angle to capitalize I pull him in for a guillotine choke. I have him locked in tight, he isn’t going anywhere.

  With his hands free he starts to wail on my head and I’m unable to block. Then there’s an excruciating pain in my dick and I try to maintain my hold but the pain gets worse forcing me to let go. I yell at the ref for not having seen the illegal move but he shrugs and say he didn’t see shit.

  We get to our feet and start circling each other. A few fake outs and a couple punches to each of us, the round is called. I walk to my corner where my brothers are waiting with my coach.

  “Fuck Kyle, yo
u can’t let him get in there like that. Stop fucking around and end this!” My coach yells.

  “I know, I know. I’ve got this. There will only be one more round.”

  “I hope so. Let’s get this done.” My coach backs off and Zander jumps in.

  “Hey, don’t let him get you on the ground. You’re stronger on your feet and your submissions are strong but his ground games better. You need to knock him out.”

  “I’ve got this big brother.” I nod my head and get called back to the center of the ring. The bell rings all too soon and we’re rushing each other once again.

  I get a few haymakers in making Gibson stagger on his feet.

  Looking back now, I know exactly where I went wrong. When I got too cocky and turned to smile at the cheering crowd Gibby dropped me to the ground and locked me in Crucifix Omoplata. It’s his signature move and this is the one I’ve been dreading. It’s near impossible to get out of and he’s looking for me to tap.

  I’m not a bitch and I’ll never tap.

  Wiggling, I try to find a weakness… but there’s none. He pulls harder and harder on my arm and I swear my shoulders is a second from popping out of socket.

  “Tap for me you pussy.” Gibson grits out.

  “Never you fucking asshole!”

  Then the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt in my life flies through my arm and I black out…



  Never. Never in my life have I felt as low as I do now. My fingers pull at the roots of my hair in frustration. I’ve let everyone down… I’ve let myself down.

  Tonight, wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. My boy was supposed to be in the audience cheering me on with Sophie, my forever. Instead they were at home and probably didn’t watch at all. I’ve never believe in karma but here I sit having just lost my title.


  The door creaks open and Z pokes his head in.

  “I’m not really in the mood for one of your you did your best speeches right now.”

  “Well lucky for you that’s not why I’m here. I told you going into that ring with a fucked-up head was going to get you hurt. Now look at you. No more wallowing, we need to get you to the hospital.”

  “I’m not going.”

  “The fuck you aren’t. You most likely broke you’re elbow and we need to get x-rays. Get your ass up and let’s get going.”

  I sigh and get off my ass as instructed. The pain in my elbow from the slight movement has me wincing to the point black dots swim in my vision.

  “Easy there.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Whatever, let’s go. You know what? You’re getting a speech. You lost the title, so what? It’s not the end of the world! I lost mine… to you no less and I didn’t hide under a rock. You have a family that needs you, that you need to clear things up with. Do you care that Sophie’s called Savvy a million fucking times since your fight ended to see if you’re okay? A woman you told you never wanted to see again cares so much about you that she still calls to check on you even though you ripped her world apart.”

  I look at the ground. “I fucked up.”

  “You did. How do you plan on fixing it? Because Ky… you will fix it. That little boy looks up to you and he needs his father in his life. Be a role model. Show him that even when you lose everything’s going to be okay. He needs to see that you’re going to be okay.”

  “Let’s get to the fucking hospital so I can go home.” I relent.

  Zander smiles at me before opening the door and ushering me out the back door of the arena where my other brothers are waiting with the car.

  “Hey princess, it’s about time.” Jayden snickers.

  “Fuck you.” I throw at him as I slowly get into the car trying not to jostle my arm.

  A few hours later and the addition of a full cast on my arm, we’re finally boarding my private jet home. I have a hairline fracture just above my elbow and six weeks can’t fly by fast enough. I already hate this fucking cast. To leave the hospital so fast I had to promise to follow up on it when we get back home for a possible surgery. Like that’ll fucking happen.

  On the flight I have hours to think about what I’m going to say to Sophie when I see her. How do you tell the woman you love that you’re sorry for not hearing them out and believing someone they hate over their own word? All I know is I can’t live without them. I need Sophie and Gabe in my life and I’m not taking no for an answer.

  “She’ll come around… eventually.” Ash rubs my back and gives me a smile.

  “I wish that were true.”

  “You don’t know how much that girl loves you. It’s written all over her face when she’s looking at you. Love like that doesn’t just go away.”

  “No, it doesn’t. But sometimes you need more than love to make it work. Like trust which I clearly broke in her eyes. The hard part is if I were in her shoes I’d never talk to me again. I’d keep my kid away from me. I’m hoping my actions speak volumes and she at least lets me back into Gabe’s life.”

  “Be prepared to fight. But something tells me Reckless loves a good challenge.”

  I stare at her. “Damn straight. When it comes to my family I don’t lose. Won’t lose. Now sit down and help me brainstorm what I should say when I see her.” I laugh.

  “There’s the sweet Kyle I’ve missed.”

  “Don’t tell anyone, I have a reputation you know.



  I wake up in a daze feeling completely disoriented. When I poke my head out from under my covers I look to the clock and see that it’s showing 10. The bright light blasting through my window and into my heavy eyes lets me know it’s more likely morning than night.

  “Fuck.” I wipe my good hand down my face and curse my brothers. The throbbing in my elbow became unbearable on the plane so Jay decided to give me my painkillers. Asshole must have given me too much because I don’t remember much after that.

  How the hell did I get home?

  I reach for my cell phone on my nightstand and press Josh’s name. He answers on the third ring.

  “Good morning sunshine! How are you feeling today?”

  “Awful. Why the fuck did you guys leave me to fend for myself? I could have died last night.”

  “With how you were snoring we were pretty confident you wouldn’t stop breathing in your sleep.” He laughs.

  “I was supposed to go see Soph…”

  “I know man but by the time we got in it was 3 AM and you were in no shape to fight for the love of your life. You should be thanking me. Jay wanted to let you go and do your whole Romeo routine you kept talking about outside her bedroom window.”

  “Christ. Thanks man. Listen, I need to hop in the shower after figuring this cast shit out. I’ll call you later.” I hang up the phone after he says goodbye.

  A quick google search, a trash bag and duct tape later, I’m showered and ready to take the day head on. The pain is still excruciating but I forgo the pain pills so I’ll have a clear head when I go see Sophie.

  I’m still not sure what I’m going to say but I’m hoping if I shoot from the cuff and speak from the heart something genius will come out. Something to make her jump into my arms and tell me how much she loves me. At least this is the outcome that keeps playing in my head over and over convincing me it’s going to happen.

  You don’t realize how difficult driving is until you take one arm out of the equation. At first, I got into my sports car but realized real fast that I couldn’t shift and drive with one hand. The SUV it is. After the quick drive across town I park at the top of Sophs driveway and cut the engine.

  I take a few deep calming breaths and try pulling myself together so my nerves don’t end up ruling this conversation. As I step out of the car the front door to the house opens and Gabe comes flying down the steps.

  Damn I’ve missed him.

  I drop to my knees and pull Gabe to me with my good arm. Closing my eyes, I revel in th
e warmth Gabe’s hug sets off. When I open them back up I’m met with an extremely pissed off Sophie.

  “Dad, are you okay? I saw your fight and I was so scared for you. But you’re okay right? That’s what I told Mom. You’re a badass!”

  “Gabe! Get back in the house please.” Sophie demands.

  “But Mom…”

  “Don’t argue with me, get in the house please.” She gives her Mom face which has Gabe sighing out loud and marching loudly back into the house.

  Once he walks past her she turns to follow him inside.

  “Soph!” I yell to get her attention. When she whirls around I know this isn’t going to be easy by a long shot.

  “Don’t. Do. Not!” She pinches the bridge of her nose and discreetly wipes a stray tear from her eye. “You don’t get to waltz up in here after what happened!”

  “I’m not waltzing anywhere. Sophie, please just hear me out. I know the truth, I know Preston lied.”

  “That’s great. But it’s a little too late for a heart-to-heart Kyle.”


  “You do not get to call me that anymore!” She screams as the tears fly freely from her eyes. I take a step closer and she takes a bigger step back. “You lost that right the moment you accused me of sleeping with someone else. The moment you accused me of passing Gabe off as your kid and lying about it. You’re the liar here! You act like you can have it all. The lavish life of MMA bad boy Reckless and still be able to play house back home with me and Gabe.”

  “I don’t think that! You’re the most important people in my life Sophie.”

  “You did a real bang up job of showing it.” She spits out. Sophie takes another unsteady breath before continuing on. “If you truly want to be in Gabe’s life I’ll get an official paternity test done so there’s no questions. I will never and I repeat never, go through that ever again.”

  “There’s no need baby, I believe you…”


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