Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4)

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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4) Page 18

by Brittany Crowley

  “I don’t know about that bud but I’m sure he’ll be just as happy about it as you are.” I throw my car in park and get out. Before I take a step in the direction that will take me to Gabe’s door, Kyle’s running down the front steps of the house towards my car. God he’s gorgeous. He’s wearing a pair of dress pants with a gray button up shirt that’s rolled up his tattooed forearms. He’s got a little bit of a five o’clock shadow going on that makes me weep inside. He’s always clean shaven and seeing the stubble is doing things to my girly parts. I’ll chalk that up to being celibate for the past several months. Since Vegas.

  Kyle’s actually gone along with my wishes. We’ve barely seen each other and I find myself… missing him. So much. But every time I think about giving us another go I remember the pain that came in Vegas. We had the official paternity test done a month ago and there was no Maury Povich shocker. Kyle Cage was in fact the father. Surprise, surprise.

  That reminds me of the little Christmas present I have tucked in Gabe’s overnight bag with Kyle’s name on it. He’ll find it later when he’s changing Gabe into his PJ’s. Apparently, the Cages have one giant slumber party on Christmas night and I wish I could see his face when he opens it but it’s for the best that I don’t.

  I snap myself into motion and walk to Gabe’s door and open it. Bending in, I unbuckle him and pull him out of the car placing him on the pavement. The second his feet hit the ground he’s taking off at a sprint.


  Kyle gets down on his haunches as Gabe launches himself into his arms. “Merry Christmas bud.”

  “Merry Christmas Dad.”

  I discreetly take my phone and snap a quick picture. This is a moment that should be documented and I make a mental note to send it to him later.

  A few minutes later Kyle stands up with Gabe in his arms as he looks me over. It makes me wish I was half as dressed up as he is. After dinner I was so full I changed out of my dress and put on some leggings and a World’s Best Mom shirt that Gabe gave me this morning.

  “Merry Christmas Sophie.”

  I give him a nod and move towards the driver’s side door.

  “Wait… why don’t you come in for a little bit? I know everyone would love to see you.” There’s so much hope in his eyes and I want nothing more than to say yes. But for some reason I can’t.

  “Sorry, my Mom and Dad are still at my place.” I balance on the balls of my feet. “I need to get back.”

  Kyle nods his head and gives me a smile. I return it and get in my car and will the tears to stay put until I’m off the property.

  The funny thing is I don’t know if seeing Kyle, passing off Gabe or going back to an empty house is what’s causing these emotions. Yes, I lied. There’s no one at my house and over the last few months I’ve learned to cope with the silence. I’ve actually had some me time and a couple girls’ nights. Granted the only friends I have are related to Kyle but they never pushed me getting back with him and I never vented to them about how I felt. I’ve enjoyed feeling like me again and not just a Mom. I’ve come to realize I’m so many more things than a kick ass Mom. I’ve even been taking Zumba lessons. That’s right, my ass is as hard as a rock and my twerking is on point.

  But tonight’s different.

  On Christmas night Gabe and I usually sit around watching Christmas movies. Elf was always our grand finale and he generally fell asleep halfway through. I’d carry him to my bed and we’d snuggle together.

  Tonight, I’m on my own. Maybe it’ll give me a chance to figure some things out.

  Who am I kidding? I’ll stop on the way home and grab several bottles of wine and drink myself to sleep.



  “I’m starting to take offense.” Jayden scoffs.

  “You shouldn’t. I’m the reason she didn’t want to come in. The crazy thing is I actually thought she was going to say yes.” I rub the back of my neck and take a deep breath. There’s no use in sulking, it’s my first Christmas with Gabe and I’m gonna soak it up and make it awesome.

  “Dad!” Gabe runs into the dining room where all the adults are and pulls his backpack from his shoulders. “You have to see these cars Santa brought me!” He’s rummaging through his backpack and pulls his prized cars out. In his pursuit to find his toy he threw an envelope to the floor. When I bend over laughing at his enthusiasm, I see the envelope has my name on it.

  “Hmmm…” I look at it and wonder what it is.

  “What is it?” Savvy asks.

  “I don’t know but it has my name on it so I think it’s meant for me.” I shrug my shoulders and start to open it. There’s a single paper inside and when I pull it out and unfold it I try to make sense of what I’m seeing.

  “Well don’t keep us in suspense!” Ashlyn yells but I ignore her. I can’t help it. My eyes roam over every square inch of the paper and I feel myself starting to lose it. I’m gonna bawl my eyes out in front of my family and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

  “Oh shit, he’s gonna cry.” Josh whispers as they continue to look on.

  “I can’t believe it…” I whisper as a tear slips from my eye. They can call me a pussy all they want but I’ve never received a present like this before.

  I look up and make eye contact with my Mom. “What is it baby?”

  “It’s…” I clear my throat. “It’s a copy of Gabe’s birth certificate… with my name on it. And Gabe’s… as a Cage.”

  “Oh my god!” Savvy, Ashlyn and Georgie all start sniffling. My Mom downright starts sobbing as I pass the paper around. Zander gets a little over eager for my liking with it.

  “Keep your bear paws to yourself Z. Don’t ruin it!” I shout.

  “Calm your tits man, I’m just looking.” He makes a show to gingerly place it between his index and thumb to look at it.

  “Wow… that’s… wow. Come with me Kyle.” My Mom wipes her eyes and gets up from the table. I follow her to the back of the house where she grabs her purse.

  “You know how I said I have an ace up my sleeve?” I nod.

  “Well, it’s time to get our girl back.” She hands me a piece of paper. I look at it reluctantly. “Just look at it will you.” She laughs.

  I open the paper and read it all. A smile lights my face and before you know it I’m kissing my Mom on the cheek and running out the door shouting for them to keep an eye on Gabe.

  Tonight’s the night.

  The time for waiting’s over Sophie. I’m coming for you.



  You know what wouldn’t have been so bad? Grabbing that giant bottle of wine like I had intended and planting my ass on the couch all night. I wouldn’t even have made a mess because I wouldn’t have used a wine glass. My plan was awesome until I realized there were no liquor stores open on Christmas. I even stooped so low as to call my Mom and ask if she had a little vino in her house and let me tell you, to say I was shocked that my Dad answered the phone is an understatement. I need to bleach my ears after hearing his excuses to get off the phone and him forgetting to hang up and leaving the phone on. It took me exactly one moan to end that call and contemplate my life’s choices that led me to that moment.

  So here I lay in bed with my kindle reading the latest smutty book that’s come out and I have to say it’s better than getting shitfaced on the couch and watching The Holiday for the umpteenth time. Well, maybe if I had just one glass it’d be a semi okay way to end my Christmas.


  Jesus Christ… what the…? Who the hell would be banging down my door at this hour? I look over to the clock on my nightstand and see its seven at night. How lame can I get? I thought it was after midnight.


  What if it’s the killer? You know, the metaphorical person you’re terrified of when you’re by yourself.

  That thought has me pulling my comforter up to my neck and looking around for a weapon. Damnit! I get out of bed and find nothing to
use besides a tube of wrapping paper. If I swing just right and hit in the perfect spot I could do some damage I suppose.


  Now I’m getting annoyed and realize if the killer was in my house they wouldn’t be knocking down my door. They’d have come in through a window or the back door. Jimmied the lock somehow. With wrapping paper in hand because you just never know, I make my walk towards my front door. But first I stop at a window so I can peak behind the curtain and take a looksee.

  Kyle’s looking around my house with determination on his face. His head swings to me and we make eye contact causing me to quickly pull the curtain to hide… except its lace.

  “Open the door Soph.”

  I take a deep breath and open the front fucking door. What the hell is going on? Has he gone crazy?

  The second the doors open Kyle barges inside like a man on a mission. Why couldn’t he have changed before he came over to do whatever the hell he needs to do? That dress shirt is doing wonders and making me want to rip it off like in the movies so I can watch the buttons fly around the room like a little button grenade.

  Kyle turns the living room lights on then turns to face me. There’s a smile lighting his face and I suddenly get very nervous. That’s not a smile I’ve seen in a while and I’m worried my clothes are going to fly off of their own volition if he stays here looking at me like that too long.

  “Sophie…” He lets that linger in the air.

  “Kyle…” I mimic.

  “Come here.” He holds his hand out for me but I ignore it and sit on the single seat recliner. It makes him laugh but in no way stops him from getting down on his knees in front of me. Seriously, what the hell is going on?

  He grabs my hands and brings both to his lips. After kissing each he lies them in my lap and his hands are way too close to my vagina for my liking. My body starts to heat up and I’m about one how you doin’ from mauling him.

  No Soph, think of Vegas, think of Vegas again from five years ago… damn, Vegas just isn’t our lucky charm apparently.

  “What’s so funny baby?” He turns his head inquisitively and his eyes light up.

  “Oh nothing… what’s going on Ky? Is everything okay with Gabe?”

  “Gabe is fine and as for why I’m here? Your times up Sophie. I’ve given you months to think on things and a chance to clear your head. You have no idea how hard it’s been for me not seeing you every day.”

  “I don’t have an idea?” I laugh and get up from the recliner after shoving him aside. FYI, he didn’t budge so I had to climb over the arm of the chair. “Are you fucking kidding me right now Kyle Cage? Let me ask you a question.” I whirl on him and he’s still on the ground looking up at me. “Do you think it’s so easy to just POOF! and shut your feelings off for someone? A person you’ve held a candle for practically your whole life? It takes time to get over that kind of love.”

  “Sophie, your time for talking’s done. If I know you well enough you’ve been talking yourself out of a relationship with me rather than the right thing which is talking yourself into one. Like I said a minute ago, your times up and you’re coming back home with me.”


  “No…” He hushes me when he jumps up and places a finger to my lips. “My turn.” His eyes begin to smolder and I take a few safety steps backwards until my retreat is thwarted by a wall.

  “Don’t look so terrified babe, I know you want this as bad as I do.” He takes one step and I hold my hand up.

  “Please, can’t you just leave well enough alone?” I look down at the ground praying for strength to get through this moment without another broken heart. “Do you know what Vegas did to me? It fucking ruined me Kyle!” I can’t help but yell as the raw emotion bubbles to the surface. “It chewed me up and spit me out. At the end I didn’t have you and Gabe didn’t have a father.”

  “Gabe’s always had a father.” He growls.

  “That’s not what you said when you told me to get out of your house. Not what you said when you said Gabe wasn’t your kid.”

  “Sophie…” He runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. “I have regretted that every second since it happened.”

  “Bullshit, only since you found out you believed the wrong person.”

  “No, there was a sinking feeling in my gut that told me it was all bullshit and I pray Soph, I fucking wish I had the balls to have questioned the paternity test when Preston showed up. I knew before I heard Preston talking about it that it was all a lie. You know why? Sophie look at me baby.”

  I look up and see all the pain swirling in his gorgeous baby blues. Pain that I’m now realizing he’s allowed to feel because he lost me the same day I lost him. The past few months my mindset was screw him! He did this and shouldn’t be the one playing the victim. But the truth is he lost his family that day too… and his championship a day later.

  “If you can get past all that… I’m cashing in.”

  I must look confused as hell because he starts laughing. “Cashing in?”

  “Cashing in, calling in my marker, making good on a pact.” He pulls an extremely wrinkled piece of paper from the back pocket of his pants and holds it in the air. “Do you remember what we did when we were 14?” He smiles.

  “A lot of stupid shit.” I laugh. “I think that’s the year we tried tipping Mr. Moore’s cows because Jayden told us they dance when they get back up.”

  “Damn, I forgot about that.” He laughs. “But no, not that. I’m talking about this.” He unfolds the paper and tries to flatten it out and proceeds to read what’s written. “I Kyle Cage hereby promise to marry my best friend Sophie Frankel when we turn 25. If we’re not married, which she won’t be because I won’t let anyone marry her, we’ll get married on the eve of my 25th birthday with a giant cake and our wedding song will be Your Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney.” He looks up at me and passes me the paper. “Your turn.”

  “Kyle…” I whisper.

  “Read it Soph.” He pleads.

  “I Sophie Frankel hereby promise to marry my best friend Kyle Cage when we turn 25.” A tear slips from my eye but I keep going. “I suppose a winter wedding would be okay because he turns 25 first and it’s in December. We’ll have chicken tenders and chocolate pudding… and champagne. We’ll be old enough!” I laugh.

  “Keep going…”

  I look at the paper thinking that’s it, that’s all I remember us writing ten years ago. My eyes scan the words and find a very faint note written in pencil. Its hard to read probably having faded over time.

  “Sophie doesn’t know this but someday I will marry her. I’ll need someone to do my laundry and cook for me when I’m a big fighter like Zander. And no one will ever be good enough for her or love her like I do.”

  Tears fall freely from his 14-year-old declaration. Christ, we were just kids. How could he have known at that point that he’d want to be married to me?

  “I’ve always known we’d end up together someday. I wish I could go back in time and pat myself on the back for making you sign this pact. And you did sign it at the bottom. You see there?” He gets close and points to my sloppy signature. “It’s iron clad.”

  I laugh. “I’m not sure this would hold up in court Mr. Cage.”

  “It shouldn’t have to.”

  I take an unsteady breath. “You really pulled out the big guns huh?” I look at him and try to figure out his angle then realize there isn’t one. He’s just a man standing in front of me with his heart on his sleeve. How could I have stayed away from him for all these months? Sure, the pain was something I needed time to get over but he’s it. He’s my person in life. My one love. The person I’ve known I’d end up with since I was ten. Before I signed this stupid pact.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “I’m thinking that better be a giant ass chocolate cake because I’m not compromising. You put it right here in writing.” I point to the paper and smile through my tears.

p; The papers gone in an instant and I’m being hauled against Kyle’s solid body with his tongue invading my mouth. There’s nothing sweet or shy about this kiss. This is a kiss of two lovers reuniting. Two people that love each other despite the hurt and pain they’ve gone through and made it out the other end. When we pull back he holds me close.

  He starts undressing me as we walk our way towards my bedroom. We leave a trail of clothes in our path and when we get to my bedroom I kiss a path across Kyle’s chest that makes him shiver. His skin pebbles as he picks me up and gently lays me on the bed.

  He eyes my naked body as he hovers close above me. “How the hell did I get so lucky?” He dips down and sucks a nipple into his mouth and I’m wondering the same thing. Not many people move beyond a third chance in life. I’m convinced with all the shit we’ve gone through we can make it through anything.

  “Kyle…” I moan when his fingers start working my already swollen clit. “I need you… now.” I pant.

  His face is suddenly in view and his eyes are so intense it brings a tear to my eye.

  “I love you Sophie. It’s always been you.”

  “It’s only ever been you Kyle…” I kiss his lips. “I love you too, so much.”

  When Kyle slides inside me we moan together. In this moment nothings ever felt so right. Love isn’t just a feeling, its two-people putting everything they are into each other and hey… if an orgasm is the outcome who am I to argue?

  We’re making love and my heart completely swells with every thrust of his hips and moan that bounces off the walls of the room.

  “Do you feel that Soph?”

  “God, don’t stop Kyle. Don’t ever stop!”

  His movements slow and each hand comes to rest on the sides of my face. “Never baby. I will never give up on us.”

  “I’m sorry I did.” I whisper.

  “No, you never gave up on us. You just needed some time to heal and I promise you’ll never need that time again.”

  He starts to pump his hips faster, harder. With every forward thrust he pushes me higher and higher up the bed until I’m met with the headboard. My hands fly up to grip the leather material as my bodies worked so good I don’t know where I am anymore.


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