Run to Love (Triple R Book 1)

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Run to Love (Triple R Book 1) Page 16

by Dixon,Jules

  She blushed. “I’ll give you the first three.”

  “Presley, from now on, I will protect you from anything that tries to hurt you. But between you and me, how you handled Emerson last night was fuckin’ hot.”

  Presley giggled, the sound holding the innocence of a child popping bubbles for the first time.

  “Thank you, Jude. Don’t know what it is, but I’ve been on quite a roll at standing up to people in the last twenty-four hours.”

  We both stilled as her fingers continued up my neck, to my face, then traced along my eyebrows and down my sideburns, finally grazing across my lips.

  “I like these lips. I’ve wanted to feel them on mine since the first moment I turned around and said hello.”

  “You mean … hi?” I stretched the word like she had.

  Presley giggled again and the sound started a chain reaction in my body. I dropped my mouth onto hers and when our tongues met she moaned so loudly I thought maybe I was hurting her, but the way her hands clasped my head and drew it closer, it was clear she only wanted more.

  “God, your tongue…” She panted. “It’s … it’s…” She slammed her mouth on mine again, forcing her tongue in and making another erotic sound of approval. Her hands searched my chest and dropped lower to the bottom of my shirt, lifting and grazing my abdomen.

  I sucked in a quick breath and pulled away from her mouth slowly. “Presley, we’re in the middle of a parking lot and there are students milling around. As much as I’d love to continue this, I’m pretty sure there are security cameras filming our first moments together.”

  Her breaths rolled as fast as mine. “You’re probably right. Don’t need to end up on the Internet as what not to do.”

  There was a hard triple tap on the passenger window. Presley shrieked and buried her face into my chest. I chuckled while looking over her shoulder.

  “I knew it! Good for you, Prez.” The young man pointed at me. “Remember what I said, beefcake. My boyfriend is as big as you and a black belt in tae kwon do. Keep that in mind.”

  I forced a nervous smile, and the lanky guy grinned.

  Presley rocked her forehead against my chest, groaning her embarrassment. “Good night, Edwyn.”

  “Good night, Gorgeous. Good night, Beefcake.” The no-longer-anonymous voice hopped in his Prius and drove away.

  I questioned whether to tell her the truth. In the end I trusted her, too.

  “He caught me in the bathroom.” I rubbed my hand up and down her back.

  “So?” Presley nuzzled her nose into my neck.

  “The traditional baseball and horrible mental imagery wasn’t working and I needed to make my problem go away. So…”

  “You owe me twenty dollars?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I think I do.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Last night was incredible. Jude and I’d had a good time in his truck, like a really good time. He had to be up early the next morning. I’d reluctantly said good night. I understood, kind of. Before we’d left he’d asked me on a date, Friday night. Of course I said yes. He’d kissed me one last time and it was so screaming hot, I’d really thought my shoes were going to melt off my feet. His lips were amazing and his tongue magical. I almost couldn’t imagine making my way through forty-eight hours without having those body parts on mine.

  I was thankful the dealership was buzzing today, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. It would help the day go faster. The new incentives came out this morning and they were even better than last month’s. Don’t tell the people who bought last month.

  The excitement had the sales staff calling clients they had on their just-waiting-for-the-right-time-to-buy list. I started my phone duties, found a couple of interested clients, set appointments, and finished with calls by lunchtime.

  In the break room, I was leaning into the fridge to grab my bowl of minestrone soup and something—or someone—bumped into me.

  “Whatcha looking for, Presley?” Drexel inquired over my shoulder.

  I made my escape right before his tentacle rounded my waist. “What the hell, Drexel?”

  Drexel stepped closer, and I moved to put a table between us.

  “Come on, Presley, I was just being playful.” His face went pale. “Um … uh … so…”

  I stepped back. Hearing Dixless speechless was a little confusing.

  He cleared his throat. “Um, maybe you … maybe you and I could go get a drink tonight?”

  I almost believed he was sincere, but then Sam came in the room.

  Sam snagged a soda from the fridge. “Hey, Presley. What’s going on, Drex?”

  “Presley and I were discussing the deteriorating quality of porn sites. She has quite the informed opinion about the low quality of girl-on-girl action.”

  My mouth dropped open, and Sam laughed.

  “Drexel, you are a complete pig!” I calmed myself before I did or said something I would regret. “Not that it’s your business, but I happen to be seeing someone. He’s a great guy, not the giant jerk that you are!”

  “You’re seeing someone?” Drexel stepped around the table.

  “Yes, and he’s the hottest guy I’ve ever met and unlike you, he’s mature.” I placed my container of soup in the microwave to reheat.

  He leaned against the counter on his hip, crossing his arms and flexing his muscles. “How long?”

  “Again, not that it’s your business, we’ve only known each other for a little while but we have a date tomorrow night.”

  “Where are you going?” Drexel started the most annoying game of Twenty Questions … ever.

  “Why do you care?” I rocked my head and raised my shoulders until they were almost touching my ears.

  Sam chuckled. “Cause Drex can’t stop—”

  “Shut up, Sam,” Drexel growled with a pissed-off tone that Sam definitely didn’t miss and neither did I. “Just wanted to know where to avoid tomorrow night.” He shook his head and muttered, “Hope this guy knows how perfect you are.”

  I expected to hear sarcasm in his voice, but it wasn’t there. Drexel marched out of the room and Sam followed. To my amazement, I was left to eat my soup in peace.

  I searched the Humane Society website and saw the little white dog from Sunday was still available. The picture did her no justice. It was taken before she’d been groomed, and she looked totally disappointed at life and kind of sickly. I stared at the picture until my soup was gone and my name was called over the intercom to meet my next client.

  Back at home I enjoyed more soup for dinner with Willow. This liquid diet would have to end sometime. I loved the soup, but I needed red meat … or any meat.

  “You going to Kanyon’s tonight?”

  “No, we decided to have a night apart. He and Jude are riding over to Council Bluffs for a bike night. Not sure I’m ready to be on the back of a bike yet.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Live a little.”

  She pointed to her now-dyed sapphire-blue hair that matched her eyes.

  I chuckled. “You know what I mean, Willow. How are things with you and Kanyon?”

  I hadn’t told her about Jude and me yet. I wasn’t exactly sure what to say or how to start the conversation. I told her Jude and I were on speaking terms on Monday, but for everything that happened after Monday she was mostly MIA with Kanyon.

  “Good. He’s so—”

  I rolled my eyes again. “Yeah, I know, amazing in bed. Remember, the walls are thin and he was here last night. Earplugs are now a necessity in my life.”

  Willow blushed, which I had never seen her do, and giggled, which I had never heard her do.

  “Willow, are you in love with Kanyon?”

  She stopped and shook her head. “No. No! You can’t fall in love with someone in a week, right?”

  “I don’t know. I think when love happens, it happens.”

  “I think I could fall for him, but I’m sure he just wants to keep it casual. Maybe. Kanyon is all man
, but he’s so sweet, too. Remember that coffee burn I had on my forearm?”

  I crinkled my nose. “It was nasty! How is it now?”

  “Better. Last Friday night while we were … well, you know.”

  “Yes, yes, I do,” I deadpanned, and Willow smiled.

  “Anyway, he accidentally grabbed my arm there, and I almost fainted from the pain. He was so concerned that he stopped everything, like stopped dead-cold even though I could tell it wasn’t comfortable to cease what we were doing. Then he cleaned, medicated, and redressed the burn. And then,”—she sighed peacefully—“then he made sure there were enough endorphins coursing through my veins to feel no pain and I slept like a baby.”

  I rolled my eyes at her a third time, and she pushed on my shoulder.

  “Jude and I made out last night,” I said quickly while she took a bite of soup, knowing she’d have to chew and swallow.

  “Okay.” She stretched out the word after wiping her mouth. “Explain how this happened.”

  I told her everything, the workout on Monday, Brix on Tuesday, and yesterday at Graphite and Acrylic.

  Her silence after I finished was concerning but I hoped she was processing the information.


  “Sorry, just thinking. I’m happy for you, Presley. It’s wonderful.” Her smile was genuine.

  “We have a date tomorrow night. Not sure to where, I was going to text him later.”

  “A little sexting perhaps?” Willow jested.

  I gurgled a groan through a sip of red wine. “Speaking of sex. Question. Do I tell him how little experience I have? Or do I just let him figure it out on his own and be severely disappointed and want to run the other way?”

  “One, there’s no chance Jude would turn you away in bed. And two, there’s no way he’d be disappointed. I’ve seen how he looks at you, Prez, that boy was interested from day one. I guarantee that’s a fact. I think it’s whatever makes you most comfortable. Sharing can be kind of romantic and freeing, as long as you’re sharing, not comparing.”

  I giggled. “True. But from what I saw yesterday at class, the guys I’ve been with don’t compare to Jude.” I raised my eyebrows, and Willow raised one of hers back. “What if I make a mistake? Should I make him wear a condom even though I’m on the pill? Is there a new move I should do?”

  “Wow, Prez, you’re making me nervous for you. Okay, first, there are no mistakes in sex and all the moves have been created and some of them don’t make any sense whatsoever, so just keep it simple. The first time two people get it on is generally pretty awkward no matter what. That doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable, but it’s getting to know what each other likes that makes sex fantastic. So be vocal, say what you want, what you like, what you don’t like. Work up to actual sex. Start with kissing and fondling, then a blow job, and then maybe sex when you’re forty-five?”

  I slapped her lightly on the arm.

  Willow continued, “And when it comes to the condom, unless you’re willing to trust that he’s clean, which personally I wouldn’t without proof, I’d say, ‘No glove, no love’.” We both groaned at the pun. She had a million of them stored in that head of hers. “Even though I’m on the pill, I still make Kanyon cover his lover. He doesn’t seem to mind. He said he’d go to the clinic and get tested to make sure he’s clean but he said he always wears one. I’m not sure I’m there yet with him. Maybe I am? Skin on skin is fucking amazing, it does take the connection to a whole different place.” Willow’s face revealed her amorous feelings, but she waved whatever she was thinking away. “Anyway, you know Jude is a good guy, Prez. You need to trust him and just talk to him.”

  “You’re right. I will.” I stood and grabbed my dishes. “I know it’s early and we talked about doing a marathon of B. Cooper, but I be poopered out. I’m gonna take a rain check.”

  “Be poopered out?” Willow cracked up. “Nice! I should hit the hay, too. Glad I have the weekend off, but I don’t have any plans yet. Maybe Jace will go see a Storm Chasers game with me? I think the company she works for has box seats. I could definitely go for some guys in tight baseball pants.”

  “Good thinking.”


  I turned around before reaching the hallway. “Yeah?”

  “Don’t worry, whatever is meant to be will be. Live in the moment, less thinking, more listening. Remember, you deserve someone as great as you. Okay?”

  “And I thought Jace was the Oprah of our group. Nice speech, blue hair. OMG … blue hair! You just aged yourself!”

  “Maybe I need to hit the Early Bird Buffet tomorrow and see how many retirees hit on me?”

  “You’d bring old wood to life quicker than Viagra.” I laughed all the way down the hall.

  After I was in bed, I texted Jude.

  Prez: How was your day? Can you tell me where we’re going on the date so I know what to wear? BTW … I miss your lips.

  I read a new romance book about a moody tattooed guy while I waited for a reply. I started to wonder if Jude had any tattoos, then I remembered I’d seen his body. All of his body. And there were no tattoos. I was uncomfortable knowing what I was getting and that he didn’t.

  My phone buzzed.

  Jude: Great day. Met Mitch, reminded me of my bro, Zane. Triple R has a whole new vibe without Emerson. We’re going to dinner and dancing. This time you’re not going to turn me down when I ask you to dance. Right? My lips, huh? What about the rest of me?

  Prez: I miss all of you. When it comes to anything, just ask me and we’ll talk. I can imagine your lips on other places than just my mouth.

  Jude: Want to do a little sexting, Miss Bradenhurst?

  I inhaled a deep breath.

  Prez: Tell me what to do. Please.

  Jude: Are you in bed?

  Prez: Yes, are you?

  Jude: I’m naked on my bed. Strip your pajamas, beautiful

  The vision of him naked slid through my thoughts and made me shiver a little as I slid off my pajama shorts.

  Prez: They’re off. I’d like to get a little helper from my nightstand, do you mind?

  Jude: Not at all but you have to describe the competition for me. I want to know what I’m up against

  Prez: It’s nothing as impressive or sexy as your real thing. Promise. Bullet vibrator, black, three speeds.

  Jude: You thought I was impressive and sexy?

  Seriously, you need me to validate your penis? Fine.

  Prez: I liked what I saw, although I missed the main events cause I was too busy looking in your beautiful eyes. Are you touching yourself?

  Jude: Thanks on the eyes. I like what I see when I look at you, can’t wait to see more. And yes, I am. Are you?

  Prez: I am. I’ve turned on my helper and it’s humming.

  Jude: Rub the bullet over your stomach.

  The light buzzing caused a fluttering deep in my core.

  Jude: That’s me placing kisses all over your amazing body.

  Amazing? That’s a stretch.

  I’d already dropped the phone once on my forehead and twice my chest. With irritation, I texted him.

  Prez: Don’t know if I can text and do this at same time, dropped the phone on my head. Maybe we should just wait?

  Jude: Just read my texts and do what I tell you to, no texting back until you’re really close

  Prez: Okay

  Jude: Can you imagine my hands on your body? Floating over your breasts, skimming your raised nipples, holding your hips while I crawl between your legs

  He gave me time to let the mental imagery do its job.

  Jude: Move your hand lower, raise your legs. Can you see me lying between them? God, the vision is beautiful, it’s making me hard imagining being there with you

  I moaned low and heavy, reading what I was already thinking. My breathing was increasing in speed with every text.

  Jude: My fingers touch you softly, and my lips kiss your thighs working my way toward your heaven

I tease you with my tongue. Slide your fingers where you want my tongue to be

  My heart started pounding and the familiar rush of blood scorched my lower stomach.

  Jude: Turn the bullet up a notch. Tease yourself, lightly, keep it moving

  I turned the small egg to the second setting. At this pace I wasn’t going to need the third gear. I was screaming for release right now.

  Jude: Place BOB right on your clit, hold it there, feel how my lips surround you and my teeth tug lightly on you

  I pecked out two words as my body began to shake.

  Prez: I’m close

  Jude: Baby, come with me. Now, Beautiful!

  I read his words and they took me over the edge into a body and mind rollercoaster ride that rose and dropped steeply, screaming through the corners and causing a weightless feeling in my stomach. I did my best to be quiet, but I couldn’t.

  After I’d regained consciousness of my surroundings, I grabbed the phone.

  Prez: That was incredible. Thank you.

  It took a couple of minutes to hear back.

  Jude: Was cleaning up. You’re welcome. I promise, the real thing will be twice as incredible. I’m not going to let a battery-operated piece of plastic outshine me ;-) Good night, pick you up @ 6:30pm?

  Prez: 6:30 works. Good night, Ponytail

  Jude: Good night, Beautiful

  In my relaxed state I wondered if Jude was a snuggler.

  Hope he is.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I sat at the front desk and watched Presley from a distance. We’d played a game of who-could-catch-the-other-person-looking for the last forty-five minutes. I acted like a teenager again and obviously my body had the same reaction. I’d popped two boners since she walked into Triple R.

  The sexting last night was damn hot. I’d never done that before, but when she typed, ‘Please,’ I couldn’t help but want her to orgasm, and I needed one, too, not that the release last night was doing anything to help my returning situation.

  Kai walked to the desk and picked up her schedule from her mailbox.


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