Run to Love (Triple R Book 1)

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Run to Love (Triple R Book 1) Page 19

by Dixon,Jules

  I groaned while Kanyon burst into gut-busting laughter.

  Willow got serious. “You know I’m just joking. Prez, please, don’t feel pressured to do anything. Just cause he bought you an expensive slab of dead cow and put on an erotic dance show worthy of a chain of one-dollar bills around his insanely seductive hips, you don’t owe him anything.”

  “I understand. But most of me wants it to happen.”

  “Make sure all of you wants it to happen. No regrets.”

  “No regrets.”

  I mean it.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Have a good night, Kanyon, Willow.”

  They gave a last wave as they entered Kanyon’s truck.

  We left the club a little early and there was still a half hour before closing time.

  “Wanna go get one last craft cocktail at House of Loom?” My arm wrapped around Presley’s waist, pulling her closer to me. The other hand held her jacket as we walked to my truck at the city parking lot a couple of blocks away.

  “Actually, I’m kind of wiped out.”

  “No problem.”

  I helped her into the truck through the driver’s side and for the first time she took the middle spot. The innocent move made me smile. I started the truck, adjusting the air to cool us down after dancing for almost three and a half hours.

  I turned toward her and her hands wound around my neck and into my hair. I took the hint and did the same to her. Our gaze held while our mouths moved closer. The kiss was dancing tongues, grinding and teasing each other while our hands search each other’s bodies. My hand slipped under her shirt, my fingertips glided over her sweat-dampened, velvety skin. I slid up to her breast and grazed past her firm nipple through her bra. She released a whimper of approval. I pulled the lacy cup down to release the tender flesh, cupping her in my hand.


  She moaned as I pinched her peaked nipple in my fingertips.


  This moment wasn’t about me. It was about her needs, her desires, and most importantly, her trust.

  Her passion-charged eyes opened. “Jude…”

  “Would you like to come to my house for the night?”

  Her eyes searched mine. “I’m not quite ready to spend the night with you.”

  I leaned my forehead against hers. “I understand. It was a great night. I’ll take you home.”

  “Thank you.”

  We rode in silence. Presley’s exhausted body leaned against my shoulder with her head resting lightly. My hand cupped her knee. By the time we hit west Omaha, innocent noises escaped from her into the silence, not snoring, but melodic little whimpers of a dream state. The drive to her house seemed shorter with her sweet, entertaining sounds.

  Nearing her place, the pleasant hums changed. They were less like whimpers and more like desire-charged moans. Moans like she was really enjoying whatever she was dreaming about. After parking the truck in the driveway, I watched her for minutes as her breathing changed and her eyes darted rapidly behind her eyelids. Her mouth opened in a small pant and her body writhed as she moaned my name.

  “Presley, beautiful, wake up. You’re home.” I tried to call her softly from the dream. I said the words louder and still got no reaction.

  Turning my body so her head was against my chest, I tipped her head up at me and kissed her lips softly. She released the sexiest sound I’d ever heard. It was a whimper-moan, a melodic coo. In seconds, I was hard as steel as the sound charged my body with craving for her.

  While our lips stayed connected, her hands searched my chest and quickly moved below my belt, raking along the swelling bulge in my jeans. Although I would’ve loved to continue what was happening, every lucid thought, there were only one or two, believed it was less than gentlemanly to encourage Presley to touch me intimately in her sleep. Mind-numbing desire to be with the sexy raven-haired siren filled every corner of my brain, but I heaved myself from my hormone-induced haze.

  “Presley! Wake up!”

  Her eyes opened slowly while her hand still cupped my erection through my jeans.

  “We’re at your house.” I pushed pieces of her hair out of her eyes, while she blinked away the dream.

  She glanced down and her eyes widened while she pulled her hand back to her body.

  “I’m sorry.” Her rosy pink blush glowed in the moonlight.

  I kissed her forehead. “Don’t be. I was enjoying whatever dream you were having. Do you remember what it was about?”

  “Same thing as last night. You … and me … on your motorcycle.” Her sleepy voice was gravelly from waking.

  “Taking a ride?”

  Her fingers tangled in my hair. “In a manner of speaking.”

  “Oh.” I inhaled a long breath to calm my heightened body as the insanely erotic image flashed in my mind. “That sounds like a really great dream.”

  Presley’s sleepy eyes were only slits of green peaking from her lashes like mini-moons of seduction.

  “Okay, I’d better get you inside. Come on.” I opened my door and stretched my legs to release the tension in my groin. I tugged her body to the edge of the seat. Her long legs wound around my waist as her fingers played with my ponytail. She slid closer to me and her hips met mine. I growled at the connection, and her eyes opened wide as every ounce of blood returned to the weightlifter.

  “Damn, you are so fucking sexy, Presley.”

  “Right.” She dropped her gaze.

  I raised her chin. “Yes, you are. I don’t know what makes you think so poorly of yourself, but Presley Bradenhurst, I swear to you, you are the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. And it’s not only because you’re smart and funny and an incredibly talented salesperson and artist. And it’s not only because you have the body of a goddess, shapely and toned. And it’s not only because your huge emerald eyes sear a path straight into me, causing every cell in my body to stand at attention, some more than others.”

  She smiled shyly.

  “Presley, everything about you—brain, humor, profession, creativity, body, eyes, heart…” My thumb brushed over her puffy bottom lip. “Everything is sexy. I wouldn’t want to change one single thing.”

  Her chest rose and fell and her open-mouthed erotic pant had my head spinning like a spring tornado. I slammed my mouth to hers. She released a series of moans into my mouth, building my storming libido. Our bodies thrashed against each other. Her legs pulled me closer until my hard cock rubbed against her jean-covered softness. Her moans swirled around us as frantic pleas for more.

  She broke the explosive kiss and hot breaths flowed between us. “I’ve never wanted someone like I want you, Jude. It’s frightening me. I try to always be in control, guarded and protective of my head and my heart … and my body, but you…” Her eyes glossed over. “You make me want to drop every defense I’ve ever had and give myself to you.”

  I caught a tear as it rolled down her lust-blushed cheek. “Fuck! See? So damn sexy.”

  We stared into each other’s eyes for minutes, neither of us wanting to interrupt the hot and hungry gazing.

  Her forehead fell to my chest. “I really wish I could just say yes and give myself to you, but I can’t. I want to, so badly, but I just can’t.”

  I caressed her back. “Prez, I will wait for you. It doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. That you don’t jump into bed without knowing where you’re at emotionally and physically is actually refreshing. Not that I’m judging the opposite way. I’m saying I respect your decision either way.”

  Her fingers played with the V of my t-shirt. “God, you’re incredible. I think every girl and the majority of men in that club would have gone home with you tonight. They’d think I was crazy for not dragging you into my bed.” She looked up and rolled her eyes. “Maybe I am.”

  “I don’t care what they think and neither should you. Let’s get you inside and locked in.” I guided her from the seat and onto her legs.

At the door we shared one last hot kiss to, hopefully, bring back her motorcycle dream. That dream would haunt me tonight, too.


  The next morning, after a long run, I cooked breakfast when my phone buzzed on the counter.

  Prez: Good morning. How are you?

  Jude: Good, finished 10 mile run, making breakfast. How are you?

  Prez: 10 miles? Good for you! I will go biking today … later. You want to come over this evening?

  How I wish I could, beautiful.

  Jude: I have to work tonight. Sorry

  Prez: Don’t be sorry, I should’ve remembered

  Jude: Maybe tomorrow?

  Prez: After you get off of work at 2Fine tonight is considered tomorrow, right?

  I re-read the text.

  Jude: Yes

  Prez: Would you like to spend the night at my house tonight? I mean, it’s on your way home and you’ll be tired. I’m only concerned about your health and safety ;-)

  Okay, I don’t want to assume, but…

  Jude: Should I ride my motorcycle?

  I was thankful that Zane was with the girls. My gym shorts didn’t hide that one part of me was definitely up for a motorcycle ride.

  I had confidence that I read correctly into what she was really talking about but I glanced at the screen every ten seconds for a return text. The response took what seemed like forever but it finally arrived.

  Prez: Your choice, but I don’t think we’ll need it tonight. My bed is very comfy. I promise.


  I typed quickly.

  Jude: Work’s over at 1:30am, 2:10am if we’re really packed. No band tonight. Shouldn’t be that busy

  Prez: Have a good day and I’ll see you tomorrow 

  I did some quick calculations in my head.

  Jude: 57,600 seconds and counting down

  Jude: 57,559 seconds

  Jude: 57,558 seconds

  Prez: I get it. :-) You’re really looking forward to tonight/tomorrow. I am, too, Ponytail.

  Jude: Have a good day, Beautiful

  Prez: You too.

  While I cleaned the kitchen from breakfast, Zane lumbered in through the side door.

  I talked to him over my shoulder. “Hey bro, I have a couple of hours. You want some help moving?”

  “I’m not moving any more of my shit. If anything I’m moving my shit back over here.”

  I glanced at him and saw him rubbing his bloodshot eyes. “Wanna talk about it?”

  Zane plopped down into the chair in the living room. “Fuck! The two of them!” He threw up a hand aimlessly pointing to the other side of the duplex. “They … they … they…” Zane sputtered like a skipping CD. He dropped his head and grunted something inaudible.

  I tried to finish his sentence. “Hate you. Can’t get along. Make you crazy. Need medication. Have STDs. Spit it out, Zane.”

  “They won’t let me get any sleep! It’s a fucking competition to see who can get off and get me off more times. I think I’m close to dying from overexertion or busting open a nut.”

  I finished drying the omelet pan while laughing hysterically. “I don’t think you can die from too much sex, Zane. But I get what you’re saying. Your relationship can’t be about sex only.” Zane nodded into his hands. “Bro, you need to talk to them.” I clasped his shoulder and gave a caring squeeze before moving to the couch.

  “I try, but we end up having sex ‘cause my honesty turns them on.” He lowered his voice, real terror in his eyes. “I think they’re nymphos.”

  “Maybe, but you seemed to enjoy that fact two days ago.” I shook my head in exasperation. “Okay, do the talk somewhere neutral, a park with kids near, but not too near, or in a busy restaurant. That way the situation can’t get heated. Be firm. Jesus, everything sounds sexual after you say nymphos!” I laughed, but got serious at how he held his head in his hand. He was truly not in a good place. “Zane, relationships aren’t easy. Dad told me there were a few times he thought about leaving Mom, but then he’d stop and remember the reasons he wanted to stay and there were always more of those. Are there more reasons to stay? Besides the constant sex?”

  Zane threw his body back into the chair, rolling his head in the headrest. “Yes. I’m just exhausted. Can I sleep in your bed for a couple of hours? Then I’ll go back and talk to them … again.”

  “Only if you text them and tell them where you are. If you care about them, they deserve to know you’re okay.”

  “Then lock the door! I guarantee they’ll come over.” His eyes alternated between both real and fake panic.

  “I’ll tell them they have to go back home. Go get some rest.”

  He stood and wavered on his legs. “Thanks, Jude.”

  “No problem, bro. Plus, it’s still your place.”

  “Good point. Good night.” Zane shuffled zombie-style to my bedroom, then the thud of his body on the mattress, followed by light snoring just a couple of minutes later.

  “Good night.” I closed the door, chuckling to myself.

  Didn’t expect to be a safe haven for the sexually exhausted today.

  Like Zane predicted, ten minutes later, the demanding duo showed on the front step. I intercepted them before they pounded on the door.

  I jerked opened the door, and they both jumped. I kept my voice calm and quiet. “He’s fine. He needs some rest. Sounds like he can’t seem to get enough when he’s over there.” I nodded across the driveway. “You two need to start acting like people who love my brother and care about his health.”

  Britney’s hands clamped onto her womanly hips. “Whatever, I don’t think we need relationship advice from Mr. Celibate.”

  Yori gripped Britney’s arm. “Come on, Brit. Let’s go. If Zane needs some alone time, we should respect that.”

  She shook off Yori’s hand. “I don’t have ta do any such thang.” Her southern drawl came out in full when she was pissed.

  I stepped onto the front porch and closed the door. “Well, then maybe he won’t be coming back. Is that what you want, Britney?”

  “Is he really that worn down?” She drawled “really” like she still didn’t believe the truth.

  “Yes,” I said with no room for questions. “I think you two need to find other ways to spend some of your free time—an entertaining hobby like gardening, knitting, reading, whatever, just give something else a try. Please. I understand what sex can add to a relationship, but there are diminishing benefits when it’s only sex, and sex is never a competition.” I thought of how I’d want to be treated, if I were in Zane’s shoes. “It’s a connection to be savored in the moment, not for a just moment. Have a good day, ladies.”

  I turned and stepped back inside. Before I could close the door, Britney stuck her boot in the doorway.

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. But he doesn’t come back by dinner and I’m kicking down the door.”

  “I wouldn’t expect less from those shit-kickers, Britney.”

  “I’m sorry I called you Mr. Celibate.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “You’re right, I’m not. But I was worried about Zane. Sorry I took it out on you.” Pools of tears formed in the badass country girl’s eyes.

  I stepped back onto the porch and pulled her into a hug. “Hey, he’ll be fine. He loves you both, just return the sentiment with a little more listening to how he’s actually doing.”

  She nodded into my shoulder.

  Yori smiled at me behind Britney’s back and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  I mouthed, “You’re welcome” back.

  I watched as they left and made their side of the duplex.

  What a situation. Of course my brother could fall in love with two women.

  I chuckled and returned inside. Resting on the couch, I scanned a magazine, but in a few minutes, I was deep in an afternoon nap. My phone alarm buzzed on the coffee table, waking me from my dreams about tonight. They were good dreams, none involving my motorcycle, but that was a dream I would love
to make a reality.

  I woke Zane and he rolled to his feet, his eyes much clearer and his stance stronger.

  Walking him to the door, I told him what happened. “Your ladies showed up. I gave them a little speech. I don’t think you’ll have any problems talking to them and them listening now.”

  “I told you, and thanks. And hey, my balls say thank you too.”


  Two Fine Irishmen was busy. My body stayed active but my brain was elsewhere. I took some time to send Presley a couple of texts to let her know I was thinking about her, but I didn’t continue the possibly annoying countdown.

  Jude: How are you doing this evening?

  Presley: Good. And you?

  Jude: Only thinking about you.

  Presley: Awww. Thanks, Ponytail

  If today had taught me anything, it was that sex wasn’t what really mattered. It was good communication. And having a hobby or some outside interests.

  A couple hours later I received…

  Presley: I’m all ready for you. Counting down the seconds here … 5321 … 5320 … 5319 … :-)

  I was a little busy and it took some time for me to get back to her.

  Jude: Good to hear, can’t wait. Thanks for the countdown update. Should be there soon.

  Without a band, the crowd thinned after midnight. Sage hit the stage and sang a couple of songs. She had an incredible voice and it always seemed to me like she was singing to someone in the crowd. I watched her closely but I didn’t see her concentrate on anyone in particular, but then again the Ogre wasn’t here. I suspected Rahl was her muse.

  Sam gave me the nod that my time was done. No use paying three bartenders and I didn’t blame him. I was totally fine with being the one he was letting go early.

  I finished up washing pints and sent Presley one final text to let her know I was on my way. I ran to my truck.

  Five minutes was all that stood between me and a beautiful girl.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Asking Jude to spend the night with me, even by text, was the most difficult thing I’d ever communicated to a guy. With the other three guys, sex just kind of happened, but asking Jude to be with me was empowering. I took charge of my needs and wants. After last night’s screaming-hot truck cab action and how I was feeling about him, I wanted to make the move. Even if it wasn’t forever, we could still be right tonight. And I couldn’t imagine Jude being anything but a skilled and understanding lover.


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