Finally...One Summer (Just One of the Guys)

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Finally...One Summer (Just One of the Guys) Page 4

by Kristi Pelton

  “Grant-no!” I gritted through clenched teeth. But I was too late.

  Chapter 5—The Visit

  “Hello?” He said jovially as I threw myself back on the bed in a full-blown tantrum. Pain blasted through my whole foot as I kicked my legs and rolled from side to side glaring at him.

  “I hate you,” I mouthed.

  “Oh! Hey, Zach. How’s it goin?” Grant smiled at me. “You know…Em’s not supposed to have a phone. Clearly her parents are not aware of this.”

  He shoved his hand in his pocket listening intently. I sat up and punched him in the stomach but he’d tightened the muscles before I made contact.

  “Emma? Oh. Sure. She’s right here next to me lying on the bed. Just a second.” His tone was sickening sweet. I shook my head utterly amazed at what a jerk he was being. I held my hand out and he flopped it into my palm.

  “Why?” I whispered.

  I didn’t like the look in his eyes. He shrugged and walked out.

  “Hi,” I said softly. “Please let me explain.”

  “Oh, I’m waiting,” Zach humorlessly chuckled.

  His tone made me uneasy; but I knew I deserved it. Damn. I heard Dad coming. “I’ll call you right back.” I slid the phone shut and hid it under my pillow.

  “Hey, honey. Here’s the ice. Let’s see what it looks like in the morning. OK?”

  “Thanks, Daddy.”

  “Get to sleep,” he said, kissing the top of my head and pulling the door closed behind him.

  I snatched the phone out and dialed.

  “Still waiting,” Zach answered before it rang fully.

  “I know.”

  “It’s two in the morning, Em. Grant’s in your bedroom, answering your phone, lying on your bed. I’m trying to stay patient.”

  “I know. He wasn’t on my bed by the way,” I corrected but heard no response. “Listen…I hadn’t spoken to Grant since he tried to kiss me.” I paused but there was no response. “We all usually hang out on the beach at night around a fire, but I hadn’t been going down.” My ankle was throbbing and the only thing the ice seemed to do was make me shiver. “I felt robbed that I couldn’t enjoy the ocean so tonight, I went down first- in a spot further away with a chair and blanket. Like an idiot…I fell asleep.” I braced myself.

  “You fell asleep on the beach…at night.” His tone, though disappointed, was more indifferent, and I didn’t like that.

  “I know. Don’t be mad. I was listening to my music in one ear and the waves in the other and I dozed. I didn’t mean to. When I woke up, I was literally in the ocean or at least my chair was. Tide had come in. My blanket was drenched and I was cold.” The emotions of the night got to me and my eyes flooded. “Then Ryan, he was with this girl and I fell on the wet blanket, twisted my ankle and Grant carried me up. That’s what happened. That’s why Grant was in my room,” I lied.

  “How did he get the phone?”

  “When he dropped me on the bed, the pillows fell and that’s where I’d left it and it rolled out.” I listened for his response, and I heard a long breath. My stomach knotted suddenly hurting worse than my ankle. I didn’t want to lose Zach. I loved him so much. Grant pushed it too far tonight. I was done…really…done this time.


  “I’m here. That’s the problem,” he whispered at the end.

  I cringed as the word came out of his mouth. He’d identified that there was a problem and that made me feel sick. My chin quivered as a sob broke from my throat.

  “Baby. Why are you crying?”

  My tears were as predictable as the morning rains here in Cannon. “You’re… there and I’m…here and this isn’t working.”

  “No. Emma.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  An exasperated sigh echoed through the receiver. “This is going to work. What are you apologizing for?”

  He had no idea what I was sorry for. What I had perversely watched. What I had insanely wanted. What I had unjustifiably done. I was the hypocrite passing judgment on Ryan and Grant all these years for cheating on girls or using them and I’d done the same. Was kissing cheating??

  “I’m sorry for everything…for leaving…for Grant…for the phone.” I was at the point of blubbering.

  “Calm down, baby. Listen to me. First thing tomorrow morning, I want you to ask your folks if I can come see you.”

  “No! They’ll know I’ve been talking to you.”

  “You’re right. I have a better idea.” He chuckled.


  I opened my eyes and my mom was there. “What?”

  “I want to see your ankle, honey. Dad told me this morning when I woke up. You tripped over a blanket?”

  I nodded while rubbing my eyes, then glanced at the clock. It was after 9 a.m. Crap. Act sad. “It throbbed most of the night.” I pushed back the covers and it didn’t look too bad. Some purple bruising around my ankle.

  “Did you hear something pop?” she asked.

  “No. The quilt got wet in the ocean. I was carrying it and it tangled around my leg and I fell. It twisted…I don’t think it’s broken.”

  Her hands were cold to my foot. “OK. Well…we’ll see what it does today.”

  “Mom. Can I ask you something?” I offered the best puppy dog eyes I could.

  She sat on the edge of the bed. “Anything.”

  “Last night, when I fell, I was sad…crying.” I gave her an embarrassed look. “Grant let me use his cell phone to call Zach. I didn’t talk long, I swear.” She smiled at me. I was getting somewhere. “Anyway. Zach wants to visit. Not long…maybe a day or two.” I paused measuring her response.

  “Well. Gosh. We’ve not had this request before. Your brother always dumped the babes before he headed up here.” She grinned.

  I fought the urge to smile. She knew him better than I thought.

  “You know what…I don’t see why not. Zach is a great young man and he’d be more than welcome. We don’t have an extra bedroom but he could crash on the sofa or with Ryan, I suppose.”

  I sat up in bed unable to control my smile now. “Oh Mom! Thank you.”

  “Would you like to use my cell phone?”

  I nodded. “Please.”

  The phone rang twice.


  “Hey. It’s me.”

  “Whose phone?” he asked.

  “My mom’s.”

  “Well then, good morning, beautiful.”

  I smiled. “Guess what?” I said trying to sound sad.

  “They said no?” The disappointment was evident in his voice, and I couldn’t play along.



  “Yes!” I squealed.

  “Whew. I thought I was going to have to turn around,” he said.

  I heard the radio playing. Turn around? “Where are you?” I asked suspiciously.

  “Hmm. Just passed a town called Depot Bay. Beautiful by the way.”

  “Oh my God! Zachary Dale. You aren’t far and I haven’t showered. Don’t you think they’ll be a little suspicious when you show up in two hours?”

  “Two hours…is that it? Awesome.”

  “Zach!” I giggled.

  He laughed mischievously and the phone went dead. I hopped to the shower.

  Ryan was watching TV when I slid down the stairs…stair by stair. He stared at me.

  “Need help?”

  I shook my head. “Nah. I got it. Thanks.”

  He sauntered toward me. “I was a shit last night. It’s the least I can do.” He lifted me over his shoulder. “Where to?”

  “Zach’s coming,” I announced. “The sofa is fine.”

  “I heard. Mom told me.” He plopped me down. “What was up with last night?” His face contorted into a scowl.

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t want to talk about it. Momentary loss of judgment.”

  He smiled. “I think that’s happened to all of us. I’m breaking up with Ali by the way.”
br />   My heart ached. “You’re what? Why?”

  A painful grimace flashed across his face. “I’m not meant for this monogamy thing.”

  Though I wouldn’t have admitted it to him, I wondered if he was right. “You are too. Maybe she’s not the one.” I hated saying that.

  “I watch you and Zach and I want that…but can’t seem to control myself when the opportunity presents itself.” His mouth twitched.

  “OK. Now that’s just lame. You have self control.”

  He raised his brows staring at me. “I scrogged Rhylie from Idaho last night in a lawn chair on the beach…I’m lacking control.”

  I wracked my brain for the perfect thing to say. Nothing came to mind. “Well, their names rhyme. Ali. Rhylie. Maybe unconsciously…you were…”

  He didn’t let me finish. “Whatever, Em. Thanks for trying.” He stood and was heading down the hall. “Hey. Looks like he’s here.”

  “Who?” I stupidly asked.

  “Lover boy,” he said opening the front door.

  I think I squealed when Zach met Ryan at the door, and I scooted to the edge of the sofa.

  “Hey. What’s up, bro?” Ryan said grasping Zach’s hand in a hold and pulling him in for a chest bump.

  “How’s it going, Ryan?”

  “Good. She’s waiting.” My brother pointed to where I stood balancing on one foot. Then I saw it…his smile. I took a couple of hops before he met me halfway and I was there. Where my head fit into the groove of his chest. I grabbed a wad of his shirt and pressed it to my nose inhaling as deep as I could and he had a handful of my hair. He gently yanked it till I tipped my head back and our eyes met. His, so deep brown—it was hard to tell where the iris stopped and the pupil started. Then he closed the distance between our faces and pecked my lips.

  “Man. You two make me sick,” Ryan said, and Zach and I laughed.

  Mom made us lunch and I was shoving down the acetaminophen and ibuprofen like they were candy. Dad was golfing and mom didn’t question Zach’s shortened trip. As we finished our ham and cheese, the French doors opened on the patio. I heard them close and smiled knowing exactly who it was.

  “Please be on your best behavior,” I whispered to Zach.

  He gave one nod. “Does he just come on in?” he said under his breath, and I nodded.

  “Grant. Have you eaten?” My mother hollered before he came through the door.

  “No. Mrs. H. What’s for lunch?”

  “Ham and cheese.”

  He was still on the utility porch using mom’s hand broom dusting sand off. Mom’s rule. “Sounds great. How’s your foot, Em?” he asked.

  I didn’t respond and my mother nudged me. I crossed my arms, eagerly awaiting his reaction.

  Finally, he walked in stopping in his tracks when he spotted a smirking Zach sitting next to me. I bit my lip.

  My mom slid a plate with a sandwich on the table next to Zach. “Grant. Emma will be eternally grateful, you know,” she said sincerely.

  “Oh. It was nothing. She twisted her ankle and I carried her…not a big deal,” he downplayed and took a bite smashing his sandwich.

  My mom ruffled his blond curls. “No. Not that, silly. We appreciate that. But I was talking about the cell phone.”

  Grant’s eyes met mine for a second and I fought the urge to smile, though I wondered if he’d out me. His mouth was full. “The cell phone?” he mumbled.

  “The moment she woke up, she told me about how sweet you were to her last night by letting her use your cell phone to call this handsome boy.” My mom patted Zach’s shoulders and he squeezed my hand. It was hard to tear my eyes away from Grant as I waited for his response. “Thanks to you…he came today. You’re a good friend, Mr. Meiers.” My mom touched the tip of his nose.

  Grant chewed more slowly staring at me. “Is that the way it happened? It was late. I can barely remember,” he said swallowing a mouth full. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and he and Zach locked eyes.

  Grant shoved the rest of his sandwich in his mouth while glaring at Zach, then swallowed. He slid the plate forcefully across the table, at me and Zach let go of my hand long enough to stop it from reaching me.

  “This is bullshit,” Grant grunted, and my mom flipped around from the sink and smacked him in the back of the head.

  “Watch your mouth mister.”

  The water I was drinking shot out my nose and burned. Zach handed me a napkin.

  “Sorry, Mrs. H. Ryan…you ready to hit it?”

  Ryan nodded, and a smile, though not on his lips touched his eyes. “Yep. Let’s go.” And they were gone.

  Zach looked at me and winked. “I’ve been waiting a long time to see this beach you love. Show me?”

  “I’ll need help getting out. You know how much I like asking for help.” I smiled.

  He patted his leg. “Set it up here. I want to see it.”

  My legs were freshly shaved and I had painted my toenails this morning. He pushed my jeans up. “Holy crap, Em. It’s purple.”

  “I know. It hurts.”

  He softly outlined the bruised skin then lifted my leg to kiss the swollen area. My heart fluttered as I watched him then he allowed it to rest on the floor. I loved him.

  “Arms or piggy back,” he asked, and his words made me think about Grant carrying me last night. I blocked the thoughts.

  “Piggy back is fine.”

  He lifted me, sitting me on the countertop, then backed into me. “Get on.”

  Ryan and Grant were playing ball in the sand. It was unusually foggy today and we seemed to be walking in the clouds. Tide had to be out because the crashing sound was further away…but we couldn’t see the water.

  “I swear if he would have said one word about the cell phone, I would have decked him…right there…in front of your mom. Which way do I go?”

  I pointed over his shoulder. “Just keep walking straight.” I leaned in and brushed a kiss on his neck.

  “I’ve missed that so much.”

  I tightened my arms around his neck trying not to choke him but not wanting to ever let go. We were in wet sand now so the water was close. Zach stepped over long strands of green seaweed washed up on the beach.

  “So this is where you spend your summers?”

  “Yep. Do you like it?”

  He nodded. “The house is beautiful. I can’t see the beach,” he laughed.

  “The fog will lift. I promise. I want to kiss you,” I implored.

  He twisted his neck as far as he could and puckered. I pecked him.

  “No. I mean a real kiss.” I wondered if he could hear the longing in my voice.

  He chuckled and lowered me to the ground.

  I hopped trying to gain my balance, and he wrapped his arms around my waist assisting me.

  “How’s this?” he asked leaning into me for the kiss I’d requested. His lips were perfect and round and soft and his tongue was velvety and smooth. I’d missed the smell of his breath on my face. I was suddenly glad he was supporting my weight because my head swam as his kiss came to an end.

  “Don’t let go of me.”

  He grinned. “I won’t. We should have brought a blanket.”

  I blinked a couple of times, shocked. “You’re cold?”

  “No. For us to sit on.”

  “Run back and get one. I’ll wait here. Mom has like ten sitting on the patio.”

  His brow creased. “I’m not leaving you here alone.”

  My lips pursed automatically at his statement, and then he said “fine. I’ll go. But what if I can’t find you in this fog?”

  I smiled. “You will. Just walk straight back…will you carry me to the dry sand?”

  He boosted me up his normal way of knocking my legs out from under me, to make me feel like I’m falling, just as he swoops in and catches me before I hit the ground. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  After several minutes, I was relaxing, wiggling the toes on my good foot in the dry sand when I heard him running. “Over
here,” I sang and Grant sprinted toward me. His eyes were angry.

  “What the hell is he doing here?”

  “Go away!”

  “You asked him to come, didn’t you? Did you tell him about us? Is that why he’s glaring at me from across the table?”

  I kicked sand at him. “There is no us. And he’s never liked you. Why’d you have to be an ass and answer the phone last night?”

  “I was angry when I saw the phone. I knew he’d given it to you and it pissed me off. I didn’t know you were keeping daily contact and I lost it. I’m sorry.” He didn’t look at me.

  “It doesn’t matter. He’s here. That’s all that matters.”

  “I’m not used to this Emma…of thinking about someone’s feelings before I do something. Be patient with me.”

  I breathed a sigh relief. “That’s what’s so nice about Zach. He thinks of my feelings.” I hoped I made him angry enough to leave.

  “You’re such a bitch sometimes. And if thinking of your feelings means lying to you for months about his web-page listing the girls he’s fucked…oh and the women…then… ”

  Zach cleared his throat and our heads snapped toward him.

  “Excuse me, Grant. I’d like to spend some time with my girlfriend, alone.” My favorite blanket hung over his forearm.

  Grant chuckled. “Be my guest.” He took a couple of steps away from me.

  “Oh,” Zach said lightly touching Grant’s arm. “Apologize to Em before you go.”

  Grants’ eyes shot toward me. “For what?” He flinched away from Zach’s hand.

  I shrugged unsure what Zach was talking about.

  “For calling her a bitch,” Zach said flatly.

  Now he turned his stare onto Zach. “Em knows I don’t think she’s a bitch.” He turned to walk away.

  Zach stopped him again shaking his head. “That wasn’t an apology.”


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