Finally...One Summer (Just One of the Guys)

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Finally...One Summer (Just One of the Guys) Page 32

by Kristi Pelton

  “And by stupid…you mean beating him to a pulp or possibly killing him?”

  “Objection. Speculation.”

  “Question withdrawn. No further questions for this witness.” The DA grabbed her notepad and returned to her table.

  “Mr. Resnik, rebuttal?”

  “Thank you, Judge.”

  “Ms. Hendricks, I’m sorry, just a few last questions. When you were being attacked by Mr. Talley…were you afraid for your life…or of being raped?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “No further questions.”

  “If there are no further questions, Ms. Hendricks, you are dismissed,” the judge said.

  I steadily walked past Cooper and he nodded. I fought the urge to look at Mia.

  “The defense calls Zach Owens to the stand.”

  Zach lurched forward off the bench and his father patted his back as he slid past.

  After he was sworn in, he sat.

  “Mr. Owens. The young lady that just testified, Ms. Hendricks, was in fact your girlfriend at the time of the incident, correct?” Mr. Resnik asked.


  “And though you didn’t find out about this incident until several weeks later, you were aware that some harm had come to Ms. Hendricks, had you not?”

  “Yes. I was aware.”

  “How so, Mr. Owens?”

  Zach took a long swipe over his mouth. “I went up to visit her and she had bruises on her body.”

  “Where on her body?”

  “She had handprints on her arms and on her face…a black eye and some abrasions.”

  Mr. Resnik nodded. “What about her emotional state?”

  “Well, I could tell that something wasn’t right. She was on edge and when I touched her she wigged out. I knew something had happened.”

  “And by wigged out, you mean?”

  Zach inhaled. “She flinched at my touch and started to cry…pushed me away. That sort of thing.” He grimaced.

  “Mr. Owens. When did you find out what had happened?”

  Zach shrugged. “I don’t know the exact date. A few weeks later, maybe.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “Emma told me.”

  Our eyes met as his words came out. He was lying. I’d never told him.

  Mr. Resnik walked over and stood behind Cooper. “And when you found out that someone had attempted to rape your girlfriend…”

  “Objection, Judge. That question is ludicrous.”


  “I’ll rephrase. “When your girlfriend told you that Mr. Talley allegedly attacked and pulled down her pants while shoving his mouth to hers after bashing her head into a rock…”

  “Objection. Your honor!”

  “Counselor. Watch yourself. The last question should be stricken.”

  “I apologize, Judge. Mr. Owens. When your girlfriend was attacked this summer, how did it make you feel?”

  Zach’s nostrils flared and Mr. Owens glanced at Mrs. Owens.


  “Angry enough to retaliate though you know it’s wrong.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “No further questions.”

  “Cross examination?” the Judge asked.

  “Thank you, Judge.”

  “Mr. Owens. When you visited Ms. Hendricks up in Cannon Beach. How did she say she got the bruises?”

  He twisted his neck. “Playing football with her brother.”

  “Wow. Must have been a rough game. So, she lied to you…her boyfriend?”

  He licked his lips. “I didn’t see it as lying as much as I saw it as evading.”

  “That’s sweet Mr. Owens. But a lie is a lie and she did lie, correct?”

  He shrugged again. “Call it what you want.”

  “In a court of law, Mr. Owens, we refer to that as a lie.”

  His brows rose. “Well. We were on the beach…not in court.”

  Mrs. Owens covered her mouth at his disrespect.

  “That’s great. But today we’re in court…so today…we’ll refer to it as a lie. Now, if Ms. Hendricks lied to you about how it happened…why would you believe her later about how it happened?”

  “Because I trust her.”

  My heart fluttered with his words.

  “You trust the girl who lied to you?”

  “One hundred percent.”

  She frustratingly flipped the paper on the legal pad. “You didn’t know Mr. Talley, is that correct?”


  “But one night prior to the evening in question, you and Mr. Talley had an altercation, correct?”

  “Objection, Judge. My witness is not on trial here.”

  “Your honor. I’m only trying to establish the fact that Mr. Owens claims he didn’t know Mr. Talley but somehow identified him.”


  “So. Mr. Owens. How did you know it was Mr. Talley had you never seen him?”

  He took a long slow breath. “I was made aware that he had a tattoo on his arm.”

  She nodded. “And though it was several months later…you took matters into your own hands…based on the word of a lying sixteen year old girl.”


  “That’s right,” Zach said between clenched teeth. “And had he raped her, I’d be sitting in that seat right now.” His finger jetted toward Cooper.

  Zach’s mother gasped and his father buried his face in his palms.

  Tears stung my eyes as the thought of Zach killing Paul consumed me. My dad’s body was tense next to me.

  The DA sat with a smug smile and Mr. Resnik stood.

  “Mr. Owens. The night after you and Mr. Talley had your altercation, Mr. Talley’s DNA was found on another young woman...a rape victim. Does that sound like someone who learned his lesson?”

  “Objection, Judge.”


  “No further questions.”

  “Mr. Owens. You’re dismissed.”

  “No. He didn’t learn his lesson,” Zach said as he stepped down from the stand.

  The judged peered over his bi-focals. “Mr. Owens. One more word from you and I’ll hold you in contempt.”

  Zach slid in next to his father, who grabbed a wad of his suit jacket hissing something in his ear. Raising his shoulder trying to break the grasp, Zach leaned away from his dad. The material stayed in a raised cluster on his suit. I’d never seen his mother’s face so overwrought with fury.

  My dad threw my mother a wary glance and it worried me. Feeling overwhelmed, unable to breathe, I casually stood and weaved between legs out of the pew. The hallway was a little cooler and I gasped for air. My heels clicked on the floor as I walked away from the room. People in the hall watched me and I’m not sure what expression I held.

  “Em. Wait.”

  Zach gripped my arm spinning me around.

  “What?” I nearly panted.

  “May I talk to you?”

  “Why? What’s there to say?” I knew my face held fear.

  He leaned close breaking all boundaries I had outlined for the day. “You’re looking at me like you’re scared of me.”

  My eyes widened. “Zach. You just told a court room full of people that you would have killed a man.”

  His patient gaze bore into me. “I swore to tell the truth.”

  My chin quivered.

  “Emma. I would never hurt you.”

  “You swore to tell the truth, huh?” I asked.

  “I didn’t kill anyone and I wouldn’t.” His assurances weren’t what I wanted.

  “You lied up there. You said I told you about Paul.”

  His closeness was hard to bear as his breath blew over my face when he spoke. “I didn’t lie.”

  My eyes narrowed and I waited for the rest.

  He cleared his throat. “You had strep throat. You were sick and…were talking.”

  My lower jaw fell open. “You…tricked me when I was sick?” I halfway yelled.

bsp; The corners of his mouth twitched. “Not tricked…exactly. You gave it up willingly. You thought I was Austin.”

  I tried to recall the conversation but didn’t remember a thing. I shook my head in disbelief. “Whatever.”

  “I’m sorry,” he spoke softly.

  “I’m not fine.”


  I rolled my eyes. “Earlier. You asked how I was and I said I was fine. I’m not fine.”

  His hand brushed over my cheek, and I rotated toward his palm.

  “You will be,” he whispered and his words angered me. That wasn’t what I wanted to hear, and I tried to step under his arm but he caught me around my waist.

  “What? What did I say that was wrong?”

  “You know. I’m glad that you’re perfect. I’m sure you’ve been down there surfin, partyin, livin it up with your buddies…gettin all tan…goin to the only real division one school in the PAC 12…but some of us are stuck here, struggling with their losses. You won’t text…accept my calls…and I’m sure you’re busy and you’re right…I will be OK. But…”

  “Em. Shut up,” he whispered.

  My shocked eyes darted up to his. He smiled.

  “For you to even think that I’m doing OK, leads me to believe that you didn’t hear a single word I said to you on our last night together,” his voice was soft and his tone genuine. “I’m not perfect. I fight every instinct in my body not to text you back…not to answer your calls.” His finger traced down my cheek to my jaw. “I haven’t been surfin. Not once. I don’t party. I catch a lot of shit for it…but I don’t. The only thing you have right…is that USC is the only real school.” He grinned.

  I punched him in the stomach, and he doubled over at the waist, but as he rose, his expression turned serious.

  “I’m not fine either, Em. And today…will only be a setback.”

  I grabbed his tie and yanked him toward me. “Say you’ll come back.”

  He lowered his eyes. That was a no.


  He cautiously shook his head like if I waited a minute he might change it to a nod. “This is how it needs to be right now.”

  I nodded knowing his stubbornness would win. “Can’t we be friends?”

  He flinched with the word choice, and I grimaced not liking it much either.

  “What does that mean?” he asked guarded.

  I shrugged. “I don’t exactly know. But I do know that I’d rather have you in my life as a friend than not at all.”

  His brows pulled together. “I’m not sure I can extend that same courtesy.”

  His words cut deep. “Why?”

  “Well, let’s say I come home for spring break and you’re dating…Joah Granada. I’m not sure I can handle that like a gentleman.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “I promise you. I will never date Joah Granada. Where did that come from?”

  He laughed. “I don’t know. Just thought of a junior from the football team.”

  “I see what you mean. I guess…I just… mean can’t we keep in touch?”

  He blew out a long breath. “Em. I don’t think it’s right for you. You deserve to live without thinking…without worrying about me.”

  “I wouldn’t worry,” I spat out to quickly.

  A slight grinned touched his lips. “You would worry. That’s who you are and that’s why I love you.”

  “Kiss me,” I begged.

  His thumb traveled at a slow pace over my pouting bottom lip. “Not here.”

  My shoulders slumped.


  Both of us looked toward Ryan. His face was frustrated.

  “Leave her alone, man.”

  “Ryan!” My voice was barely above a whisper in the filled hallway and my shoulders sprung upright.

  “Dude. It’s been three months and she’s starting to smile again.”

  Zach held up a palm. “It’s not like that Ryan. I don’t want to hurt her. You know that.”

  “Ryan. Please. Don’t.”

  “Are you headin back south?” Ryan asked stepping between us.

  Zach nodded.

  “Then you’re hurting her.”

  “Ryan the hurt never left. It doesn’t matter now.” My voice cracked and a painful grimace distorted Zach’s face.

  “Stop. We need to just stop.” Zach tried to gain some sort of control of the spiraling situation. He pointed to the courtroom. “What’s going on in there?”

  “Closing arguments.”

  Zach glanced at his watch. “So. We could have a verdict today.”

  Ryan nodded.

  At that moment, the courtroom doors opened and our parents came through followed by Zach’s parents and the guys. All sets of eyes seemed to fall on me.

  “Jury’s deliberating.” My dad said rubbing my shoulders. “How are you?”


  “We’re going to grab some lunch. Come on,” Dad said tugging me away from Zach.

  Ryan stepped in behind to assist in making the break. Austin, Seth and Grant followed. I sighed.

  After lunch, we returned to the courthouse and waited in the packed hallway to hear anything. Mr. Resnik believed we’d get a verdict today and encouraged us to hang out. I’d never seen my boys look so good. All of them. Dress slacks and long-sleeved dress shirts. They clean up real nice. I smiled, monitoring the hall for Zach and his family.

  My head rested against the marble wall behind me, and I closed my eyes taking in deep breaths of air. Someone squeezed my knee, and I opened one eye to see Austin sliding down next to me.


  Both eyes came open. “You’re speaking to me?”

  “Look. Drunk girl. I would never…not speak to you.”

  “Give me a break. That was a while back. And. That was a double negative.”

  He grinned. “It was. You are correct.”

  “Do you hate me?” I asked fearful of his answer. I had not been fair to Austin.

  His neck twisted sideways to look at me. His eyes were soft. “For you to even have that impression makes me sad. Why would I hate you?”

  “I embarrassed you in front of your friend.”

  His chuckle was low and it warmed my heart making me smile. “Please. I don’t care what Danny thinks. He teases me about you.” Austin shrugged. “He’s just jealous. He thinks you’re hot.”

  I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. “How much was your auction bid?”

  He didn’t answer, only smiled.

  “That high, huh?” Jealousy. Such a worthless but powerful emotion settled into every bone in my body. I tried to keep my breathing even. I pictured some beautiful, blonde, tanned, fit, rich sorority girl paying thousands of dollars for a date with the rich, handsome man who sat next to me. Suppressing the complicated feelings inside, I decided to go for the tease. “You are so not worth it,” I said shoving him.

  “Thanks,” He smiled but the smile faded as fast as it came. “Can I ask you something?”

  “What? Do I want to go have a drink?”

  He raised his brows. “Vodka? It is Vodka, isn’t it?” His lips twitched into a smile.

  I jerked my elbow back and caught him in the ribs, but he saw it coming and protected himself. “You punk.”

  His laughter echoed in the hallway. “Listen…in three months. You’ll be seventeen.” He hesitated. “I’d like to…talk about…I have some questions.”

  My curiosity was officially piqued. The mysterious questions in his dark brown eyes intrigued me. “What?” My word got stuck in my throat. Austin was never serious and at this given moment…he was...very.

  His fingers intertwined with mine and he broke eye contact with me to find my father who sat across the hall on a bench. Dad’s blues focused on our hands, then after a long blink came up to meet our gaze. Austin’s lips pursed and he quickly untwined our locked fingers. I bit my lip as my dad’s forehead creased.

  “Maybe now is not the time,” he added.

  I shot my dad a dirty
look, smiling and I covered Austin’s hands with mine. With one hand, I touched his cheek pulling his face back to mine. “What is your question?”

  Austin didn’t look at me but rather my father.

  “Austin,” I hissed through clenched teeth, and he finally looked at me.

  “Em.” His eyes softened as he appraised my face. “Does your father own a gun?”

  I laughed and dropped my hand. “Just ask.”


  Out of the blue, his face hardened…eyes narrowed…jaw flexed as he focused down the hall.

  “We’ll talk about it later,” he whispered roughly.

  I flipped my head around and saw Zach standing maybe ten feet from us.

  “Any word?” he asked.

  My hands were still on Austin’s, and I shook my head repositioning my hands on my lap. Zach sat on the other side of me, and I stared across the hall at the smirks on Ryan, Seth and Grant’s face. I wanted to slap them. They somehow found humor in the uncomfortable situation I was in. Literally.

  “So, Zach? When ya headed back down south?” Seth asked.

  “When this is over, I suppose.”

  “USC…won the championship. That was a sweet win over the Longhorns,” Ryan added. “You know. Your old buddies came up here to see you…so maybe we could make a road trip down there.”

  Zach smiled. “That’d be great. You’ll always have a place to crash.”

  “What are the chicks like? Blonde? Big Boobs?” Grant asked with an ear-to-ear grin, his adorable blonde ringlets shaking with laughter.

  I shook my head.

  Zach shrugged. “Ah. They’re the same anywhere, aren’t they?”

  I unconsciously shifted on the bench.

  “Verdicts in,” Mr. Resnik announced to us in the hallway and it knocked the air from me.

  Austin swiftly clutched my hand in his and turned my chin to where I could see the apprehension in his eyes. “No matter what happens in here, remember you did nothing wrong,” he whispered. “When I found you…that night…I should have done more.”

  “Come on, Em. We need to go in,” Zach said.

  “No one’s stopping you from going in, Zach,” Austin snapped.

  Zach glared at him then sidestepped around us. Austin found me again.

  “Sorry for the interruption. I’m just saying…what Cooper Lynch did…you have no responsibility in that.”

  “Don’t I? If I had come forward at the time…couldn’t it have saved Mia from being raped, Cooper from killing and Paul from dying?” Moisture pooled in my eyes.


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