Fourplay: Ever After Duet, Book 1

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Fourplay: Ever After Duet, Book 1 Page 3

by Jayne Rylon

  Ford, Brady, and Josh always got what they wanted.

  What if that was her?

  Crazy thinking. Absurd. That’s what that was. They’d asked her to come tonight because they’d been through some shit together and it had made them grow closer. From colleagues into something dangerously like friends.

  They wanted to make things right, and so did she. Have an epic do-over to ease their consciences and help her heal, get past her fears. That’s it.

  Before she could set Bronson straight, they turned into the marina. He rolled up as close as possible to the dock, then parked and got out. They had arrived.

  Bronson opened her door and extended his unflinching hand to her. He blocked her view of the docks with his broad back. She figured he was shielding her from at least one of his bosses’ stares when he looked down at her kindly. “You ready? I can drive you back home if you prefer.”

  A gulp of air later, Kari put her fingers in his and let him assist her so she didn’t flash anyone in the process of getting out of the car. He kept a hold on her until she was steady on her feet despite the wicked heels she’d picked to match her dress.

  While she oriented herself, he coached her quietly.

  “You look great. They’re going to be so glad you actually came.” He squeezed briefly, then released her. “Remember, you have my number. Call if you need me to come get you. Anytime. Whether I’m working for them or not, I’ll be there to take you home. You know, in case something doesn’t go as planned…”

  Rumors spread faster than a wildfire in their office. Plus, the guys spoke openly around Bronson. Did he know everything that had happened to her or was he guessing at the source of her stress? Either way, she appreciated his support. “Thank you.”

  He nodded, then stepped aside.

  Sure enough, Josh and Brady were just beyond him. Brady leaned against the railing, his hands planted on either side of his hips as if clinging to the wood to keep himself tethered there. Josh had no such reservations. His smile transformed into a full-fledged grin as he approached her like a puppy welcoming its owner home after a long day of work.

  “Kari! You look…incredible.” He clasped her in a brief but enveloping hug before releasing her so he could take in her entire outfit.

  “We’ll see if you still think so when you get the bill. Thanks, by the way. I had a hell of a time this afternoon.” It had been downright decadent to have someone at the upscale boutique pamper her. First in selecting the perfect dress and then handing her off to a stylist in their sister salon next door to ensure her make-up, hair, and wax jobs were up to par with the gorgeous outfit.

  “Worth every penny.” He didn’t flinch. “And your hair. Damn, I didn’t realize how long it is.”

  Because she’d never worn it like this at the office. Winding it into an immaculate bun was part of her morning routine. Loose, it flowed in soft curls over her shoulders and most of the way down her back.

  “You look great yourself.” That was an understatement. He could singlehandedly cause a spike in the designer’s sales if the tabloids got a shot of him rocking that tuxedo. From the look of it, Brady’s matched. If Ford was sporting the same one, the three of them were going to melt the panties off every woman on board tonight.

  Hers were no exception.

  She tugged the hem of her dress lower on her thighs. A beaded, sheer crimson overlay lent the illusion of modesty to a daring, shape-hugging satin sheath beneath it. Or at least that’s what the saleswoman had tried to convince her.

  Of course, her adjustment only revealed a bit more of her cleavage than she’d intended. Shit! Kari mentally kicked herself for failing to consider the transfer out to the yacht and how much of her legs it would expose to be climbing in and out of a dinghy. The gangplank dotted with antique glass lanterns and the flowers she’d arranged for would make it as easy as possible. Gorgeous as well, if she did say so herself.

  Josh held out his arm to her, and somehow her hand wound itself around it. It felt right for him to steady her as he brought her toward Brady. Every step closer made her more aware of the smoldering stare Brady leveled in her direction.

  His eyes barely twitched, but she knew he’d scanned her, beginning at the tips of her ridiculous heels, stopping only when their gazes collided. The intensity of his admiration hit her square in the chest. Heat blossomed within her. He didn’t have to say anything.

  His wide almond eyes communicated his appreciation loud and clear. “Josh is right. I’m never going to be able to top this.”

  Josh laughed and Brady shook his head ruefully before saying, “You’re absolutely stunning tonight.”

  She began to thank him, except just then the crew started ushering guests into the dinghy. Kari tried to stick to the balls of her feet. Still, her heel managed to catch a crack in the planks and make her wobble a bit.

  Both men, one walking on either side of her, reached out simultaneously.

  She took their hands in hers, glad for the excuse. Touching them, even this harmless little bit, gave her the courage to climb aboard when part of her began to cringe at the thought of what lay ahead.

  “You sure you want to do this?” Brady murmured as Josh glared at him. “It’s not too late to change your mind.”

  Kari nodded. “I’m good. Let’s go.”

  At Brady’s nod, the crew set off in the direction of their yacht, which waited for them, anchored out in the harbor. The seventy-foot catamaran took up a lot of space in their local marina and the guys preferred to leave her on the hook to discourage uninvited stowaways from sneaking onboard. Kari couldn’t say she minded that policy after what had happened last time.

  Even from a distance, it was easy to spot Ford, standing tall on the port side of the boat, waiting for the first load of guests to arrive at his party. He looked perfectly at home on the vessel, as if he were the captain of some highly profitable historic merchant marine ship with a hint of pirate dashed in as well.

  As they neared, she realized his arms were crossed and his feet spread to keep him steady on the gently swaying boat. That did absolutely nothing to diminish the impact of his incredibly sexy—and yes, matching—tuxedo. The booming voice he used when presenting an argument to the court now greeted his guests instead.

  The dinghy pulled up to the back of the yacht and steadied near the sugar scoops, where steps led up to the entertaining areas. When Ford’s stare landed on her, tucked between Josh and Brady, his smile faltered for the briefest of seconds.

  “I’ll go if he doesn’t want me here,” she whispered to Brady. “I can take the tender back when they pick up the next load of passengers.”

  Brady held her hand tighter. “Don’t leave. I mean, unless you want to. Trust me. He’s not going to send you away.”

  Josh laughed as Ford’s grin returned, with interest. His eyes sparkled in the twilight. “How in the hell did you manage this? What a lovely surprise.”

  He brushed aside the crewman and held his hand out to Kari directly. Brady put his palm low on her back and helped her stand, while Josh lifted her fingers to Ford’s. They worked seamlessly together, ushering her toward their partner.

  “Welcome aboard, Kari.”

  “Happy birthday,” she murmured close to his ear as he helped her across the gap and onto his yacht with an arm around her waist. It might have been the waves, or maybe her instincts, but her lips grazed his cheek as his strong arms settled her onto the deck.

  “It certainly is now.” He held her close as she proved she’d paid attention to their guest instructions and removed her heels. It was a polite gesture on his part, she was sure, as crew members did something similar, if less personal, for the rest of the guests.

  “You can thank me later,” Josh teased Ford. He laughed as he collected her shoes, then said, “I’ll put these inside for you, okay?”

  Kari nodded. The last thing on her mind then was the shore or any possibility of leaving this party early. Hopefully, the night would last forever.


  Did Ford have to smell so damn fine? Like the sea, and whiskey, and…pure man?

  Kari would have been the world’s worst liar if she said it didn’t do incredible things to witness admiration and maybe even a bit of heat in his gaze. He murmured, “Thank you for coming. I promise, tonight will be a hell of a lot better than last time. Anything you want or need. Anything at all, just let me know.”

  The prickling in her eyes and the lump in her throat made her nod then scurry off for some air. She didn’t want him to see her sad and weak. She wanted to be the strong, elegant woman she’d dressed as for the night. Even if that meant she needed a moment to get her shit together first.

  Before Kari could second-guess her decision, Brady was yelling anchor up from his place near the gypsy while Josh trimmed the sails and Ford steered them out of the harbor. Although they had crew to do those things for them, she knew that sailing was one of their simple pleasures. It was the reason they’d opted for a catamaran rather than some sleek powerboat. Relying on nature, the wind, and their combined skills helped them cope with the stress of their demanding careers. Watching the three of them work together to launch the boat into the night warmed her from the inside out.

  There was a reason they were so successful. They were an amazing team. One she liked to pretend she was a part of from time to time while she assisted them.

  Kari hoped she wasn’t deluding herself about her place among them because that gave her comfort, allowing her to believe she fit in enough to attend this not-so-professional party. The twinkling lights of the city began to shift as the shore fell farther away. There was no escaping it now. She was on board until they returned. So she might as well make the best of the evening.

  A male chuckle rumbled from behind her, startling her. When she glanced over her shoulder, she saw a young woman stumbling toward the railing, looking a little green. Three guys trailed her.

  “It’s not fucking funny,” the woman hissed at her companions, her auburn hair swirling around her, making her look fierce if adorable. “I don’t want to puke on your bosses’ boat.”

  Kari could relate. Being humiliated at a fancy event like this… Well, at least she’d come prepared for the easy stuff. She turned to the woman, who now gripped the steel cable lifeline not too far away, and said quietly, “I have Dramamine. Would you like some?”

  “Oh!” The woman blinked Kari into focus then nodded her head, a wince following closely on the heels of the motion. “Yes, please. Thank you. I think I love you.”

  Kari grinned even before she realized who it was that came out of the shadows to accept the medicine on behalf of the woman.

  “Everyone loves Kari,” Cooper, the firm’s intern, said with a gigantic smile. They’d bonded that day in the boardroom, when the depths of Marty’s betrayals had come to light. Both of them had suffered at his hands, been made to think there was something wrong with them and their sexuality because of that bastard. Ever since then, they’d shared a special friendship. One she was grateful for and would love to expand. Curiosity about the woman who’d snagged not only Cooper, but his two hot friends, threatened to make Kari ask a million questions before she’d even said hello.

  “Hang on…you’re Kari?” Andi paused, her arms unwrapping from where they’d been hugging her stomach before she flung them wide and smothered Kari in a warm embrace. She was a world-class hugger, Kari admitted to herself. At first awkward, she returned the gesture, the vial of pills still clasped in her fist. “I’m so sorry. I hope it’s okay that Cooper told me. You know, about what happened. That guy is a monster. So creepy. I hated him from the first second I saw him.”

  “You met Marty?” Kari knew for sure Cooper hadn’t brought Andi to any work functions before. He hadn’t worked there when she’d been attacked, and Ford, Brady, and Josh hadn’t had another get-together since. Well, not until tonight. And this was a totally different sort of thing.

  “Oh. Yes. That’s how he figured out that we were all together. He saw me once with Cooper then later with Simon, and assumed I was cheating on them.” Andi’s nose wrinkled. “I might be a greedy bitch for wanting my three guys, but I’m damn well not some backstabbing liar.”

  Kari grinned, then shook a couple pills into Andi’s palm. Cooper handed her a glass of water to wash them down, which she did before draining the rest of the drink. A gorgeous antique ring glinted on her left ring finger. It was an obvious symbol of their commitment.

  Huh. How would that work exactly? Kari didn’t know, but she really wanted to find out. Tonight could be even more enlightening than she had imagined.

  “Hey, I’m Reed. Would you like me to get you one of those or maybe something stronger?” asked a tall, dark-haired man—one of Cooper’s other roommates.

  “No!” Kari realized she’d practically shouted when Andi, Cooper, Reed, and Simon each leaned back, their eyes wide. “Thank you. I mean, no thank you.”

  A flood of memories threatened to drown her. Picking up her drink from the bar at the Christmas party. Laughing as she sipped it, setting it down only briefly while she ran to her office to grab something Marty had requested. Him handing it back when she returned. Her with a dizzying headache, stepping out into the alley for some fresh air. Marty coming to check on her. Him crowding her against the rough brick wall. A blur of what had happened after…

  It didn’t matter that the bastard wasn’t there now and that she was among friends. She wasn’t about to impair herself in any way. Not tonight and maybe not ever.

  Kari blinked back tears. Maybe she hadn’t been ready for this.

  “Would you mind coming and sitting over here with me?” Andi asked Kari softly, shooing her guys away. “I still feel kind of queasy and I’d really appreciate your company.”

  Kari knew what the other woman was doing, offering her support while appearing to need it herself, but she didn’t give a flying fuck right then. She latched on to the arm Andi held out. Together, they wobbled across the enormous rope net trampolines at the front of the catamaran and plopped down cross-legged, side by side, riding the gentle waves.

  For a while, she listened to the splash of the water and let the power of the full white sail above her head scrub the lingering memories from her mind. Eventually, she faced Andi. “Sorry about that. It sometimes sneaks up on me.”

  “I know it seems like just something people say, but it really does get better with time. And with people to talk to who understand what you’re going through. I could give you the name of my therapist if you want.” Andi smiled, but the corners of her lips were twisted.

  “You too?” Kari hated that for a moment she was happy. Pleased to have someone who could relate to the terror, disgust, and hopelessness that raged inside her when she least expected it. “Wait. Not Marty?”

  “No.” Andi shook her head. “It was about a year ago. A stranger at a club. He drugged my drink and assaulted me. I was lucky the guys interrupted him before things went...too far.”

  Kari was quick to correct Andi. “I don’t believe that. Sounds like it went plenty far. Anything at all is too damn much if you didn’t agree to it.”

  “You’re right.” Andi sighed. “See, even now it’s easy to get caught up in the lies we tell ourselves after trauma like that. But it does get better. I can go out dancing now, if Cooper, Reed or Simon are there, too. And…well…being intimate with them, it’s not a problem.”

  Kari stifled a groan. “I’ve been worrying about that. I haven’t…not since…”

  “You just need the right person, or persons.” Andi winked. “Don’t look now, but there are a certain three super-hot lawyers who are ignoring my fiancés and staring at you instead. They’re concerned about you. And, it seems to me, not only as their employee.”

  “It’s not like that between us.” Kari shook her head.

  “I bet it could be if you wanted it to be.” Andi laughed then. If it meant letting her play matchmaker for a moment to distract her from her seasickn
ess, Kari figured she could take one for the team, even if it was wild speculation. “Sorry. Don’t mean to push. I’m just saying they seem pretty great to me and Cooper told me that they’re poly, like us. I guess I just want everyone else to be as happy as I am these days. It seems like you could use a little of what they have to share. There’s nothing like having three gorgeous, powerful men worshipping you to empower a girl.”

  Well, since Andi had brought it up… “How does that work exactly? Do you take turns or what?”

  Andi grinned, reminding her of a lioness licking her lips after devouring a gazelle or three. “Sometimes. More often lately, it’s a group affair. I’m spoiled, I know. I forgive you if you want to hate me for it.”

  A laugh burst from Kari. She tipped her head back and reveled in the cool breeze blowing her hair. It felt like it was taking all her problems with it. Good thing too, because the scene she was envisioning—one with her in place of Andi and her bosses instead of Cooper and his roommates—was hot enough to spike her temperature.

  “Oh yeah, I know that look.” Andi knocked her shoulder into Kari’s as they whispered conspiratorially. “You have it bad for them.”

  “I won’t say I haven’t thought about it since that day, when they told Cooper what they’re searching for.” Kari fanned herself. “I guess it’s even more appealing because I trust them completely. Lately, that’s a characteristic I find highly attractive and hard to come by. But they’re so far out of my league it’s not funny.”

  “Shut your face, girl.” Andi smacked Kari’s knee. “You’re absolutely stunning, smart, and a good friend to one of my guys. Cooper tells me how you rule that office and keep a bunch of absentminded, arrogant lawyers on their toes. In fact, he brags about you so much I told him I was going to try to steal you away for the firm. We’ve been recruiting for a position in my department and every person we hire just makes more work for us. It sounds like you would be a perfect fit.”

  “Thanks, really. But…” She looked over her shoulder, busting Ford, Brady, and Josh staring at her and Andi. Were they worried about what Andi might tell her? Or did they just want to make sure she was okay?


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