Fourplay: Ever After Duet, Book 1

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Fourplay: Ever After Duet, Book 1 Page 12

by Jayne Rylon

  Things were complicated enough between them. This would help. It balanced the power. It made her feel more confident about being a true partner to them and less concerned about the ramifications a falling out could have on her career. She was free now to explore with them.

  And that was worth the sacrifice.

  Now she just had to convince the guys of that.


  Brady looked up from the mountain of papers on his desk when movement in his peripheral vision made him aware of someone approaching. “Kari! You’re here!”

  He dropped the investigator’s report he’d been scrutinizing and flew around his desk toward her. When she held up her hand, palm out—in the classic signal for stop—he froze. “Can you come into Ford’s office for a second? I want to talk to the three of you together.”

  Well, that didn’t sound good.

  Kari turned and hustled out of the room toward Josh’s office. He heard his friend’s equally optimistic greeting before they piled into Ford’s space, somber as they waited to hear their fate from her lush lips.

  Ford stood. “You’re okay?”

  Kari nodded. “I’m fine. Sorry I worried you.”

  Brady closed the door quietly behind them, then shuffled as close as he dared. He didn’t want to invade her personal space, though part of him needed so badly to be near her. To make sure they hadn’t damaged the budding relationship he thought they were nurturing the night before.

  Ford was right. They had to be more careful from now on. Take things slower.

  “I feel like an asshole for laughing at you last night,” Josh said then, drawing her attention to him. “I thought you were joking about quitting. You know it’s not necessary for you to be unemployed because of what happened.”

  “I’m not.” She shrugged.

  “So you’re coming back then?” Brady put his hands on his knees and drew a shaky breath. Oh thank God.

  “No.” She shook her head with a wince. “I got a job this morning. I start tomorrow as the office manager over at Blackstone Industries.”

  “You what?” Ford asked.

  “Damn, Kari…” Josh whistled. “That didn’t take long.”

  “Hold up. Isn’t that where Andi works?” Brady tipped his head.

  She nodded. “But I got the job on my own merits. Andi knew of the opening and put in a call to HR for me. The rest was all me.”

  Brady held up his hands. “Hey, you don’t think I know that? They’re lucky to have you. Losing you is an enormous blow to this firm.”

  “And to us,” Josh muttered.

  Ford stayed quiet, which troubled Brady the most. He stared at his friend, praying the other man didn’t explode and ruin their chances with Kari. If they couldn’t have her during the day, maybe that meant she was ready to give them her nights.

  He would take what he could get. “Well, since you don’t work here anymore…does that mean I can take you out for a few celebratory drinks tonight?”

  Kari smiled. It started out slow then spread across her face, making her even more beautiful than he had already known she was. Her eyes shone a little when she said, “I would love that. Thank you.”

  Josh high-fived Brady. Then he turned to Kari, clearly wanting to get in on the action himself. “How about Friday we go see that movie you’ve been talking about?”

  This time she sniffled. Had she been afraid they would change their minds?

  She bit her lip, then nodded.

  Ford approached her slowly. He stopped a few feet away and held out his arms to Kari. She raced into them. He enfolded her, then whispered against her hair, “Congratulations. I’m proud of you for going after what you deserve and doing what you think is right. We’ll always stand by your decisions.”

  “And be the happiest guys in the world when you succeed like we know you will.” Brady stepped closer. Kari squirmed until Ford reluctantly let her go. She took turns hugging and then kissing each of them.

  Ford pulled away before things could get too steamy. Brady was both disappointed and grateful that his partner had enough self-control for them all. After this morning, and the terrifying thought of scaring Kari away, none of them wanted to make that mistake again.

  “Have a good time with Brady tonight. Then maybe tomorrow night we can have a congratulations dinner at our house together,” Ford suggested.

  “That would be amazing. But only…” Kari hesitated.

  They would give her anything she asked for if only she’d keep giving them a chance to prove what Brady already knew to be true: this was something special. Something worth fighting for.

  “What?” he wondered.

  “You have to let me cook for you guys. Ever since those charred brownies you brought in to share, I don’t trust you guys in the kitchen.”

  “That was Josh’s fault.” Ford shook his head. “He set the timer for fifteen hours instead of fifteen minutes. We rescued them when the smoke alarm went off, but…”

  “It was too late. They were dead.” Kari laughed. “I might not be Julia Child, but I can make something you’ll enjoy, I’m sure.”

  “I think after a couple days apart, I’m mostly going to be hungry for time with you,” Ford said. It was what they were all thinking.

  “I’m going to miss you, too.” Kari sighed as she stared out at the city beyond them for a moment before shaking it off. “It will make me that much more excited to see you every night. Right?”

  Kari probably hadn’t meant that exactly like it sounded. Neither did she take it back when Ford hummed, Brady licked his lips, and Josh cracked his knuckles. It seemed like they were all ready to take this next step forward together.

  “I’ll pick you up at six. Sound good?” Brady asked.

  Kari smiled. “No. It sounds perfect.”


  One Week Later

  “How’s it going so far, Kari?” Andi asked her at what was becoming their traditional lunch date in the company’s cafeteria.

  “Honestly, the work is fine. It’s pretty easy.” She shrugged one shoulder.

  “I heard you have the entire department running ten times more efficiently already.” Andi snorted. “That’s pretty damn impressive. I mean, us scientists aren’t the easiest to wrangle.”

  “They’ve got nothing on lawyers,” Kari admitted with a wry smile.

  “Do you miss working with your guys or is it a relief?” Andi wondered.

  “Both, especially now. I want to spend more time with them rather than less. Like pretty much every minute of every day. But I know it’s not good for my mental health, or whatever the hell this is growing between us, for me to be so wrapped up with them either. Or for me to be worrying about my job every time we hook up or if we fight, not that we have…yet.” Kari thought some tension was building, though mostly because they hadn’t revisited the physical intimacy of the night of her first date with Ford since then.

  “Maybe you need to be more wrapped up in them. That solves a lot of problems for me and my guys.” Andi wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Could be.” Kari sure as hell could use an outlet to blow off some steam.

  Since the night she’d quit, they’d spent every single evening getting to know each other better outside of work, yet the guys hadn’t offered a repeat performance of their steamy session together. Neither had they pressured her for sex—individually or together.

  The chaste pecks they gave her each night before Bronson drove her home were starting to make her batty. Did they think she couldn’t handle what they’d done together because she’d pulled away professionally? She craved their heat and the exhilaration she’d felt when she was trapped between them. Didn’t they?

  “But ever since I quit, the guys have been different with me. Cooler. Pretty hands off, if you know what I mean.”

  “Maybe they’re just worried they pushed you too hard, too fast.” Andi put her sandwich down. “They’re afraid of losing you entirely.”

  “Did they say that to you?” Kar
i asked.

  “Not in so many words. But when I stopped by their office to pick Cooper up two nights ago they asked me a shit ton of questions about how things got started with me and my guys. They wanted to know about how it made me feel to go from being roommates to lovers, if I was ever overwhelmed, what things freaked me out, how my assault at Flesh impacted my ability to be intimate, stuff like that. Damn, they are intense. I wouldn’t want to be a witness in one of their cases.”

  Kari laughed. Yep, that sounded like Ford, Brady, and Josh. Ford especially. “Sorry they grilled you.”

  Although she felt bad for her friend, it did something to her insides to know that they were so concerned for her and trying their best to do things right. They were everything she’d ever hoped to find in a guy. She might have had high standards if it took three men to fulfill her entire wish list but, hey, she was fine with that.

  With a wave of her hand, Andi dismissed Kari’s concern. “I’m happy to help. I’m rooting for the four of you. You make a good team and I can tell you’re all pretty serious about this. Otherwise you would have fucked, got it out of your system, and moved on to a simpler, easier relationship. This is hard. You’re just starting. Don’t feel bad if it takes a while to figure everything out between you. Hell, I left my guys before we got it right. I think it’s sweet that they’re trying to avoid a disaster like the one that caused me to walk away.”

  Kari pushed the broken bits of chips left on her plate into a mound with one finger. “So what do you think I should do if I want to move things forward between us?”

  “If you’re ready for more, say so directly. Ask for what you need. Communication is critical in any relationship, but especially one like ours.” Andi shrugged. “I’m pretty sure they’re more than willing. They’re just waiting for a clear sign from you.”

  “You think so?” Kari grinned.

  “Ummmm, yeah.” Andi rolled her eyes. “I saw the way they were drooling over you at Ford’s birthday party. I know they wish it was you they’d had down below that night instead of…well, you know.”

  “I’m pretty sure none of them regret seeing what you had to show them.” Kari squashed the fizzle of jealousy that bubbled up then. They hadn’t touched Andi. And her friend might be right. They might have been imagining themselves doing those things to her.

  She hummed.

  “So now it’s your turn.” Andi pointed with a french fry at Kari. “Girl, what kind of sexy undies do you have? Now would be the time to dust off that pair you bought on a whim but were never brave enough to actually wear before. You know, we all have those. Or at least I used to. Several have been destroyed in the making of a good time.”

  Kari tried not to blush. “I got rid of everything like that after…”

  “Ah, shit. Marty? That fucker.” Andi wiped her hand on her napkin as if the thought killed her appetite, too. Then she reached for her phone and rounded the table to perch on the booth seat next to Kari. “Let’s see what they have at the boutique across the street. You know, they offer free delivery downtown.”

  “They do?” Kari leaned closed to Andi so she could see what the woman was bringing up on the screen.

  “Hell yes. And you would look stunning in this.” She poked a picture of a red satin thing that had more straps and lace than actual fabric holding it together.

  “Oh. I don’t know about that.” Kari winced. It was smoking hot, but she wasn’t exactly a model. “I’ve eaten a lot more chips than that woman has in her lifetime.”

  “Shut your face.” Andi tapped a couple more buttons. “You’re a, what…size twelve?”

  Kari nodded.

  “It’s in stock and even on sale.” Andi did a fist pump. “It’s a sign from the universe. In fact…consider it my contribution to the cause.”

  “What are you doing?” Kari lunged for Andi’s phone, but it was too late. Her friend apparently shopped there enough that she had a one-click buy account. And it was done. Andi had ordered the outrageous lingerie for an afternoon delivery to their office.

  “Don’t worry. They bring it in a plain black bag. No one will know what’s in there.” Andi slung one arm around Kari’s shoulder. “You can thank me on Monday. I have a feeling your weekend is going to make for some good lunch conversation.”

  It seemed only fair not to spare the juicy details since Ford, Brady, and Josh had gotten a first-hand look at Andi’s relationship with her three men. And to be honest, it helped a ton to have someone who could understand to discuss this stuff with. Kari felt for the first time like things were falling into place.

  Her past wasn’t haunting her like it had.

  She’d found three incredible men to protect and cherish her.

  And now she wanted to give them all of herself. The parts she’d been suppressing for months. She was ready to set their sheets on fire and see where their newfound freedom could take them if they weren’t holding back.

  Kari’s life had somehow transformed itself, nearly overnight. She had friends, three incredible love interests, and a shot at the life she had only dreamed of before. These people understood her, knew about her past, and didn’t give a fuck. They encouraged her to do what would make her the happiest even when it was scary.

  And if she failed, at least she wouldn’t have to work through it alone.

  “Thank you, Andi.” Kari hugged the other woman.

  “You’re welcome.” Andi smiled at her. “You deserve this. You deserve them. Don’t ever let yourself believe otherwise again.”

  Kari wiped moisture from the corner of her eye, refusing to cave to the urge to weep when everything in her life was perfect, amazing, and bursting with endless potential.


  Kari picked up her ringing phone. She’d technically finished her shift fifteen minutes earlier and had been milling around tidying things up while she waited for the guys to let her know they were on the way for their usual evening pickup. She loved the time they spent together and the discussions they had during the trips to the penthouse—a place that was starting to feel like home to her, too.

  What would they think of the contents of the black bag tucked discreetly under her coat on her office chair? The sooner they came and got her, the sooner she would find out. The suspense was killing her.

  She answered the call from Brady with a giant smile on her face. “There you are. Running late, I assume?”

  It was kind of a miracle that the guys had been on time to collect her from work every other day that week. She knew they didn’t have typical jobs with a standard workweek. So she tried not to be too disappointed. Maybe tonight she’d have to go home to her empty apartment like she had before she’d officially started dating the guys.

  Brady sighed. “I’m so sorry. I lost track of time. There was a significant development in the Peterson case today.”

  Kari twisted the handle of her bag around her finger before letting it unravel. “Hey, you sound like you’re freaking out.” Twist. Unravel. “I hope you’re not planning on leaving that just to come and get me. If you give me an hour or so to go home and change, I’ll even bring you guys some dinner down at the office. The three of you are working on it together, right?”

  “Yeah. We’ll probably be here all night. I’m sorry about that.” At least he sounded as bummed as she felt about missing out on an evening spent together.

  “I understand. This has always been your life. I don’t expect you to change it for me.” She truly didn’t. Some part of her cheered that she could be useful to them. Take care of them again as she had for years now. And this time she wouldn’t have to hide her deeper feelings. “You focus on what you have to do, and I’ll be there soon with supplies to keep you guys fueled up for however long it takes. Okay?”

  “Yeah, perfect. Thanks, Kari. You’re a life saver.”

  “No problem.” In fact…if she took some time to prepare herself properly, put on some makeup and the scraps of lace and silk in the bag beneath her coat, maybe she could he
lp them de-stress some before going back to the grind.

  More than once, especially lately, she’d imagined using that boardroom table for something a hell of a lot more fun than boring meetings. Somehow, she was sure Ford, at least, would be willing to indulge her fantasy.

  Caught up in her wicked thoughts, she must have hesitated too long. Of course Brady noticed. “You sure you’re okay? Maybe Andi wouldn’t mind dropping you off instead,” he suggested.

  “She left about an hour ago. But it’s no problem. I heard the weather is amazing this afternoon. A walk sounds great. Unless you need food sooner than…”

  He dismissed her concerns. “No. Go ahead. Enjoy yourself. Swing by whenever you feel like it.”

  “I always feel like seeing you three.” It kind of shocked her how much that first glimpse after being separated all day impacted her, making her heart stutter and her hands sweat.

  Maybe it did the same to Brady, because he said, “Just say the word and I’ll send Bronson to pick you up and bring you here right now or take you wherever you want to go first.”

  Kari laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m hanging up now. I’ll see you soon. I assume your usuals from Fugu are okay?”

  “Yes. That sounds fucking amazing.” Hell, they probably hadn’t eaten all day if they were wrapped up in whatever it was that had their attention.

  Kari didn’t get a chance to ask because she heard Josh teasing Brady. “What’s taking so long? Are you telling her we’re slaving away at the office or having phone sex with her? Because if it’s the latter, you better put her on speakerphone.”

  Was that an option? If she weren’t in her workplace, Kari might have tested the waters.

  “You’re such an asshole, Josh. No, I’m begging her to bring us dinner. But for that, I’ll eat your sushi, too,” Brady huffed.

  “Kari?” Josh hummed. “Sushi? How long do we have to wait?”


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