Bad Girl Blues

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Bad Girl Blues Page 13

by Brenda Barrett

  Despite his better judgment he called Thomas. He had called him a few days ago to check up on him and he had been completely recovered from the fish allergy.

  Thomas picked up on the first ring.

  "Hey Nick. What's going on?"

  "It's Brigid," Nick said without preamble. "I haven't seen her at class all week. Is she okay?"

  "She's fine. Peachy. Gorgeous," Thomas said. "Seriously Nick, have you ever seen a girl as intelligent and pretty as Brigid and in the same package?"

  Nick ignored Thomas' smug jibing. He was tired of Thomas rubbing Brigid in his face. He felt like asking him if that was the only way he could get a girl, by dating an escort, but he restrained himself—just barely—and put on an even more civilized tone for Thomas' sake.

  "Brigid wants to be a doctor and she is not doing herself any favors by skipping a whole week of classes. It is going to be impossible for her to catch up now."

  "She'll be fine," Thomas said jovially. "I'll tell her that you are concerned though."

  Nick gritted his teeth.

  "I was thinking that I should marry her," Thomas said after a pause. "I mean, what's the sense of living together and not making a commitment?"

  Nick's heart sank.

  "She is so good in bed," Thomas continued, oblivious to Nick's heavy silence. "I don't know why I just don't make it official. She's the..."

  Nick hung up the phone before his cousin could continue. He had suddenly developed a throbbing, tension-filled headache.

  He grabbed his car keys. He had several appointments at the office today. He was officially going to suspend his thinking about Brigid.


  Nick walked briskly into Sunrise Medical, a frown marring his face. He didn't smile at the nurses at the front desk as he usually did, nor did he smile at the patients milling around near the pharmacy, which he had to pass on his way to his office.

  "Hey Nick," Luca called to him, before he could push his door open.

  "Two things," Luca said hurriedly. "The scholarship committee is meeting later to choose a candidate for med school. Our female candidate dropped out for next year. You can submit a name for consideration. She has to be female. All the partners submit a name. We do it every year. This is usually done at the beginning of the year but our chosen candidate is dropping out."

  "Okay," Nick nodded. "Fine."

  "And," Luca said, reaching in his pocket for an invitation. "My engagement party Saturday night coming. Oh, and I am supposed to ask you to be a groomsman. Casey is having her sisters as bridesmaids. Patricia is matron of honor. This feels a little bit like my last wedding, with so many Benedicts, but what can I do? You guys are unavoidably in my life."

  Luca grinned.

  "Sure. I will do it." Nick nodded. "Again. It will be an honor."

  "Don't forget Saturday night." Luca walked off hurriedly and left him standing there, his brain ticking over.

  He would be seeing Brigid again this Saturday night. Maybe he could ask her to leave Thomas and choose him. He had feelings for her even though he knew she was an escort and she was with his cousin.

  But for the first time he was at a disadvantage with Thomas. He was rich and Brigid was with him because of those riches. He couldn't believe that he was actually interested in a gold-digger.

  He sat at his office desk and fumed. Why was he still fascinated with her after all the things he knew about her?

  He closed his eyes and imagined their kiss. He needed to stop thinking about it because thinking about it would get him nowhere. He thought about her and Thomas again for the umpteenth time. What if he submitted her name to the committee for the scholarship? Would she leave Thomas then?

  He grabbed his notepad and wrote her name in bold.

  He picked up the phone and called Luca.

  "Hey Luca," he said when Luca answered. "Tell me how the choosing of the scholarship goes."

  "You submit a name. The committee requests the grades from the school. We short- list the best, brightest and neediest. Why, you know of someone that would benefit?" Luca asked. "Because if we can shortlist three candidates without going through the long selection process that would make the committee happy. We are all busy and most of the committee members are grumbling about going through this again this year."

  "Yes, I know someone," Nick said, still wondering if he were doing the right thing by interfering in Brigid's life. Maybe she wanted to be with his cousin and live a lavish lifestyle.

  "Who?" Luca asked a tad impatiently.

  "Brigid Manderson." Nick cleared his throat.

  "That's Casey's sister." Luca sounded like he had stopped moving. "Are you saying that Brigid wants a scholarship?"

  "Yes." Nick pinched himself, hoping that he wasn't lying. Brigid might not thank him for interfering in her affairs.

  "Okay then," Luca said. "Are her grades any good?"

  "Yes," Nick said, "pretty near perfect."

  "I'll work it out," Luca said and hung up before Nick could say another word. He hoped he had done the right thing.


  Brigid dithered for the longest time outside the heavy oak door of Thomas' house on Monday evening. They had spoken a few times during the week and he had been hinting that he wanted them to step up their relationship a notch when she got back.

  She bit her lip. She knew what stepping up their relationship a notch would mean.

  If she stepped through that door, she would be the equivalent of a mistress—a kept woman but it would be all worth it in the end, wouldn't it? Why was she raking over the same question in her head?

  Just do it.

  Just do it.

  Just do it.

  She could do this. It was just a means to an end. Sex was just sex. She didn't have to have chemistry with the guy, or love him. Look at Sonia; she had done it countless times.

  Nick came to her mind's eye and she squeezed her eyes shut. She couldn't think of him now, or the fact that she loved him. Nick's speech at the marina about loving a woman for who she is was not going to hold water if he found out about her background or the whole escort thing.

  She should forget about Nick right now and concentrate on her future. That was what was at stake. There was no guarantee that she would ever end up with Nick anyway.

  She was young enough to re-write history. She'd become a doctor. It was a lofty ideal, one that would make up for all the things that she had to do to get it. She would help children, children like herself who had a rough start to life. The end would justify the means.

  She took a deep breath. Should she or should she not go along with this?

  The door swung open while the question churned in her feverish mind, and Thomas stepped out. He was dressed casually in jeans and a red shirt. He flashed her a pleased smile.

  "Hey, you are back."

  Brigid nodded mutely and then she took a reassuring breath. What had she been going on about? Thomas was not repulsive; he was a handsome guy with a pretty nice personality and he was kind.

  He hadn't even tried to touch her inappropriately in the three weeks since they had met. He was quite content to wait until she made up her mind to choose him.

  Maybe because he was so sure about her. She winced inwardly. That did not say a lot about her. She went back to listing Thomas' attributes in her head.

  He was considerate. He treated Sonia with respect even though he knew she had quite a past. Apart from that little tiff he had with Nick, which struck her as totally childish, he was sane most of the time.

  So what if he spoke a little too much about himself and his accomplishments? A man had to blow his own trumpet now and again.

  "Aren't you coming in?" Thomas held the door open, a sultry look in his eyes. "Maisie made an amazing dinner. And I have a vintage wine that is sure to titillate the taste buds, and I can give you a massage to ease away all the tensions of the past week."

  "I don't drink," Brigid whispered. She cleared her throat. Her weekend bag slipped to the f

  "What's going on?" Thomas frowned. "You look like you tasted something unpleasant."

  "I" Brigid inhaled and then exhaled shakily. "Thomas, I can't do this."

  "Do what?" Thomas asked, leaving the door opened to come and stand directly before her.

  Brigid could inhale his expensive cologne and she could see that he had a ring of dark brown around his brown eyes. Why hadn't she noticed that before?

  She cleared her throat.

  "My mother was a prostitute, as you've probably gathered. At the time I found out I had to go and look up what the word prostitute meant. Sexual activity in exchange for payment. When I found that out I was only thirteen, and I vowed that I would never be like her."

  "You are an escort," Thomas pointed out. "That's pretty close. Some people would think that they are inter-related, you know."

  "Was an escort." Brigid backed away from him. "I told you I didn't give anyone sexual favors in return for anything, and I am not going to start. I can't do it. I just can't do it and look myself in the mirror and feel comfortable."

  "Brigid, don't walk away," Thomas said roughly. "What do you want, a commitment? I can do that. I am willing to do that."

  "A commitment wouldn't make it any different." Brigid shook her head. "It would still be prostitution. Besides, I am in love with Nick." She said the last bit helplessly. "I love your cousin."

  Thomas stiffened; his eyes flashed a warning. "What the hell? What do you mean you love Nick?"

  "I don't know how, I just do. I am attracted to him. I think about him all the time."

  Thomas growled. "This is crazy. Nick will never want you. You are tainted goods. You have the kind of background that would make the Benedicts run for the hills. So if you are looking for a commitment from him, you are in for a rude awakening."

  Brigid's lips trembled involuntarily; she had already worked that out for herself. Hadn't she?

  "And you can't go to your precious medical school without money," Thomas said smugly. "Unless, of course, you are planning to go back to the escort services you so despise."

  "I'll think of something," Brigid said nervously. Maybe she hadn't thought this whole refusal through properly, a little voice mocked her.

  "And you are going to have to pay me back," Thomas said, folding his arms. "I want a reimbursement. I hired you for six weeks. I barely got my money's worth. You have been one lousy girlfriend; you were not worth it one bit. You fell for my cousin! I can't believe this."

  Brigid inhaled shakily. "That's fair."

  Thomas looked at her, his dark eyes flaring with disgust. "I want my money back today. Cash or else I am going to sue you for breach of contract. You are a party to the contract, aren't you?"

  Brigid's breath hitched. He knew she didn't have any money today. He knew she was on the verge of being destitute. She didn't even have somewhere to live.

  Thomas swung away from her. "Maisie!" he called from the door. "Could you pack Brigid and Sonia's stuff and leave it in the driveway, please?"

  He gave Brigid one last baleful stare. "My car keys. Where are they?"

  Brigid grabbed them from her pocket and placed them on the wall closest to her.

  "Have a nice life," Thomas said dismissively. He didn't even come to get the keys. He slammed the front door in her face. The sound echoed in her ears as Brigid headed for Sonia's car and to her uncertain life of principles and dignity.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Brigid slowly drove down the hill from Thomas' place. She slowed down near where Hazel lived and called her.

  Hazel answered brightly. "Where are you? All of us are at Casey's place. I went over to your old address and there was a really mean guy at the door. He said you didn't live there anymore. Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I am coming by," Brigid said hoarsely. "I have issues."

  She drove up to Casey's place, which was once Hazel's husband’s place. It was a lovely apartment complex, very similar to the one Sonia had lived in. She parked directly in front of the apartment. Before she could get out of the car the front door was swung wide open and her sisters were peering out at her anxiously.

  "Spill it," Caitlin said before she could walk up the short flight of stairs.

  "I have food," Hazel said, concerned. "Are you hungry?"

  Casey hugged her before she could formulate a word. Brigid slumped into the hug. Tears pricked her eyes.

  "What's that for?" she sniffed.

  "You looked like you needed it," Casey said, a concerned look still in her eyes.

  Brigid nodded. "I did. No thanks for the food, Hazel. Maybe later." She slumped into one of the settees in the living room. The AC was on and she closed her eyes and absorbed the coolness. It was nice antidote to her feverish thoughts.

  "I never realized how hot it was," she said in relief. She opened her eyes a crack and saw her sisters leaning toward her in anticipation of what she had to say.

  "I don't know where to start," Brigid said reflectively. "It has been a tough couple of weeks."

  They nodded.

  "I'd say," Caitlin whispered. "You went to St. Ann with Thomas Kellier for a whole week?"

  "No," Brigid said, sitting up. "I went to Portland with him. I found out who my father was and then I went to St. Mary, not St. Ann."

  She rushed into her story, barely pausing even at the various expressions of awe, concern and downright incredulity on their faces.

  "How much money do you owe Thomas Kellier?" Hazel asked after she finished speaking.

  "She doesn't owe him anything," Caitlin said, "Sonia is the one who owes him. She is the person who he did business with. Let him sue her. He is just threatening Brigid because he is a big bad bully."

  "I think it's ten thousand US dollars," Brigid said. "I'll have to call Sonia to find out."

  "Do that," Hazel said. "We'll pay him back this evening. Who does he think he's messing with? He thinks you are alone in this world? I have been saving up some money. I can handle this."

  "So why didn't you come here?" Casey demanded roughly. "You didn't have to stay with him when Big Ed kicked you out."

  "You had your cousins coming from England," Brigid said helplessly, "I didn't want to intrude."

  Casey rolled her eyes. "You are crazy if you think cousins I just met trump a sister who is in trouble. They only stayed for a day anyway. They are in Negril having a blast."

  "Okay, let's go get your bags and stuff." Caitlin got up. "Hazel's new SUV can manage all your luggage. She moved me in here yesterday. There was no need to go back for my odds and ends."

  "You can share a room with me for the time being," Casey said. "I will be gone in three weeks anyway, and then it will be just you and Caitlin."

  Hazel got up. "Well, that's sorted."

  "Wait!" Brigid said. She hadn't gotten a word in after her story. "I can't have you wasting your money on me, Hazel. I can't pay you back."

  Hazel frowned fiercely. "It's not a waste if we can get you out of this agreement with Thomas Kellier, and if you mention paying me back again I will strangle you. And don't for one minute think that I am not mad at you about this whole thing. I am married to a rich man. I already did the sacrificing; you did not have to do any of that escort business stuff you were so determined to do.

  "You could have come to me. You have a stubborn, independent streak that needs to be held in check when it comes to us. We are your family. That's what families do, Brigid."

  Caitlin jumped in. "And can you imagine if we are so willing to help you how much more your heavenly father is to help if you just ask?"

  Brigid swallowed. "I did pray about my med school situation Caity," Brigid shrugged, "the very same day I got kicked out of Sonia's place."

  "Who says God answers prayers the way we want them?" Caitlin countered. "Maybe getting kicked out was the best thing for you at that time. God knows everything best."

  "But I didn't get the money for med school," Brigid reasoned. "How can that be the best thing

  "Girl, all I have to say to you is this: God has a million and one ways to help us, which we know nothing about. If we ask him he'll supply our needs according to his riches in glory. Stop trying to help him out. Just relax."

  "Tell her," Casey said, heading to the door.


  They had carted Brigid’s bags from Thomas' driveway and Hazel had knocked on his door and shoved a check at him.

  Thomas had looked out the door at the four of them, a bewildered expression on his face. "But...I really didn't expect a repayment. I was just..."

  "Threatening her, waiting for her to turn to you because she didn't have anybody?" Hazel completed aggressively. "Nobody threatens my sister, got that? Especially to do something she doesn't want to do."

  Thomas had looked over them, a confused look on his face. "There are four of you?"

  "Did you see his face?" Casey asked, still excited about the whole thing. They were lounging on the settee, watching a local program called Notorious Jamaicans. Caitlin had done popcorn and they were chowing down and talking over their adventure.

  "Yes. Loved his confusion." Caitlin grinned. "Loved it. We were like the Fantastic Four."

  Brigid grunted. "It's more like the fantastic three and in-breed Brigid."

  Casey laughed. "You are funny, and In-breed Brigid does have a ring to it."

  "Seriously guys. My father was my grandfather. My family history is worse than I thought. I am kind of sorry that I know about any of it now."

  "It happens," Hazel said. "It makes me grateful that I have no clue about my history. I am now officially the only one among us who has no idea, and I am almost sure that I don't want to know now."

  Then Hazel got up and headed for her handbag. "I did a bad, bad thing."

  "What now?" Caitlin groaned. "There is only one slot out of the four of us for a bad girl and Brigid already took it."

  Brigid chuckled. "So I am the bad girl? How rich."

  "Yup, the bad girl with the blues, ex-escort, lived with a rich man who kicked her out and has a mother who is related to the devil."


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