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Rax Page 10

by Maia Starr

  A few minutes later, we were below the tower, and I had Commander Vycon Dase and Leader Nizok at my side as we walked through the base.

  “On the left, we have the Earth military battalions. This wide path is about a hundred meters apart from the Battalion on the right, which is your base, the Grantsions.”

  “We would like to meet with Captain Bidu,” Leader Nizok said.

  “Of course, I just got word that he is returning from a scout and we'll meet you in half an hour in the common room of the Grantsion base.”

  “Nicole, what is this?” I turned to see Sergeant Banks standing at the entryway of the Earth Battalion base.

  “Sergeant Banks, allow me to introduce to you new arrivals from Anvin. This is Leader Nizok, and this is Commander Vycon Dase,” I said introducing the two parties. I immediately felt the tension that Sergeant Banks was holding on his body.

  “Sergeant, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Leader Nizok said respectfully.

  The sergeant did not respond he simply nodded. Then he looked at me and said, “I was not aware of new arrivals. Why was I not told of this?”

  “Because it was classified until now,” I said.

  “I don't like the sound of that. I should be made aware of these things,” he said in a stern tone as he took a step toward me. To my surprise and anxiety, Commander Vycon Dase stepped in front of me, blocking Sergeant Banks.

  “As you know, Sergeant, there are some things that require secrecy,” Commander Vycon Dase said, towering over the sergeant.

  “Secrecy is dangerous as far as I am concerned, you blue-skinned animal,” Sergeant Banks said.

  “What?” Commander Vycon Dase roared at him.

  Two Earth soldiers came out from the barracks behind Sergeant Banks and stood tall, ready for a fight. Ready to back up the Sergeant.

  “This blue-skinned animal is here to help you fight off the Waysaw, and this is the way you thank us? We should leave you all to defeat,” Commander Vycon Dase said.

  “We can take care of ourselves, as I've always said,” Sergeant Banks said in return.

  I immediately stepped between them. “Please, we have a lot of work to do today. This bickering will not get anything done in the way of progress. Sergeant Banks, please leave us, or I will be forced to report you to high command,” I said. Fighting with a Grantsion had high penalties. Everyone knew this. The sergeant looked at me with anger on his face. He gave the Commander one last sneer and then turned and walked back inside.

  “Come on; these animals don't deserve our time and energy,” the sergeant said to his soldiers as they followed him and laughed.

  Commander Vycon Dase was pissed. He looked at his leader and his leader held up his hand to him, to calm him. This was exactly what I had been dealing with since day one. Two testosterone driven men of different alien races that did not get along, but were essential to defeating the Waysaw.

  “Please, follow me this way. I apologize for that scene with the sergeant. Everyone is very tensed around here. It is good for them to be on edge in order to be ready for an invasion, but in times of calm like these, it is a problem.”

  They followed me into the Grantsion battalion where I could feel a sense of relief from the tension outside. I showed them around, and they were greeted with praise by their own kind. They were all already acquainted, especially Leader Nizok.

  They met with Captain Bidu and went over a plan of how to train the Earth military to protect their mines. I stood by listening and feeling the commander’s eyes on me. I wondered if it had been obvious that the sergeant and I had been intimate off and on?

  The following day, the President had another meeting with the Leader and commander, and it was dependent upon me to send them the message. I was delighted in being essential.

  It was time for Commander Eriks and I to meet the Leader and commander on the rooftop. My stomach was in tangles as I arranged to see the aliens. For the most part, I was anxious about observing the commander once more.

  Whenever Commander Eriks and I rose to the rooftop, I saw that there was an extensive military presence now watching the skies. It resembled a motion picture set on some enormous blockbuster film.

  Then, we looked at the expansive ship as it opened and the Leader and commander ventured out. When the commander set his sparkling yellow eyes on me, a chill kept running up my spine, and my heart started to thump. The side of his mouth nestled into a smile as he took a look at me.

  "Welcome back, Leader and Commander. We are happy to see you once more. If you don't mind, come inside to the meeting room again. The President is ready to speak with you," Commander Eriks said, a ton less demanding than the day preceding. He wasn't as apprehensive. I, however, was extremely apprehensive, since I could feel the commander gazing at me.

  Commander Eriks turned and walked in, and the Leader tailed him. I was sitting waiting for the commander to follow but then he stated, "After you, Nicole."

  I gave him a slight grin, "Thank you, Commander."

  As I walked before him, I could feel his gaze on my rear end. I could feel his tall, solid body behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. He felt so near me. I could smell his manly scent. Then when we entered the elevator he stood near me.

  At long last, we were before the President on the screen. The Leader and commander went straight into conversing with him about all that they thought about their foe, the Waysaw. The President had a group next to him, researchers and military masters that were asking exceptionally shrewd and imperative inquiries. They were getting ready to have the capacity to bring down this adversary. The Leader and commander were exceptionally agreeable and gave them loads of data.

  "It is conceivable that the Waysaw need your females. They have a reputation of taking females from Earth," the Leader said to the President.

  "Nicole Plimoc," the President said. It snapped me out of my stupor.

  "Yes, sir, Mr. President," I said.

  "Since you are a female, you will require additional security. In the event that you are to go back to your home, then you might be escorted by security, and you will be viewed inside your apartment by security," the President said.

  "Yes sir," I said.

  "I figure this human female might be watched by one of our own kind. On the off chance that the Waysaw do show up this evening, they will single her out since she is one of only a handful of females left in the city. She is excessively critical to our work here. I would like my commander to be part of the group you send to secure this human female. My commander has battled the Waysaw, and he is more qualified to the activity than your prepared military," the Leader said.

  My eyes became wide. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

  "Yes, I trust that is a smart thought," the President said.

  "Great. Then I leave my commander here for you, human female Nicole Plimoc; he is your assurance until the point that you return here in the morning," the Leader said.

  "Much thanks to you," I said rapidly as I would not like to appear to be ungrateful. When a visitor offered you something, you took it regardless of the possibility that you couldn't help contradicting it. The possibility of being with the commander for the following twenty-four hours was exciting and filled me with nervousness.

  Then the meeting was finished. Throughout the following three hours I looked as the commander remained against the divider at attention like a good soldier.

  At long last, it was time to go home.

  "My apartment is close. Just beyond the barracks in that high building,” I said as I walked with him and two Earth soldiers.

  "Lead the way, Nicole," he said with a grin.

  We as a whole walked peacefully, and I was extremely anxious. At last, we reached the front of my building. I was happy to be home.

  "This is it," I said as I stopped before the entryway. The commander gazed toward the building. He was calm. Then he took a look at the two military men and stated, "Post a couple of men around here at the
entryway and also some on the rooftop. Both of you will be posted outside the entryway of her home with me in the hallway. Advise your men that on the off chance that they see a Waysaw ship, they should fire shots. That is the means by which we will know."

  "Yes, Commander, immediately," the men said and went to work. I could hear them on the radio bringing in their group.

  We took the elevator up to the tenth floor where my apartment was. I opened the entryway with my keys, and the commander stated, "Let me check this first before you enter."

  "Okay," I moved to one side. I didn't think there would be Waysaw in there.

  "All clear," he said as he turned out the entryway. "Yell in the event that you require anything."

  "Yes," I said. I walked into my condo and took a look at the tremendous patio outside my sliding glass doors. I became apprehensive, imagining a scenario where a Waysaw landed and got to me before I could even shout.

  "Commander, I have a substantial patio and extensive windows. It would make me feel better if you would sit in the family room of my apartment since I can't keep watch of those windows constantly," I said, understanding that I was welcoming him in to be with me.

  "As you wish," he said as he gestured to the two men to remain in the hallway

  "Much obliged to you," I said as I let him in and shut the entryway.

  "I like your living quarters," he said as he ventured in and moved to the window and remained there.

  "Thank you. I am certain that it is altogether different than what you are acclimated to on your planet," I said as I removed my shoes. My feet were throbbing, and I yearned to wash up.

  "Yes, altogether different."

  "Commander, grab anything you require. This here is the thing that we call the kitchen. This is a fridge; there is water in here and sustenance. If you would excuse me, I want to clean up, that implies cleaning up," I said to him, feeling anxious.

  "Yes, I know the significance," he grinned at me.

  "Right, I will return in almost no time," I said to him. I moved into my room and shut the entryway. I pulled off my clothes and went into the restroom. I ran the water, and soon I was getting a charge out of a steaming hot shower. A piece of me was envisioning him bursting in on me. I would be totally wet and exposed, and he would squeeze me against the shower divider and take me.

  "What are you doing, Nicole? Stop," I pondered internally. I completed my shower and after that moved into my space to pull on a sweatshirt and yoga pants. My stomach snarled. I desired some genuine food. I dried my hair, and after that, I moved once more into the front room.

  "Commander, I am back," I said.

  "Did you enjoy your shower?" he inquired.

  I took a look at him, and he had a grin. He was messing with me. I was flabbergasted by his human ways. He wasn't solid and direct the way I believed that they would be. Truth be told, he was entertaining. I grinned back.

  "Yes, I did. In any case, now I am totally ravenous. I will cook supper. Would you dine with me?" I asked him.

  "It is a date," he said. I took a look at him with wide eyes.

  "Where did you discover that term?" I inquired.

  "As the Leader said, we know a lot in regards to Earth and the people. We have been accepting data from Earth for quite a while. There is much that we know," He said.

  "That is exceptionally uncalled for. We don't know anything of you," I said, giggling as I moved into the kitchen. I hauled out a few vegetables, organic products, and fish. I cooked as I chatted with Vycon. He was extremely pleasant to converse with, and I began to feel less uneasiness and apprehension.

  "If it's not too much trouble to eat with me," I said as I put the plates on the table.

  "It smells flavorful, Nicole. Much thanks to you," he said as he walked over and sat down. He scarcely fit in the small chair.

  "Are all the Grantsions this tall on your planet?" I inquired.

  He grinned. "Yes generally. We run between nine feet to nine and a half and a few of us, ten feet," he said. He took a spoonful of fish and ate. He smiled. "It is decent."

  Thank you," I said as I took a nibble as well. Then I kept on testing.

  "What aboutthe female Grantsions, are they as tall as well?" I inquired.

  He grinned at me. "You need to think about the females?"

  "Yes," I said, feeling myself become flushed.

  "Okay. The females, yes, the Grantsion females are tall, however most are around eight feet, so just marginally littler than us."

  "That is intriguing," I said. I desired to make an essential inquiry, however, I didn't know how as well. "Furthermore, are you with one of these females?" I asked, feeling humiliated when I said it.

  "With a female?" he asked, wrinkling his eyebrows together. In any case, I had a feeling he knew precisely what I implied, however, he was prodding me.

  "I mean, are you with one of these females in a union? Devotedto each other, or what we on Earth call a marriage."

  "Yes, I see. I do know this. We have this too on our planet. We do wed and remain with one female until the end of time."

  "You do? That is astounding," I said as I saw that he abstained from noting my inquiry. There was a cumbersome hush and I put my eyes on my dinner.. Then, at long last, he replied.

  "No. I am not wedded to a female on my planet. I don't have a spouse or a love," he said.

  "Oh" I said.

  "What about you? Do you have a spouse?" he inquired.

  My eyes became wide. "I don't have a spouse. What's more, the man in my life isn't somebody that I am infatuated with," I said.

  "That is good to know," he said. Then he kept on eating. I could feel the chemistry between us developing into a thick strain. I thought that it was difficult to not take a look at his solid exposed chest as he sat opposite me. I desired to gaze at it. He got me a couple of times.

  His long silver hair was messy, and it made him look tough. At long last, we were finished eating, and I could quit gazing at him. I gathered the plates and placed them in the dishwasher.

  "It is a little too soon for me to rest so soon after eating. Would you like to sit and talk or read?" I asked as I advanced over to the lounge room and sat on a love seat. He remained before the footstool and took a look at me with a grin.

  "Those would not be my first chocies," he made a sound as if to speak.

  Is it safe to say that he was stating what I think he was stating? Then he proceeded. "Give us a chance to proceed with our discussion. In any case, you should pardon my successive looks out the windows. I should watch out," he said as he walked over to the mass of glass in my place and looked out.

  As he turned his back to me, I took a look at his posterior. His bottom was tight and lively. His thighs were solid and thick like trees. I discovered my mouth was starting to water as I took a look at him. I was objectifying this alien.

  "Nicole?" I heard him say.

  "What?" I said, snapping out of my stupor. He was taking a look at me behind him.

  "I said do you appreciate living in this city? There is so much concrete. Where is the rich vegetation?" he asked. I realized that he had caught me looking at him.

  "Oh, um. Yes and no. I do appreciate being in nature. In any case, the city is in ruins. It is sad, really. I do miss being in nature, but my work is here," I said.

  "Great to know," he said as he swung back to the window.

  This was the way the following hour went. We made casual banter while he looked out the window at regular intervals. I was delighted about becoming more acquainted with this alien.

  When I at long last was ready to rest I left the entryway of my room open only a split. I experienced serious difficulties nodding off as I realized that Vycon was in the other room. I was contemplating going to him. I thought to hell with it! We could be attacked any second by a threatening alien race; I should live like there is no tomorrow. Be that as it may, I would remain still in my quaint little inn and not make the move to go to him. It would not be right. He was an al

  At long last, I nodded off, yet I could feel him watching me rest. It was an inebriating feeling.

  Chapter Four


  I was stunned when the Leader proposed that I watch the human female that they had been utilizing as a message interpreter, the human Nicole. I had no protest to guarding her, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Yet, I wasn't anticipating that the Leader should send me off to do a job such as this.

  When I joined her in her living quarters, what they called an apartment, I desired to test myself with her limitation. I realized that from the minute that I saw her, I pined to touch her. I desired to kiss her lips. I desired to be within her, so being so close and alone was hard for me. I would not take her though. It was against the Grantsion way. We were forbidden from being with human females. I would honor that.


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