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Rax Page 12

by Maia Starr

  "We know, Leader. We are appreciative of you for the time you have spent here. I know it is a sacrifice on your part," the President said.

  "Please, we ask you to utilize the remaining time with us here," the Leader said.

  "I will tell my group of that data. I will have them accelerate all inquiries they have for you," the President said.

  "Much obliged to you. Presently, what questions do you have for us?" the Leader said.

  Then the meeting started. It was long as all the others were, however, this one felt excruciatingly long, and I knew it was on account of Vycon being so close. I knew it was because I could feel the sting of dismissal once more when he took a look at me.

  At last, it was finished. The meeting ended, and it was time to get back into our normal routine, which meant that the commander would be escorting me to my apartment and watching over me. We had barely said two words to each other all day.

  “Are you well, Nicole?” he asked.

  “Yes, I am. I am going to wash up,” I said, escaping into the bedroom and bathroom. I was mortified to be around him again, alone.

  "I will be around here," he said as he moved to the windows and looked out over the ruined city. I went into my room and after that rapidly cleaned up. When I returned, he was watching out the window pacing before it.

  I snatched a pack of frozen vegetables from the cooler and dumped it in a bowl. I didn't feel much like eating since his dismissal still made me feel debilitated. Be that as it may, I needed to place something in my stomach. I ate the carrots, celery, and zucchini. Once in a while, he took a look at me, yet said nothing. I couldn't stand the silence any longer.

  "So, being what things are, you are taking off? You are returning to your planet of Anvin?" I inquired.


  "Are you happy about that?" I attempted to get more than a single word out of him.

  "Yes… and no."

  "You don't know," I said.

  "I need to see my home once more. But I would prefer not to abandon you," he said.

  My mouth fell open. "What? What do you mean?"

  "You know, Nicole. The possibility of never seeing you again does not sit well with me," he said as he turned from the window and took a look at me. His eyes were buzzing with want.

  "Why did you abandon me like that last night? You acted like you detested me," I said to him, struggling to keep down tears.

  He took three steps and was alongside me in a matter of moments. "No, I don't detest you. I just desired to stop myself. I couldn't simply kiss you."

  "I need you," I said as I stood up from my seat and moved to him,

  "Be that as it may, you are not mine. It isn't right. It is against my rules. I would prefer not to know what it feels like to be within you. Then when I am far from you, I will not need you. If I know precisely what I am missing, then I will miss it more. It is better not to know. Then I can't ache for it," he said.

  "To hell with that. Simply take me, Vycon. Take me now. We have next to no time together now that you are leaving," I said.

  "Damn, Nicole," he said as he pulled me to him. My whole body woke up. I was loaded with adrenaline. His expansive hands climbed up and down my body. I felt so little and fragile underneath them. His mouth squeezed against mine. My hands climbed his hard body. I groaned in his mouth. I desired him. I desired him gravely.

  "I have desired this since the moment I saw you," he whispered between kisses.

  "Then do what you have wanted to do for so long," I said.

  "Yes," he said. He lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around him.

  He took me to my bed and laid me delicately on it. His hands tore at my sweatshirt. He ripped it clean off. He snarled as he took a look at my breasts. Vycon's mouth ravenously moved over them. He licked and sucked on my nipples. I angled my body down accordingly. My hands snatched at his solid back and brilliant blue skin. Then he moved down my tummy and pulled at my yoga pants. I shoved my hands into the waistline and drove them down. Vycon snatched them and pulled them off of my feet and tossed them. I was totally exposed on the bed. I felt feminine and powerless.

  "Nicole Plimoc, you are delightful," he groaned. My breathing was wild. He pushed my legs apart. I sucked in a sharp breath of air as he moved his head down between my thighs. His mouth moved over my wet center. I pushed my hands into his hair. His tongue moved skillfully. I considered how he knew how. Were the Grantsion females the same as us human females?

  I fondled the desire within me by letting my eyes move over his strong body. I had desired this for so long, and the desire I had for this alien soldier was going to detonate. I looked down at him doing his work.

  This blue alien soldier licking me was so damn hot. He was getting a charge out of it. I was getting a charge out of it. Then I squirmed under him as it developed increasingly into an extreme pulsing feeling.

  "I'm going to cum. I can feel it," I said energetically.

  He continued licking me and applying weight to my sweet spot. Then I ignited and groaned uproariously. Vycon was moaning accordingly as he licked me. I felt euphoria wash over me.

  Then Vycon left the bed. I was terrified he had changed his opinion once more. He stood up and ventured far from me. I bit my lower lip. Then he unfastened the belt around his abdomen. He took off his stiff grey uniform.

  I looked as he removed his belt, his boots, and lastly his top and pants. I panted at the sight. His cock was much the same as that of a human man. However, it was a dull blue, much the same as his body. It was huge. It was thick and long and perfect. I took a look at him, and he smiled. His yellow eyes sparkled with want. Then he slithered onto the bed. My hands quickly got a handle on his cock. I desired to feel it. He groaned.

  "Damn that feels so damn good, Nicole," he moaned.

  "Yes, it does."

  He grinned at me. I kept on moving my hands over his cock. I took a look at it. I played with it. I desired to satisfy him as he had satisfied me.

  "I can't take this any longer. I should be within you, Nicole," he said.

  I let go of his cock and laid back on the bed. He groaned as he moved between my thighs. I felt the tip of his cock press against my middle. Then I opened my thighs more. He pushed within me. He was tall to the point that our bodies did not coordinate. He overshadowed me, and I was taking a look at his chest and hard lean abs. I put my hands on his brilliant and excellent chest, feeling each conditioned muscle. Then he drove deep within me.

  "God, yes," I whispered as the sensation was profound and flavorful, particularly in my delicate state of just having had an orgasm.

  Vycon moaned and groaned as he moved slower until he was at long last the deep within me. I wrapped my legs around him. He started to move faster. He swung and turned his hips, and he drew hard against me. He felt so damn great within me. I could scarcely stand it any longer.

  I would discharge once more. I felt it swelling within me. My hands scratched at his back. My legs unfurled from his body and moved into the air. The bed was shaking as he beat me. Then I discharged once more. This time I couldn't talk. I could just groan and bite his chest. He snarled a low snarl.

  A couple of minutes after the fact, I felt his body tense underneath my hands. I realized what was coming. He snarled and moaned, and afterward, he discharged. I felt the warmth of him move through me. Then he slowed.

  He remained still as he stayed within me, attempting to regain some composure. Then he squeezed his body against mine. We stayed silent as we endeavored to recapture ourselves. I rubbed my hands here and there on his back. He groaned.

  At long last, he moved off of me. He lay close to me, taking a look at me. I smiled. He hovered over and kissed me profoundly.

  "That was better than anything I expected. I did not think it would be so…" he said with a smirk.

  "I concur," I said.

  He snickered. “I just didn’t think that a human female could bring that much joy to a Zenkian male,” he said.

  “I un
derstand,” I said.

  Then we lay one next to the other. I began to float off to sleep, but only for a couple of minutes. I opened my eyes and discovered Vycon standing up next to the bed. He was searching for his garments.

  "What's happening with you?" I inquired.

  "Goodness, did I wake you? I am sorry. I would like to give you a chance to get some rest," he said.

  I sat up and squeezed my hands against his naked abs. "No, don't abandon me. Remain with me. Sleep close by," I said.

  "That is what you desire of me?" he inquired.

  "Yes. It is. Well, perhaps after another round?" I said as I wrapped my hands around his staff. He sucked in a sharp breath of air.

  "Sounds good to me," he said with a snarl as he crept once again into bed with me. We went another round before at last nodding off. I had never been more fulfilled in my life, or felt so protected.

  Chapter Six


  I was in a lot of trouble. I had betrayed my own kind. Now that I had sampled Nicole, the human female, I felt extreme guilt. What was I to do? I didn’t know if I could have any more restraint.

  I felt the light of the sun come up and radiate through the window. It hit the bed on Nicole's resting face. She was wonderful. She was fragile and petite. She looked so delicate dozing there. I never desired to wake her up.

  "Hello, and good morning to you, alien soldier," she said as she opened her eyes and grinned at me. Her arms came up over her head, and her toes extended toward the edge as she stretched out in front of me naked.

  "Great morning, human female," I said. "It is nearly time for you to check in at your building of work, the tower."

  "No, I would prefer not to leave this bed. I need to lie here with you," she said as she moved into a fetal position by my body.

  "I feel a similar way, Nicole, yet we have our duties to attend to. The Leader will expect me back also," I said as I kissed her cheek. She moved her face and pushed her lips out to get a kiss. I didn't disappoint her. I kissed her lips for a long moment. But I needed to stop. At long last, I escaped the bed and got dressed.

  "I guess we have to check in," she said.

  "Yes, we do."

  "Did you mean what you said?" she said as she got up and wrapped the sheet around her.

  "What?" I inquired.

  "You said that you desire me," she said.

  "Yes, I would not joke about this. I watch over you, Nicole, and it has made me desire you."

  "Then what can we do about this? Us?” she asked.

  "There is no other option for us. We need to keep what we did a secret. You will get stuck in an unfortunate situation with your people. I will get in a bad position with the Leader and my entire race. It is not worth it. I don't need you to get into any kind of trouble as a result of me. Keep this to ourselves,” I said to her.

  "I will keep it a secret. Yet, you don't leave for a few more days, so we can have some more fun, can’t we?”

  "Yes," I said with a grin. She smiled back at me and afterward moved into her washroom to prepare for her work day. I kept on getting dressed and after that moved into the kitchen to get some water. It would be difficult to abandon her. I didn't know whether I had it in me. But I could not do this again. I had to tell the Leader I could not watch her anymore. I had betrayed my race and broke all the rules. I couldn’t do it twice.

  The workday was much the same as every other day since we landed on Earth, with one special detail: I couldn't quit thinking about being inside of Nicole.

  The whole thing replayed again and again in my brain. It was a distracting. Today was a critical day of meetings.

  There were many inquiries to deal with from both the Earth soldiers and the Grantsion commanders. The Waysaw could arrive any day now.

  As the day wore on, Nicole and I subtly gave each other different looks.

  But I knew that I would not be able to see her that night. I had to remove myself from her altogether. I did not have a choice in the matter. I was feeling all kinds of regret. I did not want to give myself any more reason to want to go against my own race. One time with her was enough to make me question everything; if I were with her again, I would completely lose myself. I had to go with my loyalty. If anyone found out, I could be exiled from the Grantsion Village.

  “Leader Nizok, may I speak with you?” I asked as I found the Leader inside the military barracks talking to Captain Bidu.

  “Of course,” he said as he nodded at the captain and then followed me to the corner.

  “I regret to inform you that I cannot watch the human female this night. I have too much work now that Lieutenant Yata has arrived. I will need to take him to see the copper mine first thing in the morning,” I said.

  “Yes, I understand. I think now that you have set up the soldiers at the home of Nicole, they should be fine without you,” he said.

  “Thank you, Leader, I will get on with my work.”

  I left the barracks and prepared a couple of landspeeders to take Lieutenant Yata out the next day. He was working on the engineering for the shield that we would be working on out at the copper mine. I was glad that the lieutenant had arrived. The faster we got done with this work, the faster I could get back to Anvin and away from her. So why was my mind constantly thinking of the human female Nicole? It was wrong; it was very wrong.

  Hours went by as I worked, and I found myself walking down the wide path that separated the Earth battalion from the Grantsion battalion.

  “Commander, there you are. I was looking for you,” Nicole said as she came up behind me.

  I turned to her and smiled slightly. I looked around. Were we being watched?

  “Hello, Nicole. Good to see you,” I said coldly as I continued walking.

  “I was in the kitchens, and I think I found a more substantial meal for us this evening when you escort me to my apartment,” she said.

  “I have news; I will not be able to escort you and be your guardian this evening. The Leader has asked me to get a substantial expedition together to take the engineer to the copper mine first thing in the morning. I must prepare, and I must get my rest,” I said.

  The smile fell from her face. It pained me to watch that, but it was necessary.

  “Oh, I see that is very important work indeed,” she said. “Then perhaps the evening after,” she said.

  “Possibly, but I am very busy until the day of our departure. You do see how important this shield is and it is the entire reason that I am here: nothing else,” I said once again using a cold tone.

  “I understand. Sorry to bother you,” she said as she walked away. I could tell that she was very angry, possibly even sad. But it was necessary. I needed her to hate me. If she hated me, then she would not want me anymore. It was the only way.

  I avoided her the entire day, the next day I was off to the copper mine with Lieutenant Yata.

  “That is a substantial mine. I can see why the Waysaw would want to get their hands on it,” Lieutenant Yata said as we flew over it.

  “Precisely, and we cannot let them. It would be detrimental to the Grantsion village back home,” I said.

  “That is understood, Commander Vycon Dase. That is why I am here. Why else would we be giving the humans our engineering specialties?” Lieutenant Yata said.

  “Yes, I understand. But some of these humans aren't so bad in temperament after all,” I said.

  “It strikes me as surprising that you would say such a thing, Commander. You have always been very adamant about not helping the humans. I remember you saying they were weak, dumb, and fragile and needed to be conquered,” he said with a grin.

  “True. I have said those words in the past. But the humans being conquered only makes the Waysaw stronger, and we will suffer. But as I said, some of the humans have grown on me,” I said.

  “Any particular humans? Are we speaking about the females?” he asked.

  I gave him a look not wanting to speak of this any longer. “We are he
re,” I said as the landspeeder landed next to the mine.”

  “Good, let's get to work,” he said as the door opened, and we stepped out.

  I was glad to not have the same conversation again. But he was right; I had a reputation on Anvin as someone that disliked the humans. Now I was being completely hypocritical to that reputation and everything I had said in my past. I was no better than the Waysaw that had used the human females to mate with. I was just as bad as they were.

  “Commander, I am going to need your help,” the lieutenant said.


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