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Rax Page 56

by Maia Starr

  "Well, I am not. They will be disappointed. But do what you must,” I said, sticking my arm out to him. This was absolutely ridiculous, but I did not want to be seen as to defiant and like a primitive animal that had no logic. I did not just go around killing like a crazy person. They needed to see it. It was important, and maybe after this test, I would be able to see Kai. Though I knew doing so would get him into trouble. I was stuck.

  After the tests, I was taken to a large room with the Supreme Council. I knew what this was about. I was basically on trial. That's when it happened. That is when the scientist that took my blood ran back in and gave me, and everyone else, such shocking news.

  He shouted out to everyone that I was pregnant. It was a shock to everyone in the room, including myself. I felt extreme happiness at the news, and then I felt panic. Then I felt joy. I was a roller coaster of emotions not knowing where to put my feelings. I wished that Kai was in the room with me. I wished that he was happy about this and would run to me and hug me and we would be happy together.

  It shocked me to think of such a thing because I had not planned this. That was supposed to be one night of fun to save his life and to indulge myself, but I guess we were careless about it. Now I was carrying his offspring. I thought I would be dealing with this on my own, and whatever the Supreme Council verdict ended up deciding. So it was a shock when I heard a familiar voice.

  "Wait!" Kai shouted. I turned to see him standing behind me in the crowd. He took brisk and wide steps forward and stood next to me. My eyes filled with tears. I wanted him to hug me. I wanted him to kiss me and tell me that he was happy about this. I wanted to live freely, with him.

  "What is it, Captain Kai Spornium? What is it that you have to add?" the Supreme Council said once the crowd quieted down a bit.

  "It is my offspring that this human female carries,” he said as he stood up straight and courageous. I felt happy to be able to see him again and to be this close to him. He looked well. He didn't look like the sickly creature that I had seen in the dungeons.

  "This is true, Karissa Lane?” the Supreme Council asked as they turned to me.

  "It is. It is this Corillion warrior's offspring that I carry. We have laid together,” I said.

  "Captain Kai Spornium, it is a crime to take a human female that has not been issued to you. You know this," the Supreme Council said.

  "Yes, I am well aware of the rules. However, when I took her, she had already killed the one that she was matched with. She was on my ship heading back to the lunar moon base when it occurred. At that time, she belonged to no Corillion. She was not even in the Corillion galaxy any longer. Therefore I think that rule may be overlooked, considering that she held me as prisoner, as you said,” Kai said. I liked his quick thinking. This would make sense. They already assumed that I was a superhuman female that could kill Corillion warriors at will and could take one as a prisoner; why not believe that I also took him without his permission in a sexual way.

  "We understand. This was no fault of yours, Captain Kai Spornium,” the Supreme Council stated.

  "Yet, if I may so humbly request of the council, this human female now carries my offspring. That offspring is everything to me; it is everything to the Corillion race. Instead of issuing a verdict for her crimes, I think her punishment should be that I take ownership of her. I will take her to my home. She will be my responsibility,” Kai said.

  The moment he said it, my heart felt lighter. I had to restrain myself not to smile and jump on top of him. I was so happy that he was suggesting this. I held my breath, hoping that the council would go along with it.

  "But the council will be putting you in danger if we allow this. She has already killed another; why would she not do the same to you once you take her?” the council asked.

  "I believe I am safe with this human female. If she wanted to kill me, she would have done so long ago. She had plenty of opportunity when it was just the two of us on the ship. She had another opportunity when I was locked in the dungeons of the lunar base. She did not take either of these opportunities. I do not feel that my life is in danger. But if it is, I take that consequence on my own."

  The council spoke to each other in a hushed whisper. I quickly glanced over at Kai hoping that his eyes would meet mine. But he did not look at me. He only stayed proud and stared straight ahead.

  "May I remind the council that this offspring is mine. By right, I own it. Therefore I should own the mother as well. Isn't the entire purpose of the war with the humans is to keep our race alive by mating with the human females?" Kai added.

  "Very well, Captain Kai Spornium. Your request has been granted. Take your dangerous human female to your home where she will be far from us. Since you are a secondary leader of the Spornium tribe, it makes sense that it is time for you to have your own mate. Especially since your first leader, Yiqua, is no longer with us and is currently being replaced. But because you are the leader of the smaller sect of Spornium, you may claim this human female that carries your offspring. We wish you the best. The property of Karissa Lane is now yours, Captain Kai Spornium,” the Supreme Council said.

  I exhaled a large breath of air, finally breathing normally. I was not going to be put to death. I was going to go with Kai to his home, and although it is not what I had planned, my circumstances had changed drastically with the news that I was pregnant.

  "Keys,” Kai said as he turned to a warrior that was guarding me. The warrior unlocked the chains on me. Then Kai grabbed my arm, harshly.

  "Oh, Kai, I was…” I began to say.

  "Don't. I will hear nothing from you. Just walk in silence for once,” he said angrily.

  I bit my lower lip. I was restraining myself from slapping him in the face. But I knew I couldn't do so here. It wouldn't be seen as a mere gesture of anger toward him. It would be seen as very hostile, and they would be forced to defend him and possibly kill me, and my child. So I stayed silent and let him yank me through the large room. He was practically dragging me. He was still pissed at me. That was fine for now. I understood that we needed to get out of there as quickly as possible before the Supreme Council changed their mind.

  "I need transport to Spornium comet right now,” Kai said to an administrative-looking Corillion that stood outside the large port. I could see ships coming and going; it was a very busy port.

  "There is transport leaving now. You are in luck. Port 560,” he said to Kai.

  "Mark that I, Captain Kai Spornium, and his prisoner mate, Karissa Lane, will be on that transport to Spornium,” Kai said. He made his mark on some sort of screen and then he grabbed my arm and dragged me off again. I was anxious to be going so quickly. This was good news. We were getting off this rock, and he was taking me to his home. Only then could we sort things out. I would keep my mouth shut until then. I did not want to stir up any trouble with the Corillion. I knew that we had been let off out of luck and that we should both be dead.

  But when we arrived, nothing had changed. I saw the stark landscape of the comet Spornium. It was a large gray rock going through the galaxy in an oval orbit. The transport landed inside of a glass bubble. There was a large city in there. This was Spornium.

  I rode in silence with Kai at my side to a very large building built of the same material as the great comet. It was the biggest building in the city.

  "This is it. This is my home. This will be your home,” he said coldly to me as he stepped out of the land vehicle.

  "Kai. Speak to me. I think it is safe now. You do not have to be so cold,” I said to him, hoping that he would drop the act.

  "I will show you to your rooms,” he said coldly.

  "Will we not be sharing a room?" I asked. He did not answer me. I followed him inside the great building. It was beautiful and it was technologically advanced. I was surprised that he lived in such a place. Then I forgot: he was the leader of this tribe in this area. Of course he would live like a king.

  "These are your rooms. You are not to leave th
is area. You will be fed well and treated well. Anything that you need in order to take care of the offspring shall be yours. Now I leave you,” he said as he walked away from me. The door shut behind him. I tried to open it.

  "Kai! You come back here! You cannot shut me out like this! I am the damn mother of your child!” I shouted. But it was no use. I was not going to let him keep this up for very long. If he was going to ignore me, then I was going to have to do something very drastic. No one would treat me like this, especially not a Corillion. I WOULD GET HIS ATTENTION!

  Chapter 12


  Could I really trust her? Could I trust this agent from a human agency known as E.I.A.? She had left me in that dungeon to rot. Did she know all along that she was carrying my offspring? The look of shock on her face when we were all told the news made me think that she did not know. But perhaps she was acting; she was a trained agent after all, trained in deceit and disguise. Perhaps she had already knew and was keeping it from me on purpose. Perhaps that is why she did not come to me in the dungeon; she did not want to tell me. She did not want me to find out. She had been hoping to just be rid of me and go on to have the offspring on her own. I did not want to think of her in this way, but I had to. I had to protect myself. I had to protect the offspring.

  So when I offered to take her from the council, I knew that I had to save my offspring, and that meant saving Karissa's life. I would take her in as my mate. Before it was all that I had ever wanted, after the first time that I was with her. I wanted more and more of her after that first time. But after she left me in the dungeon, I began to see her differently; now I wasn't so sure. But I did not have a choice. She was not my responsibility. She was now my property. She was now the mother of my offspring. But I did not have to love her.

  So I thought it was a clever plan to set her up in comfort in her own portion of my large house. She would be well fed. She would be treated well and taken care of so that she could grow strong and the offspring inside of her could grow strong as well. But I did not need to interact with her. In fact, I took every opportunity to avoid her. I knew that if she started a conversation with me, I would not be able to get out of it. I knew that whatever she had to say would cause me to cave in. But would she mean it? She had been pleading with me, as though she loved me. But had she only decided to change in that way after her circumstances became so problematic and this was her only choice? I was her only choice? I would never know.

  I did everything that I could to avoid her. I had a lot of catching up to do on my responsibilities and work. I was the leader of the tribe after all, and I have been gone for almost a month or more. So the large amount of work kept me very busy. I made sure that Karissa's area of the house was stocked with food and comforts. But knowing that she was nearby was frustrating for me. I was in an internal conflict. A part of me wanted to go to her and be with her. But the other part of me would remember how she abandoned me in the dungeons of the lunar base.

  A part of me remembered that she possibly knew about this pregnancy and had kept it secret from me on purpose. A part of me remembered who I was really dealing with: a trained agent of the E.I.A. It was then that I would get angry and remember not to fall for her at all.

  I would find myself walking to her door and then talking myself out of going in. I would periodically check on her and I would stand out in the hall when food and supplies were delivered to her, but that was because I did not trust any Corillion warriors to be alone with her and because only I could open the door. She was way too tempting; I should know. Only I had the key to open her rooms, so I had to be there waiting in the hall. But I think she eventually caught onto the fact that I was waiting out in the hall, that I was the only one that could open the door. Perhaps it was one of the Corillion warriors that told her I was the only one that could open the door and she figured out that I must be nearby whenever deliveries came to her. She must have known in order to make a plan like the one that she came up with, one that was shocking, but also very effective.

  "Make sure to empty any refuse in there when you deliver these foods. I do not need my mate living in filth,” I ordered the two Corillion warriors that were standing outside of her room hallway with me.

  "Yes, Captain,” they said as I passed my hand on the wall and the door opened. Before they could enter, Karissa stepped out into the hallway completely naked.

  We all stood there frozen, staring at her gorgeous, naked body. Her long black hair was down, and a part of it covered her ample breasts. But I could see her rosy, hard nipple sticking through the strands. My body groaned and ached for her. My eyes moved down her body to her firm belly and long thighs and the treasure between them. Then my eyes moved up to her face where her full red lips were smirking, and her eyebrow was arched. I was completely hard in an instant. Then I remembered that there were two other warriors standing there staring at her.

  "Leave us,” I said to them angrily. They reluctantly turned, getting their eyeful before they left. I angrily scooped her up in my arms.

  "Karissa, have you lost your mind?” I said as I carried her inside. She put her arms around my neck and pushed her fingers into my hair.

  "I had to get your attention somehow,” she said as her hands moved from my neck over my shoulder and over my chest as she began to rub me up-and-down. I shut the door behind me and then I carried her over to the bed. I placed her on it.

  "What is the meaning of this?” I said to her, trying to stop myself from jumping on top of her. I moved away from her and grabbed a sheet and placed it on top of her. She only pulled it off of her and lay there naked.

  "I miss you inside of me. Do you not miss being inside of me?” she said to me sensually. It was not what I wanted to hear. I wanted her to fight and argue with me. I wanted to get my blood raging in such anger that I would leave her, walk out of there. But that's not what she was doing. Instead, her hand moved up and down the inside of her thigh. It was torture to watch.

  "I must get back to work. Do not pull a stunt like that again," I said to her.

  She narrowed her eyes at me and then stood up on top of the bed. Now she was just as tall as me. She grabbed my face and pulled it to her and planted a kiss on my lips. That's it. That's all it took. I was gone with just this one kiss.

  My hands instinctively went to the small of her back, and her naked, soft skin felt amazing underneath my large hands. She was so damn soft and smooth. I kissed her deeply and her mouth opened, letting my tongue in. I rubbed my hands up and down her back. There was so much that I wanted to say to her, and so much that I'm sure she wanted to yell at me. But all of that was gone in this one moment. I picked her up into my arms and kissed her, ravishing her. I couldn't wait any longer.

  Chapter 13


  I had to do something. I couldn't stand the way Kai had been avoiding me. He wasn't even bringing me food and supplies; he had his warriors do it. There was no way that I could ever get his attention. I would plead with the warriors to have him sent to my chamber, or to let me go to him, but they were always so good to follow the orders that Kai had given them. After a couple of days, I’d had enough of this. I was going to do something drastic in order to get his attention, and I knew it would work.

  I figured out that the only way to open the door was with Kai's handprint. One of the warriors had let that small amount of information out by mistake when they once brought me food. It was then that I realized that he must be out in the hallway. He was the only one that could open the door, therefore, he had to be present.

  After finding this out, I put my plan into action. The warriors came at the same time every three days to bring supplies and to take out the trash. It was like clockwork. So I knew exactly when they would be coming. So I waited. I stripped off all my clothes and wrapped a sheet around me. Then I waited by the door just a full minute before I knew it was going to open. I pulled my hair down and let it loose, tumbling over my chest. I was ready. As so
on as the door opened, I dropped the sheet and stepped out into the hallway, completely naked, completely confident.

  There Kai stood, just as I had predicted. He stood there frozen as he stared at me, and so did the other two warriors. They were not expecting this. I had caught them all off guard, and now they stared at me with open mouths. I watched as Kai allowed his gaze to go up and down my entire body. It was then that I realized that he still wanted me as I heard a slight groan escape his mouth.

  So when he picked me up and put me on the bed, I knew that I had at least made some progress. He had not been into these rooms since the first time that he brought me here. Now we were alone, and I was going to get his attention. I was going to prove that he wanted me and that his stupid silent treatment was nothing more than that: stupid.

  I stood up on the bed and pulled him to me, kissing him. As soon as his lips pressed to mine, I remembered how good he felt and I was not going to let him get away.


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