Leaving Dreamland

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Leaving Dreamland Page 6

by Jessica Jarman

  “That’ll take a few hours. The engineers can add on the launchers. But the alien ship will need to open a hatch, not just send out a beam. They need to give us access to the inside of their ship or we’ll have to blast our way in,” Meg said.

  “We can do it if we have to.” Samantha nodded. “We’ve got to make the move while we have the opportunity and the surprise of the weapon. If we don’t get access, we won’t deploy the weapon. But after last time, they’ll be expecting more of a fight so it might be a challenge.”

  “You need bait,” Shannon said.

  “No!” Gavin and the guys exclaimed.

  “Hell no!” Hastings said.

  “Ditto!” Bonnie agreed.

  “You need something they want. Either they want a hybrid or they don’t. It might not even work. They could’ve yanked me up to their ship yesterday, but they didn’t. If they want hybrids, maybe it’ll keep them from blasting our ships out of the sky?” Shannon suggested.

  “It’s too dangerous,” Hastings said.

  “What if we just use some tissue samples?” Liz asked.

  “Put hybrid DNA samples on the fighters? Interesting.” Meg nodded. “Depending on how sensitive and thorough their scans are, it might fool the Keelons into thinking our fighter pilots are all hybrids.”

  “I can live with that,” Hastings said.

  “A little bit of dead skin? A cheek swab? Really? You don’t think they’ll see through it?” Shannon shook her head.

  Samantha sat forward. “In the heat of a battle, no one will test too long or in detail. If that’s what they’re looking for and they get a hit, odds are they’ll act. What their action will be, we can’t be sure. Their technology is superior, no doubt about it, so they’ll be far more confident.”

  Shannon frowned. “Well, you can have all of the DNA you want. But I’d rather help in a real way. I hope the aliens fall for dead skin cells.”

  “You will help us. Everyone plays their part.” Gavin put a hand on her shoulder. She didn’t relax at all, and he wondered if Shannon could handle the fact that people might die in the battle.

  * * * *

  Pacing her quarters, Shannon felt a little betrayed that her men were willing to fight but wanted to keep her under glass. Everyone wanted her locked up and hidden away.

  “Putting yourself in danger is a very bad idea. Hastings’ focus would be on you and not the mission,” Milton said.

  “Like he cares about me.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s a sperm donor, not a father.”

  Curtis shrugged. “He knew about you all your life, but you haven’t tried to get to know each other.”

  “He never tried. Never visited once. He let my birth mother die before I got to meet her, cheated on his wife and could’ve really messed up Bonnie’s life. Let’s not worry about Hastings in all of this,” she said.

  “When he’s the one running the attack, you do need to take him into account.” Gavin folded his arms.

  “He’s a professional soldier and leader. He should be able to block out personal issues for the greater good. Isn’t that what he did when he brought me here without any explanation? You guys had to force him to tell me the truth. I’ll do things my way, and he’ll do things his.” She smiled.

  “You’re not exactly battlefield material. You’re an astronomer,” Ross told her.

  “Fine, I’ll play nice. If he fails, don’t blame me.” Shannon had no intention of being a quiet mouse in the corner, but the guys needed to hear it.

  “Good.” Milton hugged her tight.

  “Now, I really could use some affection to get all this war crap out of my head. I’m used to gazing at stars, not talking about weapons.” She kissed Milton softly.

  “You can’t use sex to win an argument,” Ross said.

  She smiled and stripped off her clothes. “No? I don’t think anyone will win this argument anyway. I compromised so we might as well enjoy each other before we have to be serious and in danger.”

  Without waiting for a reply, she headed into the bedroom and tossed out condoms and lube packets on the bed. Sliding onto the soft sheets, she watched as the men filed in and removed their clothing.

  They might be alien soldiers, but she was a woman. Human or hybrid, she knew how men worked. She pulled Curtis onto the bed and kissed him, rubbing her breasts to his chest until he grabbed them. His rough hands made her press for more as her hands worked his cock. Once he was hard, she slid on protection and moved to ride him. Gavin lifted her up and set her on Curtis’ face.

  As Gavin kissed her mouth, Curtis ate her pussy, Milton sucked her breasts, and Ross worked her ass. Their tongues ruled her world, and she rocked for more. When Curtis’ tongue wasn’t enough, she pushed back and Ross guided her onto the cock. Curtis was curved just right, and she moaned as she pressed all the way down on him.

  Milton joined Ross behind her, and she relaxed as they lubed her ass. Milton pressed to her body, and she held still to enjoy every stretch. He was pushed into her even more as he took Ross’ cock, and she felt the weight and angle shift in Milton’s position.

  “Like it?” she asked him.

  “I love being in the middle.” He kissed her cheek.

  Gavin stood, his feet on either side of Curtis and rubbed his erection over Shannon’s lips. She licked and kissed it playfully before grabbing the base and sucking the thick member in her mouth. Savoring the moment, she noticed they weren’t moving too fast. Everyone wanted to enjoy the passion and calm.

  Hands squeezed her breasts, but she had no idea whose. Ross and Milton’s moans echoed her feelings, but her mouth was full. Twirling her tongue around the head of Gavin’s shaft, she loved the sound of his groans. Curtis lifted, and she gasped, grabbing Gavin’s tight ass as she rocked harder.

  “You like all this attention?” Gavin teased.

  She nipped at his balls. “I love the group thing. It’s so natural.”

  The men sped up, and she was overwhelmed with heat and friction. The spark started deep inside her and spread slowly. Her hips snapped down on their two cocks as she pressed her face to Gavin’s erection and licked. She’d bite him if she wasn’t careful as she shuddered with a strong orgasm.

  Curtis reached up and stroked Gavin’s cock until he came. Lost in her pleasure, she lapped at the cream but listened to Milton and Ross shout in release. She ground down on Curtis and tightened her cunt around him until he grabbed her hips.

  His grunts sent shivers through her, but the way he lifted her off the bed felt wild and desperate for release. When his thumbs rubbed her clit, she screamed at a fresh round of throbbing throughout her body. Her nails dug into Gavin’s thighs.

  He knelt down and kissed her then kissed Curtis. Shannon grinned and rubbed the cream into Gavin’s body as he moved to the side. Milton eased from her body, and her muscles ached in a wonderful way. Rolling on the other side of Curtis, she watched Milton and Ross kissing.

  One day, she’d make them all just screw around and let her watch. It sounded like heaven right now. Of course, when she got the show, she’d want to join them. The right time would come, but now, she’d needed her brain fully occupied with hot men. No time to think.

  “Feel better?” Milton asked.

  “A little. For now. You might need to spend all night keeping me busy so I don’t plot a way to get more involved.” She hugged Milton to her body and kissed him as Ross slid in between Gavin and Curtis.

  “I think we’re up to the challenge,” Gavin chuckled.

  “Definitely, we’ll wear you out!” Ross agreed.

  Chapter Eight

  Sitting in the lab as Liz took the cheek swabs for DNA samples to plant on the ships as bait, Shannon hoped they had some time before the Keelon’s next attack. The planes were outfitted with the weapons and ready to go. Still, Shannon’s life had gone from dull and quiet to insanity in one night. She wanted more time with her guys before bad things happened.

  Samantha surveyed the small tube with a cotton swa
b in it. “It can’t hurt.”

  “I’d rather go. I feel so useless.” Shannon sighed.

  Samantha shook her head. “You’re not a fighter or a pilot. You’re better off here. There’s only room for a pilot in a standard fighter jet.”

  “What if it’s not DNA they recognize? What if it’s me? Who knows what will trigger them? Do we want to take that chance? I want to get that weapon in there,” Shannon told Samantha. “Is there room in the jet?”

  “No, really, you just need to stay here. The aliens will attack. We’ll make it work.” Samantha gathered the tubes in a bag.

  Shannon had the feeling she had to see the ships. Had to do something more. Like a passive fool, she’d pretended there was no problem here for months like a passive fool. “Can I see the ship? Just to be nosy.”

  “Sure. I know it’s hard not to be part of it. My guys are furious they’re grounded, but the powder could kill them.” Samantha led the way to the hangar.

  “Do you think it’ll be long?” Shannon asked.

  “Never know. That’s life in the military. Orders come in and you go at the drop of a hat. No warning. We’ve been trained for this.” Samantha nodded to her larger plane in the hangar.

  “It doesn’t look like the others.” Shannon climbed the ladder and checked it out. There was only one seat, but there were areas around the back. She climbed in and pushed open a compartment. It was empty for now. “Thanks. Why is your plane different?”

  “This isn’t Air Force design. It was made here at Area 51 for fighting the Keelons. There are heavier shields, bigger engine and space in the back for more of the weapon. If the aliens deploy on the ground, I’ll be able to drop the powder on them and neutralize the threat. So it’s really important you and the alien guys stay inside. We don’t know what’ll happen.”

  Shannon took in the information. “Wow. I didn’t know Dreamland made its own planes. I hope you have a safe flight whenever you go. I hate the idea of so many lives at risk.”

  “Thanks.” Samantha nodded. “The Keelons made themselves enemies by kidnapping people against their will. Abducting people from their beds is almost as bad as training little boys to be fighters. There’s a reason our men don’t want to go back. We’re doing the right thing. If we can hurt their crew, hopefully, no more will come.”

  Shannon smiled. “I just hope we win. Maybe then you can take me up at night so I can see the sky and feel like I’m up there.”

  “Sure, once it’s safe. It’s a great feeling. First, we have to get rid of the Keelons, so I’m going to pass out the DNA samples. Don’t touch any buttons in there but look all you like.” Samantha walked off.

  “Thanks.” Shannon shivered at the thought of being kidnapped and taken away from her family. Did the Keelons even know English? The idea of being abducted was terrifying, but the idea of being unable to communicate at all made it worse somehow. The panic and terror. “If they wanted to communicate with us, they could without hurting people,” she said to herself.

  If there was anything she could do to get that hatch opened faster, Shannon wasn’t going to let the Keelons hurt anyone else.

  * * * *

  It was a week after she’d seen the planes when Shannon finally heard the blaring sirens calling for a full offensive just after dusk. She was supposed to report to the observation room and watch safely with Bonnie and their father. Her guys were to provide security with other alien groups inside Dreamland. None of the alien allies would be near any of the jets since a trigger could misfire and send the powder airborne.

  That was a stroke of luck. She went her way and they went theirs. Instead of the observation room, she raced for the hangar and headed straight for Samantha’s special plane. She scurried up the ladder. Everyone was so focused on their tasks that no one noticed her. Climbing into the back area, she found the compartments on either side were locked down.

  They had to be filled with the powder. Shannon tried the wider center compartment, and it opened. She sighed in relief when she saw it was empty then slid inside and closed the door. The plane vibrated, and Shannon stayed silent. If Samantha found her, Shannon knew she’d be kicked off.

  She held the floor as the fighter started to move. Closing her eyes, she tried not to think about what might happen as her stomach flipped with the motion. The ride was rougher than on a commercial airplane, but she was pretty glad she couldn’t see the looming Keelon vessel.

  When it felt safe enough, she pushed open the compartment and crawled the short distance to where Samantha was strapped in.

  “What the hell?” Samantha said.

  “I had to.” Shannon looked around.

  “Base, I’ve got a stowaway. Be advised Shannon Madison is on board.” Samantha turned to Shannon. “You’re lucky this Keelon ship is low in our orbit.”

  “It’s safe?” Shannon asked.

  “You’ll be okay. I just don’t see why you’re doing this.” Samantha hit buttons.

  “Return to base! That’s an order!” Hastings cut in on the com link.

  “No! You’ve got the special ship and the good weapons.” Shannon saw the Keelon vessel and froze.

  Suddenly, the whole plane shook. “They’ve got us,” Samantha said.

  “Opening their hatch?” The view of the stars was beautiful, but that wasn’t the point of the trip. Shannon stared, but wasn’t exactly sure where to look. “Wow, that’s a big ship.”

  “Yep, we’re out gunned, but if they wanted to wipe out Earth, they’d have done it already.” Samantha sounded so calm it shocked Shannon.

  She couldn’t stop staring. “How can we possibly beat them?”

  Samantha smiled. “See that hatch opening?”

  The hint of movement excited Shannon. “Get them!”

  “Firing!” Samantha said.

  One drone rocked the ship as it launched. Shannon watched it fly then disappear.

  “Remote detonation,” Samantha ordered through her com link.

  “Firing second round,” came a voice over the intercom.

  “Is it working?” Shannon watched carefully.

  “It’s starting to spread now.”

  “Third round ready. Detonate second drone,” Samantha ordered.

  “Firing round three,” another pilot confirmed.

  “Base to pilots, shields are down. Fire at will!”

  Shannon covered her ears at the noise and really wondered why she’d done such a dumb thing. The beam was gone. Suddenly, Samantha’s plane turned sharply and picked up speed.

  “Headed for home. Hastings is going to kill me,” Samantha said.

  “No, I won’t let him. Did we win?” Shannon asked.

  “Yep, we drove it over the open desert, and it’s crashing. Plenty of stuff to dissect and research for the science geeks,” Samantha answered.

  As they landed, Shannon never wanted to get on a plane again. Samantha and some men helped Shannon out of the plane.

  Bonnie charged over. “What the hell were you doing?”

  “I can barely hear anything. My head hurts.” Shannon shook her head.

  “You’ll hear Dad screaming.” Bonnie grabbed her sister by the arm and yanked her toward Hastings’ office. “You’re nuts. You could’ve been killed!”

  “You found her and she’s fine. Good!” Hastings walked out into the hallway. “I have to go manage damage control before the press gets wind of this. At least, the ship fell in government property.”

  “It didn’t hit any people or buildings, did it?” Shannon shouted.

  “No one was hurt. Get her to medical and checked out. I’ll yell later.” Hastings charged off in another direction.

  “Your men are going to love this.” Bonnie shook her head. “You think one annoyed boyfriend is bad, try three.”

  “I’ve got four!” Shannon shouted.

  “Be glad your hearing is muffled. Between them and Dad, you’ll never hear the end of this stunt. But I’m glad you’re not being passive anymore. You just need
to pick your moves better.” Bonnie smiled and walked her sister into the medical ward.

  * * * *

  Curtis and the others surrounded Shannon’s medical bed. They’d been searching for her from the second Bonnie had called to find out where she was.

  Liz finished putting drops in Shannon’s ears. “A little vertigo and ringing in the ears is normal. Come back in a few days, and I’ll make sure things look okay.”

  “Thanks,” Shannon said.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Gavin demanded.

  Shannon sat up. “I wanted to help.”

  “You had no business endangering the mission,” Hastings bellowed as he stalked in.

  “I think she risked her neck more than anything.” Curtis couldn’t believe Hastings’ approach.

  “The pilot was in as much danger as she was. The extra weight made the jet fly low. You’re lucky the shot landed.”

  “They singled out the ship I was on,” Shannon pointed out.

  “That could’ve been nothing more than seeing there were two people. Maybe they thought you were a secret weapon because there were two people on that ship and not the others. Why isn’t the point. You attracted danger. At least, the end result is good. I’m glad you’re not hurt.” Hastings turned and left.

  “So that’s your idea of being a father? No wonder Bonnie wanted to get away from you,” Shannon yelled after him. She hopped off the table and vertigo kicked in.

  Curtis caught her before she fell. Milton supported her other side, and they helped her walk from the medical area.

  “Slow for now. Take it easy,” Curtis said.

  “He’s a jerk,” she mumbled.

  “He’s running a huge base. It’s not just your life at stake. Everyone in Dreamland is his responsibility. Not following the plan meant you could’ve gotten others hurt while they were looking for you.” Curtis understood the burden of leadership more than others.

  “I didn’t get Samantha in trouble, did I?” Shannon shook her head. “I’ll explain it was all my fault.”

  “Let me handle that. I’ll talk to Hastings once things are under control. For now, we need to go to our quarters and let things settle down. They have a lot of clean up to manage before that sort of conversation is needed.” Curtis nodded to Gavin who opened the door to their quarters.


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