Book Read Free

Shared by the Alphas

Page 12

by Jayce Carter

  Had the shower muffled the sound? Maybe. Who cares? He let her go with a noisy pop, then took one hand off her hip.

  “You taste delicious, doll, like I knew you fucking would. You got a cunt meant for feasting on, but I know that sound you’re making. You empty?” His lips pulled into a promising grin, and even in the soaked shower, she knew the shine on his lips came from her.

  Kane didn’t wait for her to answer, taking two fingers and shoving them into her with a hard push. The stretch bordered on painful, but that was what she needed. She needed him to overwhelm her so much she couldn’t think past the feelings. She needed him to take her so hard, to force her to only react, to live only in the moment.

  He must have understood her need, because that was what he gave her. He set a hard pace with those long fingers, fucking her in a way her own fingers hadn’t done the night before. He forced her to take them, over and over again.

  “You’re so fucking tight. Funny that with how needy this cunt is, you’re still so tight. Won’t be after I fuck you, though. Nah, you’ll be stretched out on my knot.” His breath spilled over her clit before he blew a stream of cold air that drew a shiver from her. “You got any idea how many times I’ve come thinking about that? Thinking about all the ways I’m gonna fuck you, and trust me, it’ll be a lot. Gonna put you on all fours and mount you. Gonna hold you up against a wall like this and pin you there with my cock, force you to take every inch I got. Fuck, gonna lay you out on a bed, tip that head of yours back, and slide my cock down that throat. You know how tempting that shit is? I want to feel you gagging on me, feel you give in and swallow me down, see the way my cock’ll look down your throat, those pretty tears that’ll fall outta the corners of your eyes.”

  Tiffany couldn’t breathe as she pictured it, as if she were there, as though she already had his dick between her lips. How would it feel to be so powerless? To give in so fully to him? All that power, all that strength, all above her and using her mouth as he wanted to?

  She tightened her hand in his hair, pushing his lips back to her clit as the image overwhelmed her.

  He chuckled against her cunt before giving her what she wanted. He licked once more, a lazy stroke that even went down to where his fingers still fucked her, to where her lower lips stretched around him, before he latched around her clit again. He sucked with deep draws, rhythmic and building in pressure. Each pull had her moaning louder, had her fingers tightening and her hips rolling toward him.

  He set her off when he pulled back and shoved a third thick finger into her. Any other time she’d have said it hurt, but right then? The burn, the sting, the too-damned-much sensation melted into something wonderful inside her.

  Her legs shook as she came against his lips and around his fingers. He didn’t stop, fucking her harder if anything, taking every sound she made as an offer to keep going, to take more, to give more. Each drag of his large knuckles against her spasming walls made her yank his hair to stop, but he didn’t.

  He growled, loud even above the falling water, but he didn’t release her. His gaze flashed up to hers, and he reminded her of a beast with a meal. He was a man with no intention of letting it go.

  He scraped his teeth over her swollen clit and curved his fingers inward, toward her front wall. Before the first orgasm had even faded, before she’d caught her breath, he shoved her head-first into another. It crashed over her, dragging her beneath the enormity of it. She gasped in greedy lungfuls of air, but it didn’t cool her, didn’t help.

  Especially because he still didn’t stop. He still didn’t give her a break.

  “Please,” she begged, her legs trembling and weak.

  “One more.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Yeah, you can. One more and I know you won’t fucking worry about shit. Plus? This thing in my head is screaming to not let you go, screaming to fuck you against this wall. You got any idea how hard it is to deny it? To not shove my dick so deep into you that you won’t ever forget it?” He nuzzled her thigh, never letting his nose drift far from her, as though he still needed the scent and planned to tattoo it on his DNA. “You keep getting hurt, and you keep smelling like these other alphas, and now that I got you to myself for a minute, I ain’t wanting to let you go. Since I’ll have to, give me one more. I want to see you over-fucking-whelmed and crying and shaking for me.”

  Tiffany wanted to say no. She wanted to tell him she couldn’t.

  The lust in his dark eyes, the need that went deeper than anything she’d seen before had her nodding.

  He traced his tongue up the crease of her thigh, the pink against her skin like a reminder of where that tongue had been and where it was going again. He offered a nip to her hip bone, a sting that was like him—unpredictable, uncomfortable, too much.

  As quickly as it had happened, he returned to her pussy. His lips surrounded her clit, a nip like the one he’d done earlier, but to her clit? She bucked her hips forward. For more? Less?

  She didn’t know.

  He pressed three fingers deep into her, then pulled one out. The loss had her whining, but the whine turned startled when he twisted his wrist and pressed that same finger to her ass. The pressure made it clear what he planned.

  He didn’t coax like Kieran had when he’d done that. No, this wasn’t a game, this wasn’t him testing to see if she liked it. He pressed against her hole with purpose.

  He was going to fuck her ass with that finger, while his other two took her cunt, and he planned for her to come while he did it.

  The tightening of her stomach said she would.

  Tiffany’s mouth dropped open, her hand flinging to the side, catching the shower handle to ground herself against the unfamiliar pressure of his finger.

  He growled low. Not a purr to reassure her, but a sound to scold her. Even without his voice, she recognized the meaning, could hear it as well as if he’d spoken out loud. Stop trying to keep me out, doll. I’m gonna fuck your asshole and you’re gonna love it. You’ll only feel it more if you keep clenching, but it won’t stop me.

  He scraped her clit with his teeth again, causing her to clench everywhere, and as soon as she loosened again, he pressed hard. His finger, soaked from her wetness, sank into her ass.

  It wasn’t much. He had only pushed in to the first knuckle, and only one finger, yet the feeling went straight to her cunt. It was wrong and weird and new and so much more than she could process. She wanted less and more at the same time, wanted him to pull out and yet the thought made her clutching hands curl to pull him deeper.

  His growl transformed into a wild snarl, one she felt through where his mouth pressed tight to her, and she lost any fight she might have had.

  As he withdrew the finger and fucked her again, all fingers moving at once, his lips adding pressure to her clit, she came.

  This time he eased her through it, softening his touch so he offered light flicks of his tongue and a gentle rocking of his fingers, enough to prolong it, to bring her down, to soften the effects. His lips left her clit, instead showering affection on her cunt, her thighs, her hips. He caught any drop of her juices he could find before withdrawing his fingers.

  The pull against her sensitive ass as he left her made her cry out, something between pain and pleasure.

  “Easy,” he whispered as he stood and placed his forehead to hers.

  Tiffany leaned up to kiss him, but the moment she tasted herself, she lavished the same affection on him. She used her tongue to clean her cunt from his lips, to taste her own need on him. He only groaned and allowed it, his fingers carding through her hair.

  When she’d finished, when her lids felt too tired to lift, with her body worn out and buzzing at the same time, he pulled her flush against him for a kiss.

  And Tiffany knew, whatever was going to happen, she couldn’t lose this.

  * * * *

  Kieran held his temper even as Kane sat beside Tiffany. When she’d come down the stairs beside him, reeking of the other alpha, K
ieran had ground his teeth so tight his jaw ached. He’d said nothing, not wanting to worsen the situation.

  He didn’t own her. She’d been through enough without worrying about him flying off the handle.

  With all the risks and unknowns involved, the smartest thing seemed to go somewhere unexpected to talk.

  It left them all at Bryce, Joshua and Kaidan’s home. Well, theirs and Claire’s, their unexpected omega. The feminine touches showed where she’d left her mark on the home she’d claimed. The woman had once held a gun on Kieran, making it clear that despite how fragile she appeared, she’d been created with tougher stuff. Not that he held grudges.

  Marshall sat at the kitchen island beside Kaidan. Joshua and Claire sat on the floor by the table, and Kieran and Bryce paced while Sam leaned against the armrest of the couch.

  “Do we have an ID on the man who broke in?” Bryce halted his pacing long enough to toss Sam the question.

  “Yeah. Bradly Howard. Two-bit criminal who does others’ dirt work.”

  “But if he’s dead, it’s over, right?” Tiffany asked.

  Kieran and Bryce exchanged loaded looks. Her voice held so much hope he’d have liked to tell her yes, to say it was over and she could sleep easily.

  He couldn’t lie, though. “No. Someone like him wasn’t after you for himself. Whoever he is working for is the problem, and since he failed, they’ll send someone else.”

  “Someone for what, though? I haven’t done anything!”

  Joshua answered. “You did something—we just don’t know what, yet. I pulled the cameras on Kieran’s house. Same two cars have been passing it and parking down the street. They didn’t realize his security cameras could zoom that far.”

  “They’ve been watching me there, too?” Ah, there was that spark of anger Tiffany had. She didn’t sound so frightened anymore, with anger taking over. Good, he’d rather she be pissed.

  Sam stepped in. “My guess is they tossed your place looking for something. They tore it apart too well and didn’t take anything, so they had to be searching it. I’d say that man did it then waited for you to show. Marshall’s cameras didn’t show anything, so he probably followed you from your place to Marshall’s.”

  “For what?”

  “People only track down someone for a couple of reasons. One, the person knows something. Two, they have something. Three, they can get something. Since he searched your apartment first, I’d guess they think you have something.”

  “But what?”

  He shrugged. “If I knew that, I’d already have this closed up. The timing is strange, though. It all started after Randy, after the hospital. So far, we’re looking at it involving Randy, your old life or what happened at the warehouse.”

  “That’s a lot of options,” Tiffany offered.

  Kane squeezed her knee. “We’ll figure it out, doll, but we can’t go back to any of our places. Whoever the fuck we’re dealing with is well connected and knows where we all live.”

  Kieran hated to agree with the asshole, but he was right. “I need to take her somewhere off the grid, something unconnected to anything.”

  “You? Fuck that, I’m going, too,” Kane said.

  Before Kieran could argue, Marshall spoke up. “I’m going, too. I’ve already talked to hospital and told them I’m taking some personal time. And don’t argue, Kieran. Are you going to tell me she wouldn’t be safer with three of us watching than with just you?”

  Kieran wanted to argue—he wanted to tell them they could all fuck off, that he wanted that time with her on his own. Except Marshall was right, and her safety was more important than his jealousy.

  He snarled low. “Fine. That doesn’t tell us where to go.”

  Tiffany sat up straighter, meeting his gaze. “I’ve got somewhere in mind. It’s a few hours out of town, in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Any connection to you?”

  “None. I know the omega who owns it under another fake name, and she hides out there all the time. There’s no way they could know about it.”

  Kieran nodded, the idea sound. Away from town meant no accidental sightings, no credit cards to follow a trail, or hotel rooms. “Sam, you’ll keep working the case from this side and keeping us updated?”

  Sam nodded. “Of course.”

  Bryce spoke up from his spot. “We’re doing everything we can, too, digging into the man’s past, trying to find some connections.”

  Kieran took a deep breath. Running wasn’t something he liked to do, but damn it, Tiffany’s life meant too much. Until they knew who was after her, knew what they were dealing with, the best plan was to get her as far away from the danger as possible.

  It seemed all four of them would be going on a trip together.

  He had no idea if any of them would survive it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kane looked around the cabin, impressed. He didn’t know much about the omega who owned it, but she had set up a hell of a safe house. Enough food to feed them for months lined shelves of the large pantry. In the freezer, fruits, vegetables and meats rested frozen in neatly labeled vacuum-sealed bags.

  Four bedrooms sat ready, each decorated the same no-frills way as the others. A security system ran through the house, a large closet in the hallway housing the equipment. It didn’t hook into a central company, but instead ran self-contained. Each window and door was wired, the gate at the bottom of the private road and a sensor on the fence to alert them if it were cut.

  Most impressive of all? Beside the security equipment, in a locked safe Tiffany knew the code to, sat an arsenal he’d have been proud to own. Pistols, rifles, shot guns, blades all meticulously cared for and clearly used.

  Alison hadn’t said much when they’d arrived before she’d shoved the keys into Tiffany’s hands and fled. Seemed she had something in need of doing, and the woman didn’t seem inclined to spend time with them. Fine by him.

  The trip had taken a few hours, and they’d used an SUV Bryce had supplied so no one could follow them. A quick run through a store to pick up supplies—new clothes, necessities—and they’d reached their destination.

  Kane shut the door to the closet, turning to face Kieran who stood behind him. “So, how is this going to work? We going to keep beating on one another until one of us gives in?”

  “I would bet we’d both end up in the hospital. Giving in isn’t either of our styles.”

  “True enough. So, what then? Because this was ugly when we weren’t sharing a fucking cabin with an omega who smells like Tiffany does.”

  Kieran’s shoulders dipped, and for the first time, Kane noted the exhaustion on the other alpha’s face. Then again, Kieran wasn’t as young as he was. Why didn’t that please him as much as it should have?

  “I don’t know. I know that I don’t intend to back off, not unless she tells me she wants that. You refuse to back off, either. Maybe we should stop trying to fight one another and allow her to choose.”

  The option seemed obvious enough. Tiffany could make the choice on her own. Besides, it wasn’t as if Kane would want her to pick him to discover she’d done so because he’d knocked Kieran out of the picture. He wanted to be her first choice, not her last option.

  Kane huffed a soft laugh at the simple solution. “So we each try to win her? That’s your big idea?”

  “Afraid you’re not up to the task?”

  Ah, that arrogance. Why was it that every alpha possessed it? It was something that seemed to be written into their bones, something they couldn’t escape. Alphas could be spotted well before they showed symptoms in their teenage years, before their scents changed or the markers showed in their blood. They were more aggressive, more territorial, more stubborn. Kieran showed every sign, tempered by age and experience as they were.

  “Oh, I’m up for it, old man. I just don’t want you crying foul later when she picks me.”

  Kieran didn’t react to the jab, didn’t spit back an insult. He only shook his head and took a step back. �
��It will take more than confidence to win, kid, but sure, give it your best shot. It’ll be easier for her to see that you’re no good. You may have fooled her at first, because she didn’t know any better, but you won’t be able to keep this up full-time. Once she gets a look at you compared to other alphas? She’s as good as mine.”

  Kane kept his smile easy, offering a mocking salute with his middle finger before walking down the hallway.

  He wasn’t a man to play many games, but fuck if he didn’t plan to win this one.

  Tiffany packed her things into the drawer of the room she’d taken. All the rooms opened off a long hallway, making it easy to pick. She’d taken the one in the middle, with Kane on one side, Kieran on the other and Marshall across the hall.

  “Do you have enough?” Marshall nodded at where she placed the jeans in the dresser.

  “Yeah. I won’t be winning any beauty contests in it, but it’ll be fine until we can get back to my stuff.”

  Marshall’s hungry gaze drew her attention as though it brushed over her skin. Sure enough, he stared, that edge to him peeking out. “I think you’ll look great.”

  How did he do that? She could see whatever he hid, yet it didn’t show in his voice. Did he know how close to the surface it lurked, or did he assume he’d buried it deep enough?

  What would it be like if he lost control of it?

  Why did he hide it in the first place? Most alphas thrived on that primal side of themselves. They loved the strength, the power, the privilege their designation bought them. Few hid it, so why did Marshall?

  Instead of asking, because the answer terrified her, Tiffany slid the drawer shut and tore her gaze away. “Do you think this is a crazy idea?”

  “Hiding from whoever is after you?”

  “No. Bringing Kane and Kieran out here. They haven’t had a great record of working well together.”

  He chuckled, the tension sliding away. “They’ll figure it out.”

  “I doubt it. Seems to me they’re pretty set on acting like possessive assholes.”

  When Tiffany went to put her backpack on the top closet shelf, Marshall took it and put it in place for her. “Men in general, and alphas specifically, aren’t good at adjusting. We tend to like things our way.”


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