The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate) Page 11

by Juliet Anderson

  “I’ll pass for now. Perhaps with dinner.”

  “Until then, how do I amuse the lady?”

  “You can show me maps of your kingdom. I am fascinated to see what it comprises of.”

  “Very well. Wait here and I will return armed with the information you need.”

  Kat looked around the room after he had gone. She felt so totally comfortable in Ulrik’s presence, but had she really done the right thing? She was in a strange Realm that no-one else knew about nor how to access. If anything did happen to her, her parents would never know. That momentary pang of guilt was replaced with a wave of anger. Her parents clearly didn’t give a damn about her otherwise why would they have ignored her birthday?

  Ulrik returned with a pile of scrolls and books. “First, I will show you our territories then I have to test your infinite knowledge of our realms.”

  With the map of Mallenvaar laid out on a table, Ulrik pointed out the territories that made up the Kingdom.

  “We have had a few spates of sorcery attacks here in Vengaard and Sorenberg.”

  “They seem rather remote places for a sorcerer to bother with.”

  “Precisely. It is almost as though we are either being teased or whoever is organising these attacks is seeing how we will react.”

  “And have you managed to kill whatever comes your way?”

  “For now, yes. Although I get the distinct feeling my cousin and uncle are involved somehow.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Oskar knew exactly how to kill each creature and yes, the method was different for each type.”

  “Not something he could have picked up from research?”

  “I don’t think my cousin can even read,” Ulrik chuckled. “And my uncle was always too eager for Father to send Oskar. On the last occasion, I insisted on going which kind of upset them.”

  “I love doing the unexpected,” Kat grinned. “Why do you think your uncle might be behind this?”

  “He wants Oskar named my father’s heir. And a man will go to exceptional lengths to put their son on the throne.”

  “True. But without sounding too harsh, would it not be easier to take you out?”

  “No. If I were to meet an untimely end, suspicion will fall on those who benefit the most from my death.”

  “True. We’ll just have to work on exposing their treachery.”

  “We?” Ulrik raised an eyebrow in surprise.

  “Yes. If they’re like this for the throne of Mallenvaar, imagine their reaction if they ever discover the other Realms.”

  “You have a point, my lady.”

  “You are aware that we cannot keep the gateway secret forever. I will have to tell my family soon as it does affect our safety.”

  “I know. But I would rather keep it to ourselves for as long as possible. I imagine your father is rather overprotective when it comes to his daughter.”

  Kat let out an unladylike snort. “If he had his way, I’m sure we’d all be married off at sixteen. Luckily my mother is somewhat formidable and puts him on his butt whenever he suggests such a horrible thing.”

  Ulrik laughed. “Is marriage really that abhorrent to you?”

  “At sixteen it is. In the First Realm most of us are still at school. I plan to carry on with my studies for a good few more years yet, then perhaps travel the world before I even think about a serious future.”

  “And what of the Second Realm. Do you not have any responsibilities there?”

  “No. That will become Arianna’s Realm and she is welcome to it.”

  “You are not a fan of Viking Realms?”

  “Not of ones ruled by my father,” Kat responded. “What about you? Other than waiting for your father to name you heir, what do you want to do?”

  “Improve the kingdom, I guess. I’d like to move it forward but my father is keen to stay stuck in the past.”

  “I’m sure he’d absolutely hate the First Realm.”

  “Most probably. I only caught a glimpse of it when we were in your home and there was a lot there I did not understand.”

  Kat wandered out onto the balcony to watch the sun set over the small city. “You do have a beautiful realm,” she sighed wistfully. From a distance she could have been in Austria with the style of houses.

  “I am pleased the lady approves.”

  “Very much.”

  Ulrik wrapped his arms around her. “You are not cold?”

  Kat shook he head. “No. We’re built quite hardy where we live in the First Realm. Actually, I think it’s warmer here and it’s supposed to be summer in Muirhead.”

  “The countryside is quite beautiful in summer. I hope you will get to see it.”

  “Me too.”

  “Ulrik,” a deep voice made them jump apart.

  “Damn it,” Ulrik muttered and turned. “Father.”

  Kat took a deep breath and turned to face the King. He appeared much older than her father, and his face was fairly weather-beaten. He was the epitome of a Viking King, whereas her father had extreme good looks and charisma too.

  Sigfried’s grey eyes were staring at her intently. “I apologise, Son, I did not realise you had company.”

  “This is the lady Katya, Father.”

  Kat dropped into a courtesy automatically out of respect. “Sire,” she nodded.

  Sigfried smiled. “Quite charming.”

  “Did you need me for something?” Ulrik asked, clearly wanting his father to leave so he could be alone once more with Katya.

  “Nothing that can’t wait,” Sigfried grinned. “I will catch up with you tomorrow.”

  Ulrik puffed out his cheeks in relief after his father had left. “He approves of you.”

  “How do you know that? We only exchanged a few words.”

  “Precisely. Not that I have ever entertained a lady here in my quarters, but he usually gives everyone the inquisition. The fact he just smiled and said virtually nothing means he likes you.”

  “Your family is weird,” Kat rolled her eyes.

  “Like yours is normal,” Ulrik laughed. “Now come tell me what you would like for dinner. I will have the kitchens bring it.”

  “Surprise me with a Mallenvaar feast. But no pickled fish. I hate that.”

  “As my lady requests.”

  They spent the rest of the evening talking about their childhoods. Kat gave a detailed description of what it was like to grow up in two realms and Ulrik about the confines of Mallenvaar and being groomed virtually from birth to take the throne. Their worlds were really not that far apart. Except that she would not be ascending to any throne.

  “Tell me about your mother?” Kat asked suddenly. She was curious to know more about her.

  Ulrik stared into his goblet of wine for a moment. “What did you want to know?”

  “How old were you when she died?”

  “Eight,” he replied softly.

  “So young,” Kat squeezed his hand. “You must have missed her terribly.”

  “I did. She was always very affectionate whereas my father is rather rigid.”

  “How did she die, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “She became very sick.”

  “Do you have happy memories of her?”

  “Yes,” Ulrik gave a faint smile. “She might have been a woman but she was more than happy to go up against my father when it was for my benefit. In fact, I only every remember him losing his temper with her. She could get right under his skin.” He paused for a moment, obviously recalling happy times. “My mother loved to read and delve deep into our ancestral past. That’s where my love of history came from. My father thought studying the past irrelevant and learning how to be a warrior more befitting the heir. She would always win,” he grinned.

  “She sounds very much like my mother, except Mum was never overly eager to open up large volumes. But she does possess the skill to irritate my father.”

  They talked well into the night. Kat noticed that Ulrik did not refi
ll her wine goblet continually, he was not planning on getting her drunk and taking advantage of her.

  “I should get to bed,” she yawned. “It is late.”

  “I don’t want this night to end. I have a feeling this will be the last time we can spend time together like this.” He pulled her to her feet and kissed her.

  “What makes you think that?” Kat asked breathlessly when she surfaced for air.

  “As you rightly said, we will have to announce the gateway shortly. Now my father has seen you, he will no doubt interrogate me as to who you are. I can only hold him off so long. You must therefore tell your parents about it after your sister’s banquet and I will do the same.”

  Kat rested her forehead against his chin. “Everything will change when we do.”

  “I know. I cannot see your father letting you stay the night in my quarters again,” he chuckled.

  “Too true,” Kat sighed. “Which is my room?”

  Ulrik led her to her door. “Here. I asked the servants to lay out some night wear. They will also fill the bath for you in the morning.”

  “Thank you.” She brushed her mouth across his.

  “Just in case you’re wondering, I’m right next door. Should you get lonely, you only have to walk a few feet.”

  “Goodnight, Ulrik,” she grinned and headed in. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Ulrik, it was the rest of the castle staff, she wisely pulled the bolt across on the door. She had her own four poster bed which was draped in a heavy tapestry. The rest of the room was quite sparse, except for a dresser and wardrobe. The bathroom had a beautiful pewter stand-alone tub in the middle of it. She wondered what his room looked like; perhaps on this occasion she would resist looking.

  Erin looked over as Birdie and Jasper hurried into the living room of the royal quarters.

  “So sorry we’re late. Balthazar decided to throw up in the middle of the hallway just as we were leaving.”

  “You didn’t bring Kat with you?” Erin quizzed.


  “Yes. Second daughter, copper coloured hair, severe attitude. Remember her?”

  “Kat headed over here yesterday afternoon,” Birdie looked puzzled.

  “No. I think I’d know if my daughter was here. Unless she’s turned mute overnight.”

  “She left Muirhead after lunch dressed in Viking gear.”

  “Did she say where she was going?” Wilhelm sounded anything but pleased.

  “No. She was rather upset so I let her be. I assumed she was on her way here to give you grief.”

  “For what?” Wilhelm sighed.

  “Her birthday. Or more for the fact you all forgot it,” Birdie snapped.

  “Oh my God,” Erin shrieked. “Of course, it was yesterday. What kind of a mother forgets their child’s birthday?”

  “A crap one. The poor kid was fairly devastated,” Birdie grunted. Then felt bad as Erin looked close to tears.

  “So where the hell is she?” Wilhelm growled.

  “If she was wearing Viking dress, she might be with the guy she’s been seeing an awful lot of recently,” Arianna spoke up. She also felt really bad for forgetting her sister’s birthday.

  “The Viking with shaggy blond hair?” Erin’s voice was very shaky. She was distraught at her oversight.

  “Yeah, him. She said his name was Ulrik.”

  “Katya is seeing someone from the Second Realm and no-one saw fit to tell me?” Wilhelm barked at Erin and Arianna.

  “It’s not my place to sneak on my sister,” Arianna shrugged.

  “This Viking could be anyone. I should have been told immediately so I could have had him checked out. For all we know he could have taken her hostage or hurt her. She is just a defenceless, six…seventeen-year-old girl.”

  “Actually, I would dispute the defenceless part,” Jasper spoke softly.

  “How so?” Wilhelm’s frown was severe.

  “Kat promised me she would tell you both after Arianna’s banquet as she didn’t want to upset her sister and overshadow her moment.” Jasper took a step back before continuing. “She has the power of a sun stone.”

  Damon sprayed his wine across the floor in shock.

  “What?” Erin said breathlessly.

  “She wanted my help to train her how to use the fire. She’d already figured it was linked to the stone.”

  “And how is she?” Damon was keen to find out.

  “Pretty good. It was just like training Erin in blue energy. Strangely enough, with the same attitude too.”

  “That would explain the scorch marks in her bedroom,” Birdie hissed. “Where did you practice?”

  “In the basement naturally.”

  “That still does not help with where my daughter is,” Wilhelm’s anger and worry was growing.

  “I think it does,” Damon joined in the debate. He glanced over at Jasper. “You yourself said sun and moon stones are rumoured to protect the gateways to the Fourth Realm. By activing the sun stone, Kat would most likely have removed a shield that had been in place for millennia.”

  “My God,” Arianna said incredulously. “Of course, Ulrik is from the Fourth Realm. That is why she was so secretive about him.”

  “This is just speculation,” Wilhelm retorted. “There is no proof of this additional realm.”

  “I think I might just have it,” Arianna felt very smug. “Jasper, you’ve done a lot of research on Mallenvaar for both Damon and myself, and it seems Kat too. Am I right in thinking the Mallenvaar royal crest is a raven?”

  “Yes,” Jasper looked at her in shock. “How the hell did you know that?”

  “Kat took a picture of Ulrik on her iPad. That is the crest that hangs around his neck.”

  “Kat is seeing a Prince of Mallenvaar?” Erin was impressed indeed.

  “So it would seem.”

  “My daughter is not seeing anyone. Not when I get through with the pair,” Wilhelm thundered. “Does anyone actually know anything useful like where this damn gateway is?”

  “I saw Kat and Ulrik together in the clearing close to Falsteg ruins.”

  “Likewise,” Erin added. “Of course, the gateway is at the ruins. It is old enough to be.”

  Wilhelm roared for Erik who appeared moments later. “Call out the elite guard. We are headed for the Fourth Realm immediately.”

  “The Fourth Realm?” Erik looked perplexed.

  “That is what I said,” Wilhelm snapped. “And tell Ajax I need him immediately.”

  “We are riding out now?” Erin raised an eyebrow.

  “Not we, I am.”

  “Without wanting to anger you further, husband, I am not about to let you ride unprotected into an unknown realm.”

  “I have my elite guard and, strangely enough, I am quite good with a sword.”

  “I won’t deny that but you don’t know if they have the dark arts or not. So like it or not, I will be watching your back.”

  Wilhelm glared at Arianna. “Because this family saw fit to keep things from me, your banquet will be postponed until tomorrow night. That is if I manage to retrieve my missing daughter.”

  “Did you want me to come too?” Damon asked hopefully.

  “No. Arianna needs someone of power by her side. I trust you will keep her safe.”

  Damon nodded in response. This was as close to ruling Lokranor that he would get for the time being.

  Ajax stuck his head around the door, almost afraid to enter. “You called, Wilhelm?”

  “Yes. Notify everyone the banquet is being held over until tomorrow night. I have to make a last minute trip out the Realm.”

  Ajax scuttled off. Wilhelm might be the most stable King the Realm had known for millennia, but when his temper really flew, people tended to hide.

  Erin felt a strange mix of emotions as they rode to the ruins. She was mortified at forgetting Kat’s birthday, her mind had been so pre-occupied with making sure Arianna’s banquet went off without a hitch. And here they were delaying it. It hurt that Kat
had not confided her newfound skills to her, but then again she had not been around much for her daughter. She was filled with immense pride at her daughter riding off into an unknown realm, exploring in true Viking style. And if Kat was taken with this rather handsome prince, she had obviously not turned her back on her Viking heritage as she professed to have done.


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