The Taming of Violet_BBW Romance

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The Taming of Violet_BBW Romance Page 7

by J. M. Dabney

  She was about to respond when she squeaked as a sharp tapping sound came from the passenger side window. An older version of Gio stared into the window looking way too amused. She pushed Gio’s hand from under her dress and attempted to fix her bra cup that was currently under her chin. The hem of her dress had caught on his forearm which meant her lifted dress had her breast exposed. How fucking attractive?

  “Son, no sex in front of the house, come inside, you do still have a room.”

  Her eyes were so wide she felt a twinge as if they were bugged out of their sockets. Gio laughed and hugged her close as she tried to fight to get off of his lap.

  “We’ll be inside in a minute, Pop, I gotta fix Violet.”

  “You have five minutes.” The man winked then disappeared.

  “I’m not going in there. You had your hand up my dress, tit out, man, tit out.”

  She scrambled off his lap, bra cup still under her chin and she ducked into the floorboard on the passenger seat.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Drive, man, drive.”

  Gio smirked at her, and he chuckled deeply at her growling. She clenched her fists. She’d wipe that look right off his face.

  “Fuck, you’re cute.” Gio opened the door and got out, slammed the door.

  She laid her forehead on the warm leather and jumped when the door swung open.

  “Get your sexy ass out of the truck now, Violet.”

  “No.” She rumbled louder as she ducked farther under the dash.

  “Don’t make me do this.”

  “I’m not making you do shit. I’m going home, whether you like it or not.” She made a move toward the driver’s seat. “I’ll hotwire this bitch and go—”

  Gio hands wrapping around her waist had her screeching as she grabbed onto the console.

  “Violet, let go.”

  Her knuckles were white as she dug into the leather.

  “Violet Canne, if you don’t let go right now, I’m going to spank your ass until you can’t sit.”

  “Fuck you, man, I’ll take you out.” She tried to kick, but he got his arms fully around her waist and dragged her out of the truck. She tried to make herself heavy.

  “Violet, I’m not playing with you.” His voice was filled with frustration just like the night he told her to turn down her music.

  She went completely limp as he too easily carried her toward the house.

  “They’re going to hate me. Your dad saw my tits. Come on…we’ll do it another day.”

  “Ma, Pop, meet Violet,” Gio introduced her as he plopped her down on her feet. Gio took the underwire of her bra and tugged it down under her breast.

  It was either stand or fall into a puddle on the floor, and she almost decided to go full Scarlett O’Hara vapors. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then calmly opened them and looked up at Gio. “I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t, you love me.”

  “I love you as much as an STD.”

  The bastard had the nerve to laugh and wink at her, and she was going to pluck that offending eye out as soon as they were alone.

  “I’m wounded. Now say hello.” He spun her around with a smile on his face.

  “Did you happen to drop him as a baby?”

  He started to rub her upper arms all caring and gentle, but she elbowed him in the gut.

  “Son, she’s so adorable.” Gio’s mother practically danced on her toes in excitement.

  She snarled her nose, tried to ignore the twitch of her eye and turned to look at her soon to be ex-boyfriend. “Sleep light, Gio.”

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You’re so cute.”

  She hated the way a chill went up her spine, and her nipples tightened, pushing against the fabric of her bra. Her life was normal before two months ago—well normal for her, and now she had to deal with this shit.

  “It’s very nice to meet you both.”

  “We’re kind of attached to him, Violet, aim to maim not to kill.”

  She almost smiled at Gio’s dad when he winked at her. She liked the old man.

  “Dinner is almost ready to be put on the table. Since it’s just the four of us, we’re going to eat in the kitchen if that’s alright with y’all.”

  “That’s fine.”

  “Then follow me.”

  She allowed Gio to nudge her forward to follow his parents. Gio’s mom was too perky and light, his dad all smiley and laidback. She didn’t know how to deal with it. Although, she hid her terror with long practice behind her snark and attitude. It had saved her too many times over the years.

  Gio’s dad had his hand placed on the base of his wife’s back. His fingers were caressing Gio’s mom through the cotton of her t-shirt. The few times she’d seen her parents interact was one or both of them throwing down wherever they were. The fights were brutal. This shit was almost like walking into some 50’s show about the perfect family, and that was what made her uneasy. She couldn’t do this, and that was what Gio probably expected because he’d grown up with it. It was a good thing she didn’t mind being single.

  “Sleep Light, Gio,” and the Nightmares Began

  Gio stretched his limbs as he awakened and reached for Violet’s side of the bed. She hadn’t stayed over with him because she was still pissed about being ambushed about the visit to his parents. He just wanted them to meet his girl. He hadn’t expected her to be that upset by it. He hated the cool expanse of the bed beside him. Violet belonged beside him—cuddled up against him.

  He sighed heavily and opened his eyes. “What the fuck,” he shouted as he found Violet standing beside his bed glaring down at him.

  “Good morning, isn’t it a lovely day?”

  He pushed to a seated position and pressed as far back to the headboard as he could.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Watching you sleep, all safe in your bed.”

  He didn’t miss the tightening of her tiny fists, and her lush lips pulled into a slow, half-smile.

  “Violet, I apologized for the ambush.”

  “No, that’s fine, it’s all forgotten.” She dismissively waved her arms. “I brought you coffee…it’s right there.” She pointed at his favorite mug filled with the steaming dark brew.

  “Um, did you poison it?”

  “Now, Gio, would I do that?”

  Her smile was so serene, and he’d run into burning buildings, became trapped a time or two, but none of that had made him as fearful as that expression on his girl’s beautiful face.

  “Aren’t you going to drink it, Gio?”

  He didn’t like the way she said his name. She snarled every time her lips formed the two simple syllables. He was man enough to admit his hands shook a bit as he reached for his mug and he lifted it, brought it to his mouth. Taking a couple of sniffs, he watched her from over the rim. He took the smallest sip possible, and her grin turned almost evil.

  “Dammit, Violet, what did you do?” he shouted as he set the mug back down and resisted the urge to spit until the strong coffee taste no longer filled his mouth.

  “I didn’t do anything. I just thought I’d be nice and fix my sweet boyfriend coffee before I left for work.”

  “I know better than that.” He leaned forward, grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the bed to straddle his thighs. “I’m sorry, baby, I really am. I just wanted them to meet my beautiful girl.”

  “I need to be told these things, Gio. I don’t do well with—”

  He cut her off with a soft kiss and hugged her around the waist. “I promise I’ll never surprise you like that again. Now, what did you do to my nectar of life?”

  “Nothing. But made you nervous, huh?”

  He chuckled as she leaned back and the position thrust her sexy, plump breasts out. He clearly remembered the weight of them in his hands. The texture of her nipples on his tongue—between his teeth. He flexed his arms and pulled her tighter to him. His body craved her. An entire month had passed, and h
e missed the taste of her filling his mouth.

  “Do you have to go to work?”

  “Yes, I do, I have to leave in a few.”

  “Please come over tonight. I miss you.”

  He wanted to talk to her. Find out where they stood in their relationship. He’d decided to take Hella’s advice, but he just didn’t know how it was going to go down. The only thing he was certain of was what he wanted—her. He knew Violet liked him. Yet, he needed to know if she could come to love him. Did they have a chance for long-term?

  “I should be home a little after six.”

  “Dinner will be ready when you get here.” He stroked his hands across her lower back to her hips, along the front of her thighs. She shivered as he flipped up the hem of her dress to find her wearing another pair of those sexy, white boy shorts. He traced the seam of her plump pussy lips and his mouth fucking watered. “It’s been too long, baby girl.”

  “It’s all yours.”

  He tucked his fingers under the soft cotton and rubbed her fuzzy lips, her hips rolled and shuddered.

  “But not until I get home.”

  He groaned and threw his head back. “Come on, baby. You know how much I love morning sex.”

  “I’ll spend the night, but I gotta go.”

  He smiled as he leaned in and tweaked her curls, and his mouth brushed hers.

  “You sure you can’t call in—”

  She was whimpering as she pushed off his lap. He felt better when he noticed the hardness of her nipples and the way her hands shook as she smoothed the skirt of her dress. He loved the way she reacted to his touch and closeness. Violet didn’t give up control easily. She was strong and independent, he loved those qualities, but she also lost herself at his touch.

  “I’m sure. My bills don’t pay themselves. And I’m not a candidate for acquiring a Sugar Daddy.”

  “But, baby girl, I could possibly be persuaded.”

  She snorted and flipped him off—he was so feeling the love. He’d never met a woman he just felt comfortable with even if she frightened him a bit.

  “I have to go, drink your coffee and I hope you get the shits.”

  “Wow, that’s harsh,” he said with a smile as she sashayed her sexy self out of his bedroom. He couldn’t wait for six o’clock to come around.

  # # #

  “So, how’s things going with your woman?” Renz asked.

  He had his earpiece in as he tried to put the finishing touches on dinner. Violet didn’t like anything too fancy and didn’t complain about anything he made. The only thing she required was he made sure she had her chocolate milk. The last time he was at her place that was all he’d seen in her fridge.

  “Going good, she’s coming over for dinner. She should be here in about half an hour.” He opened the oven and slid the lasagna onto the rack. It should be ready by the time she got there. He hoped. He’d gotten a little distracted thinking about having his curvy woman for dessert.

  “I need your help.”

  “Anything, what’s up?”

  “Lyn’s birthday is coming up in a few months, and I want to do something special for them.”

  “You always make it special for Lyn. And you stress way too much over a present for your best friend.”

  “Lyn deserves the best.”

  He couldn’t see how Lyn hadn’t noticed Renz’s interest yet. They’d been friends since high school. He didn’t know if they even realized how they looked to everyone else. The last family dinner, the only way they’d have gotten closer was if Lyn had sat on Renz’s lap. They constantly touched. He knew Lyn dated, but as far as he knew, Renz hadn’t asked anyone out in years.

  “You know Lyn loves everything you give them.”

  “I know, but—”

  He frowned as Renz paused and the silence lengthened.

  “What’s really wrong?”

  “Nothing, maybe you can go shopping with me and help.”

  “We can check our schedules and see what we can do.”

  “I appreciate it. I’ll let you get to preparing for your date.”

  He didn’t like how unsure Renz sounded before the other man disconnected the call. Renz was the middle child, and he seemed to get lost in the shuffle of the older louder brothers and the younger spoiled ones. He didn’t know what he could do though.

  He laughed and shook his head at the shrill quack of Violet’s favorite slippers, then the slamming of the front door.

  “Gio,” she called to him.

  “In the kitchen, you’re early. I thought I’d have another half hour or so.”

  “Sorry, shit day, so I skipped out early. I can go home—”

  He didn’t let her finish as he rushed across the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her. He brought her back to the counter and sat her down beside the sink. He moved to the side to finish washing the few dishes he had left from prepping dinner. When he leaned a bit and pouted his lips, Violet softly chuckled, and she brushed a kiss to his mouth.

  “Missed you today.”

  He was kind of shocked she’d admit it. Violet played her hand pretty close to the vest. That’s why he needed this dinner.

  “I missed you too. Violet, we need to talk.”


  Her voice was barely above a whisper, and he realized his mistake—how that simple sentence sounded. He pulled his hands from the water and pushed his hips between her thighs. His wet hands rose to cover her cheeks and turn her downcast gaze to his.

  “It’s not that kinda talk, Violet, I promise. I’m so sorry.”

  “Then what did you need to talk about?”

  “I wanted to apologize for the last month. I’ve canceled dates. Left in the middle of dates. I love my job. It was all I ever wanted to do, but I don’t want to lose you because I’m not able—”

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  He felt his eyes widen as he took a step back to look down at her. “What?”

  “I’m not clingy, Gio. I wouldn’t know how to be. I like my space. I don’t need you around twenty-four-seven to know you care. Yeah, I’d like you to throw a little more of that dick my way, but we both got shit to do.”

  He fought his grin, but he couldn’t contain it. The woman never stopped surprising him. “I think my heart just exploded with the overwhelming love I’m feeling right now.”

  “I’m serious.” She pushed at his chest.

  He wasn’t ready to tell her how serious he was, so he just waited.

  “I don’t need all that flowery bullshit. Be real. I’m crazy. More than a little hateful. I’m shocked you’ve stuck around.”

  “I want this to work, Violet. Like permanent. We’re not there yet, but that’s what I want. I needed you to know that.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, shit, I tackled you, and you still fell all in lust.”

  He grabbed her plump ass in his big hands and roughly squeezed the curves. “Oh, the tackling was sexy, but when you pulled up your skirt and showed me this sexy ass. You don’t know how much I wanted to fall to my knees and worship it.”

  “You missed your chance that night, do it now.”

  The command in her voice hardened his dick until it pushed painfully against the back of his zipper. He took another step back as his eyes took in how she slowly and sensually removed her oversized sleep shirt. She was bare under it except for his favorite boy shorts, this time in pale pink. Nothing got his dick harder than his sexy woman stripping for him. He stayed silent as he watched her shimmy out of her underwear.

  She set the heels of her slipper-clad feet on the edge of the counter.

  “Now, show me what you got.”

  He wanted to lick every pale stretch mark. Kiss every freckle. He stepped closer and dropped to his knees putting her pussy right in his face. He raised his hand and lightly brushed the lush lips and parted them until her swollen clit peaked from between.

  He buried his face between her thighs and inhaled the musk of her arousal, and then he swiped his tongue
from the wrinkled skin of her ass to her hard nub. He growled as her taste burst on his tongue, and he ate her like a starving man. Sucked and licked, pushed his tongue inside her hot, wet pussy. She tore at his short hair and forced him deeper, held him like he’d get away. That wasn’t fucking happening.

  His fingers pulled her wider as he nibbled on the more delicate lips, suckled at them. Her cries above him were desperate, but he wasn’t satisfied. He needed his baby girl to come before he took her.

  She cursed, trembled and rode his face like she’d never get enough. He avoided her clit because he didn’t think she was giving him enough.

  “You want to cum, baby girl, you show me how much you fucking want it.” He ordered against her soaked pussy.

  Her legs fell over his shoulders, and her thighs took his head in a death hold. She scooted farther to the edge and forced his head deeper.

  “I don’t think…” she groaned, “you want to play with me.”

  “Oh, baby girl, if there’s one thing I want to do, that’s play with you.” He jerked away from her and surged to his feet. He scooped her up and took her to the table, spreading her out. He watched her flinch a little as the cool surface touched her back.

  She was all laid out, her pussy lips glistening and her clit flushed and swollen. He took her hands and placed them on the backs of her thighs, so she was held open wide for him. “Don’t fucking move.”

  Her eyes widened, and he saw the darkening of her anger mixed with a good amount of lust. He brought his hand flat down on her pussy. The wet slap was loud and obscene, her hips jerked, and he loved the sight of her teeth sinking into her lower lip.

  No one had ever pushed him as close to the edge as Violet. He prided himself on his calm and control, neither of which he had when it came to Violet. Ruining her for all other men was the only thing he could focus on. He needed her so addicted to his loving that she couldn’t think about anyone but him. She wasn’t self-conscious as she lay there spread out before him.

  He slapped her pussy repeatedly until she was red and swollen, wetness pooled on the table under her curvy ass. He ripped at the front of his jeans as he repeatedly punished her furry lips. He only stopped long enough to ease his zipper down and pushed his jeans down to the middle of his hairy thighs.


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