The Accidental Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 7)

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The Accidental Boyfriend: A YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series Book 7) Page 7

by Christina Benjamin

The dark glint in Lucy’s stormy eyes mirrored Jaxon’s. “Let’s nail the bastard,” she whispered.

  Her ferocity surprised Jaxon. It probably should’ve made him wary. But somehow, her need for vengeance made him like her even more.



  Brooke couldn’t stand being alone in her dorm room a moment longer. It was Saturday morning and without classes to distract her she couldn’t stop worrying about Lucy. She’d spent the drive back from the hospital cursing the nurses for not letting her back to check on her best friend. And when Brooke had returned home to her empty dorm room she spent the rest of the night requesting answers from her Magic 8 Ball. The general consensus was: reply hazy, try again. And that’s exactly what Brooke intended to do—in person.

  She was relieved to find a different nurse was working the reception desk this morning. After signing in and getting her visitors badge, Brooke was on her way to Lucy’s room, delighted to have been granted access. See . . . her Magic 8 Ball was never wrong. Try again indeed.

  It seemed the no visitors ban had been lifted for everyone, because as Brooke approached her best friend’s room, she heard voices floating out into the hall. She stood in the open door to Lucy’s hospital room and did a double-take when she recognized Doctor McHotty and Sergeant Sexy standing inside.

  Brooke picked her jaw up off the floor, imagining she probably looked like a love-struck cartoon character with her eyes bugging out of her head at the moment. She was also cursing herself for not taking the time to make herself look cuter. Currently, her white-blonde hair was piled on her head in a wild topknot. The fly-aways were slightly tamed by the gold cat-eared headband she wore. But her rainbow striped crop top was what she’d slept in and her high-waisted navy sailor shorts were the first thing she’d pulled out of her drawer in her rush to get to the hospital. At least she’d thrown on her pink over-the-knee socks—they looked good with everything.

  Brooke decided to ignore her appearance—that’s not why she was here anyway. She squared her shoulders, knocked lightly on the doorframe, and marched inside. “Hey, Lucy Lu.”

  Lucy’s head snapped up and a huge smile lit her face. “Brooke!”

  Brooke raced across the crowded hospital room ignoring the gorgeous men in her way and threw her arms around Lucy.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Lucy whispered, clinging to Brooke’s embrace.

  “Of course I’m here.”

  “I’m so sorry you had to cover for me at the game last night. Was it awful?”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’m more worried about you. Are you okay?” Brooke asked. She turned to question Doctor McHotty, hoping he was more than just a pretty face. “She’s gonna be okay, right?”

  “Brooke, I’m okay,” Lucy said, squeezing her hand.

  Brooke surveyed her friend. She certainly didn’t look okay. Lucy’s normally flawless golden complexion was mottled with deep purple bruises and angry red scrapes. She had bandages on her cheek, forehead, arms and who knew where else. But it was the massive white cast on Lucy’s leg that drew Brooke’s attention.

  “God, Lucy, what happened?”

  “I was in a car accident last night. A hit-and-run actually.”

  “Lucy, the details of your accident are official police business now. It’s not advisable that you discuss your case, and you should really look into getting yourself an attorney,” Sergeant Sexy interjected, earning himself one of Brooke’s signature glares. Just because he was hot didn’t mean he could boss her around.

  “Oh, right,” Lucy murmured.

  Brooke took in the worried expression on Lucy’s face and was about to say ‘to hell will all that,’ but Lucy cut her off with introductions.

  “Brooke, this is Officer Bradburn,” Lucy said, nodding to Sergeant Sexy. “And I believe you’ve already met Jaxon?”

  “Yes, last night,” Brooke replied, shaking hands with the officer and the doctor. She turned her attention back to Doctor McHotty. “So what’s the prognosis, Doc?”

  “Doc?” McHotty asked.

  “Aren’t you Lucy’s doctor?”

  Realization seemed to dawn on McHotty and he stuttered apologies. “Oh, no. I-I’m not her doctor.” He pulled at the scrubs. “I could see how these threw you off though. I just changed into these after the accident since my clothes were trashed.”

  Brooke gaped at him. “Huh?”

  Lucy spoke up. “Jaxon saw the accident happen. He pulled me from the car and got me to the hospital.”

  Brooke turned her gaze back onto Jaxon. McHotty just kept getting hotter. “Doctor or not, you saved my best friend. Thank you,” she blubbered, throwing her arms around him in a fierce hug.

  Jaxon tensed and Brooke imagined this was what it must feel like to hug a concrete pillar. McHotty was solid.

  “He may not be a doctor, but my baby bro does look good in blue, don’t ya think?” Sergeant Sexy asked.

  Brooke released Jaxon and turned her attention to the officer. “Baby bro? Wait. Are you really a cop?”

  “Yes ma’am,” Sergeant Sexy replied patting his shiny badge.

  “And you’re really brothers?”

  Sergeant Sexy smirked. “Yes ma’am.”

  Now that he mentioned it, Brooke could see the family resemblance. Just then another doctor walked into the room and she did a triple-take. He was wearing a white lab coat over his dark blue scrubs and was a bit older than the other guys, but he shared the same fine-ass family resemblance as Sergeant Sexy and McHotty.

  “Damn does this hospital only allow hot men inside or something?” Brooke whispered to Lucy.

  Lucy giggled. “This is my doctor. Doctor Bradburn this is my roommate, Brooke Becker.”

  Brooke blinked as she shook his hand. “Bradburn?” she asked looking between the three men. “How many of you are there?”

  It was the real Doctor Bradburn’s turn to laugh. “I see you’ve met my nephews.”

  Brooke whistled low. “Dang, I wouldn’t mind a piece of this gene pool.”

  Sergeant Sexy laughed.

  “Brooke,” Lucy hissed, turning fifty shades of scarlet.

  Brooke blinked rapidly. Had she said that out loud? Dang verbal vomit.

  Thankfully Doctor Bradburn’s pager went off breaking the awkward silence. He glanced at it and frowned. “Sorry, I’ve got to take this. Lucy, I’ll be back to check on you shortly.”

  Once he left the room Sergeant Sexy cleared his throat. “Lucy, I think I’ve wrapped up my questions for now. If you don’t have anything else for me I’m going to head to the station to add your statement to my report.”

  “No, I think that’s it,” Lucy replied.

  “Great. Well if you need me, here’s my card. Or Jaxon can always help you find me,” he added with a wink.

  Brooke caught Jaxon glare at his officer-brother. Interesting . . .

  “Anyway,” Sergeant Sexy continued. “I’ll set up the sketch artist for you both ASAP.”

  “Thank you,” Lucy replied.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Jaxon said, quickly following Sergeant Sexy out of the hospital room.

  Brooke couldn’t help but admire the view as the guys walked away from her. Maybe she should rename him Officer Tight-Pants, because damn that was a fine ass.

  When the boys were out of range, Brooke turned back to Lucy and sighed as she sank down into a chair. “You have all the luck.”

  Lucy snorted. “Excuse me?”

  “Did you not see the choice beef crowding your room just now? How do I get myself checked into this place?”

  “If you like them so much why don’t you ask one of them out?” Lucy quipped, her voice dripping sarcasm.

  “Oh please. McHotty is clearly into you, and my thighs are bigger than my chances of getting into Sergeant Sexy’s pants.”

  At that, Lucy laughed. It was one of her rare genuine laughs and it filled the room, warming Brooke’s heart. Lucy had been absent from their dorm room at Saint Andrews for only on
e night and it felt like an eternity to Brooke. Suddenly, she got to her feet and threw her arms around Lucy again, hugging her tight. “I know I joke a lot, but I don’t know what I’d do if I’d lost you,” she whispered.

  Lucy returned Brooke’s hug, letting out a little sniffle. “Me either.”

  Brooke pulled back, perching on the edge of Lucy’s hospital bed. “You scared the bejesus outta me.”

  “I know. Me too.” Lucy looked down, picking at the white pilling blanket covering her. “I’m sorry, Brooke. I didn’t mean to scare you and I’m sorry I asked you to lie to Alex for me. Was he pissed?”

  “Screw that douche goblin, Lucy.”


  “I know, I know he’s your boyfriend blah, blah, blah, but he doesn’t deserve you, Luce. You should’ve seen him at the game.”

  Lucy frowned. “Was he a jerk to you?”

  “Not to me . . .”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Shit, Luce. I don’t want to pile more on your plate but you’ll find out sooner or later.” Brooke sighed. “Alex kissed Trista at the game since you weren’t there.”

  “Oh.” Lucy’s throat felt tight and she looked down at the pilling blanket again. She wasn’t really that surprised.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you . . .”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  “But it’s not fine, Lucy. You were in a wreck and your boyfriend was kissing another girl. On camera!”

  Lucy sighed. “He tried bringing them here.”

  Brooke blanched. “He did what?”

  “He wasn’t able to. I guess Jaxon threw him out.”

  “Good! Little prick probably only wanted a shot of you in the hospital bed for sympathy since he played like shit.”

  “He did?”

  “Yep. Saint Andrews lost, three, nothing,” Brooke said a bit too merrily. “But I’m not here to talk about Alex. I wanted to talk about you . . . make sure you’re okay.”

  “I am. Or at least I will be.”

  “Good, now official police business be damned. Tell me everything!”

  Lucy grinned conspiratorially and then launched into the details.


  “You are so smitten,” Conner taunted as they walked down the hallway.

  Jaxon tried ignoring him.

  “Smitten as a fuckin’ kitten,” Conner sang. “So, when’s the wedding?”

  Jaxon cringed. Why the hell had he told his brother every little detail he’d experienced with Lucy again?

  Oh yeah, so they could catch the hit-and-run driver. Jaxon ground his teeth together and kept his mouth shut, knowing better than to feed into Conner’s antics.

  Conner laughed. “Oh come on, I’m just having fun with ya, bro.”

  “Well it’s not funny.”

  Conner smirked. “It’s kinda funny.”

  “How’s that?”

  “You got Smalls outta her pants, locked lips and saw her topless all within twenty-four hours. Mad respect, bro,” Conner said holding his fist up for a bump.

  Jaxon left him hanging. “I was trying to save her life, I gave her mouth to mouth, and I said I almost saw her topless, you perv.”

  Conner howled with laugher. “Still sounds like third base to me. This one’s a keeper, bro. Her friend’s a hot little homeslice, too.”

  “Conner, can you turn off your cock for a minute and be serious?”

  Conner pulled up short. “Jax, what is it?”

  “What do you really think our chances are?”

  “Of finding the driver?”

  Jaxon nodded. He watched his brother mull it over. He knew he’d give it to him straight, even if the answer wasn’t good.

  “Honestly, it’s too early to say. But I’m putting as much manpower as I can on it. Composites will help, but even so, you know what these cases are like.”

  “Like finding a needle in a haystack,” Jaxon mumbled, quoting the officer who’d been assigned to his mother’s hit-and-run.

  Conner nodded, putting a comforting hand on Jaxon’s shoulder. “I’m not saying throw in the towel, Jax.”

  Jaxon locked eyes with his brother. He wasn’t saying to keep swinging either.

  Reading Jaxon’s mood Conner offered some parting advice. “Look, I know I was messing with ya, but that girl in there needs you to give her some hope. It’ll help with the healing . . . for both of you.”


  “I stand by my earlier statement,” Brooke replied when Lucy finished the tale of her harrowing wreck and heroic rescue. “You have all the luck.”

  Lucy rolled her eyes and swatted at her best friend playfully. “Shut up.” She noticed that her movements didn’t cause so much pain anymore. The painkillers were definitely working.

  “Seriously, though, that guy is hot!” Brooke swooned.

  “Who, Jaxon?”

  “No, the jerk who hit you. Of course Jaxon!”

  “I guess.”

  Brooke’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “I guess? What the heck kind of drugs are you on? That man is fine! I can’t believe he goes to our school. I’ve never seen him on campus.”

  “He’s the stupid lab partner guy I was telling you about.”

  Brooke gasped. “No way! That’s lame-o lab guy?”

  Lucy giggled and nodded. The movement made her head feel fuzzy and that made her giggle some more.

  “Are you getting loopy on me?” Brooke asked.

  “Yep,” Lucy said, holding up her pain pump. “I have painkillers on demand.”

  “Oh dear. Well, lay off the happy gas, Princess, or your nurse is gonna take that away from you real fast.”

  Just then Jaxon walked back into the room. Lucy looked at him. Brooke was right; he was hot. How had she not noticed it before? Oh yeah, life and death car wreck. That probably took precedence over checking out the guy pulling her out of her smoking car.

  “The hero’s back,” Brooke greeted, making Jaxon’s cheeks flush.

  “I’m no hero,” he said crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the room from Brooke.

  “Um, you saved my girl from a burning car. I’d say that makes you a hero.”

  Jaxon’s jaw muscles flexed. “Just did what anyone would’ve.”

  “I don’t know about anyone,” Brooke argued.

  Lucy wondered what Brooke meant by that. Did she have a particular anyone in mind? Like maybe Alex? Lucy found herself wondering if Alex would’ve fought so hard to save her if he’d been there instead of Jaxon. She didn’t like the answer that came to her mind, so she shook her head, hoping to chase her prickling doubts away.

  “So,” Brooke was saying. “You go to Saint Andrews?”

  Jaxon nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Since when?”

  “Transferred a few months ago.”

  “How come I’ve never seen you on campus?” Brooke asked.

  Jaxon shrugged.

  “What dorm are you in?”

  “Not in a dorm.”

  Brooke bristled. “What do you mean?”

  “Exactly what I said,” Jaxon muttered. “I don’t live on campus.”

  Brooke huffed. “Saint Andrews is a boarding school, everyone lives on campus.”

  “Not me,” Jaxon replied.

  Brooke crossed her arms and looked at Lucy. “Hero-boy must think he’s special.”

  Jaxon pushed off the wall, seeming to have had enough of Brooke’s interrogation. “I think I’m gonna head out. Thanks for talking to my brother, Lucy. We’re gonna get this guy.”

  “Wait!” Lucy called, suddenly not wanting Jaxon to leave. “Will you come back tomorrow?”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  Harsh. But why did she want him to come back? “Um, so we can talk more about the case.”

  Lucy could see he was reluctant to agree, but finally he nodded. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Why don’t you give her your number?” Brooke interjected.

��s dark eyebrows shot up.

  “Ya know, just in case she remembers anything new about the accident that could be helpful to Sergeant Sexy.”

  Lucy smacked Brooke’s arm, but Jaxon only smirked. He picked up a blue marker resting on the dry-erase board on the wall and quickly scribbled his phone number under the nurse’s notes. Lucy was busy studying Jaxon’s handwriting, mesmerized by the way he wrote the number four. He closed the top of each 4 so it looked like a flag on a poll. Lucy didn’t know why it caught her attention, but she couldn’t stop staring at it, nor could she stop the tiny fluttering of wings she felt in her stomach.

  Alex’s soccer number was four—Lucy would know, since he made her wear it around her neck. Absently, she reached up and realized it wasn’t resting against her chest. She must’ve lost it in the accident. Again she studied the fours Jaxon had written on the board. They were so different from the four Alex wore. And for a brief foreboding moment, she had a feeling that meant something.

  “What a strange guy,” Brooke said, pulling Lucy’s attention away from the numbers she’d been staring at.

  Jaxon was gone. He hadn’t even said goodbye. Lucy tried to ignore the disappointment she felt. “I don’t know. He did save my life.”

  Brooke laughed. “Yeah, I guess he has that going for him.”



  Why the hell Jaxon agreed to go back to the hospital he had no idea. Well okay, he had some idea, but he didn’t like it. Conner may have thought spending time with Lucy would help, but she got past Jaxon’s defenses way too easily as it was. Spending more time with her didn’t seem like such a good idea now that he’d slept on it.

  Jaxon was surprised he’d slept like the dead when he’d finally gotten home from the hospital. Usually he didn’t sleep well, tossing and turning as he relived his mother’s accident. The nightmares seemed worse than normal lately. He’d read somewhere that PTSD sufferers often reported their episodes escalading around the anniversary of the trigger event. That seemed to be the case with Jaxon and that’s why he was so surprised he’d actually slept after what he’d just gone through with Lucy.


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