The Space Merchants of Arachne

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The Space Merchants of Arachne Page 11

by Wendie Nordgren

  "Yukihyo doesn't want to punch Dade in the face. I'm disappointed."

  The table in the dining room had been set. Extra leaves had been set into the table, and additional chairs had been placed around it. We all sat down and ate as the butlers brought dish after dish to the table. Gram chatted animatedly which made Ethan especially happy, but everyone was happy for her. Now, she knew what had happened to her older sister. They would be able to talk to each other once the long range relays were established. After our late lunch or early dinner, I changed again and went down to play in the pool. Auria and Eliot joined me. They played and splashed. I used a float.

  Later, in my room, filled with the scent of fresh roses, I listened to each of my husband's increasingly frantic messages. Several of them included the worried faces of Hiroshi and Phillip. I braided my hair and put on a soft pink gown. Thunderdrop played with his large wheeled toy transport on the floor. The sky outside had begun to groan and shake with the coming rains. I called Yukihyo. He answered from the bridge. "Lady wife, after speaking with Hiroshi and Phillip, I have reconsidered. I will make arrangements to spar with Dade Sonners at an Arachnean exercise facility upon my return."

  I pouted, "Well, I guess it's a good thing that I invited him over tonight for a visit before you bruise his handsome face." I ran my finger under the thin pink strap of my gown. Yukihyo's face drained of what little color it had. His brow furrowed. I heard Hiroshi grunt and chuckle from somewhere on the bridge. I scowled at Yukihyo. "There, that's better. If a woman sent you flowers, I would tear her eyes out and feed them to her. Your lack of indignation at Mr. Sonners' behavior has made me a little angry with you husband. I wanted to punch him for you." Yukihyo visibly relaxed.

  "Lady wife, some aspects of our cultural upbringings vastly differ. I promise to adopt a more predatory reaction to males who attempt to lure you away."

  "Thank you. That's all I ask. So, have you spoken to Hiroshi about staying for a visit?"

  "I did not need to. Ethan and Sherman have succeeded in their proposals. You do not need to fear Tora's departure from Arachne for several weeks at least."

  "That's a relief." Thunderdrop jumped to the bed and chirped wildly at Yukihyo while he crawled back and forth across my lap.

  "Hello, I miss you almost as much as I miss our lady. Continue to protect her for me. I have a gift for you upon my return as well."

  After our call ended, I started the chapter on pre-propulsion from the beginning. My mind had wandered too much earlier in the morning.

  Chapter Seven

  I woke up with my powered down vid-screen on my chest, and my spider blinking at me from my knees. I rolled over and put the vid-screen on its stand and rolled my eyes at the vase full of roses. There had to be at least thirty of them. However, my room smelled beautiful, and they were pretty. I had to admit that. Thunderdrop went to the door and blinked at me. I got up and opened it, and as I watched, he attached a line, and jumped from the balcony. I closed the door, washed up, and put on a lavender dress with a floral pattern, a long sleeved lavender cardigan, and some soft brown shoes. In the sunroom, Gram, Auria, and Sydney had just sat down. The butler, whose name I had learned to be Jorge, brought them fruit with bowls of cream. I asked him if I could have something with more substance. Jorge brought me scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, and sausages. "Thank you, Jorge."

  While I ate I listened to the ladies chat about Auria's family, Eliot, and plans to go shopping. Apparently, there were several enclosed markets that I had never visited. Sydney decided that she, Auria, and I would be going shopping. "What about Gina?"

  "Gina has several meetings to attend over the next few weeks."

  "Meetings? Why?"

  "Well, Gina is one of Arachne's elected officials of the ruling class, along with Lady Chan. Talks have been initiated by the Galaxic government with representatives from Arachne, Scipio, Earth, Malta, and Amphictyon to discuss a possible peace treaty with the Parvac Empire."

  "Close your mouth, Teagan. Sydney, perhaps you should invite Auria's mother to go with you girls," Gram said.

  "That is a terrific idea," Sydney agreed. Auria's face lit up, and she rushed off to call her mother. I closed my eyes and saw my mother's picture. I knew what she looked like. She had been beautiful.

  The Alaric driver took the four of us into the business sector. I found comfort in knowing that Gary's team still followed us. The driver stopped in front of a three story building. A doorman opened the transport for us while another held open the door to the building. The rains had begun and pounded against the sidewalk. Thunderdrop tried to wedge himself under my braid. Inside the building an overwhelming display of colors, sounds, and people greeted us. The first floor hosted food vendors, grocers, and all manner of cookware. We wandered around. Auria bought her mother a set of pretty pastel mixing bowls for the bakery. I enjoyed the free samples offered by the vendors and indulged in a cup of olives stuffed with cheese and figs. Then, I bought a jar of them. The driver checked with us often and took any purchases to the transport for us. Thunderdrop received continual praise and adoration. One woman invited the two of us to sit at one of her tables so that she could give him bits of the honeyed chicken that she sold. I bought some and a glass of fruit juice so that I would have something to do while he slowly ground the chicken with his mouth parts. Curiosity about Thunderdrop had mothers with small children flocking to the woman for chicken and juice. The children wanted to see a silk spider up close. Thunderdrop allowed himself to be petted for a little while until the screams and giggles became too much for him, and he jumped to the top of my head. He preened to the "oohs" and "awes" his jump had elicited from his fans. I thanked the now busy cook and went off to find Sydney.

  They were ready to go to the second floor. Clothing was sold in shops all along the walls. The shops had side walls, but open entrances. However, the center of the second floor contained a space enclosed by a chest high plasti-wall and inside of it were swings, slides, a maze, and several large color shapes. Children played throughout the space and could see their shopping parents and be seen in return. Thunderdrop chirped excitedly at me. "You want to go play with the kids?"


  "Okay, try not to get squeezed, chewed, or drooled on."

  "Chitter chitter chitter." Thunderdrop hopped away and walked all along the top of the plasti-wall until he had the attention of every child playing inside as well as that of several parents and shopkeepers. Then, when he was sure the toy he wanted had been abandoned, he ran for a large color shape and began running his claws down it. Children followed, sat, and watched him with wide eyes. I shopped with Auria. Her mother and Sydney had gone to look at frumpy old lady dresses. Auria and I found a store that sold the soft pants and shirts that I liked. We each bought things there. Then, we found a store that sold swim dresses, and we each bought two. I heard sounds of disappointment from the children and turned in time to see Thunderdrop as he climbed up my skirt to my shoulder. "Did you have fun, baby?"


  Auria and I followed Mrs. Jones and Sydney to the third floor. This floor had an enclosed plasti-wall center as well, but it was dimly lit and had neat rows of mats where a few children sprawled under blankets and enjoyed naps. "During the rainy season, the children enjoy coming here to play, but eventually they get tired. My brother and I have had several naps up here over the years."

  Rather than clothing, this floor sold items such as home decorations, bedding, and vid-screens. In one store I found a beautiful carved jewelry box. Tree branches and leaves had been carved into the wood along with tiny spiders who peeked out from behind and above intricate webs. I sucked in my breath. Thunderdrop chirped. The shopkeeper asked, "May I help you, Lady Alaric Montgomery Lee?"

  Surprised I asked, "Have we met?"

  "No, my lady, but there are not many ladies on Arachne with bonded Silk spiders." He bowed to me. I blushed and curtsied to him in return.

  "This jewelry box is absolutely stunning.
I would very much like to buy it." Auria looked around at all of the carved wood on the tables and shelves.

  "Teagan, look at these!" I went to Auria. She had found beautiful picture frames. I thought about the picture of my mother, and my eyes began to swell. Auria put her arm around me. "This one is pretty and looks to be just the right size." My tears had made the shopkeeper frantic. He handed me his silk square. I dabbed at my eyes. "I would like to buy all of these frames with the leaf design for my cousin."

  "Yes, Lady Alaric. Right away. Is there anything I can do?" he wrung his hands. I shook my head.

  "No, sir. I got a picture of my mother yesterday. I had never seen her before. I'll be fine." He bowed to us and began wrapping our purchases. Our driver came and took them all away for us after we had paid.

  As we entered another store, a man said, "Lady Alaric Montgomery Lee?" Arm in arm, Auria and I turned. Mr. Dade Sonners strode toward us. He bowed. Actual concern appeared on his features. "My lady, you have been crying. How may I assist you?"

  "I'm fine Mr. Sonners. Thank you. Yesterday was a difficult day. I'll be okay in a minute. Thank you for the flowers. They arrived after I got back home. They have made my room smell very pretty."

  "I am overjoyed to learn they pleased you, but what has caused such sadness?"

  "I met my uncle, cousin, and grandmother for the first time yesterday. A lot happened," I shrugged.

  "Is there anything I can do?"

  "Well, I just ran off with the wood worker's silk square. Do you know where I can buy him a new one?"

  Mr. Sonners smiled and said, "Would you ladies come with me? As luck would have it, I have a large supply of silk squares today. This is one of my family's shops." Mr. Sonners led us into a shop and over to a table that held every color of silk square imaginable. He opened a small bag and placed a thin tissue paper out on the counter. He selected twelve pocket squares, wrapped them in the paper, and placed them in the bag. "Please, look around ladies. I will return in a moment." We watched as he walked the bag over to the wood worker. They bowed to each other and spoke. Then, Mr. Sonners gave him the bag and returned to us. Mr. Sonners' shop also had tablecloths, blankets, and sheets. I saw a blanket that reminded me of the color of the walls behind my grandmother when I had seen her through the vid-screen. I found myself holding the soft blanket. Auria patted me, and Thunderdrop chirped. Mr. Sonners held out his hand. "Please allow me to place it in a bag for you, my lady." I looked down and then held it out to him. I dabbed at my nose. Auria bought several matching tablecloths for the bakery. Mr. Sonners told me that he couldn't possibly allow me to pay him for the blanket or the silk squares.

  "Mr. Sonners, you must let me pay you. I'm afraid my husband is becoming very jealous, especially when he saw your roses in my room."

  "Then, I must throw myself on his mercy. I am helpless where you are concerned and too weak to defend my heart from the ache your tears have caused it. Surely, the fortunate man who is your husband will sympathize?" Mr. Sonners smiled and kissed each of our hands. Sydney and Mrs. Jones entered the store.

  "Hello, Mr. Sonners," Sydney greeted him. He bowed low.

  "Lady Alaric and Mrs. Jones your presence honors me. Never before have so many beautiful ladies graced my humble shop at once."

  "Mr. Sonners your words are just as beautiful as are the roses you sent to our Teagan," Sydney said.

  Auria showed her mother the tablecloths she had bought her for the bakery. "Auria, these are beautiful. You are such a good girl." Mrs. Jones hugged Auria and kissed her smiling cheek. Arm in arm they felt blankets and talked quietly. I looked away and patted Thunderdrop's leg. My heart felt heavy. I wondered what it must feel like to Auria to look around at things with her mother. Mr. Sonners caught my expression. I walked over to Sydney. She took my hand and kissed my forehead. Sydney bought several expensive sets of sheets, much to Mr. Sonners' delight. I was glad since he had refused my payment. The poor driver returned and became laden with all of Sydney's bags and one of Auria's. I carried my bag, and Auria carried one of her own. We followed him down to the car and took Mrs. Jones to the bakery where she fed us treats. After the driver brought in all of her bags, she fed him, too.

  Once we returned home, Thunderdrop decided to try to get ZeeZee to play ball. Jorge carried all of my things to my room. Sydney had given me a vanity for my room with a low backed chair to match. I put the jewelry box on top of it and carefully placed all of my pretty sparkly things inside. I put the picture of my mother in one of the frames Auria had given me and placed it by the box. I changed clothes and decided I might as well take a nap. Maybe I could sleep through the remainder of the afternoon.

  When I woke up, Thunderdrop was sleeping on my pillow. I decided to read my weapons and guidance systems sections again. I could tell Eliot was in a very good mood, and I was thankful that I had slept through the reason why. "Come in," I said before he could knock.

  "Teagan, Auria's parents and brother will be joining us for dinner in an hour."

  "Thank you for letting me know. I had better change."

  Eliot closed my door, and I could hear him whistling his way down the stairs. After our nice family dinner, and some time spent together in the living room, I went to my room and called Yukihyo. Then, I took the Chapter Five test and was pleased when I managed to only miss three questions. I really wanted to get through all of the course work so I could play with the simulator.

  I woke up the next morning feeling grumpy and sad. A good reason to get out of bed had not yet occurred to me. I made myself get out of bed. I cleaned up and decided to wear something that looked the opposite of my mood, so I selected a pink dress and a soft brown cardigan. I brushed my hair up into a ponytail. The wind and rain lashed against the house. I followed Thunderdrop into the lift and to the sunroom where I joined Gram, Sydney, and Ethan for breakfast. Auria and Eliot were sleeping through the storm. After breakfast Gram and I went to the sitting room. She and Sydney were going to play cards. I offered to watch. Through the rain we saw lights from several transports shine their way through the windows. "Oh, no. Is the militia back?" I asked. Sydney went to the foyer. I followed and peeked around her. I saw my transport and rushed outside, but stayed underneath the large roof and out of the rain. The driver pulled up as far as possible under the awning, powered down, and got out. It was Yukihyo. I ran to him and threw myself into his arms. Yukihyo kissed me as if it had been two weeks since he had last done so. He bent and put his arm under my knees, picked me up, and carried me back to the door. Two other transports arrived. Yukihyo stopped and stared into my face with an unfamiliar expression. He put me down before we had even gotten inside. "What's wrong?" I asked.

  Yukihyo looked at me as though he were in shock. Thunderdrop came out and chirped wildly at him. Yukihyo sank to his knees at my feet and pressed his forehead to my stomach. His arms went around me. "Are you okay?"

  "Lady wife, you carry my child." I froze. Phillip's face had changed into his serious expression, and then he blocked my view of Hiroshi as he walked up behind Yukihyo. "You should not be out here in the rain." In one swift movement, he stood, picked me up, and carried me into the sitting room. He looked around and walked out and into the living room. He placed me carefully on a couch, covered me with a blanket, and began making a fire. Thunderdrop chirped at him non-stop. "Yes, now I understand what you have been trying to tell me, Thunderdrop. Thank you for watching her."

  Sydney appeared just as surprised as I imagined I did. Phillip appeared with his medical bag and a scanner. He waved it over me a few times. "Way to go, Yukihyo. You must have impregnated your wife on the way here from Scipio. Teagan, your child is only about three weeks along. Have you been tired lately?"

  "She has been taking naps almost daily," Sydney answered.

  With a fire started, Yukihyo carefully sat down by me, put his arm around me, and used his other hand to adjust the blanket he had covered me with. "Teagan, are you comfortable?" he asked. I just looked at him.

>   "Has your appetite changed?" Phillip asked.

  "Yes, she has been eating more. I thought it was because of all of the stress," Sydney said.

  "Phillip, my wife has been under a great deal of stress. Is she alright?" Yukihyo sounded angry.

  Hiroshi kneeled down in front of me. He smiled at me with twinkling eyes. "Since you have decided to make me an uncle, I am glad I have much work to complete on Arachne. It is best if we all stay put for a while." He kissed my nose. Gram sat across from us on another couch.

  "Did I just hear what I thought I heard?" she asked.

  Ethan came into the room. Phillip sat on my other side. He held the scanner out in front of me and pointed to the screen. He pointed at a weird looking thing with a little dot in it. "That is your womb and this is your baby," he said as he pointed at the dot.

  "I don't understand. Are you serious? I'm pregnant?" I said as I skeptically looked down at the blanket.

  Phillip moved the blanket down and touched his finger to my dress. "Yes, and I would say that he or she is right about here."

  Yukihyo pulled the blanket back up to my chin.

  "There is an empty room right next to Teagan's. We can turn it into a nursery," Gram said to Sydney.

  "Yes, we can put Phillip next to Auria and Eliot, so he's close. Hiroshi can take the room on the second floor," Sydney told her.

  Yukihyo kissed my hair. I thought about the tiny baby I had gotten to hold on the Hadrian. I could hold my baby all I wanted, and I wouldn't have to share. I could look at the tiny fingers all I wanted. "Ow! What was that for, Phillip?" He had my arm in his hand and pulled an injector away.

  "It was vitamins. Have you just been eating sweets for two weeks? No more coffee, doctor's orders. You can have three cups of tea a day and all of the water, milk, or juice that you want. Yukihyo and everyone, we need a stress free environment. The new relatives shouldn't have a problem with that." I made the mistake of yawning.


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