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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 17

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Lady wife, do you wish to join the Emperor of Parvac for lunch?” I looked at Yukihyo, who had sacrificed so much in order for me to be able to meet my grandmother.

  “Husband, whatever you wish to do is fine with me.” He studied me for a moment and then made up his mind. He nodded to the Parvac soldier.

  Eric and Gram were shocked that Yukihyo had accepted. Uncle Valen came and escorted us to lunch. Our ten guards would remain outside of the room until we returned to our seats. The room to which Uncle Kagan led us was similar to the dining area our family had been sharing. In this room, a table stood ready. The Emperor sat in a chair behind a table. A soldier with dead predatory eyes stood guard behind the Emperor. Uncle Kagan directed Yukihyo and me to sit on a couch across from the Emperor. Then, Uncle Kagan stood behind us. The Emperor appeared to be a few years older than Uncle Kagan. He wasn’t the type of person who I wanted to risk offending.

  “I see that you received my gifts. They look beautiful on you.”

  “Thank you, Emperor Probus. You were kind to think of me, and this is lovely,” I said as I lifted the spherical diamond pendant by its chain. I pushed it with my finger and watched as the lights reflected from its many facets.

  “You should have things to remind you of your worth. The necklace around your neck belonged to an empress.” I drew in a sharp breath, and my eyes grew wide.

  “Oh, sir! I can’t….” He held up a hand for silence. Uncle Kagan placed a hand on my shoulder and gently patted me. Thunderdrop moved to sit in my lap.

  “I have something to share with your husband as well.” Emperor Probus held out his hand, and the soldier behind him placed a vid-controller upon his palm. He powered on the vid-screen, and then focused his gaze on Yukihyo. “You have lost much to our people but not all. A second ship landed in your territory, Ruyo Ponidi.”

  Yukihyo had a feral look in his eyes. I put my hand over our baby. Thunderdrop brushed his feelers across the top of my hand. Emperor Probus pulled up a picture of a woman who appeared to be a few years older than Yukihyo. She was smiling and had five children around her. The oldest child was a girl of around eleven who shared the same white eyes and light grey hair as her mother. The other children had pale green eyes. Three of the children were boys, and the smallest child was a girl. Emperor Probus showed another picture of a younger white-eyed, grey and brown haired woman. She had twin sons, each with pale green eyes. Yukihyo sat frozen with his eyes riveted to the vid-screen. The next picture was of two women. One appeared to be in her forties and the other in her sixties. The younger of the two women held an infant, and the older held a toddler. Yukihyo stared at the women. Without question, I knew the women were Yukihyo’s mother and sisters. Uncle Kagan’s hand still rested on my shoulder.

  “When I came to power, I put an end to raiding other systems for mates. Growing up, I had seen firsthand the pain it had caused the mother of a dear friend of mine. Also, I have experienced the agonizing pain of having someone I loved ripped from me.”

  He pointed at the screen and placed a call. A large frightening looking man answered and saluted. The man turned, called out, and a woman approached the vid-screen promptly followed by three others. Yukihyo stood rooted in front of the vid-screen. His back was to me, and his emotions overwhelmed me. I saw the shocked faces of the women and had heard them cry out when they saw him. Large tears rolled down their faces. They all spoke rapidly and at once to Yukihyo in a language I didn’t understand. Uncle Kagan moved to sit beside me on the couch. He put his arm around me. Yukihyo and the women, his mother and sisters, spoke continuously for over an hour. I dared not interrupt, but I had to excuse myself unable to hold it any longer. Uncle Kagan stood to walk with me. As I began to walk from the room, Yukihyo turned.

  “Where are you taking my wife?”

  “Yukihyo, I’ll be right back. I’m sorry. I can’t wait any longer. I’ll be safe with my uncle. I’ll be right back.”

  “No, wait.” He spoke rapidly to the women and rushed to me. “We will be right back,” he said.

  He picked me up and carried me into the restroom. Then, without waiting for me to dry my hands, he swooped me up and rushed us back to the room. The shocked faces of the women greeted us when we returned. Yukihyo carried me with him to the vid-screen. He switched back to the common language and introduced me to his mother and three sisters. In turn, we were introduced to the large man who had answered the call. He was the husband of Yukihyo’s eldest sister. Yukihyo’s mother wanted to know what had happened to my eyes. He switched back to their native language and rapidly explained. Afterwards, I could tell when he told them about the baby because all of their eyes turned toward my stomach. My back began to ache. Yukihyo noticed, gently placed me on my feet, and rubbed my back. I heard the word Arachne. Yukihyo’s mother addressed me.

  “I am overjoyed to have my son, who I had believed forever lost to me, returned. Now, he tells me that I have a new daughter and grandchild as well. I welcome you, Teagan Ponidi.”

  “Thank you. I’m so grateful to see your faces. Believing you all to be gone has caused my husband indescribable suffering.”

  Yukihyo’s mother said, “Great is my debt to those of you who helped Ruyo to survive.”

  Emperor Probus said, “Perhaps you should exchange transmission data. I believe long range communication has been established with Arachne. Kagan, you have been able to speak to your niece?”

  “Yes, Emperor.”

  Yukihyo and his mother exchanged contact information and had to say their goodbyes. Once the Emperor powered down the screen, servers began to bring in lunch.

  “You must be famished, Teagan. I did invite the two of you for lunch.”

  Emperor Probus stood and went to the table where his guard pulled out his chair. Yukihyo pulled out mine. Desperately, I wanted to speak privately with Yukihyo. I was eager to hear his thoughts and feelings about his mother and sisters’ survival. Instead, we sat and ate. I paid no attention to what we ate until I was given chocolate cake and real coffee for dessert. Yukihyo was too distracted to notice, so I drank the coffee first before he could take it away.

  “I regret that you have spent so many years believing your mother and sisters to have been killed. It is rare for a Parvac to ever harm a female.” He looked pointedly at me. “You had the misfortune of meeting such a one on Arachne. I assure you. No Parvac will do anything other than assist and protect you in the future. Do you like living on Arachne?”

  Stunned, I said, “Yes, sir. It is home to me, other than our ship. Arachne has become one of my favorite places to be, and I long to go back.”

  “Perhaps one day you might feel the same about the Parvac Empire. I extend an open invitation to you and your crew. I believe you have silk to trade? I only ask that should you come, you will visit me as well as your grandmother and uncle.” The Emperor rose from his seat. I curtsied and Yukihyo bowed. “Lord Yukihyo Alaric Montgomery Lee, your mother and sisters are loved and well-provided for in the Parvac Empire. It pleases me that you do the same for your wife, who while an Arachnean citizen would be welcomed by the Parvac Empire along with her husband.”

  Uncle Kagan escorted us back to our box. Gram and Eric stared at Yukihyo once we were seated. I held his hand. Our baby would have his or her very own grandmother and great-grandmother. Yukihyo turned to me and kissed me. Eric cleared his throat. Yukihyo squeezed my hand.

  I whispered, “When can we call Hiroshi? He could meet us with a ship full of silk, and we could go see your mother and sisters.”

  He squeezed my hand again. I looked toward the Emperor and saw he watched us as he listened to Uncle Kagan. I smiled at him. He didn’t have to tell Yukihyo the truth or let him talk to his family, but he had. Emperor Probus inclined his head to me. I assumed Yukihyo felt the same shock that I had felt upon discovering that I had a family. I didn’t know what to do to help him as he sorted through his emotions, so I simply stayed close and held his hand.

  When we met with every
one for dinner, Yukihyo shared his news with our family. Kane took my hand and sat with me on a couch while Yukihyo spoke with Gina.

  “What do you think of Emperor Probus?”

  “He seems to be very kind and generous. He gave my husband a precious gift today. Yukihyo never thought to see their faces again except in memories. However, he saw them, heard their voices, and can call them just as I can call Grandmother.”

  “Emperor Probus wishes to speak to you. Will you come?”

  “Can Yukihyo come with us?”

  Kane nodded and walked over to Yukihyo. Uncle Kagan stared at Yukihyo and held his gaze before returning his attention to Aunt Seyla. Gram spoke quietly with Eric. Yukihyo and I followed Kane while surrounded by guards. Emperor Probus was in the same room with the frighteningly cold soldier from earlier.

  “Please sit. I wanted another chance to speak to you privately, Teagan. An agreement will be reached tomorrow, and I will have little time to myself.” He stood and began to pace. Then, he turned toward me. “You look so much like your mother and disturbingly like your uncle and cousin.” He smiled at Kane. “Neema was as kind as she was beautiful. The group behind your attempted abduction were successful almost twenty years ago when they stole your mother. I vow to you their complete eradication. None of them will survive. Nathan Green was nothing more than Neema’s jailor. When she tried to take you and escape, he killed her and passed you off as his own to avoid suspicion.” A hard edge had entered his voice.

  “Passed me off as his own? What do you mean? Are you saying Nathan Green wasn’t my father?” His words had my head spinning. Yukihyo’s warm hand covered my cold one.

  Emperor Probus turned to look at me. “No, he was not. What father would treat his own child as he treated you? Thinking of you and Neema alone and at the mercy of that vile man turns my blood cold.”

  “Do you know who my father was? Can you tell me his name or what happened to him?” Yukihyo put his arm around me. Thunderdrop climbed down to my lap and blinked at me.

  “You are mine.”

  I felt as though everything stopped. I stared at him. He stood across the room with his hands behind his back facing me.


  “I loved your mother with my entire being from the moment that I first saw her. Your Uncle Kagan and I were playing in the fort behind his house when his younger sister called to us to come inside. I knew one day she would be my wife. She meant everything to me. Her abduction was a political message to my father to put an end to the archaic Parvac practice of stealing females. Your mother and I were the ones to pay the price and learn the lesson. I spent years searching for her. I placed inquisitors on each habitable planet to search for her. I never found her. Then, your genetic scan appeared in the medical data base on Arachne, but it was too late for Neema. It isn’t too late for you.”

  Shakily, I stood and took a few hesitant steps toward him. When he unclasped his hands and let them fall to his sides, I came closer. I stared at his face. I felt the end of my nose begin to tingle, and my eyes to swell. I didn’t know if I was allowed to touch him. His eyes were dark and unreadable.

  “So all of those times, it wasn’t my father hitting me?”

  I felt his arms envelop me. I slipped my hands between his jacket and shirt, pressed my face against his chest, and cried. I didn’t ever want to let go. He picked me up, sat in a chair, and held me. I heard movement and saw Yukihyo hand out a silk square. I reached for it and wiped my eyes. I felt Thunderdrop’s claws in my hair. I looked into the face of the man claiming to be my father. He had dark eyes. I put my hands to the sides of his face and studied him.

  “No, it was not. I will not allow anyone to harm my princess and live.” I felt his hand in my hair. “Everyone in the Empire knows you are my daughter. When your mother was stolen from me, your grandfather ordered extensive searches. However, now after all of these years, all of those who were involved in taking her from me and their disciples have been eradicated. Do not fear them. They are no more. I did not know she carried you. Had I known of you alone with those butchers, it would have driven me mad. I know of you now, and it is my duty to ensure your safety and happiness. I have been denied so many years with you.” He studied my face.

  “I am safe and happy now. What you did for Yukihyo means more to me than anything you could ever do for me.” I moved my left hand to his shoulder and traced down his nose with my right index finger. His hair was brown and very short. “You’re my father? My mother didn’t abandon me. This is all so much. So, we don’t have to be afraid to travel on Tora? I don’t have to be afraid? My crew and I can come and go as we please?”


  “I can visit you? Do you think Yukihyo’s sisters’ husbands would be okay with us visiting them?”

  “They would view any visit from my daughter and her husband as a great honor.” When he said “my daughter” my eyes filled again. I put my arms around his neck and hid my face against his neck. “Daughter, you will come and go as you wish, you will live wherever you choose to live, and I will not interfere with one exception.” I lifted my face from his neck and kissed his cheek. “You will take the man standing behind me into your household as your personal body guard. Whether on or off planet, I want him with you. Your husband has proven himself to be a capable warrior. However, this is the only way that I can allow you out of my sight. Now that you have found happiness, I will do everything in my power to see that you keep it.”

  “We aren’t on our ship. We’re on Eric’s.”

  “Do not worry. I have taken care of everything.” I looked at the dead-eyed soldier standing with his back to the wall.

  “He looks really scary,” I whispered in Emperor Probus’ ear.

  “He is, and his only job is to protect you, a member of the Imperial family.”

  “How much am I supposed to pay him and what do you want me to do on his day off?” Emperor Probus smiled at me.

  “He and his family are being well compensated for his service, and he doesn’t get days off.”

  “Do I have to worry about him fighting with Yukihyo or any of my family?”

  “No, also, he can give your Captain Hiroshi navigational charts for our empire. Will you do as your father wishes?” I turned and met Yukihyo’s eyes. He nodded.

  “Yes, sir, but he has to understand that on Tora, Hiroshi is the boss. If he dares interfere with my marriage, he’s going back home to you.” He smiled.



  “What’s his name?”

  “His name is Kaoti.”

  I turned my attention to the cold-eyed soldier. Then, I put my hands back to the sides of his face and said, “You are mine? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I did not wish to upset you. You were terrified to meet your uncle and cousin. You feared being taken from everyone you have learned to trust. Your continued happiness is one of my primary concerns. Another is your well-being, and I can’t help but notice how tired you appear to be. My son-in-law should see to your rest.”

  “Wait! Will I see you again?”

  “You will see me and speak to me whenever you wish.”

  I didn’t want to, but I moved from my undignified seat on his lap. Nathan Green had never held me in his lap. Emperor Probus stood and hugged me again. Yukihyo, Kane, and Kaoti bowed to him, and we returned to the dining room. When Eric saw Kaoti, his face became ashen. “Eric, Gram, Gina, this is Kaoti. He is going to be staying with me from now on.” They gave him nods. “I just found out….”

  “It’s okay, Teagan. I told them. It has been a busy day for you. Why don’t you get some rest, and we will see each other again in the morning?” Uncle Kagan said.

  I suspected from Eric’s expression that he had known all along that Nathan Green was not my father from all of my genetic scans. When he met my eyes, I became certain he had discovered more Parvac genes than human genes. Gram took my hand and kissed my cheek. She told me that she hoped t
hat finally I would experience the love of a parent. Also, Gram explained the suspicions of all of the family from the moment they discovered me that my father might be Parvacian.

  Once we were back on board the Hadrian, and Kaoti stood outside of our door, I asked Yukihyo, “Where is he going to sleep?”

  Yukihyo kissed me and said, “Take your shower and I will see to the arrangements.”

  Thunderdrop climbed to his web, and I went to the shower. I was in a gown with my hair wrapped in a towel when he returned.

  “Commander Bosh assigned Kaoti quarters on this deck.”

  “Have you called Hiroshi, yet?”

  “Let’s do so now.”

  I sat in one of the chairs in front of the corner vid-screen. Yukihyo handed me a robe and then covered my lap with a blanket. Hiroshi answered from his room at the Alaric house. Simply seeing the stone wall behind him gave me comfort.

  “Brother we have incredible news!” Yukihyo told Hiroshi about his mother and sisters. Hiroshi’s stunned but happy expression was replaced with questions as soon as Yukihyo finished.

  “Do we plan a rescue mission?” Yukihyo shook his head.

  “Mother says they are content with their lives. They will not take the children away from their fathers or homes. Our old ways are over. Regardless, my joy is indescribable, but I must form my own clan with Teagan. Hiroshi, with my mother alive, she could form a link between us. We are brothers by your customs but could become brothers through mine as well.” Hiroshi tried to appear stern, but I could see moisture in his eyes. He gave Yukihyo a nod.

  “Hiroshi, we can visit them. Tora has permission from Emperor Probus to trade silk in the Parvac Empire. You and Phillip could load up and come pick us up here.” Hiroshi’s eyebrows hit his hairline.

  “How did you manage an invitation from the Emperor of Parvac?” I looked at Yukihyo who gave me a nod of encouragement and held my hand.


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