The Space Merchants of Arachne

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The Space Merchants of Arachne Page 21

by Wendie Nordgren

  Kaoti appeared at my side. “Do you wish to return to your apartments, Princess?”

  “That depends on how far away they are,” I said as I looked up at him.

  “May I show you a shorter route?” Kaoti clasped his hands behind his back. He wore the solid black uniform of Parvac. I knew he was armed, but he had his weapons hidden so as not to upset me.

  “What is your idea of short?” I rubbed at the small of my back. Kaoti’s dark eyes never left mine as he nodded and moved toward a wall. Then, he opened a hidden door in the wall near the infirmary. He beckoned, and Hiroshi and the rest of us followed him. We followed Kaoti down the clean white narrow corridor and out into the hall that led to my sitting room. “Thank you, Kaoti. Now, if you will excuse me, the baby and I need a nap.”

  “I will join you, my lady.” Yukihyo took my hand and walked with me to our large bedroom. I groaned with relief once I had kicked off my shoes and changed into a soft gown. Yukihyo changed into a pair of knee length pajama bottoms.

  “Those are cute.” Yukihyo shook his head and rolled his eyes. We pulled back the thick white blankets and scooted into the center of the massive bed. Seconds after resting my head on Yukihyo’s shoulder, I slept. Much later I woke to Yukihyo rubbing the knot from my lower back.

  “As Gary has suggested all along, my lady wife is a princess. It seems your name grows longer.”

  “As does my husband’s name. Your mother called you Ruyo Ponidi.” I lifted up and sat so that I could look into his eyes as he rested against the pillows. I ran my hands over his chest. “Are you going to change it back?”

  Faint traces of blue ran through the white surface of his eyes. He ran a hand from my wrist up to my elbow. In his deep monotone, Yukihyo said, “No, those days are over. My future is with you and Hiroshi. My clan mother and sisters have new lives in the empire your father rules.”

  “Papa is your father-in-law as well.” I placed my hands on my stomach and spoke to the baby. “He is also your grandfather. Isn’t that right, baby?” My stomach growled in response which sparked a laugh from Yukihyo. He got out of bed in an uncomfortable looking condition. “Husband, are you in need of assistance?”

  Yukihyo laughed again. “I need to get you dressed so that you can feed our child. The changes in your figure have me in constant need of your assistance.”

  I gave him an incredulous expression. “I look gross. My chest is too big, and I have no waist.” I frowned.

  Yukihyo gave me a slow seductive smile. “My body disagrees with your opinion.” His condition did add a degree of credibility to his statement. “I wonder what new things are in your dressing room for you to try on.” He helped me as I attempted to escape the bed.

  “I wonder if any of it will actually fit me.”

  We made our way across the cool white stone floor to the bathroom and turned to the right. One dress in particular caught my eye. While it was predominantly white, it had thin lines of green, orange, and yellow at the neckline that continued down the front and to the hem. The neckline was V-shaped and twisted right under the chest. The sleeves and top were formfitting, but the skirt of the dress was roomy. It was soft and comfortable. I examined my appearance.

  “Does this dress make my chest look too prominent?”

  Yukihyo stared at me with white eyes shot through with pink and gold. He pulled on a pair of dark pants and a loose white shirt. “Other than when you wore your wedding dress, you have never been more beautiful. Each time I look at you, my condition worsens.”

  His words had me blushing in pleasure. “You had your chance. Now, you will have to wait. Have you noticed that every dress in here is primarily white, and so are the shoes? Your shirts and jackets are all white, too.”

  “Here, lady wife.” Yukihyo held out the necklace with the spherical diamond framed by up spread wings to me and slipped it over my head. I still wore the diamond ring from Eric and bracelet from Uncle Kagan. We found Thunderdrop and Cass racing transports on the white stone floor.

  When they paused and blinked up at me, I smiled at them. “Have the two of you been fed?”

  “Chirp!” Thunderdrop said before racing off with his toy.

  “They enjoy their freedom after being confined to Tora,” Yukihyo said.

  Kaoti stood sentinel at the end of the hall, still and silent in his black uniform. He bowed without breaking eye contact. His cold eyes didn’t frighten me as much as they once had, but I was glad he was on my side. “Which room did you chose, Kaoti?”

  “I have a bunk in the barracks, Princess.”

  Surprised, I said, “Oh, you don’t want to stay with us? There are three extra rooms, but do whatever makes you happy.” I shrugged, and Yukihyo and I walked past him and into the sitting room. I heard Hiroshi, Phillip, and Simon as they engaged in conversation before I saw them. They were sitting near the windows.

  “Papa!” I rushed forward and hugged him.

  “I have been getting to know my new family members. You look beautiful with a smile on your face,” he said.

  “Thank you for all of the pretty dresses.” I spun slowly for him.

  His warm strong hand took mine. “You are very welcome. I hope you will all join me. Our table is prepared.”

  Papa walked us down the wide hall and to the left. Guards were stationed along the way at intervals. He took us to his wing, and I paused in the sitting room before following him into his dining room. A portrait of my mother hung upon the wall above a vase full of white roses that rested on a table. Her long reddish brown hair fell in a cascade over her shoulder, and her pale blue eyes seemed sweet and kind.

  “She was incredibly beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous hair and eye color,” Simon whispered in my ear. Laughing, I kissed his cheek.

  “You know just what to say to keep me from dissolving into tears. Now, every time I look at you, I will be reminded of her. You and Sherman look more like her than I do.”

  “Yes, he does. You look more like your uncle and cousin than you do me.” Papa put his arm around me.

  I forced myself away from her portrait and into the dining room. Servers began filling our plates. I glanced around at them.

  “Papa, I’ve noticed that all of the servers and guards are men. I don’t think I’ve seen any ladies inside of your palace.”

  “Our palace, Teagan. There are twice as many males as females in our empire which is an improvement from the last few decades. Therefore, Parvac women are protected and cherished. You will not see any of them working.” He looked pointedly at Hiroshi and Yukihyo.

  “Papa, if it hadn’t been for Hiroshi, I would still be on Earth earning a living as a reclamation worker, but instead, I’m happy and safe.”

  Papa focused his dark eyes on my face. “I can send someone to work for you on Tora. There is no need for you to engage in menial labor.”

  I sighed. “Yes, Papa, but I don’t want anyone else cleaning my home. When I’m upset, it calms my nerves. Anyway, I like contributing and taking care of my family. If I wanted to hire someone, I have plenty of credits to do so. If there comes a day when I don’t feel as though I can do something, I’ll ask for help. I promise.”

  Papa looked as though he would argue. I lifted my chin and stared right back at him. The others were strangely silent. No grunt came from Hiroshi. Phillip had nothing to say either.

  “As you wish, Daughter.”

  After lunch Papa said that he had a surprise for us. He escorted us to the large sitting room in the front of the palace. While we all sat, I noticed Kaoti taking a position behind us near the wall. I looked around wondering what the surprise might be. The room was decorated in white, gold, and teal. Suddenly, Yukihyo jumped up and rushed from the room. I could feel overwhelming joy through our bond. I clasped my hands together under my chin. I closed my eyes. I had never felt such exuberant elation and enjoyed it vicariously. Phillip unclasped my hands and held my left hand as he scanned me.

  “Teagan, can you tell me what’s wrong?”

  “No, nothing’s wrong. It’s Yukihyo. He’s so happy. His mother and sisters must be here.” Papa took my other hand and sat beside me. Phillip held the scanner over my baby, and we listened to the steady thump of his or her heartbeat. I opened my eyes. “Let us see the baby.”

  Papa laughed delightedly at the sight of his grandchild. I glanced over at Simon who sat with his elbows on his knees and his head resting on his hands.

  “Are you okay, Simon?”

  He lifted his head to look at me. “You feel it, too?” Simon’s blue eyes sparkled.

  I nodded. Then, I felt something else. It seemed like Yukihyo’s awareness expanded. An even greater happiness and relief flowed through him to me. Added to those were feelings of joy, disbelief, and gratitude mixed with sorrow. Papa pulled me against him, and I rested my face against his neck. The cushions lifted as Phillip stood and went to check on Simon. I felt the baby flutter and laughed against Papa’s neck. I heard footsteps. Four women and nine children entered the room followed by Yukihyo. I heard one of the women say something. Then, it felt as though a thick blanket had been draped over my mind. I looked toward Simon who seemed to be feeling the same thing. I was able to lift my head from Papa. Yukihyo knelt before me and kissed the hand Phillip had released. His pure white eyes were in a face made even more handsome after being converted by joy. Once Yukihyo was sure I could stand, he put an arm around my back and held my hand.

  “Mother and clan sisters, this is Teagan, my wife and mother to my child.”

  I curtsied to the ladies. Yukihyo’s mother laughed and hugged me.

  “Teagan, you will call me mother.” She smiled and kissed my forehead.

  Yukihyo’s sisters were: Aya, who had infant and toddler girls; Adina, who had a Laconian daughter, three Parvac sons, and an infant daughter; and Ashura, who had twin Parvac sons. They encouraged me to sit down. I watched as Yukihyo’s mother cried and kissed Hiroshi and Phillip. She thanked them over and over for saving her son. She wiped tears from Hiroshi’s cheeks. Meanwhile, I got to hold each of the babies. My pinky finger became a favorite toy. The six older children were entranced by Thunderdrop and Cass who were putting on a show of climbing and swinging from lines of silk. Simon began supervising Silk spider petting. The toddler boys lost interest in Thunderdrop and Cass. The boys decided Hiroshi and Phillip were giant spiders like those of which Simon had told them. They proceeded to use the men’s backs for spider races. I could only imagine how the white stone floor felt against their knees as they raced around with screaming boys on their backs. Meanwhile, I got more diaper changing practice. Thunderdrop chittered at me from a safe distance. As the sky began to turn a darker shade of orange and the children began to yawn, Yukihyo’s mother and sisters had the children hug us goodnight.

  “Goodnight Uncle Yukihyo and Aunt Teagan,” several voices said. When the children said goodnight to Uncle Hiroshi and Uncle Phillip, the two of them had the same tender expressions on their faces. Yukihyo politely refused invitations to visit his sisters at their homes. He told them how glad he was that they had found peace and happiness, but he wasn’t sure he could be on friendly terms with their husbands. He thought accepting them would be dishonorable of him. Yukihyo’s feelings were particularly violent toward the Parvac soldier who had married his mother. The women didn’t push him. They could feel what Yukihyo felt to a much greater extent than I could.

  During dinner Papa told Yukihyo that arrangements had been made for merchants to meet with them tomorrow afternoon to see the merchandise they wished to sell or trade. A secure location had been appropriated for their use, and men would be available to help transport and display our silk. Papa gave Yukihyo the name of the contact in the palace who he had assigned to act as a facilitator. They would begin making their arrangements in the morning.

  “Daughter, while your husband, brother-in-law, and cousin are busy, you have an invitation to spend the day with your grandmother. Perhaps Phillip will accompany you to ensure you do not overtire yourself.”

  I looked hopefully at Phillip. I didn’t want to be alone on Parvac without someone I truly trusted. He flashed me his white smile and nodded his blonde head at me. He acted as though all of the guards and soldiers were of no significance. I kept expecting something bad to happen.

  That evening Yukihyo and I relaxed in the small pool that passed as a bath. Afterwards he reminded me how attractive he found me without a waist. Yukihyo kissed me awake the next morning. The sky was still a deep orange. He had already dressed, and Hiroshi and Simon waited for him.

  “We are off to make you and our Arachnean family a fortune. Try to relax and enjoy your visit with the Valens. I feel the traces of panic in your heart and hear the fears in your thoughts. You worry about plots to separate us where there are none. The guards and soldiers only wish to protect you and prove their worth. If anyone in this palace considered harming you, my mother, sisters, and I would have sensed it. You are safe on Parvac. I can’t believe I said and meant those words.”

  Yukihyo smoothed a strand of hair behind my ear. I climbed down from the bed and slipped into a white robe. I walked to the drawer where I had placed my jewelry.

  “I believe you, but wear this for me so that I don’t worry as much about you being away from me.” I slipped the medallion surrounded by its pendant of thumb-sized diamonds over Yukihyo’s head. He bent down so I could reach. I adjusted the pendant on its chain and smoothed the front of his shirt. I could feel the warmth of his skin under my palms. “I love you. Please be careful.”

  Yukihyo watched as I put the opal and sapphire necklace with Simon’s hidden tracking device around my neck. Yukihyo acknowledge it for the precaution it was and kissed me. Then, he bent down and kissed my robe covered belly as well. I ran my fingers through his soft dove grey hair. He rose and met my eyes with his.

  “Lady wife, your brave manly husband must go and sell bolts of silk so as to provide for both you and our child. Please don’t allow Phillip to antagonize you too much over your food choices.” Yukihyo kissed the tip of my nose, winked at me, and sauntered away.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Trying not to be nervous, I decided to wear a long blue and white dress to match Simon’s necklace, brushed my hair, and walked from my beautiful room and down the long hallway to the sitting room. Kaoti appeared behind me. Startled, I said, “Where did you come from?”

  “I accepted your generous invitation and took this room at the end, Princess.”

  “Good, I’m glad. Is it better than the barracks?” I asked as I looked up at his solid mass.


  We found Phillip on the patio watching Thunderdrop as he played with a ball on the lawn.

  “Good morning, Phillip.”

  “Good morning,” Phillip said rather grumpily.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, I was just thinking about Becca, Felicia, Flora, and Silvie.”

  I laughed at him and poured myself a cup of coffee, but placated him by taking some fruit. “Maybe we can convince Hiroshi to stop on Malta. We could buy some gifts here for the ladies. I’m sure they’ve never gotten any souvenirs from Parvac. I think Kahra and Annette would enjoy meeting Kaoti.” I peeked at my body guard and wondered if he was capable of emotion.

  Phillip brightened considerably. “Gifts all the way from Parvac. The ladies would love that!”

  “I wonder if there are any toy stores. We could ask Grandmother and Aunt Seyla. I’d like to get presents for Gina, Sydney, Gram, and Auria, too. Also, I want to buy some dresses that are fashionable here to take home to Simon’s designers.”

  “Why is that, Cupcake?” Phillip shoved a pastry into his mouth and chewed, brushing the crumbs from his fingers to the patio.

  “We can have them create similar styles in our silks to sell here, and on Arachne and Scipio.”

  Phillip turned serious. “Good idea.”

  I nodded. “I’ve got loads of credits to spend. I would like to find several more dress
es in the style of the one I wore yesterday. That was the most comfortable that I’ve been in days.”

  Phillip snickered. “That dress had Yukihyo as uncomfortable as he was when he was courting you.”

  “Did it really? Maybe I should find gowns like it, too. Do we have either of our transports?”

  “No, we have a driver,” Phillip said with a raise of an eyebrow.

  Uncle Kagan came out to greet us as the driver pulled to a stop. He hugged and kissed me, shook hands with Phillip, and gave Thunderdrop an awkward pat. Once we were inside, Aunt Seyla gave us similar treatments. Grandmother was much more effusive, covering me in kisses until I giggled. Then, she insisted that we call Gram. Ethan and Gram were relieved to see me. Ethan seemed even more pleased that Phillip was at my side. After our call ended, I wandered from room to room. Like the Alaric estate, the Valens had lived in their home for generations. Gram’s touch was evident throughout with touches of blue in the decorations that livened up the sterile white floors so similar to those of the palace. It made me miss the polished wooden floors prevalent in Arachne.

  While grandmother fed us a large breakfast of pastries and fruit, she had several gifts for the Alarics and Montgomeries loaded into the transport. Thunderdrop skittered to me and jumped to my lap. He began chirping excitedly and then bounced away. He turned back and blinked at me. Rising from my seat at the table, I followed.

  “What is he going on so wildly about?” Uncle Kagan asked as he followed me. I shrugged. We found Thunderdrop crawling a wall and peering out a window that overlooked the back of the property. A large stone structure filled the back left corner of it.


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