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The Space Merchants of Arachne

Page 28

by Wendie Nordgren

  “When I’m moving, our baby is still. When I’m still, our baby is kicking.” We stayed in our forest for two days, but then Hiroshi and Phillip came looking for us.

  “It is peaceful here,” Hiroshi said. We had convinced them to sit with us on a blanket near the stream. I laid on my side with my head resting on Yukihyo’s thigh and enjoyed the dappled sun shining on my legs and feet.

  “I have something to tell you all.” I looked up at Yukihyo and over at Hiroshi. “After this next trip, when we come home, I’m staying here until after the baby is born. I’m getting uncomfortable. I want to be around Gram, Gina, Sydney, and Auria. I don’t think Kaoti will mind a few months around his new wife either. If you want to make a trip to Scipio and Earth during that time, I understand, but I hope you won’t go too far.” Yukihyo rubbed my back.

  “I think that’s a good idea, Cupcake. Just let us know what you need.”

  “Phillip, from here on out, I’m eating everything I want. If you interfere, I’m not responsible for your fingers.” Hiroshi laughed.

  “My lady wife is very serious,” Yukihyo warned. They tidied up our camp, and we drove home.

  Auria and Sydney purchased several bottles of my favorite shampoo for me to take to Parvac. Stewart and Jorge convinced Hiroshi to allow them to clean Tora. Unfortunately, Simon and Cass were staying on Arachne to oversee gown and silk production. He agreed to travel to Scipio and Earth along with Hiroshi and Phillip when we returned. Yukihyo had promised to stay on Arachne with me. As I had expected, Kaoti was looking forward to an extended stay on Arachne to be with Violet.

  “You don’t want to leave,” Ethan said.

  “No, I’m tired, but Papa might invade if I spend too long away from him. When will the Parvac Embassy begin operation?”

  “It shouldn’t be long. Gina and Ling both have a hand in it.”

  “Good. He’ll relax when he has more access to me here.” Hugging everyone farewell, we drove to Tora. “I’m sorry you couldn’t convince Violet to come with us, Kaoti.”

  “Perhaps she will feel comfortable enough to visit on our next trip.”

  “You should bring her lots of presents so she knows you were thinking of her.”

  “I have learned to trust your advice, Princess.” Yukihyo chuckled and pointed to Kaoti’s hand. I smiled.

  Yukihyo said, “I see your mate has provided you with a symbol of her ownership.”

  Kaoti nodded. “As has yours.” Yukihyo nodded back.

  During my morning calls, I was pleased that Mary was feeling better. She looked tired and thin, but was able to eat bland foods. “It seems like it has been more difficult for you, Mary. I’m sorry.”

  Mary smiled and replied, “Paul and I are having twins.”

  “You’re getting two out of one pregnancy? Cheater.” Mary laughed. “How is my cousin?”

  “He seems to be doing well. We keep going back and forth transporting dignitaries. It’s been quiet.”

  “Will you give him a hug from me when you see him and remind him that I love him?”

  “I will.”

  “How is Gary?”

  She laughed. “He is trying to convince one of the nurses to go out with him. He has not succeeded.”

  “What is wrong with her? Gary is a sweetheart.”

  “He acts like a lecher.”

  “Well, it is an act. Gary is a sweet, kind man. One time he said something very lecherous to Eric. I teased him. I discovered that the thought of actually upsetting me appalled him. Do me a favor and tell her he only acts that way out of bravado. Maybe she’ll give him a chance. He’s a loyal friend.”

  “So are you. I’ll tell her in a few hours. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m tired, my feet and back hurt, I’m being kicked from the inside, but I’m very happy. I’m hoping to spend the next few months on Arachne. Is there any chance I’ll see you there?”

  “I don’t know. If I hear anything, I’ll tell you.”

  Ethan had taught Gram how to set the vid-screen to allow her to talk to both Grandmother and me at the same time. Occasionally, we would visit with Uncle Kagan, Aunt Seyla, Sydney, and Auria all at once. It was a peaceful trip to Malta.

  Once we arrived and began to pay our visits, Kaoti stayed downstairs with Yukihyo, Ms. Laura, and me. He politely informed the ladies of his marriage and joined us for tea. When we returned to space, I cornered him. “Kaoti, I thought Parvac marriages were between several people, but your behavior on Malta has confused me again.”

  “Princess, on Parvac there has always been a smaller female population. Our society encourages female sexuality. However, a male who is fortunate enough to enter into a marriage contract with a female remains faithful to her.” I blushed.

  During one of my conversations with Grandmother, she showed me pictures of Kane and an older boy playing in her backyard. “Do you know who this is?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “This is Nico. He and your cousin grew up together. They are both tall because of all of the pumpkin cookies I fed them. Nico’s mother and Neema were friends when they were girls. I’ll show you pictures of them when you get home.”

  “How old was he in that picture?”

  “Oh, I think around twelve.”

  “So, he was taller at twelve than I am now?”

  Grandmother smiled at me. “Nico is a strong man. He has forty-thousand men under his command. He would be an excellent second husband to you and a good co-father to your child. Don’t look so frightened, Granddaughter. Your cousin is already telling everyone you’re a prude.”

  I scowled at her. “Then, give him a kiss for me. I’m glad someone understands me. Now, I’m going to eat a couple of steaks if I can get up. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I scooted to the edge of the sofa and stood slowly, so I wouldn’t get dizzy. From the relaxation room, I could hear Yukihyo and Kaoti sparring in the exercise room. Phillip followed me to the kitchen. I had two steaks and some fizzy water.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “My back hurts.” Phillip cleaned and stowed my dishes. He held his hand out to me.

  “Come with me. I’ll rub your back.”


  We went to my quarters, and I laid on my side. When I woke up under my blankets, I discovered he had gotten all of the knots out of my lower back and given me a vitamin injection in my sleep.

  Private husband and wife time evolved into foot and back rubs.

  Chapter Eighteen

  We arrived on Parvac to a welcoming committee. Yukihyo kept his arm around me as we walked down Tora’s ramp. Kaoti stayed behind us. “Here is my beautiful daughter. I have missed you.”

  “I have missed you, too, Papa.” I sank against his warm strong chest. The side of my belly was against his hip, and he laughed and placed his hand against my stomach when the baby kicked him.

  “What a strong grandchild I have!”

  “You should feel that from the inside,” I grumbled. General Nico Cassian had a couple of hundred soldiers standing at attention. He bowed to me and presented me with a bouquet of white flowers. “Nico, thank you. They’re beautiful.” I smelled them. Nico hesitated nervously. I extended my hand to him and pulled him down to kiss his cheek. I turned my cheek to him and felt his lips press gently against it. He bowed to me again and also to Yukihyo whose hand he shook. They began discussing their hunting trip. I smelled my flowers again.

  Papa helped me into his transport and whispered into my ear, “I could not be more pleased with your behavior, Daughter. Ask me for anything and it is yours.”

  “You won’t like it.”

  “What is it?”

  “I need an extended stay on Arachne. I need to rest until the baby comes. Then, we can come back when we are well enough to travel.”

  “You could stay in your wing here.”

  “I know, but I wouldn’t have Gina, Sydney, Gram, and Auria. Papa, I don’t want to be away from them. I’m scared. I realized all of this is going
to be coming out of there.” The thought was horrifying. I locked my eyes with his.

  Overhearing, Phillip said, “Teagan, don’t even think about it. Everything is going to be fine. Dr. Perry and I have everything all set up.”

  Yukihyo put his hand over mine. “I will not leave you, lady wife.”

  Changing the subject, I said, “I got to spend time on my land, Papa. Do you want to see my new baby spiders? Cass is their father.” At his nod, I pulled up the video Ethan had made. In it he had captured me laughing and giggling at the blinking baby spiders and their mother being affectionate. Nico watched over his shoulder.

  “You were out in the forest with only Ethan and Kaoti?” Papa asked. I laughed.

  “Oh, Papa. My spiders won’t allow any harm to come to me. You do remember what Thunderdrop did to that bad man at the peace talks. Can you imagine what the adults would do to an enemy? An attacker would be dead before he knew he was being stalked.” Kaoti nodded.


  “The Princess introduced me to her forest. Hundreds of the spiders watched me, and I felt them probe my thoughts to learn if I were a threat.”


  “Both families’ properties are populated with Silk spiders. They are silent, deadly predators, and the Princess is well-protected while there.”

  “Well, as long as you return to me safely and speak to me on a daily basis, I might survive without any joy or happiness alone on Parvac.”

  “Oh, Papa. Don’t say such things. You will break my heart.”

  “It is important that you know the truth. I thought any joy or happiness I might have in life would exist only in memories of your mother. Then, you came into my life, and I have joy once again. I never wish to be parted from you.” Papa dragged a finger down one of the tears on my cheek. I held his arm and put my head against his shoulder.

  “I would do anything to make you happy, Papa. However, I need to care for myself and my baby.”

  “Whatever you need, you shall have, my darling.” He patted my knee. “I have never seen you smile or laugh with such purity as you did with those spiders.”

  “The only time my lady wife feels such happiness is in her forest. Would you care to see the plans on which we have been working for her home?” Papa inclined his head.

  Once we were all inside my wing, Rolf took my flowers and arranged them in a vase. Otto began unpacking. He handed me a bag. I handed out boxes to Papa and Nico. “What is this?” Nico asked.

  “That is what I expect you and everyone else to wear under your clothes when you are hunting.”

  Papa held up his new shirt and said to Nico, “It will protect against an assault rifle blast. My Princess invented it.”

  “Oh, Papa. Sydney got me these to bring. Smell. It is almost what the air on Arachne smells like.”

  “It is lovely, daughter.” I gave Nico one, too.

  Otto handed me a picture frame of Arachnean wood. I placed it by the flowers. Nico stared at me. The image held within the frame was of Papa, Nico, and me. I blushed.

  “Once Hiroshi has secured his ship, we can board your cousin’s ship and begin our adventure. First, we will visit Apellan, and then we will visit Naxa. There is no need for any of you to pack, other than what my daughter has proposed. It will take three days to arrive on Apellan. Phillip, please take my daughter to the palace infirmary. I know you are an excellent physician, but I wish to be certain that she is well enough to travel.” Phillip bowed to him and helped me up. “Yukihyo, please stay. I wish to speak to you.

  Papa’s doctor had me to recline on a padded surface. While he checked my vital signs, scanned me, and ran all other sorts of tests, he put a view of my baby up on a monitor. Entranced, I saw little fingers, a nose, and mouth. “You look just like Yukihyo. Oh, you’re beautiful.” Phillip wiped at my face.

  “Do you want to know the baby’s sex?”

  “You know?”

  “I know.”

  “Yes, tell me.”

  Phillip pointed. “Cupcake, you are having a little girl.”

  “A daughter? I’m getting a little girl? I can put her in all of those little dresses. She’s a beautiful little version of her daddy. Does he know?”

  “Can he hear your thoughts?” I nodded.

  “Dr. Svenson, you have been taking excellent care of the Princess. Emperor Probus will be pleased.”

  “May I have a picture of her to show Yukihyo and Papa?”

  “Yes, your highness.”

  “Can you send it to my vid-screen, so I can show Gram and everyone on Arachne?” He smiled and bowed. Phillip kept his arm around me as we walked back. They stood when we entered.

  “Sit down, Yukihyo,” Phillip said. I sat on Yukihyo’s lap.

  “Look.” I handed him the picture. Yukihyo’s face lit up. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

  “She?” He would have jumped up had I not been in his lap. “She is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.”

  “She has your nose and mouth. I already know what I want to name her.” I pressed my face into his neck.

  “Neema is a beautiful name, lady wife.” Phillip took the picture from Yukihyo and handed it to Papa. When Hiroshi walked in, everyone, but Nico, Thunderdrop, and Kaoti had teared up.

  “What has happened? Is the baby okay?” he asked gruffly. I wiped my eyes on Yukihyo’s jaw.

  “The little Princess Neema Alaric Montgomery Lee is perfect, as is my beautiful wife.”

  “We are having a girl?” Hiroshi exclaimed. Papa passed the picture to him. Hiroshi cried, too. “She is beautiful. Little Neema will be adorable in the peach ruffled dress with the teddy bears on it.” I giggled. Papa had her picture placed in a white frame with swans carved into it. We took her picture with us to Kane’s ship. Yukihyo sent her picture to his mother, my grandmother, and Gram. I was blissfully happy. From Yukihyo’s smile, he was, too.

  “We need to get her a bed for our room here, too, Yukihyo.”

  Papa said, “I already have that arranged, Princess.” He had Neema’s picture hung in our sitting room on Kane’s ship. When Kane had time to visit us, he hugged me, and then looked at my face.

  “I have never seen my tiny cousin so happy. Who is responsible for this?” I smiled adoringly at Yukihyo.

  Papa said, “Come and see the newest member of the Imperial family.”

  “Good work, tiny cousin. That is a cute baby you are growing in there.”

  “Thank you, cousin.” Once Phillip had gone to put some things away in his quarters, I said, “Kaoti, where are they?” Kaoti went to his bag and handed me a jar. I got a fork from the chef and sat in a chair. I cried when I couldn’t open them. Nico knelt before me and twisted off the lid. “Thank you. Now, you’re a general, right?”

  “Yes, Princess.”

  “When Phillip comes out, create a distraction, please. I don’t want to listen to him lecture me.” He smiled.

  I ate all of the cheese and pepperoni stuffed olives. I passed the empty jar and the fork off to Kaoti, who took them to the kitchen. Yukihyo and Hiroshi chuckled at me. Slowly, I stood and moved to the couch. Yukihyo plumped up cushions for me and lifted my feet to his lap. Nico had done a perfect job. Phillip hadn’t suspected anything. However, an hour later when I began to suffer from a miserable case of indigestion, Phillip lectured me. Yukihyo and Hiroshi snickered, and I scowled at them.

  During the middle of the night, I woke Yukihyo up. “What is it?” he whispered.

  “I’m hungry. I’m going to the kitchen. I didn’t want you to wake up and not know that I’m only gone because I’m starving.” I kissed his cheek and slipped my arms through the sleeves of a robe. The chef found me rummaging.

  “May I be of service, Princess?”

  “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I’ll clean everything back up. I promise.”

  “Please allow me to make you anything you would like.”

  “I don’t know what I want. I’m just hungry.” He made me a large
sandwich full of meat and cheeses, and fried potatoes, and cucumber slices with mustard on the side, along with several glasses of milk. Then, after I had finished, he walked me back to my door. I whispered, “Thank you. I feel much better.” He bowed. I curled up to Yukihyo and slept.

  I woke up alone. I peeked out of our quarters. Kaoti was there. “Where is everyone?”

  “They are enjoying the ship.”

  “What time is it?”

  “It is after lunch. Emperor Probus said you were not to be disturbed.”

  “That was sweet of Papa.” I took a shower and dressed in one of the white dresses that comprised my wardrobe. I added my diamond bracelet and ring. Thunderdrop played in the sitting room. “Where are they?”

  “Who, Princess?”

  “Where is Yukihyo?

  “Exercising, Princess.”

  “Will you take me to him?”

  “If you wish, but there is an observation deck available for your use where you could enjoy either breakfast or lunch.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “You’re stalling. He’s fighting. Take me to him, or I will find someone who will.” Now, I was angry. Thunderdrop climbed my dress and perched on my stomach. I followed Kaoti to a lift and down several decks. We entered a large space full of Parvac soldiers. I thought my heart skipped a beat. They came to attention as they saw me and let me pass. When I was close enough to see, I saw Yukihyo in a fighting ring. I looked around and found a bench on which to sit. Nico saw me, and his face drained of color. He sat beside me.

  “Princess Teagan, do you want me to end the match?”

  “No, are they betting?”


  “Is it too late to place a bet?”

  “No.” I stared at him. He motioned a man over.

  “May I bet ten-thousand credits on Yukihyo to win, please?” He scanned my chip. I watched as Yukihyo moved his feet and took a few punches. The soldiers cheered. “Tell me about the soldier my husband is fighting.”

  “He is a well-trained career soldier.”

  “Yes, and?”

  “That is all.”

  I knew what that meant. Yukihyo was fighting an elite Parvac soldier, expert in hand-to-hand combat. He was the type who had chased me down and tried to kill me, had tried to kill all of us. A bell rang, and they went to their corners. The Parvac soldier was getting pats on the back and sips of water. I stood and walked to the ring. The cheering stopped, and they stood at attention. I climbed the steps to Yukihyo and blotted his forehead with my shawl. He gave me a wicked grin. I put my hands to the sides of his face and gave him a passionate kiss. “Win and I’ll give you a bath with my tongue, husband,” I whispered. “Don’t make me lose my money.” I slapped his butt and returned to my seat.


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