The Space Merchants of Arachne

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The Space Merchants of Arachne Page 44

by Wendie Nordgren

  We found an artist. While she created her paintings, her husband sold them in their shop. Many of them were of Ephor’s wildlife and natural scenery. Abbie and I purchased each one that had a hint of our yellow and orange color scheme, had them framed in white, and asked to have them delivered to my house. It was nice to see animals that were alive and happy in their natural habitats. I decided to see if Kane could point out to me which animals were making the sounds at night. “Those paintings will look beautiful,” Abbie said. I agreed.

  Abbie and I smiled and said hello to the other ladies who traversed the sidewalks from store to store. Phillip flirted with them and seemed to attract some interest. As we walked past a store that sold fighting gloves and equipment, Thunderdrop began to chirp excitedly. “Is that what I think it is?”


  “Okay,” I said as I dutifully entered the toy store and bought him every toy he wanted. I purchased a rattle for Neema. She grasped it in her tiny hand, and her eyes went wide when it made a sound. We laughed. “What is that, Neema?” She shook it some more and then put it in her mouth. Two off duty soldiers stopped, saluted, and offered to put our bags in the transport as we left the store. “Thank you. That would be helpful.” They took off like they were on a mission.

  In a book store I selected large picture books featuring planets of the Parvac system, a few colorful children’s books, and a biography about Emperor Tavere Probus. I felt ashamed that I hadn’t known my own father’s first name. Another set of soldiers waited eagerly on the sidewalk for my purchases. I thanked them. Then, I smelled the bakery. Neema shook her rattle and laughed. Phillip grinned and laughed right along with her.

  “Your grandchild wants whatever that smell is,” I told Abbie.

  “Then, that is what my grandbaby will have.”

  A soldier held the door for us and saluted. Then, the men in line moved aside, so we wouldn’t have to wait. They smiled and grinned at us. I ordered everything that looked good and coffee. Sheepishly, I checked Phillip’s expression. “I’m just happy to see you eating, Cupcake.” Soon, Neema began to wail in hunger. Phillip draped a blanket over my shoulder to dissuade gawkers. Through the bakery window, I watched as some Galaxic soldiers, who weren’t paying attention to where they were going, bumped into some Parvac soldiers. They became irate with each other. The Parvac soldiers glanced toward the bakery and took the abuse. The Galaxic soldiers were mocking them. It made me mad. I passed a drowsing Neema to her grandmother. “I’ll be right back.”

  A small crowd of soldiers from each government watched the argumentative soldiers. The Parvac soldiers were all stoic and red faced. The Galaxic soldiers who had started everything were acting cocky and had their backs to me.

  “What’s wrong? You afraid? I didn’t realize you Parvacs were such a bunch of pussies.”

  My face went red and my pulse hammered. “Hey, asshole. Turn around.” The militia soldier turned around and looked down at me in shock. “What’s your problem? You’re the one who ran into him.”

  “Lady Alaric, my apologies.”

  “Does your commander know you are acting like this on a diplomatic mission? And how dare you call him the “p” word. What do you have against women? I have a mind to tell every woman on the Hadrian and on Malta what you said. I wonder what Captain Espanoza would think.” The militia soldiers had pale faces. I addressed the Parvac soldier who had taken the abuse. “Maybe this soldier would like for you to prove yourself in the ring?” The soldiers who were gathered around thought that was a great idea. Arrangements were made. As I turned to go back to the bakery, I face planted into Gary’s chest. “Hey, Gary.”

  “Princess, I apologize for this idiot.”

  “Let’s go see how his talk adds up to his skill. I’ll go get the baby.”

  Gary didn’t bother to argue. One of the commanders from the base showed up and found out all that had transpired. Phillip, Neema, Abbie, Thunderdrop and I went to the gym and took the lift up to an enclosed box to watch the match. The two soldiers changed into shorts and gloves. The match had both Parvac and militia referees. A doctor, other than Phillip, was also present. As the fight continued, it became obvious that the militia soldier had picked a fight with the wrong man. He got his butt handed to him. I could feel Thunderdrop mimicking them in my hair. We stayed for two more matches.

  “They fight as boys to get things out of their systems and still feel the urge as grown men,” Abbie laughed.

  The commander saluted me as I exited the box. “Thank you, Princess. Our soldiers do not wish to upset you and have ignored certain taunts.”

  “That is very kind of them, but I don’t expect any man to suffer such abuse. They can settle things in the ring like gentlemen.” He smiled at me. “I hope it isn’t rude of me to leave.”

  “No, Princess. You have done a great deal today to improve our soldiers’ morale. You stood up for a Parvac soldier.”

  “I stood up for the person who was being wronged because he didn’t want to frighten me. He didn’t deserve that. I do hope that behavior between the soldiers improves.” I was certain the militia soldier was going to get into trouble with Gary, who stood with his arms crossed watching the matches. “Also, I would like to compliment the manners of your soldiers. They have carried my bags to the transport and even let us cut in line at the bakery.”

  “I will extend your thanks to them.”

  “Thank you.”

  We left the gym and found a store that sold rugs. Abbie and I picked out several that we thought would match the other decorations that we had purchased. “We will deliver these and place them wherever you would like, Princess,” said one of the two brothers who owned the store.

  Outside, I said, “Okay, I’m tired.”

  Having overheard me, a soldier said, “May I pull your transport around for you, Princess?”

  “Yes, thank you.” He ran off down the street and around the corner. When he returned, he helped Phillip load Neema’s stroller.

  When we arrived back to the house, Neema and I took naps. Upon waking, we discovered that the men had returned. Eric and Quaid were displeased with their soldiers’ behavior.

  “I think they were able to settle it between them.”

  “Gary said that you gave my ensign a firm talking to,” Eric said.

  “I’m sorry if I overstepped, but he was saying terrible things, and the soldier wasn’t defending himself because of me. I felt I had to do something.”

  “You did the right thing. Gary apologizes for not getting to them sooner.”

  “You’re not angry with me?”

  “No, of course not. Any of my crew who are not capable of polite behavior, will remain on board. I’m angry that you were upset.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Ira had overseen deliveries that afternoon. He and Abbie had seen to the placement of pillows, blankets, rugs, and several paintings. The house looked much more welcoming. I held Neema, who refused to release her rattle. I watched Yukihyo as he looked around. I thought that he seemed to be displaying some sort of gratified pleasure that I had selected things I hoped he would like. “Ow, Neema.” She was hitting me in the head with her rattle and laughing. Thunderdrop skittered across the floor after his ball. Yukihyo took Neema. She hit him with her rattle.

  That evening she played with her rattle inside a white moveable crib that had been placed near the dining table. “Nico, I apologize for my crewman’s behavior.”

  “Boys will be boys. From what I hear, Teagan has punished him enough.” Nico grinned at me.

  “Well, he used a very bad word. Gram would have washed his mouth out for that one.”

  “He’ll have plenty of access to soap with his new duty,” Eric said.

  “What’s that?”

  “Cleaning restrooms,” Quaid answered.

  “How’s that punishment?”

  “It’s disgusting,” Nico said.

  I snorted at him. “Wow. I remember when I hoped to get promoted
to that job.” I nibbled at pheasant and some cucumber slices.

  “You have done a beautiful job decorating your mansion,” Quaid said.

  “Thank you, but Abbie guided me.”

  “You are such a sweet girl. I am going up to bed. Wake me if you need me,” Abbie said.

  “We found a store you all might like,” I said as I raised a brow at Phillip.

  “Yep, Cupcake didn’t want to go inside, but they sold handstitched boxing gloves and all of the accoutrements. Hiroshi would grunt in appreciation.” I giggled at that.

  “Maybe, if he could take his eyes away from Ling long enough to notice,” I said as Phillip and I grinned for Hiroshi’s happiness.

  I excused Neema and myself. After I had gotten her to sleep, I ran myself a warm bath. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I felt the water level rise and looked up at Yukihyo who lowered himself into the tub. “Hello, my love.” He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. Next, he kissed my shoulder.

  “You fill my heart. When I believe there is no way I could have more love in my heart for you than I already do, you prove me wrong.” He poured his love into me through our bond. I stared into his eyes in awe. “You place me at the head of your table and decorate your home to please me. You gave me a child to love. Now, I have two brothers. My life was empty and dead without you. Had it not been for you, Hiroshi might not have met Ling. Now, we have a new sister.” Yukihyo kissed me as he shared his deep love with me. He caressed my soul. Yukihyo wrapped us each in fluffy white towels and then carried me to bed. He made slow steady love to me, and I struggled not to wake Neema. I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat and enjoying his body’s warmth.

  I awoke surrounded by warmth and to the cries of a hungry little princess. Yukihyo pulled on pajama bottoms and then held her against his chest. Tears fell from her white and jade eyes. I held my arms out to her and put her to my breast. Yukihyo helped me slip my arms into a robe. He wiped her nose with a silk square. “Am I crazy or did we just get to sleep all night?”

  “We did get to sleep all night. It’s been so long.”

  “Slow down, baby girl,” I whispered. She acted like she was starving. Yukihyo took her, burped her, and handed her back to me. Once she was satisfied and in a dry diaper, she began shaking her rattle. Nico stretched and yawned. His feet went to the end of the bed. I kissed the end of his nose.

  “I am very impressed with you, wife. You handled those soldiers perfectly yesterday. I’m sure the entire base loves you for it.”

  I snorted. “Those soldiers weren’t concerned about me. They were worried about Gary, who was right behind me.”

  Nico pursed his lips in thought. “Gary is one of the soldiers you invited to lunch? He defended you on Amphictyon, guarded you on Arachne, and helped you test your fabric. You helped convince the woman he is in love with to give him a chance. Yes, I imagine he might be annoyed with any lowly ensign foolish enough to aggravate you.” Thunderdrop crawled into my lap to be petted. “I will go to the base and personally compliment them on their polite and professional behavior.”

  “Will you say thank you for all of the help with my purchases, letting me cut in line at the bakery, and pulling the transport around, so I didn’t have to walk?” He kissed my nose in return.

  “I will.”

  Eric had driven to the Hadrian to have a chat about picking fights. Phillip and Yukihyo went to buy fighting gear. I heard talk of selling it on Malta. Thunderdrop and I took Neema to our pool. Thunderdrop began constructing a web in the corner of the ceiling near a window. I sat on the steps waist deep in the pool with her on my lap and squinted at each of her splashes which made her laugh. “May I join you ladies?”

  Surprised, I looked up at Quaid. “Sure.”

  He stepped in and sat beside us. Neema tried to splash him, too. The silence began to feel awkward. Quaid Bosh had blonde hairs on his chest that trailed down. I switched my concentration to Neema’s fingernails. She screamed and splashed. “You are angry with yourself for your attraction to me. You are angry with me for my attraction to you. Ignoring our feelings has not diminished them.”

  “Well, what do you suggest?”

  “Look at me.” I scrunched up my brow, frowned, and turned my head toward him. I focused on his chin. Quieter he said, “Look at me.” I glanced upward, and he trapped my eyes with his. “You know I won’t hurt you. You know that I desire you. Allow a marriage contract to be presented to your father. Marriage between us would solidify the peace between Laconia and Parvac.” I blushed. Neema splashed water in my face.

  “Good, girl!”

  “I plan to remain in the Galaxic Militia. We would see each other during my shore leave, or during missions such as this, unless you were to come to me.”

  Neema’s eyelids began to droop, and her fingers to shrivel. I stood. Water dripped from us to the pool’s surface. I wrapped Neema in a towel. Quaid held her while I wrapped a towel around myself. I took her and went to the lift. Quaid followed. I didn’t know what to say to him, so I focused my attention on Neema and tried to decide how to answer. In my room, I removed her tiny wet swimsuit, dried her, and put her into a dry diaper and gown. She was asleep in my arms when I carefully lowered her to her bed. I felt Quaid’s hands pulling at the straps of my swimsuit from where he stood behind me. I pulled in a shocked breath and turned with one hand pressed to my top and the other against his chest. His fingers slid down my arms. “Bosh, go change. We can talk downstairs.” He slid his hands from my arms, to my back, and kissed me. Then, he let his hands fall from me. His eyes were closed. I wanted to run my fingers through his chest hairs, but I kept my hands to myself. “If you get downstairs first, would you please ask for coffee and pancakes?” The towel around his hips didn’t hide his desire. I thought it served him right after the times he had had the same effect on me. My thoughts, along with my smug smile at his torment, had him sigh in frustration and leave.

  When I found Quaid at the dining table, the chef brought me what I had ask him to order for me. “You have my permission to submit a marriage contract to my father, but I’m not sure if I will sign it. Too much is happening. Whatever is going on between us is happening too fast. It’s too confusing.”

  “You don’t deny that you want me.”

  “Oh, Quaid. That isn’t a good argument. Have you ever met a woman who didn’t want you? Yes, I find you attractive. Yes, I want you. Yes, it makes me feel guilty and like a terrible person. Don’t tell me it’s normal because I’m a Parvac. I don’t even know who I am right now. You know, yesterday, I learned my Papa’s first name from the cover of his biography? His name is Tavere.” I dragged my fork through the leftover syrup on my plate. Abbie was upstairs watching Neema for me. When I had asked her what to do about Quaid, she had smiled and remained silent on the issue.

  “I will submit a marriage contract, and I will give you time. Will you sit with me by the fire?” Quaid asked with a small slow smile.

  “Will you behave yourself as if Eric were here?”

  “I’ll try, Lady Alaric.”

  We walked from the dining area to the couches and enjoyed the warmth of the flames. Quaid opened his left hand and rested it on the couch beside me as an invitation to hold. I placed my hand in his. His warm large hand closed over mine. We sat and listened to the fire. Thunderdrop pushed his new transport across the new rug. My anxiety began to dissipate. “Why are your eyes black?”

  “Why are your eyes green and gold? Mine appear black on these darker planets and in space. On my home world, our two suns provide us with much light and warmth. Were you to allow me to take you there to visit, you could see my eyes as they are meant to be. When we are off world, our pupils become enlarged to allow us to better see. They also become enlarged when we are stimulated.”

  “About that. It hurt my feelings for you to think of me in a stimulated way.” Thunderdrop blinked up at me from the floor and walked toward the hem of my dress. He crawled upward and rested clinging near my shin. I sen
sed a whisper of awareness near my thoughts. “Was that you?”

  “Yes, I want to understand…. I am under your cousin’s command. When we met, might you have transferred your developing familial emotions for Eric toward me as well? That would explain your sense of betrayal. However, you and I are not related. Your mind feels guarded or as though you have hidden your own thoughts from yourself.”

  Drawing in a breath, I shoved the unbidden memories of my father away from me. I didn’t want to think of him here in my pretty house Papa had given me.

  “Chirp chirp.” Thunderdrop moved to my knee. I petted his abdomen.

  “Your father’s name is Tavere Probus. Your mother must have chosen your name to serve as a clue. Tavere, Neema, and Kagan mesh into Teagan. She wanted you found and rescued. You know the love a mother feels for her child. The lies you were told must seem obvious to you now.” Quaid turned and wiped my tears away with his right hand. “I think I know what your problem is. Have you ever lived simply to have fun?”

  Footsteps approached from the foyer. “Princess, the troops on Ephors have become your devoted servants. You have won their hearts and adoration. You have also given them hope of redemption.” Nico stared at Quaid until he released my hand. “Will you accompany me upstairs? I would change out of my uniform. Please, excuse us, Quaid.” Nico held his hand out for Thunderdrop, who crawled up to his shoulder and chirped as I removed my hand from Quaid’s and took Nico’s. “How are my wife and child today?”

  “I managed to eat.” We entered the lift. In our room, we found Abbie sitting in a chair and reading.


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