At His Majesty's Convenience

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At His Majesty's Convenience Page 6

by Jennifer Lewis

  “Um, maybe I should spend a little time alone here. See if anything jogs my memory.”

  “Sure.” Jake stroked her back softly. Her skin heated under her T-shirt as he turned her toward him and lowered his face to hers. All worries and fears drifted way for a few seconds as she lost herself in his soft and gentle kiss.

  “Don’t worry about anything.” He pointed to a dresser. “Your phone’s right there and you’ve always told me I’m programmed in as number one.” He winked. “I’ll head for my office to deal with this electrical supply situation that’s cropped up. Call me if you need anything, and even if you don’t.”

  Her fingers felt cold as he released them from his, but she couldn’t help a sigh of relief as she closed the door behind him and found herself alone in the room. At last she could…fall apart.

  Part of her wanted to run to the bed and collapse on it, sobbing. But another, apparently more influential, part wanted to pull open the drawers and search for signs of who she was. She tucked the stray panty hose back into their drawer, wondering if she’d taken them out when she was dressing in her evening gown. She wasn’t wearing any when she’d woken up in the morning.

  The drawer was rather disorganized, as if everything was just shoved in there without much thought. What did this tell her about herself? She frowned and pulled open the drawer above it. Three carelessly folded blouses and some socks gave no further encouragement about her organizational skills.

  The closet door was slightly ajar and she pulled it open. An array of colorful suits hung from the hangers, along with several solid-colored dresses and skirts. At least it didn’t look as messy as her drawers. She pushed some hangers apart and pulled down one of the suits. A medium blue, it was tailored but otherwise quite plain. She tried to smooth out a horizontal crease that ran just below the lapels. Another crease across the skirt made her frown. Why would a suit hanging in a closet have creases running across it?

  She pulled out another suit and saw that it too had lines running through the middle. A forest-green dress also showed signs of having been folded recently, and a navy skirt and… She stopped and frowned. All the items in the closet had crease marks running across them. Not deep, sharp creases, but soft ones, as if they’d been folded only for a short time. What could that mean?

  After she hung the suit back in the closet, she walked into the attached bathroom. A floral smell hovered in the air and felt reassuringly familiar. Her favorite scent? She recognized it—which meant it was a memory. Cheered, she examined the cosmetics arranged on a low shelf. There were a lot of lipsticks. She pulled one open and applied it. A rather garish orangey-pink that didn’t do her complexion any favors. She put it back on the shelf and wiped her lips with a tissue.

  She found the bottle of scent and removed the cap. Warmth suffused her as she sprayed some on her wrists and inhaled the familiar smell. Relief also swept through her that at least something around here felt familiar.

  The scent…and Jake.

  Excitement mixed with apprehension tickled her insides. How odd that they’d become engaged and she’d lost her memory in the same night. She couldn’t help wondering if the two things were related.

  Jake was lovely, though. He’d been so sweet and encouraging with her since she’d lost her memory. She was lucky to be engaged to such a kind and capable man. A bit odd that he was a king, but that was just one facet of him. Just a job, really. No doubt she wasn’t bothered by his royal status or she wouldn’t have become romantically involved with him in the first place.

  She picked up her hand and looked at her big diamond ring. It was beautiful and fit her perfectly. She’d feel comfortable wearing it once she got used to it.

  Once she got used to any of this.

  A knock on the door made her jump. “It’s me, Livia.”

  Andi gulped. Apparently she was supposed to know who Livia was. So far no one seemed to know about her memory except Jake and the doctor, but that was bound to change unless it came back soon. She smoothed her hair and went to open the door.

  It was the same red-haired girl from downstairs. The one who’d talked about her leaving. She had a huge grin on her freckled face. “You are a dark horse.”

  Andi shrugged casually, as if admitting it, even though she didn’t know exactly whether Livia referred to the engagement or her memory loss.

  “You never breathed a word. How long have the two of you been…?” Her conspiratorial whisper sounded deafening in the quiet hallway.

  “Come in.” Andi ushered her into the room. Livia glanced around. Andi got the idea that she hadn’t been here before, so they probably weren’t the closest of friends, but maybe she could learn something from her. She managed a smile. “We didn’t really want anyone to know. Not until we were sure.”

  Livia seemed satisfied with that answer. “How romantic. And after working together all these years. I never suspected a thing!”

  “I hardly believe it myself.”

  “So the suitcases were for your honeymoon.” Livia grinned and shook her head. “Where are you going?”

  “Not sure yet.” Jake hadn’t said anything about a honeymoon. Surely they had to have a wedding first.

  “This time make sure I’m not the last person in the palace to know. I know you’re always insisting that it’s part of your job to keep mum about things, but I can’t believe I had to learn about your engagement on the radio.”

  “What did they say?”

  “That you and Jake were out ring shopping in town this morning, and you told reporters you were getting married. Hey, let’s see the rock!” She reached out and grabbed Andi’s hand. “Wow. That’s some ring. I wouldn’t go on the New York City subway in that.”

  So Livia had come from New York, as well? That meant they’d probably known each other at least three years. Andi felt awful that she didn’t even remember her.

  Livia sighed. “And just imagine what your wedding dress will be like. You could probably get anyone in the world to design it for you. Some people have all the luck.”

  Andi was sorely tempted to point out that she had the bad luck to not even know who she was, but a gut instinct told her not to confide in Livia. She sensed an undercurrent of jealousy or resentment that made her reluctant to trust her.

  “Oh, there are the suitcases, under your bed.” Livia pointed. Andi could see the edges of two black rolling cases.

  “You’re very obsessed with those.”

  “I thought you were going to take off and leave us. At least to do that interview.”

  Andi frowned. Had she planned a job interview somewhere?

  “I was even starting to think that if we both went back to New York we could share an apartment or something. Guess I was wrong.” She widened her eyes, which fell again to Andi’s hand.

  “You were. I’ll be staying here.” She smiled, and conviction filled her voice. How nice it was to be sure of something.

  “I bet you will.”

  A million questions bounced around Andi’s brain, as many about Jake and life at the palace as about herself. But she couldn’t think of any way to ask them without giving the game away, and she wasn’t ready to do that yet. On the other hand, at least Livia could help her find her way to her own office. That would be one less problem for her to bother Jake with.

  “Why don’t you walk to my office with me?”

  Livia looked curious. Andi worried that she’d made a misstep. She had no idea what Livia did at the palace, and her clothing, dark pants and a blue long-sleeved peasant shirt, didn’t offer any clues. “Sure.”

  They set out, Andi lagging a fraction behind so that Livia could lead the way without realizing it. They went along the hallway in the opposite direction from Jake’s suite, and up a flight of stairs to the third floor. At the top of the stairs a blond man hurried up to them. “Goodness, Andi. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” She blushed, mostly because she had no idea who he was. Luckily it was an appropriate response.
/>   “Cook wanted me to ask you whether we should do duck or goose on Thursday for the Finnish ambassador.”

  “Whichever she prefers would be fine.” She froze for an agonizing second while it occurred to her that Cook might be a he.

  His eyes widened. “I’ll let her know. I suspect you have a lot on your plate right now, what with, well, you know.” He smiled. “We’re all very happy for you, Andi.”

  She forced another smile. He’d looked surprised by her lack of decisiveness. She must usually be a very take-charge person. At least the engagement gave her an excuse to be out to lunch—literally and figuratively. She was “preoccupied.”

  They reached a door halfway down a corridor on the third floor, and Livia hesitated. Andi swallowed, then reached out a hand and tried the door. The handle turned but didn’t open it. “Oh no. I forgot my key! You go on with what you’re doing and I’ll go back and get it. See you later.”

  Livia waved a cheery goodbye and Andi heaved a sigh. She counted the doors along the hallway so she could find her way here alone next time. Back in her room she searched high and low for the key. When she found a black handbag at the bottom of her closet, her heart leapt.

  She’d already discovered that the phone in her bedroom was for business only. Not a single personal number was stored in it. She’d called each one with hope in her heart, only to find herself talking to another bank or supplier. She must have another phone somewhere.

  Eager to see her wallet and find out some more about herself, she dove into the bag with her hands. A neat, small wallet contained very few clues. A New York driver’s license, with an 81st Street address, about to expire. A Ruthenian driver’s license ornamented with a crest featuring two large birds. A Visa credit card from an American bank, and a MasterCard from a European one.

  She seemed to be living a double life—half American and half Ruthenian. But that wasn’t unusual among expats. She probably kept her accounts open, figuring she’d go back sooner or later.

  The bag did contain a keychain containing two keys—her bedroom and office? Other than that there was a small packet of tissues and two lipsticks. No phone. Disappointment dripped through her. Maybe she just had no life.

  Except Jake.

  She glanced at the business phone on the dresser and her nerves sizzled with anticipation at the thought of calling him. She felt a lot safer in his large, calm presence.

  But she didn’t want to be a bother. She’d wait until she really needed him.

  Keys and phone in the pocket of her jeans, she set off back for the locked office. Her instincts proved correct and the smaller key opened the door. Like her bedroom, her office was neat and featureless, no photos or mementos on the desk. She’d be worried that she was the world’s dullest person, except that apparently she was intriguing enough for a king to want to marry her.

  She opened a silver laptop on the desk. Surely this would reveal a wealth of new information about her life—her work, anyway. But the first screen asked her to enter her password.

  Andi growled with frustration. She felt like she was looking for the password to her own life and it was always just out of reach. Password, password. She racked her brain for familiar words. Blue, she typed in. The screen was blue. Nothing happened. Jake? Nothing doing. Love?

  Nada. Apparently her computer, like her memory, was off-limits for now.

  Irritation crackled through her veins. She pulled open the drawers in the antique desk and was disappointed to find nothing but a dull collection of pens, paper clips, empty notebooks. The entire office revealed nothing about her. Almost as if every trace of her individuality had been stripped away.

  The way you might do if you were leaving a job.

  A pang of alarm flashed through her at the thought. Had she stripped her office bare in preparation for abandoning it? She could see how getting engaged to Jake could mean her leaving her job as his assistant, or at least changing it dramatically. But surely Jake would have mentioned it?

  She picked up her phone and punched in his number. Feelings of helplessness and anxiety rose inside her as she heard it ring, but she fought them back.

  “Hi, Andi. How are you doing?”

  A smile rose to her lips at the sound of his deep, resonant voice. “Confused,” she admitted. “I’m in my office and feeling more lost than ever.”

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  She blew out a long breath as she put the phone back in her pocket. It was embarrassing to feel lost without Jake at her side, but wonderful that she could call him to it at any moment. She glanced at the ring on her finger. The big diamond sparkled in the sunlight, casting little shards of light over her skin, a symbol of his lifelong commitment to her.

  At least she knew what it felt like to be loved.

  She flew to the door at the sound of a knock. A huge smile spread over her face at the sight of him, tall and gorgeous, with a twinkle in his dark eyes.

  “I missed you,” he murmured, voice low and seductive.

  “Come in.” Her belly sizzled with arousal and her nipples tightened just at the sight of him. “Do you always knock on my office door?” It seemed oddly formal if they’d worked together and dated for years.

  A shadow of hesitation crossed his face for a split second. “I suppose I do. Would you prefer me to barge right in?”

  “I don’t know.” She giggled. Nothing seemed to matter all that much now that Jake was here. “I guess it depends on if I’m trying to keep secrets from you.”

  “Are you?” His brow arched.

  “I have no idea.” She laughed again. “Hopefully if I do, they’re not very dark ones.”

  “Dark secrets sound rather intriguing.” He moved toward her and lifted his hand to cup her cheek. Her skin heated under his palm. “I might have fun uncovering them.”

  Their lips met, hot and fast, and his tongue in her mouth drove all thoughts away. She pressed herself against him and felt his arms close around her. Much better. Wrapping herself up in Jake was the best medicine for anything that ailed her.

  His suit hid the hard muscle beneath it, but that didn’t stop her fingers from exploring his broad back and enjoying the thickness of his toned biceps. Her fingertips were creeping into his waistband when a sharp knock on the door made them jump apart.

  She blushed. “Do we get carried away like that often?”

  Jake shot her a crooked smile. “Why not?”

  A glance at the door sent her cheer scattering. “I won’t recognize the person.”

  “I’ll help you out.”

  She drew in a deep breath as she approached the door. “Who is it?”

  “Domino.” A male voice. “Just wanted to take a peek at Jake’s calendar for tomorrow.”

  She glanced back at Jake and whispered, “I have no idea where your calendar is.”

  “You can peek at it in my head, Dom.” Jake’s voice boomed across the room.

  A compact, dark-haired man in a gray suit flung the door open and entered. “Sorry, Mr. Mondragon, I didn’t know you were in here. I just wondered if there was a set time for the Malaysian High Commission’s arrival.”

  Andi listened while Jake rattled off a few planned events for the following day and tried to keep them filed in her brain in case anyone else asked her. It couldn’t hurt to practice using her memory again. Still, she didn’t truly breathe again until Domino backed out with a slight bow.

  “I feel like the world’s most incompetent assistant. Is the calendar on the computer?”


  “It’s password protected and I don’t know the password. Do you know it?”

  Jake looked thoughtful. “No.”

  “Any ideas what it might be?”

  “None whatsoever. I guess there are some dark secrets between us.” He lifted a brow playfully. “Maybe you have it written down somewhere.”

  “That’s another thing.” She frowned, apprehension twisting her gut as she prepared to tell him. “There’s nothing pers
onal in here at all. It’s all business all the time, as if all the personal effects had been removed.”

  Jake blinked and his gaze swept the room. A furrow deepened between his brows; then he shrugged. “I’m not much for personal knickknacks in the office, either. Why don’t we take a break and go stroll around the palace? Then at least you’ll know where everything is.”

  Andi was a bit alarmed by the brusque way he changed the subject. One question burned in her mind. “Am I still your assistant? I mean, now that we’re engaged.”

  “Yes, of course.” Jake looked startled for a second. “I’d be lost without you arranging my life.”

  “Then prepare to get lost, since I can’t arrange my own computer desktop right now.” Tears loomed again. Apparently they’d never been very far away. “I still don’t remember anything at all.”

  Jake took her into his arms again. His scent, familiar and enticing, wrapped around her as his embrace gave her strength. “The doctor said it would take time for your memory to return. Come on, let’s go for that walk. There’s no point getting upset over something you can’t control.”

  The palace was so large that probably no one knew exactly how many rooms it had or how to get to all of them. As Jake explained, it had been the home of several dynasties of Ruthenian royals, all of whom had left their own stylistic stamp, so the building had everything from fortified turrets to elegant rows of French windows opening out onto a terrace for alfresco dancing.

  As they walked about, on the pretext of discussing the decor, everyone stopped to offer their congratulations on their engagement. Some people hid their surprise, but Andi could tell it was a startling occurrence. Could they really have not noticed a romance occurring—over several years—right beneath their noses?


  “Jake, congratulations on your engagement.” The silvery tones emerging from his phone dripped with acid. Jake glanced across his suite to where Andi reclined on the sofa looking through a tourist brochure about Ruthenia.

  “Thanks, Carina.” Lucky thing she couldn’t see how happy he was not to be marrying her.


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