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Torn Page 18

by A. F. Crowell

  The next two days Jaxon spent the majority of his time back and forth between the Federal Complex and police station answering questions, giving statements, and turning over evidence.

  Mark had been arrested the night Viper was killed but eventually all the charges were dropped because the evidence of money laundering pointed to Drill and Axel and there was no physical proof that he ran drugs. Sure, Jax could have testified, but the DA said it wouldn’t have been enough and Jax would have been outed. Somehow, some way, through everything, his cover was not blown. I believed it was God’s grace that spared him.

  Barb and I put off our girls’ night until Tuesday. The MC had taken over and planned all of Viper’s funeral arrangements since he had no next of kin. Everything had come together quickly and the services were today.

  I hated funerals, they always reminded me of my mom and how much I missed her.

  Standing in the closet, I had just put on a long black dress and was putting my earrings in when Jaxon came in from the bathroom. He still had the towel wrapped around his waist and his hair dripped down his face and chest. He looked so distraught and I wasn’t sure how to help him. I tried getting him to talk to me, but he’d pretty much closed himself off.

  “You look nice, babe.” He dropped the towel and pulled on a pair of gray boxer briefs that accentuated his taut ass. That’s all it took for me to be turned on and ready to knock him down. He caught me staring at him. “What? Why are you staring at me?”

  “Just admiring my beautiful view.”

  He burst out laughing and came over to me. Hugging me to his sculpted chest, he kissed the top of my head. “You always know exactly what to say to get me out of my own head. Thanks, babe.”

  Oh, he thinks I am just teasing him to lighten the mood. “Anytime, honey. I’m going take Ruger out while you finish getting ready. I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

  I had to get away from him. My need for him was ravenous. Today he was burying his best friend and here all I could think about was jumping his bones. Damn these pregnancy hormones.

  A knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts as I made my way down the second-floor stairs. Ruger flew down in front of me. Looking through the front door glass, I saw Drew and Barb dressed in black. Barb shouldered past Drew and opened the door.

  “She’s not gonna care Drew. See, there she is,” she nodded up the stairs at me. “I told you she was probably still getting ready.”

  “Barb, do you remember what happened the last time you barged into the house?” Drew chuckled.

  “Oh God, Drew, do not remind me. I’m still having nightmares about that.” Barb had a flair for the dramatics.

  Rolling my eyes, I climbed down the rest of the stairs. “Drew’s right, you wouldn’t see people having sex if you knocked and waited.”

  “If said people weren’t fucking all over the house like rabbits then I wouldn’t see it either, now would I, hooker?” She smirked and followed me to the kitchen.

  “Drew, would you please let Ruger outside? I have to eat something before we go or the baby is going to revolt,” I asked as I opened the fridge and pulled out leftover cold pizza. Yum, Hawaiian is left, my favorite.

  “You know they are havin’ a wake with food afterwards at Magnolias?” Barb asked as she pulled out a stool at the bar.

  “Yeah, but that’s going to be hours away. Have you ever been to a funeral where they were in the military?” She shook her head. “It’s crazy long. I’ll be starving by the time it’s over.” I took her hand. “How are you doing? Really?”

  “Okay. I mean we weren’t planning to get married or anything, but I don’t know, I cared about him. A lot. More than I realized until it was too late.” Her eyes shined.

  “I really am sorry, Barb.” I wasn’t sure what else to say to her. Quickly, I inhaled the pizza and went in search of Drew and Ruger out back.



  Catching the last part of Barb and Leila’s conversation, I walked into the kitchen. Barb must not have heard me because she jumped and let out a squeal when I touched her shoulder.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It’s okay, you didn’t scare me. I was just thinking.” She picked up her phone from the counter. “It’s almost eleven thirty. Think we can go soon? I want to get to the church early.”

  “Sure, but first I want to just say I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how close you two were until just now, listening to you talk to Lei.”

  She looked down at the granite and took a deep breath. “Thanks, but he was your best friend so you don’t need to apologize for anything.”

  “Did he know that you were in love with him?” Barb’s head whipped around to face me and even though she probably fooled everyone else, including Leila, I knew. “I can see it, Barb. You don’t have to worry, I won’t say anything.”

  As I walked to the back door I heard her voice faintly say, “Thanks, Jaxon.”


  We arrived at the church twenty minutes before the service was due to start and I was surprised to see a closed casket. I don’t know why but I thought I’d have one more chance to see him, to say goodbye. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought about what he would have wanted. He wouldn’t have wanted people touching him or staring at him. He’d want us to have a big party and pay our respects by celebrating his life, not crying over his death.

  The powers that be decided they would keep his cover intact and bury him as a brother of the MC. Mark had planned a full military funeral, including final honors.

  Barb, Drew, Leila, Mark, Barrett, and I were seated in the front row with the brothers and old ladies flanking us. Several of the brothers took turns telling stories about good times they had with Viper. There were brothers from other chapters, Marines both active and retired from all over that showed up for the service.

  There were bikes as far as we could see as we followed the hearse. I led the procession riding Viper’s Harley. It was the hardest ride of my life, and I prayed to God along the way to let that be the last time I had to do that.

  Thankfully, the burial site service was short. Leila looked like she would drop from exhaustion any minute. I thought I was doing good, all things considered, until they played “Taps” and seven Marines shot the three volleys as the final honors. It gutted me and I had to walk away. I couldn’t stay and watch people throw roses on the casket of my best friend, partner, and brother. It was just too much.

  Leila walked over as I sat down on V’s bike. “Are you okay, honey?”

  “Sorry, I just had to get out of there. How are you feelin’?” I ran my hand down her belly.

  “I’m okay. She’s pushing on my ribs like crazy though.” She rubbed her side and arched her back. “Do you want to skip the luncheon? I think everyone would understand if you did.”

  “Nah, I have to be there. Why don’t you let me walk you back to the car?” I stood and took her hand, leading her back to the limo behind the hearse. “Everyone is heading this way so we should be leaving in a few.”

  We met up at Magnolias for a few hours. We shared stories and laughed the way Viper would have wanted us to. We honored him.

  Leila and I had decided to keep Viper’s bike and put it in the garage. I wasn’t sure what else to do with it. He loved that bike, I couldn’t imagine selling it or seeing anyone else ride it. Leila suggested I should take it out on special occasions and ride it to remember him.

  At home that night, while Leila soaked in a bath, I sat in the garage with two beers and had a conversation with my best friend. “Man, I fucked up. I should have never told you to go to that warehouse alone. I swear I never…Wherever you are, I hope you’re happy. I wish I would’ve known about you and Barb, man. I wouldn’t have ragged on you so much about fuckin’ around.”

  I finished my beer and opened the second one. “To you, my friend.” I raised the bottle then sat it on the ground next to the kickstand of his bike. “Rest in peace, bro

  Chapter Thirty-one


  Tuesday morning Brody, Jaxon, and I were at Dr. Rogers’s office for what I prayed would be our last appointment before the baby got here. Today was my official due date and I felt like I was going to pop any second. Dr. Roger’s exam showed no change in my cervix; I was still at two centimeters.

  It was late afternoon and Barb had changed our night out to tonight. One last hurrah before the baby. She made plans for us to go to dinner, but I wasn’t sure she was ready to go to dinner.

  She took Viper’s death really hard. Apparently, unbeknownst to everyone else, they had been spending more time together than either led on. She wouldn’t say where we were going, only to dress nice but casual. I couldn’t help but wonder what she had up her sleeve.

  Jax stood in the doorway of our lavish bathroom and watched me get ready. “So, she’s not tellin’ ya where y’all are gonna go?”

  “Nope.” I brushed on my mineral foundation. “I’m worried about her.”

  “She’ll be okay. It’s not like they were getting married or anything. I mean, I know she cared about him, she just needs time… I’m not sure I like you going to dinner,” he quickly changed the subject the same way he did every time someone mentioned Viper. “What if somethin’ happens and I need to get to you? What if you go into labor, Lei?” Jax ran his hands through his messy golden hair, which had not been cut since I had taken scissors to it a few weeks ago. It almost reached his perfect jawline.

  I shook my head with a giggle. “First of all, we are going to dinner, not a cruise in the Caribbean. Second, we have our phones so I can call you. And lastly, Barb is an RN. I think she can manage if I happen to go into labor. Which is not going to happen, Jax. I haven’t even had a contraction in a few days.”

  “I still think she needs to at least tell me where y’all are gonna be,” he pouted.

  “What’re you doing tonight?” I tried to redirect the conversation.

  “Huh, oh, uhh…” He was stalling. “Just stuff, not much.”

  I stopped applying mascara and looked up into the mirror to see him rubbing the back of his neck. He was stressed about whatever it was.

  “Jax, is this about Viper? I thought you promised to let Drew and the task force handle all of that.”

  “Babe.” He just looked up at me and cocked his head.

  “Oh no, Jaxon, you promised. You are supposed to let them handle tracking Axel down—”

  “Babe, stop. I’m not talking about Axel or Viper. I swear.” He crossed the bathroom and wrapped me in his arms. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. You don’t need the stress, babe. Really, I’ll probably just hang here with Ruger.”

  Grumbling, I pulled back. That had been almost exactly what he said to me the night he was shot. Twice. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.

  “Okay. I have to finish getting ready,” I informed him as I padded past him into our enormous walk-in closet, which was pretty spectacular. It was about the size of a normal bedroom with built-in shelves, drawers, and cabinets that separated my side from Jaxon’s. An island with eight long, thin drawers resided in the middle of the room closer to the door with a bench on the opposite end of the room.

  “Babe.” He nodded at me and gave me this feral look. All the while smiling.

  “No. I’m almost ready.” I clung to the towel I had wrapped around me.

  He looked at me like prey and stalked forward.

  “Jax, I’m serious. Barb will be here any minute and I still have to put my dress on. Out. Now.”

  “Come on,” he pleaded. “I’ll be quick, promise.”

  I burst out laughing. “Oh and that’s supposed to entice me? No, keep it in your pants, hornball. I’m gonna be late.”

  Grabbing the fitted pale pink maternity dress off the hanger, I slipped it on. Picked out a simple pair of black ballet flats and pushed past the pouting, horny, overgrown man-child standing in front of me.

  “Bye, honey. I’ll see you later. Love you.” I all but ran from the bedroom and made my way down the staircase.

  Barb arrived a few minutes later, dressed in a black tank, skinny jeans, and heeled boots. “Look at you, hot stuff.” She whistled as she came in the kitchen, where I was grabbing a bottle of water for the ride.

  “Not looking too bad yourself, hooker. You ready? We have to go before Jax—”

  “Before Jax what?” His deep voice rounded the corner. Damn, he is so sexy.

  “Before you get down here and start playing mother hen again and getting all crazy with worry.” I was sure to keep the large island between us. I swear the last few weeks he’d been insatiable.

  “Let’s get you out of here before Tarzan over there drags you off.” Barb looped her arm through mine and we took off. After a short drive, we pulled up in front of Drew’s place. Which was weird. She drove down his block away from East Bay, instead of up toward it. Then again this was Barb, there was no telling what went through this chick’s head.

  “What are we doing here?” I turned to her as she took off her seatbelt.

  “Drew is comin’ to dinner with us. He and Drake are meetin’ us here. We’re all riding together,” she said as she opened the door and hopped out of the Jeep. “Come on. I got a text from Drew right before I got to your house that he was ready. Drake’s not here yet so we’ll just wait inside”

  “Gee, Drake’s late. Shocker,” I mumbled.

  I climbed down, careful not to fall. My center of gravity was definitely askew. Barb knocked on the door then just walked right in. Not that I expected anything different. She always walked in.

  “Surprise!” people from screamed at us in unison as I followed her in.

  “What the hell?” I jumped back, startled.

  Everyone was crammed into the condo. Jaxon, Drew, Drake, Jane, Brody, Kai, Bobby, Donna, Jasper, Mary, Derrick, Lois, and even Jaxon’s parents. There were decorations littering every corner and free space.

  A baby shower. I couldn’t believe after everything that happened with Viper, Barb had the energy to do this. Even though Jaxon and Brody both had already bought everything any baby might need, she still wanted me to have a shower.

  A baby shower with lots of guys, no games, beer, and pizza. Of course, I loved it. I loved pizza. The baby had been craving Andolini’s for weeks. Yum. I wasn’t the kind of woman who liked all that girly shit. Nope, I preferred football Sundays to Sunday brunch, beer and pizza to champagne and caviar, and fast American muscle cars to dainty chick imports.

  “You’re amazing, you know that?” I asked my best friend as we sat around the dining room table.

  “Hells yeah I am,” Barb raised her beer and hollered.

  “You okay?” I whispered so no one else heard.

  The mask she had been wearing slipped for just a minute and I saw she was barely dealing with the aftermath of Viper’s death. Even if she didn’t want anyone to know. “Yep, I’m good.”

  It was a great night. Until it wasn’t.

  I knew it was too good to be true. Brody was sitting next to me at the dining room table, innocently talking about baby names. In all of the craziness, I may have forgotten to tell Jaxon we had decided on a name. He overheard Brody tell Rick that we had finally picked his granddaughter’s name.

  “Lillian Elizabeth Davis,” Brody said proudly.

  “What? What did you say?” Jaxon walked away from Drake and Drew.

  Oh shit.

  “I said my daughter’s name. You have a problem with that, Jax?” Brody stood up and squared off with a hostile Jaxon. I really thought we had all gotten past this. Apparently, I was wrong.

  With the help of Jaxon’s dad, I stood up and got between them. “Knock it off, both of you. This is supposed to be a baby shower, not an MMA fight.”

  “No, let him talk, Lei. What’s wrong with my daughter’s name, Jaxon?” Brody kept poking the tattooed bear.

  “Fuck you, Brody. She’s not just your child. We get a say in her fu
ckin’ name too,” Jaxon spat out.

  “Jaxon, please,” I tried to get a word in edgewise.

  “No, Lei, stay outta this. This is between me and the sperm donor.”

  Well, damn. It’s going down like that tonight.

  “Son of a bitch,” Brody cussed and tried to step around me.

  Drew, Kai, Bobby, and Jasper immediately jumped between the assailing assholes. I took a couple of steps back, trying to protect my baby and myself. Barb rushed over and grabbed my hand. I watched as they continued to cuss each other, while being held back by several people.

  Donna, Barb, Jane, and I watched as the men tried to get them under control. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my belly then all of the sudden I was wet. I could feel something running down my legs. Looking down, I saw a puddle at my feet.

  Holy shit, did I just pee myself in all the excitement? No fucking way. I mean sure I had dribbled a little when she pushed really hard on my bladder, but this was like… Son of a bitch. I think my water just broke.

  I squeezed Barb’s hand and pointed down. Her eyes shot back up in disbelief and mouthed no.

  Enough. I am so over this bullshit. I pushed my way into my kitchen, grabbed two frying pans and stalked back toward the chaos, slamming them together. It only took two or three times to get everyone’s attention.

  “Enough! You two are such fucking assholes. This was supposed to be my night. My baby shower. Of course, you’d ruin it with your petty bullshit—”

  Jaxon interrupted me. “Petty bullshit? Are you fuckin’—”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Brody shouted at him as he tried again to push past Drew.

  “Both of you shut up,” I bellowed with a death grip on the frying pans, debating if I should just hit both of them. “If you two would just stop for two seconds and let me fucking talk, you’d hear me ask if you think you could stop arguing long enough to take me to the fucking hospital.”


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