The Devil's Due

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The Devil's Due Page 13

by Ali Vali

  “I keep telling you that you and I will be great partners. We have the same interests, the same enemies, and the same ambitions. If you let me take care of a few things for you, we’ll be free to take control of this city.”

  Marisol sat up a little on her elbows and stared at her. “What ideas do you have in that pretty head?”

  She smiled and ran her hands up Marisol’s legs. “Nothing that anyone involved will ever see coming, so leave it to me.”


  “Do you want or need anything?” Cain asked.

  Emma took a deep breath. The pain had grown progressively worse, and she felt rather idiotic for not realizing sooner that she was beginning labor. Cain was about to crawl out of her skin with restlessness, and it was making Emma nuts. She’d already sent her father to the waiting area to try to relax since the two of them together were too much.

  “Baby, I love you, but you’ve got to calm down.” She held her hand out and laughed at how quickly Cain took it. “Do you know something?”

  “That I’m about the happiest person alive right now?” Cain leaned over the bed, thankfully not shaking it, and kissed her.

  “There’s that, but that’s not what I was thinking about. You are the love of my life, and I’m glad you’ve been the only one in it. I’ll try for many lifetimes to repay you for all the happiness you’ve given me, but I think I’ll fall short.” She picked Cain’s hand up and placed it on her abdomen. “This baby, our family, and you are my greatest gifts.” She finished as the first strong contraction began. “Shit,” she said loudly once it was done.

  “That’s a good way to punctuate all that, my love,” Cain said with a smile. “And in case you’re curious, I feel the same way.”

  “Are you in the mood to change diapers?” Dr. Sam Casey said as she let her partner come in first. “Because I think your slacking time is up.”

  “Who are you calling a slacker?” Cain pointed her finger at Sam and tried to appear menacing, but Emma saw through her façade. Sam and Ellie had been good friends as well as her OB/GYNs for years. Cain had always told Sam she put up with her because of her blessed last name.

  “Now that the children are finished poking at each other, how are you feeling, Emma?” Ellie Eschete asked. Ellie and Sam were more than partners in business and had a baby together.

  “The contractions are starting but my water hasn’t—” The sensation was like the first two times, unpleasant and wet. She grimaced as she soaked the bed. “Just once I’d like to be somewhere near a bathroom when that happens.”

  “Sam’s right,” Ellie said as she pushed the nurse call button. “I hope you two are ready and don’t have plans for tonight. You either ignored the signs all day or this one is in a hurry to get here, so try to relax. Do you want an epidural?”

  “Let’s wait. If he’s in a hurry, I’m not going to slow him down.”

  “I’m not confirming that you’re right, but did you peek during one of those ultrasounds?” Sam asked.

  “Just a hunch so don’t ruin the surprise for me if all my scientific guessing is wrong.”

  “Can you guys unhook all this stuff for a minute and I’ll clean her up,” Cain said.

  “It’s okay, love. The nurses will do it.”

  Cain kissed the top of her head and then her lips. “I could do it or pace, so I’d rather take care of you. I don’t mind.”

  It didn’t take long to change her and the bed. Emma grabbed the railing when her contraction hit since Cain had gone to change into the scrubs they’d brought her. She was breathing deeply, on the downside of the contraction, when the phone rang. She answered it, glad for the distraction. “Hello.”

  “Hey, Mama.” Hayden sounded so cheerful, she could imagine the size of his smile. “You doing okay?”

  “I’m doing great.” She massaged the side of her abdomen as the pain briefly subsided. “Are you ready to be a big brother again?”

  “You think it’ll be today?”

  “The doctors are fairly sure either today or early tomorrow. Depends on how stubborn this one is. If they’re anything like you and your sister, we might need a crowbar to get them out.”

  “Really? I don’t think you or Mom ever told me that story.”

  “Do you want to hear it now?” she said and clicked her teeth together as another contraction started. She was caught off-guard by how close together they suddenly were. “Just…give me…goddamn.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You sound like you’re in a lot of pain.” He sounded anxious now, like Cain when she was worried about her. His concern made her smile through the pain. Receiving her son’s forgiveness and regaining his love had been one of the greatest accomplishment of her life so far.

  “Hey, son.” Cain returned, taking the phone from her. “Your mama’s fine. The cursing is simply a side effect of pregnancy, so how about we call you in a little while?”

  “Can I come? I promise not to be in the way.”

  The phone was close enough that Emma could hear, and she nodded.

  “Sure. Have Mook bring you over, and maybe you can take my place holding your mama’s hand for a while. I’ll tell you that story about your birth while she’s busy insulting me,” she said and laughed. Cain took Emma’s hand after ending the call. “Thanks for agreeing to that, lass. I think he gets more like me every day, especially when it comes to worrying about you, so being stuck at home would’ve driven him crazy.”

  “Baby, could you get the nurse for me, please? These contractions are coming way too fast.” The one that started while she’d been talking to Hayden had finally eased up, so she took some more deep breaths, lay back, and tried not to freak out.

  Ellie reappeared after Cain pressed the call button and examined her. “The first one is murder because it takes so freaking long,” Ellie said when she glanced up at them. “At least in my experience it seemed like days, but the second one is easier, even if not everyone agrees. The third one, though, seems to fly by in comparison, my patients tell me, so you’ll have to confirm it for me when we’re done, Emma. We’ll be ready to push soon, so do you mind me hanging out with you for a bit?”

  Hayden arrived not long after and led Ross back into the room. Their son stared at her with wide eyes as the contractions came and subsided for another hour. She smiled at him as he wiped her forehead with a wet cloth and said a silent prayer the new baby would have as good a heart as both Hayden and Hannah.

  When Ellie checked again, she confirmed that it was time.

  “Hayden and Ross, how about you go wait for a few minutes with your mom’s guys. I promise we’ll come get you as soon as we’re done,” Ellie said.

  “I love you, Mama,” he said and kissed the back of her hand. “Please be all right, okay?”

  “I’ll be fine, and I love you too.” Emma was sorry to see him go, but she didn’t want to traumatize him.

  Ellie lifted Emma’s feet into the stirrups as soon as the door closed and looked to her, then Cain. “You guys ready? It’s time to push.” The door opened again, and Sam came in with another stool so she could sit close to Ellie.

  “I’m ready,” she said, her eyes on Cain. “Thank you for this,” she said as Cain kissed her. “I thought I should mention it before the pain takes over and I say something that might make you think otherwise.”

  “You let those curses fly, lass. I’m dying to meet this little one so I’ll develop a thick skin.”

  She started pushing when Ellie commanded her to do so, and she gripped Cain’s hands so hard she expected to hear bones breaking, but Cain never complained. She had taken over Hayden’s job and mopped Emma’s forehead as the exertion made her sweat.

  “Come on, Emma,” Sam said after another hour. “Give me another one and bear down hard.”

  She clenched her teeth and pushed as hard as she could, but she was getting tired. A little movement from the baby made her scream and she pushed again, not caring if Sam or Ellie weren’t ready. “Shit,” she said when s
he lay back down.

  “I can see the head, so once you’re ready, let’s go again,” Ellie said, making Cain glance down.

  “You move and I’ll break all your fingers,” Emma threatened, wanting Cain with her.

  “I’m not going anywhere, my love. Whenever you’re ready, go ahead. Let’s both meet this bruiser.” Cain wiped her face and kissed her forehead. “You’re the bravest woman I know because I think I’d rather take a bullet than do this.”

  The comment made her want to laugh and cry all at once, but she tried to focus on Cain’s face and sat up a little to push. She put the last of her energy into the motion, and in a rush, it was over. It was a strange sensation, but she gave in to her tears when she heard a cry a moment later.

  “You were right. It’s a boy,” Sam said as she let Cain cut the cord. “And from the look of him, he’s definitely yours,” she said to Cain, laying him across Emma’s chest.

  The sight of him made Emma cry more. If her life ended in that one second, she’d go with a happy, full heart. William Cain Casey was red-faced and loud, with a full head of coal-black hair that gave her a flash of memory from both Hayden and Hannah’s births. He was beautiful, and she forced herself to glance away from him and look at Cain, who was crying as hard as she was.

  “I told you it was a boy,” she said as she touched Cain’s cheek.

  “That you did, lass. I was hoping for a blond one this time around, but this particular model is so beautiful he makes me want to dance a jig. Maybe four will be the charm.”

  “Let her recover from this one, Cain, before you go ordering any more,” Sam said as she stood holding Ellie’s hand.

  “I don’t mind those special orders, Doc.” Emma looked at the baby again and fell in love with him like she had the first two.

  “He’s beautiful, lass, and he’s ours,” Cain said with so much pride that Emma beamed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Go tell Hayden and Daddy, then call the house,” Emma said as the staff started cleaning the room up. The hospital had remodeled since their first pregnancy and made the birthing room look like a bedroom at home.

  “I’ll be right back so keep an eye on the kid.”

  Emma laughed at Cain’s joke but accepted her kiss before she left. The waiting room contained a mix of big burly guys in suits and anxious-appearing family there for other patients, and the sight made Cain laugh. Their life was different, but no one could ever accuse them of being boring. The men and women to whom she entrusted her family’s safety were part of an extended family she’d come to love and respect. So she was happy they were there to share their happiness.

  Hayden jumped up when he spotted her and came running, his bodyguard Mook not far behind.

  “You’re a big brother again, and you have a little boy to look after now.”

  “Really? I was hoping for another girl, but a little brother might be fun.” He hugged her and glanced down the hall as if that’s where he needed to be.

  “I had one of each, and they were both special in their own way.”

  “Emma’s okay?” Ross asked, glancing toward her room as well.

  “She’s as okay as your new grandson is.”

  “So what’ll we call him?” Hayden asked, his arms still loosely wrapped around her waist. How different the last year had been for him, going from just the two of them to a house full of family. But he seemed happier. He was more of a kid, and for that she had Emma to thank. Hayden wanted to step into her shoes eventually, but there was so much more to life before he got to that, and she was happy to see him so involved at school and at home with Hannah.

  “Your mama wanted William Cain Casey, but he’s a little small for that big string of names, so how about we go with what my da called my brother.”

  “Billy?” Hayden smiled. “Can I see him before we pin something on him that’ll stick for life?”

  “Sure, but let’s give your mama a few minutes to get cleaned up.” She shared the news with their people and sent Lou out to the car for the cigars she’d ordered.

  The call to the house was next, and she smiled at Carmen’s tears of joy. Their housekeeper had loved Emma from the moment she’d moved in with Cain and had taken special care to make Emma feel at home. Carmen had very limited family, so she treated Emma like the daughter she never had, and the children were, by extension, her grandchildren. She spoiled them accordingly.

  “I bring the little one by in the morning, Miss Cain, but you tell Emma I bring my special soup to make her feel better too.”

  “Will do. And can you let Finley and Abigail know the news? If they want, they can take off for the night.”

  Hayden sat next to her, drumming his heels into the ground until she was done with her calls to Katlin, Muriel, and Remi and Dallas. Ross had gone to get them some coffee from the shop downstairs.

  “Something wrong?” She recognized the drumming as one of his nervous tics.

  “Can I ask you something I never really thought about until now?” He looked away as he spoke, his voice barely a whisper.

  “You can ask me anything you like. You know that.”

  “Why didn’t you give me a first name that reflected our family?” His head bowed lower. Finally, he was showing a little of the jealousy every kid went through when one more came along to grab the family’s attention.

  “Hayden,” she said, putting her fingers under his chin to lift his head. She wanted to see his eyes. “Your mama started telling you this story, but do you mind me finishing it?”

  “About when I was born, you mean?”

  “Let’s start a little before that. When your mama first agreed to come live with me, it was a little bit of an adjustment for both of us. She’d been on her own for a few years and I wasn’t exactly the nest-building type, but we loved each other. Every day was a kind of learning experience, well, for me at least, and through all of it, your mama simply made me smile no matter what. My family loved me, just like I love you, but when you find the person who owns your heart it’s a wondrous experience.”

  “You mean finding your safe haven, like you told me before?” He leaned closer to her and rested his head on her shoulder. She wondered if he realized he’d inherited his need to be close from Emma.

  “Emma is so much more than that to me. We might’ve hurt each other, and you and Hannah by default, but I’m glad it brought us to a place where we’re more equal. Remember that before you get married.”

  “That’ll be years off. I’ve heard some of those stories about you, and I’m hoping I’m that lucky before I get married, but don’t tell Mama,” he said and laughed. “Sorry if that weirds you out some.”

  “Not exactly, and eventually you’ll have to let me know who in the hell told you that, but back to what we were talking about.” She ruffled his hair and laughed along with him. “We were in love, but one day we knew we had so much more to give each other, and we decided to expand our family.”

  New Orleans Two Months Before Hayden Casey’s Birth

  Cain took the steps two at a time, careful to keep the sunflowers in her hand from hitting the stair railing on the way up. The day had been a drag, and she’d been ready to get back here hours ago but didn’t have the heart to tell Vincent to shut the hell up. Their bedroom was empty, so she picked the next logical place to find Emma.

  She smiled when she saw her folding a pile of tiny all-in-one pajamas, and she was pretty sure it was the same pile she’d found her folding the day before. Nesting, the young doctors Sam and Ellie had explained, was very real, so she should just smile and go with whatever flow Emma decided to follow. At the moment, Emma was rearranging their baby’s nest to make it right. Cain watched as Emma picked up the last garment and pressed it to her face.

  “Do you need to sit down?” she asked when she saw Emma massage her back. Her petite partner resembled a woman with a beach ball glued to her front, but in her eyes Emma had never been more beautiful.

  “Hey, I was just thinking ab
out you.” Emma dropped the baby clothes and walked over to hug her.

  “Anything good?” she said and smiled when the baby came between them. “Come take a nap with me.”

  “I got up like five minutes ago, but if you insist,” Emma said and winked at her. Once they were comfortable and the flowers were in water, Emma closed her eyes as Cain ran her hands along her abdomen to spread the lotion Sam had recommended. “Know what I was thinking about today?”

  “If it’s that we need more baby clothes, I think we got that covered, lass. We could change this kid fifty times a day and still wouldn’t have to do laundry for like a month.”

  “Review what you just said, and that’s what I was thinking about.”

  “You know you can get whatever you want. I was just kidding.”

  “No. You’re right about the clothes, but we can’t keep calling the baby this kid or our kid. It won’t look too good on his birth certificate.”

  She moved a little so she could see Emma’s face and still hold her. “Any ideas?” She didn’t want it to appear she was imposing her will, so she wanted to know what Emma had come up with.

  “I never met your father, but maybe this would be good time to recycle his name,” Emma said and gazed at her as if gauging her reaction. “He was so special to you, and you’re so special to me that I thought you might like that.”

  “Pretend my father and I weren’t close. What would be your second choice?” she asked, figuring it was the only way to get to the truth of what Emma wanted.

  “If it’s a boy I’d like to name him after you, but you shot me down on that idea a few weeks ago so I thought this might be a good choice.”

  “What’s your father’s name?” she asked, hoping it wasn’t Ross. Not that there was anything wrong with it per se, but Ross Casey didn’t exactly have the right ring to it. “I was close to my father, but your father’s a good man who loves you.”

  “I know that. But this is our baby, so we should find something we both can be proud of.”


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