The Other Half (Door Peninsula Passions Book 1)

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The Other Half (Door Peninsula Passions Book 1) Page 18

by Katherine Hastings

  “Then consider it a date. This looks like the perfect place to anchor for a while.”

  It was quiet here. The majority of the boat traffic was closer to the marina, and the view of Cana Island Lighthouse stretching above us in the distance provided the perfect backdrop for our day.

  I dropped the anchor over the edge of the boat and waited until I felt it catch. When I turned back, Poppy and Hank shared a spot in the sun on the stern seat, each stretched long while they absorbed the rays. Cassie was stripping off her shorts, her tank top already in a pile at her feet. The sight of her in that tiny pink bikini had my erection pressing against my board shorts in seconds. She pulled out an oversized towel and flipped it in the air, letting it settle onto the floor of the boat. Kneeling down, she smoothed it out before lying on it. That bulge in my trunks only grew looking at her sprawled out before me.

  “Do you need some sunblock?” she asked, holding up a bottle.

  “I’m good. I don’t burn.”

  “I don’t want wrinkles.” She scowled before putting some in her hands and rubbing it on her face. Unable to remain even several feet away, I moved to her side and settled down beside her. The sun already heated the towel, and it felt warm beneath me while I rolled onto my side.

  “I’ll put it on your back,” I said, itching to caress her soft skin.

  “Thanks, Jake.” After handing me the lotion, she rolled onto her side. The tiny string holding her top on stretched tight across her back. With a secret smirk, I started rubbing the lotion into her skin, sliding my fingers to the bow and giving it a tug. It gave no resistance as it unraveled.

  “Jake!” She laughed, clutching the top to keep it from falling off. “You ass!”

  “No one but me can see you down here. The sides of the boat are shielding us.”

  “Except for all the tourists with binoculars climbing the lighthouse.” Looking over her shoulder, she quirked a brow before letting out a defeated sigh. Releasing the forearm holding her suit in place, she let it free. With one more tug on the knot around her neck, I watched the top fall to the floor. The sight of her exposed breasts had me heated to scalding.

  “Better?” she asked with a coy smile, rolling onto her back to give me a full view.

  “Perfect,” I whispered, then leaned down and captured her lips with mine.

  Her moan pushed into my mouth when my fingers drifted across her nipples. Those soft hands of hers spread across my back and pulled me down into her. Letting her guide me, I settled over her and kneeled between her legs, our lips continuing the dance I knew I’d never tire of.

  “Someone will see us,” she lightly protested when my fingers moved to the ties at her hips holding up her bottoms.

  “There’s no one out here but us,” I whispered back when I gave one a tug. It unraveled, and she whimpered while I pushed her bottoms off to the side. Only one strip held them in place, and I brushed across her heat while I moved to it.

  “Oh, God,” she breathed when my fingers teased her bundle of nerves before moving to undo the other tie. When it came undone, I pressed the ties aside and looked down to see her bottoms fall away, showing me the soft smooth skin that begged for my touch.

  Thick lashes batted over desire-laden eyes while she looked up at me. My own desires were ready to explode with just one look. Barely able to contain my own pleasure, I pulled a condom out of my pocket and put it on while she panted below me. Lowering myself between her legs, I pressed at her entrance. Her parted lips pulled me toward them, and I captured them with mine while I pressed inside. Deeping our kiss, I pushed inside her, and that dizzying wave of ecstasy pulled me back under again. Our bodies connected, our bond deepening with every thrust of my hips and every frantic grab of my back while she pulled me into her. Never had I felt the power of so many emotions rushing through me than I did when I was inside her. Overwhelmed with emotions, I closed my eyes and let the waves wash over me while she cried out my name again.

  Collapsing in a heap beside her, I pulled her into my arms. “That was so much better than fishing,” I breathed.

  Laughing, she pressed up against my chest. “I hope that isn’t what you do on your charters!”

  “Nope.” I kissed her head and closed my arms around her. “That is for you and you alone.”

  “Lucky me.” She chuckled.

  In this moment, I was certain there had never been a time I’d been happier. Hell, I bet there wasn’t another man on the planet happier than me. Or luckier, I thought while I looked down at the beauty draped across me. My intentions of treading lightly into this new relationship were blown away. I’d gone headfirst off that cliff and I was enjoying every second of falling for her.

  “Jake? You there?” A voice called across the water. With wide eyes, Cassie and I shot each other a look. Hank barked and his big tail wagged while he bounced on the seat he and Poppy had been snoozing on.

  “What the hell?” Cassie whispered while we fumbled to pull the towel out from under us. “You said we were alone!”

  Just as we got the towel over our naked bodies, a boat pulled up beside us.

  “Jake! You on there or did you fall over, and I need to call the Coast Guard?”

  Aaron. Figures.

  “I’m here, Aaron. Go away!” I called back to him.

  The motor on his boat softened while it slid up beside us. I saw his bearded face appear over the edge while he peered with wide eyes into the bottom of the boat where Cassie and I lay covered.

  “Whoa!” Aaron laughed. “You are on the boat. And back on the horse I might add.” A sly smirk lifted his furry lips while a triumphant nod tipped his head up and down.

  “Shut up, Aaron,” I called back, trying not to laugh while I held the towel tight around Cassie.

  “I saw the boat, and it looked abandoned. I just came over to check on you. I see you’re okay. Very okay.” His grin grew.

  Two men and a young boy appeared behind him and all eyes showed white when they saw us.

  “Divert your eyes, young ‘un,” Aaron said, covering the wide eyes of the teenage boy staring at us. “It seems they’re okay and we can be on our way. Jake’s got other things on his mind than fishing today.”

  “Oh, God,” I groaned while his charter clients stared at us.

  “Back to fishing we go! And no... we won’t pull a woman like that out of the water. But I can put you on the salmon for sure! And let’s be honest... salmon are a hell of a lot less trouble than women.”

  The charter group laughed while Aaron gave me a sly nod.

  “Get out of here,” I growled, but the laughter hovered just beneath the words.

  “We’re going. We’re going. Well done, man. Well done.” He crossed his arms and smiled down at us.

  “Go!” Cassie and I shouted in unison.

  “All right, all right... I’m going. You two have yourselves a wonderful afternoon.” He winked then disappeared over the edge and back onto his boat.

  The motor chugged while he pulled away. Cassie and I exchanged a horrified glance and then dissolved into laughter.

  “Alone?” she said through her hysterics while slapping me on the shoulder. “Alone? You said we were alone! He almost saw me naked!”

  “I’d have had to drown him. No one sees you naked but me.” I laughed and peeked under the towel. “That is all mine now.”

  “Then don’t make me get naked out in public where your friends are gonna see me!” She slapped me on the shoulder again. I broke through her feigned resistance and pressed a kiss to the lips she pursed shut.

  “You can try, but it’s not gonna work.” I kissed her again, feeling the firm lips soften then give in to my persistence. Our tongues reconnected while she melted into my demands. She sighed the sweet sound I loved hearing her make.

  “I’m getting dressed,” she said between kisses.

  “I’m sure he won’t come back. Maybe just one more—”

  “Jake!” she scolded then tugged the towel away, leaving me n
aked on the floor of the boat. Scurrying to pull up my shorts, I laughed while she leveled me with a glare.

  After tying her suit back together, I slapped her on the bottom and kissed her cheek. “There. You’re safe.”

  “Thanks, baby.” She leaned back and brushed a kiss on my cheek. It amazed me how every word from her mouth and every touch could send me into a whirlwind of emotions that ignited the darkness inside me, drowning out every painful memory I had.

  Hank saw a duck flap past and land in the water beside the boat. With a powerful push he flew over the edge. The splash soaked us both and Cassie screamed her displeasure.

  “Hank! You ass!” she called while he padded toward the duck before it flew off. Poppy yipped, the nub of her docked tail wiggling in excitement.

  “Poppy, don’t!” Cassie said, noticing her intent. Before she could reach her, Poppy launched off after Hank. “Poppy!”

  “Don’t worry. I promise. No fish will eat her.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. Let them have fun. It’s hot out. I bet the water feels good.”

  The two dogs paddled in playful circles around the boat, and I tipped my head, glancing sideways at Cassie. “You know. It is hot out. The water looks pretty refreshing. Swim?”

  “No. I’m good. I think—”

  Before she could finish, I scooped her in my arms. Her scream echoed across the lake when I launched us over the edge. Plunging beneath the surface, I held her tight until we bobbed to the top. Her horrified gasp came when we emerged.

  “You asshole!” she yelled, slapping my shoulder while we tread water. The dogs swam over, happy grins parting their mouths while they circled us.

  Laughing so hard I struggled to breathe, I pulled her into my arms and shut her mouth with a kiss. Her resistance shattered, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Together we floated, wrapped in each other’s embrace. The weightless feeling I experienced in the water paled compared to the way she made me feel, like I could just float away.

  When our kiss broke, her soft smile gave away her enjoyment of our impromptu plunge.

  “Told you it would feel good.”

  “I’m never going boating with you again.”

  “Liar.” I kissed her again. “I hate liars.”

  The smile dissipated and she turned, swimming back to the boat.

  “Where are you going?” I called, swimming after her.

  “The boat! I’m cold!” she called back.

  I watched her struggle to climb back up, realizing I’d forgotten to put down the ladder. Laughing at her failed attempts, I swam behind her and hoisted her on board.

  “There’s a ladder over there. Just hook it on the edge in those clamps,” I said while I continued treading.

  Here face appeared over the edge while she propped her hands on her chin. “Hmmm. Let me just think about that.”

  “Cassie!” I laughed.


  I was cold, though I wouldn’t admit it. “Nope. But unless you want your little dog to drown, you’d better get that ladder down so we can get them up.”

  “Poppy!” Her eyes fell to Poppy who was still happily paddling away with Hank. “Okay, okay!”

  After she put the ladder on, I climbed up and called Hank. He scaled it with ease, years of practice guiding his way. Poppy swam up behind him and I leaned down and scooped up the little ball of fur.

  We spent the rest of the afternoon curled up in the sun, laughing and napping before the clock told us it was time to get her in for work. When I had the boat docked again, we drove home, and I kissed her goodbye before she climbed back out of my truck.

  “Don’t fall,” I said when she opened the door.

  “I’m never going to live that down, am I?”

  “Nope.” I grinned. “I’ll still be warning you when you’re ninety.”

  With a flush in her cheeks, she smiled and grabbed her beach bag and Poppy, climbing out of my truck carefully. Before closing the door, she blew me a kiss.

  “I’ll come in and see you tonight,” I said.

  “You’d better.” She smiled and slammed the door. I waited and watched until she was safely inside her cabin. With a smile that rivaled any kid at Christmas, I drove away, counting the minutes until I could see her again.



  It was hard to keep from skipping behind the bar at the Ox tonight. Over and over, flashes of those magical moments with Jake invaded my mind. Every touch, every look, every second I’d spent in his arms was seared into my mind. Hoping he would arrive soon, I alternated between staring out the window and watching the seconds ticking by on the clock.

  “What is your deal tonight?” Jo asked.

  “Huh? What do you mean?” I looked away from the window to find her arms crossed while she arched a brow.

  “You’re giddy. You’re staring out the window. You can’t stop humming.”

  “I’m humming?” I hadn’t even noticed. But I’d been told I did it in times of extreme happiness... which hadn’t happened in years.

  “Yes. Humming.” A quizzical gaze swept over me while she pursed her lips in a smug smile. “You got laid.”

  “What?” I choked out.

  “Yep. I know that look. You. Got. Laid. Who was it?” She leaned in.

  “I did not!” The heat rose to my cheeks and drew her knowing gaze. Busted.

  “Jo! Can we get a round of Fireballs?” Tony called from the end of the bar.

  “This isn’t over,” she said, before turning her attentions back to the customers.

  Grateful for the reprieve, I blew out a sigh. Would Jake want me to tell her? I wasn’t sure, and I didn’t want to overstep any imaginary boundaries I wasn’t aware of.

  The door swung open, and I craned over the heads at the bar. When our eyes met, those familiar butterflies swept through my stomach again.

  “Hi, Jake,” I said, while he walked up to the one open stool always sitting vacant for him.

  “Hey, Cassie.” His smile nearly sent my stomach through the floor.

  “Whiskey and coke?”


  Our words didn’t say it, but the looks between us had me ready to dive over the bar and cover him with kisses. I hurried to make his drink so I could keep my hands from grabbing his face and planting one on him.

  “Hey, Jake,” Jo said while she moved over to him. “Welcome back! It’s been a couple weeks. I almost sent out a search party. How are you?”

  “I’m great.” He smiled. “How are you?”

  Jo furrowed her brow. “Great?” She leaned closer, examining his face like she searched for something nefarious. “You’re great?”

  “Um. Yeah?” he answered, and his eyes slid to me.

  “You’re never great, Jake. Not in the twenty-plus years I’ve known you. You’re fine. You’re okay. You’re good at times... but never great.” She gasped and slapped the bar. “You got laid!”

  Jake choked on the sip of the whiskey and coke I’d just delivered.

  “And you just got laid!” Her eyes darted between us while that sinister smile curved her lips. “You laid each other! Ha!”

  We both stared at her with mouths agape. A quick glance to one another and we dissolved into laughter.

  “Who are you, Sherlock freaking Holmes?” I asked as I shook my head.

  “I’m a bartender. Bartenders know everything.” Waggling her eyebrows, she gave us both a triumphant stare.

  “Well, I suppose the cat’s out of the bag. Considering Aaron busted us on the boat today, it was only a matter of time before tongues in town start wagging. So yes, Jo. Cassie and I are... together.” He looked at me as if for confirmation on that last part. Nodding, I confirmed that we were much more than just a lay. So much more.

  “That’s so awesome. I’m taking full credit.”

  “Don’t hurt yourself patting your own back, Jo,” Jake teased.

  “Whatever. I did this. Me. You’re
welcome.” With a half-bow she backed away. I saw the excitement in her eyes, but for a split-second I saw her prior warning flash through them when she locked eyes with me. That “if you hurt him, I’ll kill you” stare shot through me. But I didn’t want to hurt Jake. In fact, I wanted nothing more than to make him happy.

  “Well, looks like we’re out in the open,” Jake said. I leaned on the bar next to him. “Are you okay with that?”

  “Very.” I grinned. Sliding his hand into mine, I gave it a squeeze.

  “Good. Because in a small town you can’t really get away with much for long. And I have no intention of hiding how I feel about you.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  We leaned forward and met in the middle of the bar, our lips brushing together for a soft kiss.

  “Oh, hell no! No making out at the bar!” Jo scolded and bumped me while she passed by.

  “Sorry, Jo,” I sighed while our lips drifted apart.

  “Don’t make me spray you horny kids down with the water on the gun.”

  Jake shrugged. “That wouldn’t stop us. We can still make out in the water. Been there, done that.”

  The memories of the two times we’d made out in the water together pushed back into my mind and I sighed.

  Laughing, Jake pushed off his stool, giving me a playful look before walking to the jukebox. When he leaned up against it, the way his ass looked in those jeans sent that familiar wave of desire coursing through me again.

  “Can I get a Captain and coke?” a customer down the bar asked, pulling my attention away.

  “Sure. Of course.” I glanced at Jake once more before heading to the ice well with a happy sigh.

  As I shoveled ice into the glass, the quiet bar filled with the familiar notes of the song I’d heard only once in my life. Until now. He’d played it last night when he’d asked me to dance. He turned around and leaned back against the jukebox, crossing his arms while he stared straight through me.

  My hand slipped on the glass I held, and it crashed to the floor in an explosion of rum and soda. The rolling ice echoed through the bar, and I gasped as I dove to grab the still-intact glass. When I stood up, Jake was back at the bar, leaning on it grinning.


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