Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6) Page 5

by Elle Boon

  “I can’t ask you to do that. Shit, I don’t even know if her real name is Tai.” Cosmo scrubbed his eyes with his thumbs, feeling as though his life was spiraling out of control.

  “Don’t matter. Sometimes it’s a primal instinct we have. You know ‘Me Tarzan, you Jane’ shit.” Duke punched his chest as he spoke, his gaze going back to Lennox.

  Cosmo shifted the SUV into gear. “Yeah, good luck with that. I can see you and Lennox being happy swinging from trees while you wear a loincloth.”

  “First, don’t ever picture me in a loincloth, bro. Second, I’m far from stupid. I would never refer to that one as Jane.” Duke grinned, staring at Cosmo and the fist he held up.

  Like true friends, they bumped knuckles, letting the silence soothe both their frayed nerves.

  “Should we call Doc, brother?” The fact both women hadn’t woken from whatever they’d been injected with was starting to worry him the closer they got to the clubhouse. They’d both checked vitals and shit like they’d seen Doc do, plus he’d read enough medical shit to do basic first aid. He just hoped they hadn’t done more damage by foregoing medical help.

  “We’ll see what’s what when we get home,” Duke muttered.

  They both turned as Lennox began jerking and twitching.

  “Pull over man,” Duke said as Lennox’s movements began to get more frantic. Cosmo pulled over, uncaring of the fact they weren’t exactly in a safe spot.

  Duke got out, hurrying to get in beside her. “We’re almost there. Calm down, you’re safe.” Duke’s tone was low, but Cosmo still heard him. For the rest of the ride, his friend sat in the back with Lennox’s head resting in his lap. He shuffled a sleeping Tai into the very back, making Cosmo itch since he couldn’t see her as easily.

  “Relax, I got eyes on her.” Duke looked backward then met Cosmo’s intent stare in the mirror.

  Cosmo drove, thinking through the next steps he needed to take. He checked his phone, his security team sending him updates. Fuck, he didn’t like the looks of shit, especially the shit that was about to go down. Lennox and Tai were both waking in short jerks, but at least Lennox had Duke holding her. He wished he could be in the very back with the other woman, like his friend was with Lennox, but that shit was foolish thinking.

  “I’m going to be sick,” Lennox gasped.

  “If you throw up on me, pipsqueak, I’m gonna be super upset,” Duke warned.

  Shit, he hoped like hell she didn’t toss her cookies, but if she did, his interior was leather. He’d have one of the prospects take care of getting it cleaned up. What shocked the fuck out of him was how softly his friend was speaking to Lennox. He’d known Duke had a thing for her, they all did.

  They came to a stop, him hearing her plea as they entered the Royals Property.

  “I can’t help it. Please...Oh god, I’m going—” She didn’t get another word out before Duke had her out of the vehicle. Cosmo looked at the other woman, the one who he couldn’t seem to keep from staring at. Fuck, he was almost as bad as Duke. When Duke got them both back inside, he drove the rest of the way in.

  “Where are we?” Lennox’s question was scratchy.

  “At the clubhouse. Well, almost. We’re on my front lawn,” Duke told her.

  He’d did his best to go slow over the bumpy ruts in the drive. Dammit, he hoped Tai wasn’t going to get sick. He wasn’t worried about his vehicle. Hell, she could fuck it up beyond repair. He couldn’t care less about it. It was her comfort he was worried about.

  “I’m taking Tai on up to the clubhouse. You two come on up when you get her clean and shit.” He lifted his fingers to his forehead as he watched Duke swing a scowling Lennox into his arms. His friend was gonna have a fight on his hands with her.

  He parked the Escalade out back, deciding he’d rather take Tai in through the back since the only thing she had on was his blood-stained T-shirt. Of course, it was long enough it fit her like a dress, hanging down past her knees.

  King met him at the door, looking at Tai then him. “How’s she doing?”

  Tai moaned; her body froze in his arms.

  “Looks like she’s waking. Duke and Lennox should be up shortly. We’ll hold off the interrogations until they’re here. Where’s your ole lady?” he asked, moving past King.

  “You realize I’m the Prez of this MC, right?” King grabbed a beer for him and Cosmo.

  Cosmo sat down in the circular booth, keeping Tai on his lap, ensuring she was covered with his shirt. “I know you’re awake. Open them eyes for me, Baby Girl.” Fuck, he never called women anything other than sweetheart. Baby girl was...too intimate.

  “Who are you, and what do you want from me?” she asked. “You’ll have to negotiate with—”

  “We negotiate with nobody, especially dead men,” he told her, waiting to see how she reacted.

  She jerked, sitting up straighter. Her chest rose and fell faster, her eyes went wide, fear and relief reflected back at him. “What are you saying?”

  “Who was the man waiting next to the stage for you? Your boyfriend, lover, Handler?”

  “What happened to holding off until my brother showed up?” King grunted; his arms flexed over his muscular chest. “I’ll be right back. Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.”

  Cosmo knew he was pushing his boundaries, but this woman, girl, shit, he didn’t know who or what she was yet. If she was underage, he’d make sure she was set up and safe. If she was old enough, well then, all bets were off.

  “Je was Handler. Lover, boyfriend? Those would mean I was consenting, so no, he was none of those,” she spat.

  Her words were said with such meaning. Cosmo noticed she didn’t deny that she’d been intimate with the man. He’d get to the bottom of her relationship with the dead fuck. “How long have you known him?”

  “Since I come to America six months ago.” Her lip trembled for a moment, then she wiggled on his lap. “May I please get up?”

  “No,” Cosmo said.

  “How old are you and is Tai your name?” he barked the questions at her.

  Her eyes narrowed like green chips of fire. “I am twenty-three, no twenty-four. I just had a birthday, and yes, my name is Dai-tai. My friends call me Tai. You may call me Dai-tai.”

  Chapter Four

  He couldn’t help but laugh. Her fire had his dick jumping beneath his jeans. The fact she wasn’t a child he needed to keep safe, but a woman old enough for him...shit, he was almost dizzy with the dirty things he wanted to do. Her wounded eyes and reality of her situation came crashing back to him. He made a mental note to find out when her birthday was, since he knew there was no way in fucking hell, she had any kind of celebration.

  “You said you’ve known him for six months since you came to America. Are you here illegally, Tai?” He purposefully used the name she’d said her friends called her. He was going to be much more than just her friend.

  Before she could answer, Duke and Lennox entered, his friend carrying the other woman like precious cargo. Lennox looked a little better than she had.

  “Questions after I get you and me a drink. Water or pop, Lennox?” Duke asked.

  “Sprite if you’ve got it.” Lennox placed her hand over her stomach, her face looking a little clammy.

  “I got it. Now sit and don’t move around all that much until you know you won’t be yacking all over my floor. I just had it cleaned.” Duke pointed at the spot opposite of Cosmo.

  The back door slammed, making Lennox and Tai jump. Cosmo kept a firm hand on her waist. Damn, she was so tiny he worried she would break if he was too rough.

  “Who’s that?” Lennox whispered, getting up and moving closer to Duke.

  Duke pulled her into his side. “It’s King, baby. You’re safe.”

  Cosmo watched the other couple, seeing the softening of Duke’s expression when he touched Lennox. The Lennox from before would’ve been melting into Duke, but something was off with her, she looked different and it wasn’t just her hair. />
  “Alright, what the fuck’s going on?” King asked, looking toward Duke, then back to Cosmo.

  Lennox gasped, stumbling backward. “I’m going to be sick,” she said, rushing from the room.

  Cosmo watched the demons chase across his friend’s face as he followed after Lennox. He saw the tortured look that Lennox tried to cover. He’d seen that same look too many times to count when he’d looked in the mirror. Fuck, his friend was going to go fucking crazy if what he suspected was true. He looked down at the tiny woman in his arms, seeing those same ghosts in her eyes. Oh yeah, she had them too.

  “Wicked men serve even more ruthless bastards. Don’t they, Baby Girl?” he asked Tai, his hand going to the back of her neck, holding her gaze with his own.

  “I...I don’t know. Yeah, they do,” she agreed.

  When Duke and Lennox returned, the resolve on his friend’s face was exactly what he’d anticipated. He knocked on the table, getting King’s attention. They didn’t need their brother going off half-cocked and getting himself killed or landing in prison.

  “Brother, I see a look on your face that worries me.” King gazed around the room.

  “Well stop looking and chill.” Duke glared back, moving closer to Lennox.

  He could see why Duke was so worried as the woman who always held her head high, proudly, like she knew she had a place in the club even though she was a woman, was trying to make herself appear invisible.

  “Hey, girl, haven’t seen you in a while. How you been?” King asked, his tone soothing like he was talking to an injured animal.

  “Fine...I’m good.” Lennox tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear, barely looking up.

  “Hi, I’m Ayesha. Clearly, this one doesn’t have good manners.”

  Cosmo tried to hide his grin at Ayesha’s sass. Only she could get away with it...for now. If he knew King, he’d have her over his lap later.

  “Oh, um, I’m Lennox. My dad is Doc.”

  Ayesha nodded. “I’ve met him. He’s a very nice man.”

  Duke snorted, which made King flip him the bird. Cosmo had a feeling Duke’s derision was aimed toward the comment about Doc.

  “Why is it that every time my dad is brought up you seem to growl, snort, or mutter an angry sound, Duke?”

  Ah, sheot, there it was. He hoped Duke was smart enough to keep from starting a fight in the middle of the kitchen. His little woman was shaking while she tried to keep her own shit together.

  “I’ve no clue what you’re talking about, Dancer.”

  “You two can fight later. I want to know what the fuck happened tonight and what kind of blowback we’re gonna get. Mechanic said there were no bodies, but he did find blood in two spots in the alley. Hawk closed the club down like you suggested.” King growled, looking toward Duke.

  Cosmo anchored Tai down with his arm when she heard the word blood. Shit, she was gonna be a runner.

  “I wasn’t sure if there were going to be more of them showing up. Figured it was safer for all if they shut down, since the fucker who tried to snatch that one didn’t care he’d basically done it with witnesses. Did you recognize the big fucker?” Duke pointed his finger toward Tai, ignoring Cosmo’s warning glare.

  “I’ll handle her,” Cosmo said, daring them to argue.

  King knocked on the cabinet by his head where he’d been leaning, watching everyone, the Prez didn’t miss a thing.

  “Excuse me, but when the fuck did you two become Prez?” King asked in a low tone.

  “Oh, you two are in trouble.” Ayesha smirked.

  “Ayesha, get your fine ass over here, now,” King barked, snapping his fingers.

  “Yes, Sir.” She hurried to his side, sliding under his arm, a grin spreading over her face.

  “Hmm, we’ll see how much you say that later.” He tugged her in front of him. “As for you both, I ask the questions, you answer. Feel me?” King waited.

  Fuck, this was one reason he’d hesitated pledging. Yet he also knew it was why he’d joined the MC. Fucking brothers. Live and die with these fuckers.

  “I walked out of the club after telling Cosmo I’d see him later. I heard a commotion down the side alley. That’s when I saw two men dragging Lennox, only I didn’t know it was her at the time. I took one of them out with a knife, making them drop Lennox. I shot the other with a gun I took from one of them. Big problem though, it had a silencer on it, which leads me to believe this wasn’t some small-time thug shit. About that time, Cosmo came out the back.” Duke shrugged

  King released Ayesha. “Stay right there.” He kissed her hard and fast.

  “Lennox, did they say anything to you? How’d they drug you?” King squatted down to her level, no longer as gruff.

  “King, I don’t know. I was at the DJ booth working when I felt a tap on my shoulder. The next thing I know, I’m being ushered outside. I knew I didn’t want to go, but my body was moving, even though I didn’t want to. I know that makes no sense, but these two guys were on either side of me, telling me to shut up or they were going to gut me right then and there. I thought they were crazy even as my legs were moving.” Her voice cracked.

  With a nod, King motioned for her to continue.

  “I tried to tell them they had the wrong girl. When we got outside, I think they realized they had actually nabbed me instead. I remember angry yelling, and someone hit me in the stomach.” She put her hand over her abs.

  Duke sucked in a breath. “You didn’t tell me you’d been hit.”

  “You took them out, Duke. What else could you do, go back and kill them again?” King asked.

  “Did you really kill them?” Lennox asked.

  He shrugged. “Wait, back up a minute. You said they knew they’d nabbed the wrong one. What do you know about that?” Duke looked at Cosmo’s girl.

  A minute ticked by and then another. Tai looked around, stared at Cosmo for a minute, her bottom lip between even white teeth.

  “Cosmo, I know you feel like she’s yours to protect, but in this, you can’t shield her if she doesn’t tell us the truth.”

  Dai-tai sniffed. “They are from my country. I escaped them when they tried to sell me to the government. They lied. They said I was part of the Falun Gong practitioners. Do you know what that is?” she asked.

  He watched Duke and the others shake their heads. Hell, most of the MC believed in God. As a rule, they all believed in a higher power where if you were good, you went to heaven. Yet, to say any of them were big on going to Sunday service...nope, he wasn’t one of them. Of course, his mother wouldn’t be too happy since she had been a good Catholic woman. After the shit he’d suffered, first witnessing his mother’s death and then the horrors that followed, his faith had been shook. Yeah, he had hated God for a while. Now his church was when King called a weekly meeting with the MC.

  Tai pulled him from the memories that were sure to send him into a cold sweat.

  “In China, if you are part of that religious sect, the punishment is imprisonment or worse. Prisoners have been known to come up missing and dead. Many family members have claimed their loved ones were killed by the government for their organs, saying their family wasn’t guilty. But that they were poor, and they met a need. Namely that need being an organ. My family...they were very poor. We were poor as I grew up, but I worked. Always worked even as a child. I helped provide for my family since I was five.” She sat up taller, her five-feet-two-inch frame ready to take on the world, like she’d had to do that exact thing for a long time. “My grandmother passed away two years ago. She was the only one who—cared about me. My mother hated me but since I worked, and she didn’t, I tho...thought she at least cared.”

  Fuck, he wanted to go to China and kill her fucking family. A mother was supposed to love and protect their child. His own mother had fallen to her knees for him, taken Hector for him. It still hadn’t done a lot of good at the end of the day, since he’d ended up doing a lot more than that for Hector, and dozens of others just like him.

  Cosmo ran his hand down Tai’s back. “Just because family is blood doesn’t mean they love you. My brothers here aren’t blood, but they’re more my family than mine had ever been. Well, other than on my mother, God rest her soul. I’d give my life for any of these men, any day.”

  “Tell me how you came to be here. Specifically, in one of our clubs,” King ordered, his voice soft but filled with steel.

  She jumped from Cosmo’s lap, her little hands in fists. She looked around the room, meeting each of their eyes with her own, stopping on his. A tear fell from one eye, then the other. Cosmo wanted to shelter her. He wanted to stand in front of her and tell King to back the fuck away. No matter how shit went, they needed answers. He gave her a nod, letting her know he had her back. Fuck, he had her everything if she needed it.

  “My uncle and brother,” she spat the words out like they were foul tasting before continuing. “Wang Wei and Wang Lei came to my room and told me I had to come with them. As they were the men of the house, I was brought up knowing I was to do as they say without question. When I stepped outside, I saw a government truck and knew something wasn’t right. I tried to ask what was going on, but I was backhanded and then knocked unconscious. I woke up in the back of the vehicle with my hands and feet shackled together. My clothes had been removed. A hospital gown had been given to me to put on, but with my hands and feet secured, I couldn’t do it. was humiliating to sit there with five guards watching while I struggled to dress. They said it didn’t matter since I wouldn’t live long anyhow. I didn’t understand what they meant.”

  Cosmo grit his teeth, moving to go to her.

  Ayesha’s sniff drew their attention.

  “What’s wrong, Ayesha?” King asked, turning to look over his shoulder.

  “King, she needs a hug, not an interrogation,” Ayesha said.

  “No. He is right. I have brought danger to all of you. Let me go and I’ll disappear. The men who bought me...they made me come to America. No, that isn’t right. Sorry.” She rubbed her hand across her brow.


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