Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6) Page 10

by Elle Boon

  “Cosmo, I know you think you’re the shit, but you pledged to my club. You’re not gonna decide you can handle this shit on your own and take off, leaving me and the rest of the club with a bounty on our heads, are you?” King pulled the tip out of the table, leaving no visible sign of damage behind.

  “I said I was going to stick around, and I am. King, I took the oath, and it means something to me. Don’t keep questioning my loyalty, or I’ll start to question yours. We done here?” Cosmo stood up, looking down at the blood-stained shirt. “Fuck, I need to go back and change before I face Tai again.”

  “Nah, it’s best she sees us, you, for who we are. I have a feeling that girl has grit and more guts than most of our prospects. Besides, having blood on your shirt gives you a reason to get naked,” King said with a grin.

  “I don’t need a reason to get naked usually.” Cosmo shook his head. “Do I need to...apologize for what I did to Rosco?”

  “He’s gonna be fertilizer, brother.” Duke said, slapping his shoulder. “Her Handler wasn’t just a thug, but a man connected to the Yakuza. Now, he may have just been hired muscle. Either way, we might need to be prepared for that shit to come back on us.”

  There wouldn’t be any fallout. His Demon Security would handle it, but he wouldn’t tell King about them, not yet.

  Chapter Eight

  It had been two weeks. Two of the longest weeks, yet it seemed like yesterday that Cosmo and the others had rescued her and Lennox. The first day she and Cosmo had moved into Keys’s home on the vast property the MC owned, she had been stunned at the house. He was a clean freak, which wasn’t bad, except she was scared to touch anything.

  She and Cosmo had been staying in one of the empty homes that had been built on the other side of Duke’s, and it still felt like she was dreaming. While it was nice, it felt wrong. Or rather, she felt wrong. Nothing was her own. She felt like she was living someone else’s life. Every day she woke up, cooked in someone else’s kitchen, cleaned someone else’s dishes, and then she went wherever Cosmo went. Like a well-trained dog. “Gah, why can’t I be happy?”

  “What’s wrong, Tai?”

  She spun around, the spatula in her hand flying in the air as she screamed in fright. “Aye.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” Talena said, picking up the utensil that had landed near her feet.

  Tai stared at the gorgeous girl who was close to her own age, yet she was much more naïve than Tai had ever been. Or she appeared that way. “What’re you doing here? Your brother is going to have a fit if he finds out you showed up without him.”

  Talena’s brother was Hollywood. Tai wasn’t sure what his real name was since a lot of the MC members used nicknames, or no, they called them Road names. Cosmo didn’t have one, neither did King or Duke. It was kinda confusing to Tai, but she just nodded and pretended to understand.

  “My brother can be a Grade-A asshole. You know the first time I ever knew anything about sex was when I was twelve. He’s ten years older than me. So, there I was minding my own business, just chilling in my treehouse. Well, technically it had been his, but he’d gone off to the Army. Anyhoo, I took it as one would do. So there I was, hanging out in the treehouse, when all of a sudden there was commotion below me. My brother brought some hoochie mama home, and instead of taking her inside to his bedroom, he decided it would be fine and dandy to desecrate my treehouse, formerly his, but now mine.”

  Tai pinched her nose, wondering how Hollywood had done that if his sister was right there. Her face must’ve shown her curiosity, or Talena just decided to continue.

  “I slipped out the window and had to hang on for dear life to a branch outside. Let me tell you, that was a feat in and of itself, for a good hour. Can you imagine the way that tree shook under his two-hundred-thirty-pound muscular ass and little Miss Sunshine—oh, I forgot to mention, she was actually a pageant winner of the great state of California—as they boned. The things they did on my princess blanket, I had to burn it.” Talena shuddered dramatically.

  She snorted, her eyes watering as she tried to keep from laughing, but the disgust on Talena’s face was too much. The thought of the other girl hanging on a branch while her brother was inside with a woman, doing the deed on her pink princess comforter, and lost it. “Oh, my gawd, how did you keep from falling, or getting caught?”

  Talena crossed her arms over her chest, then she smiled. “Well, I figured if I survived, I’d have major pull for when I needed something from big brother.”

  She looked at the gorgeous girl before her, imagining the trouble she probably got into growing up. “Have you cashed in yet?”

  A sly grin flittered across lips that were slightly too big to be natural. “Oh, yeah. But that isn’t why I’m here.” Talena turned around, showing her two suitcases. “Tada, all for you.”

  “What is that? I mean, clearly suitcases, but I don’t understand.” Fear had her stumbling backward. Was Cosmo kicking her out?

  “They are full of clothes just for you, my friend. Look,” she said, dropping down onto her knees and began to unzip one.

  She turned the burner down to keep from burning the spaghetti sauce she’d been making. Since coming to America and staying with Cosmo, she’d been experimenting with different recipes and found she loved Italian and Mexican food best. Of course, Cosmo had told her he was taking her out for Hibachi one day soon.

  “They should all be your size. If not, I can take them back and exchange them, but...nope, I think they should fit. If you don’t like them, let me know.” Talena sat back on her heels, waiting.

  Tai walked around and squatted next to her new friend, unable to believe all the outfits in the first suitcase were hers. Each one was expertly folded. “How? Why?”

  Talena went to the next suitcase and proceeded to open it. “This one has undergarments and the like. Although, I was told you wouldn’t need them by some bossy man. I disagreed. I hope you like?”

  Tai lifted a shirt out of the first case. The material was so soft and practical looking, yet she knew it had to cost a lot. “I can’t accept this. I don’t have any money.”

  Cosmo heard the wonder and sadness in Tai’s voice before he ever opened the door. He’d sent Talena on a shopping excursion, since she was a woman who loved to shop and spend money. She also wouldn’t stand out if she hit some of the trendy places and bought things in her own size. He didn’t know who was watching them so didn’t want to draw attention.

  “Oh, good. I see Talena is showing you your clothes. What do you think?” he asked as he stepped into the room.

  Both women froze, then Talena stood up. “Yes, I was just telling her about them. If she doesn’t like anything or they don’t fit, just give me a holler and I can take them back.”

  He waved that offer off. If she didn’t like or they didn’t fit, he’d donate them to the closet up at the Clubhouse. Inevitably, they tended to have a need for women’s clothes at some point. Of course, he really wanted her to like, and want everything he’d bought.

  “Cosmo, I can’t accept all of this,” Tai whispered.

  “Talena, thanks for bringing this. If you’re planning to stop by the Clubhouse, you better check in with Hollywood. I saw his bike when I drove by.” He moved over in front of Tai, holding his hand out for her to take. In the weeks since they’d been cohabitating, he’d kept his hands to himself. Every day, they went for a ride on his bike, and at night, they went to the Clubhouse or chilled at the house owned by the MC. He loved watching her blossom into a confidant woman. He hated seeing her turn weary though. While Ayesha and the others had loaned her clothes, he could see she wanted things of her own, which he’d provided in bits and pieces. He wanted her to have a wardrobe that she would be proud to wear.

  “Dammit, he wasn’t supposed to be back yet,” Talena muttered, her blue eyes flashing.

  She was so much like her big brother with her long, curly blonde hair, and blue eyes. They were both the quintessential Cal
ifornia dreams in looks. If one were to give them a score of one to ten, both Hollywood and Talena would be a twelve. Although they looked a lot alike, he knew they weren’t blood related.

  They stood, watching Talena head to her Audi obviously wanting to avoid Hollywood with a quick exit. The little red convertible was as far from the Harley her brother drove as you could get.

  “Will her brother be mad if she hangs out here without him?” Tai asked, slipping her hand into his.

  He loved how she did that more often, how easy it seemed for her to touch, as if it was becoming like second nature to her. If only she’d get comfortable enough to where he could take the next step. Shit, what was he thinking? It was him who was stopping them. Every time she looked up at him, her green eyes were inviting him to do more than hold her hand. Shit, his dick was screaming at him to let her hold him, stroke him. He was pretty sure if the thing could talk it would be begging.

  “Cosmo, you know I can’t accept all that.” She waved at the suitcases.

  The sigh he expelled was one of frustration and resignation. Frustration because she seemed to fight him at everything when it came to him giving her things. And resignation because he knew they were going to argue. As he opened his mouth to lay out the argument he’d planned, the scent of something burning hit them at the same time as the smoke alarm going off.

  “Ah shoot. Look what you made me do.” She swatted him on the stomach.

  The action had him raising a brow. Tai spun back toward the small kitchen area where a pot on the stove appeared to be bubbling over. “Don’t burn yourself, Baby Girl,” he muttered.

  She raised her right hand in the air, middle finger extended. Oh, he was going to paddle that fine little ass of hers if she kept it up. “Ayesha is a bad influence, Baby Girl.”

  Tai froze, the spoon poised over the pot. “She didn’t do anything. It was me. I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Dammit, Tai, she’s not in trouble. Now you, you, Baby Girl, are fixin to get a nice spanking if you don’t stop this bullshit.” He took the spoon out of her hand, licked the sauce off, humming as the flavor hit his tongue.

  “You’re going to spank me? Like a child?” Her eyes went to the spoon in his mouth then his eyes.

  He made sure he had her attention while he licked the spoon, using his tongue to wipe it clean. He’d been told several times how obscenely long his tongue was. He would be lying if he hadn’t measured it a time or two. He wasn’t Gene Simmons long, but he was pretty damn close. Cosmo enjoyed the fact he could give a scared little bird like Tai pleasure, before whipping out his cock. Tai needed to be eased into things, and he had just the thing to do it.

  Her eyes followed what he was doing, her throat working to swallow. Oh yeah, Baby Girl, I can do all kinds of nasty things with my tongue that will make you cry out and beg for me.

  “This is delicious. You need some help?” he asked.


  “Is that yes?” He grinned.

  Tai took the spoon back, putting it in the pot, then growled. “That has your germs on it. You make me crazy.”

  Because he was tired of being a gentleman, and he fucking loved her long hair, he ran his hand down the back of her head, gripping a handful of the thick locks. “If I have my way, everything in this kitchen is gonna have my germs on it.” When she opened her mouth on a silent ‘oh’ he took advantage, bending to place an open-mouthed kiss over her lips. He slipped his tongue inside, taking her moan inside him.

  When he moved back, her eyes were closed, her lips were puffy and shiny with moisture. “Mmm, now you got some of my germs inside you, and I got yours in me. I like it,” he told her, giving her ass a little tap.

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you’re insane?” She laughed as she spoke.

  Cosmo lifted her up, settling her on the counter next to the stove, wedging his body between her thighs. “Funny, but yeah, I’ve actually heard that a few times. Coming from you though, it sounds sexier than from others. What’re you making for dinner?”

  The way he’d just asked the question and the way he was standing, they sounded downright domesticated. Slow your roll, Cosmo. This woman could up and leave any day and then what?

  “Traeger gave me his family recipe for Spaghetti. It smells really good, and I think I got it right. I’ve been letting it cook pretty much all day. I didn’t make the noodles from scratch. I mean, I don’t have the appliances to do that, and like Ayesha said, ain’t nobody got time for that,” she said, mimicking the other woman’s tone.

  “How long before you need to do the next step or whatever?” He really needed to take a shower maybe jackoff because his dick was fucking hard, and then after they ate, he’d see what Keys had found out.

  “You look very pensive, Cosmo. Is everything okay?” Tai rubbed two fingers between his brows.

  He caught her hand, bringing her fingers to his lips. “I’m fine, Baby Girl. I’m gonna hop in the shower and get the stink of the road off. I’ll hurry. You need my help before I go?”

  She shook her head, staring at him as if she was trying to see inside his soul. With a nod, she unlatched her legs from around his waist. When had she done that or had he?

  Cosmo gave her a quick peck on the lips before he did something stupid like fuck her on the counter. He’d been a good boy, keeping from moving on her like a horn dog, yet he didn’t know how much longer he could hold himself back. “I’m a motherfucking saint is what I am,” he muttered as he entered the bedroom. The cottage he and Tai were using was small, much smaller than any of his homes, but it afforded him the protection for Tai that he wanted, to a degree. If he’d had his choice, he’d have taken her to his home by the beach. He had several safe rooms, two on each floor just in case shit went down, you had a choice. Paranoid? He didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. In fact, he’d had different companies fit them out, keeping each company separate so they only did parts of each job. After they’d been constructed, he rewired and hardwired them himself. He wasn’t leaving anything to chance.

  Staring around the sparse bedroom, he took in the king-sized bed that filled up most the space, thank fuck. He thought how different his home was, especially his master bedroom. However, Tai looked at home in the kitchen. Would she feel the same in the kitchen that had been done by some designer that said it was a chef’s dream? “Enough,” he muttered. At least at his home, she’d have every appliance she could want, even a damn pasta maker if she so chose.

  He dropped his clothes in the hamper inside the small bathroom, muttering to himself because the space was fucking small. The mirror over the sink was oval, and there was only one sink. He’d given the larger room to Tai, figuring a woman needed more space. With his hands on the counter, he glared at his reflection, wondering if she thought he was a dumbass like he felt he was. Most of the other MC guys thought they were fucking, which he let them, since he wanted them to keep their hands and eyes off of Tai. Shoving away from the counter, Cosmo climbed into the shower, letting the hot water rain down on him like little bullets.

  His dick jerked. “Yeah, I know, buddy.” Grabbing the shampoo, he washed his hair and body. When the suds ran down his chest, he knew there was no way he was going to make it through dinner with a dick ready to burst at the seams. By now, his right hand and his left were becoming professionals at jacking off. Before he’d met Tai, he had no problem finding a woman to take care of his needs. Now, he couldn’t get hard unless he thought of her. He was becoming a goddamn eunuch or some shit. Even that thought didn’t make his cock deflate until he pumped several times, picturing Tai on her knees wearing nothing but one of his T’s. She was so damn sweet and sexy. The fact she didn’t even realize it made her even sweeter.

  Within thirty seconds, tingles began at the base of his spine heralding his impending orgasm. He squeezed harder, moved his hand faster. When the first jet of white fluid erupted, he groaned. The next spurt had him moaning. “Fuck,” he grunted, jerking his arm faster until there was
nothing left in him. He wasn’t sure if he’d said Tai’s name out loud, or in his head. Either way, her name was a litany. If he didn’t fuck her soon, he was sure he was going to get carpal tunnel. Maybe he should order a fucktoy off of Amazon. He was pretty sure they sold ones that were supposed to be pretty lifelike. Of course, he would then have to explain to Tai and the others why he had a damn doll in his bed. The thought had a smile spreading over his face as he switched the shower off.

  He reached for a towel on the bar outside, his hand coming up empty. “Shit,” he cursed, opening the door, coming to a stop as he saw the stack of towels on the counter. He knew for a fact they hadn’t been there when he’d entered the shower. Had Tai watched him jack off? Well he hoped like all get out she enjoyed the show.

  After pulling on some clean clothes, he walked back out to see if she needed some help, stopping dead at the vision he stumbled upon.

  “Uh, Tai, did you have an accident, Baby Girl?” Damn, his tongue was sticking to the roof of his mouth, but he couldn’t seem to make his feet come unglued from the spot he was rooted to.

  Chapter Nine

  Tai had been naked many times in the last year. However, she’d never felt so exposed. Even the first time she’d been...nope she wasn’t going to allow any memories to cloud this time with Cosmo. This time she was choosing to give herself to a man because she wanted to. She didn’t feel like she had to. And if the way he was looking at her was any indication, he wanted her as well.

  “No, I didn’t burn myself. Although it was a close call when the noodles were boiling, and I had to drain them. I was going to do like in the fancy restaurants, and you know, serve them with the sauce on the top, but then I got an idea.” She took a deep breath and pointed at the stove.

  “I’m listening,” Cosmo said.

  She wasn’t sure how he was so calm when her own heart was nearly pounding out of her chest. In for a penny and all that nonsense. “I didn’t want the noodles to get dry or ruined, so I mixed it all together. That was Ayesha’s idea,” she blurted.


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