Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6) Page 12

by Elle Boon

  He smiled, sliding down her body again, parting her thighs, nestling between them. “Damn, baby, I think I could give up my morning and midnight snacks if I could have you instead.” Cosmo licked the full length of her slit, long, slow, lazy licks that had her writhing beneath him. She didn’t, however, tell him to stop, which was the one thing neither of them wanted him to do.

  Using his tongue, he played it over her slick folds, taking his time to explore and lap up all the sweet honey that she was giving him.

  Chapter Ten

  Tai moaned in approval as Cosmo used his extremely long and talented tongue on her. Good heavens the man was diabolical. She didn’t think she had it in her to come again, didn’t think it was possible, yet when he swirled the tip of his tongue around her clit, the slow torture he’d begun had her squirming, spreading her legs wider, begging for more.

  The feel of his tongue near her entrance made her squirm. Surely, he wasn’t going to...oh my damn, he did. She cried out, unable to hold still. One big hand landed on her stomach, holding her down while he pressed in deeper, fucking her with his tongue, grazing her clit with his nose. She was sure she’d die if he stopped, the pleasure too much, not enough. “Please, Cosmo. Oh, I love your tongue.”

  She thought he might’ve smiled against her, then he spread her folds with his thumbs, lashing her with his tongue, flicking it back and forth, up and down, then throwing her totally off balance by swirling it in opposite directions around and around her clit. Tai cried out, her hands going to his hair, arching against him, pushing her hips against his face, begging with her body.

  His response was a deep chuckle, then he held her hips in place with his arms wrapped around her, kissing her pussy with an open-mouthed suction, rolling her clit between his lips. That would’ve embarrassed her if she wasn’t so far gone; gasping and clutching at him with both hands. “Oh goodness,” she moaned. “Please, I need to,” she begged, unable to finish asking him for what she wanted.

  Cosmo lifted his head slightly, then he pulled her legs over his shoulders, exposing her more to him and his lashing tongue, going back at her like a man starved. This time, he pushed three fingers inside her, making her feel full. “Come for me, Baby Girl, I want to hear you scream. Tell me what you like.”

  She looked down, seeing his face glistening with her juices.

  And then he bent his head back down, lapping at her, working his mouth and tongue in tandem with his fingers until she screamed his name like he’d requested.

  She jerked, her head thrashed back and forth as the pleasure washed over her, starting in a tingling sensation at her toes, flooding her body like a small electrical current.

  “That’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” Cosmo murmured, rubbing his face against her inner thigh before easing upward. “You okay?”

  She felt the head of his dick nudge her opening and knew he was asking if she was ready.

  Although she was sated, she wanted to feel him inside her. Instead of verbalizing her need, she lifted one leg over his, then reached between them, guiding him to her. “I will be once you’re inside me.”

  “I want that, Baby Girl.” He stared down at their bodies, watching his dick slide into her.

  Tai watched too, unable to pull her gaze away. He pushed in, worked that big dick she was sure was going to hurt, but she didn’t care, in slowly. He coated himself in her excitement, held himself up with one arm next to her head, pulling out just as slow and smooth, filling her completely as he pushed back inside. Their bodies flush together, their breaths mingling, their hearts pounding out the same rhythm, thundering against one another as if they were—one.

  “Fuck, you’re so damn tight, so wet, so hot. Your body is mine, Baby Girl. Every motherfucking inch, I’m claiming.” He slammed back inside, pulled out, and moaned. “I’m going to fuck you, make love to you so hard, you’ll need me as much as I need you.” He punctuated each word with a thrust and slide of his body in and out of hers.

  She could’ve told him she already did, but he stole her breath, her body tingling with another orgasm racing toward her. She’d lived her entire life never knowing what the big deal about sex was, even after she’d started having it, she’d thought women didn’t really enjoy it. In one afternoon, Cosmo blew all her misconceptions out the window.

  “You feel so good. I can feel your body clamping around me. You ready to come, Tai?” Cosmo slammed forward, grinding his hips against hers.

  “Cosmo,” she moaned.

  With each downward stroke he did the same thing, before pulling back and powering inside again, grinding their pelvises together.

  She wasn’t sure if she could come again, her pussy already ached with the rise of her arousal. She lifted both legs, wrapping them around his hips, secure in the knowledge he would take care of her. With wordless urging, he drove relentlessly into her, both of their breathing becoming ragged while he worked his hips back and forth. Cosmo’s lips peeled back from his teeth; a moan ripped from him as she raked his back with her nails.

  Tension coiled within her, becoming tighter with every movement until finally the whiplash of sensations broke, sending her over the edge. She cried out, her limbs going rigid, her muscles locking down on him. “Yes, yes, yes,” she yelled; her moan was said against his shoulder.

  He followed her seconds later, his dick jerking inside her so hard she felt it, his own yell echoing hers. His hips pumped, no longer holding any kind of rhythm as he raced for his own pleasure.

  Tai didn’t know how long they lay there with him on top of her, neither of them uttering a word, unable or unwilling to move. She wasn’t ready for him to leave her body even though it was a little hard to breathe, with his larger frame over her. Already the fading pulses of her orgasm were becoming history, and with it, his would follow. Would he roll over and act as though nothing had happened, or regret taking her? She wouldn’t be able to face him if he did. She couldn’t admit it out loud, but she loved the big biker with secrets. Loved his weight as his breathing became level, loved his scent, even loved the way his sweat ran down his back while she stroked her hand along his spine.

  She took a deep breath, taking in his scent, memorizing what he smelled like after sex. Her mind thought of a future while she ran her hand down his spine. The sweat-damp line was hot to the touch. His muscles flexed beneath her palm. He was sexy, beautiful, wild and all man.

  “I’m squishing you,” he mumbled, rolling to the side while keeping his hold on her so that she rolled with him. “There, that’s better.”

  Tai grinned down at him even as she adjusted their bodies so that his semi-hard cock was kept tucked inside her. “That was awesome.”

  He brushed the hair off of her forehead, the long length falling around them like a curtain. “You were awesome.”

  She dipped her face down, burying it in his neck. “Are you hungry? For food?” she asked when his dick jumped in excitement.

  “I could eat—food and then you again.” He swatted her ass. “Come on, woman. If you sit on my dick like that, we won’t be eating for a long time.”

  Cosmo sat up, seating her more fully on his dick, making them both groan. “On second thought, I think we can eat in a little bit.”

  He swung his legs over the side of the bed, guiding her legs to the side of his hips, helping her ride him until they were both shouting their pleasure.

  Tai and Cosmo finished eating after an amazing bout of sex. She’d never thought she’d find a man who took such care and pleasure in—her pleasure. The other girls she’d been held with had mostly been like her, young and naïve. Some had said they’d pleasured themselves, but she’d had a small pallet she slept on at the back of their home. There was never any privacy, and her family had said a woman’s pleasure was taking care of her husband. Since she didn’t have one of those, and as her family would never have approved of any man she would’ve wanted, she’d always thought she’d die alone.

  “What’s got that pensive loo
k on your face?”

  Her hands froze with the stack of dishes in them. She’d thought he’d gone out to talk to one of the guys, or rather brothers. She was still trying to remember all the nuances of MC life.

  “I was wrapping my mind around the differences my life has become to what I thought it would be.” She wouldn’t lie to him.

  He nodded. “Yeah, I imagine it’s a lot different here than back in China. Do you miss it, your family?”

  She bit her lip for a moment. “No. I miss seeing things that remind me of my grandmother. Life was hard and lonely. If my Lǎo lao was alive, I’d have missed her, but the rest of them I don’t. Does that make me awful?”

  “No, not at all. Remember who you’re talking to. I’m pretty sure I have family somewhere on my father’s side, but I haven’t looked for them. Do you know why?” he asked, waiting for her to shake her head. “When I had been going through his things, my father’s, I found pictures of him as a young man. He was with an older man who he resembled. My grandfather obviously. They were both naked and there was a woman with them. I presume it was my grandmother. I think they were all sick fucks, grooming him from his youth. If they are still alive, I don’t want to know them.”

  Tai wanted to point out that they could be hurting others but didn’t want to mar their first night together. More than likely, he’d thought of that and for reasons of his own, had chosen to keep from pursuing them. “Come here.” She held her arms open.

  He grinned, walking up to her, stopping a couple feet away. “You want to kiss me and make me better?”

  She shook her head. “You’re already the best, Cosmo. I just want to hold you. Kissing would be a bonus.”

  “You wreck me, Tai. Completely and totally wreck me.”

  “That’s good to hear because you’re the only man who I feel...feel as if you make me whole. I guess two messed up people can be good together, huh?” She shifted from foot to foot, unsure if she’d said the wrong thing.

  “You got it all wrong, Baby Girl. Neither of us are fucked up beyond repair as long as we got each other, feel me? You might be too good for the likes of me, but I’ll fuck up anyone who tries to take you from me. You good with that?” He tugged her to him, bringing her flush with him.

  She looked up, standing on her tiptoes. “Yeah, I’m good with that. You need to know I don’t share either. I had to share everything my whole life, but I find I’m unwilling to share you. You good with that?” She repeated his question.

  He chucked, the deep rumble vibrated within her. “I think we’ll be just fine then.”

  The next day when they walked up to the Clubhouse, she was walking a little funny from her and Cosmo’s sexcapades. She had so many memories from the day before tucked away, she’d be taking them out to examine. However, she’d have to make sure she was alone, because lord only knew how embarrassing it would be if she got hot and bothered around a couple dozen bikers and their ole ladies.

  “Oh, I think someone got their freak on,” Lennox called, giving Ayesha a high-five.

  “Be good or I’ll tell both of your men. I bet they have ways to get you two to behave,” Cosmo pointed at them both.

  Ayesha stomped her foot, growling. “That’s rude, Cosmo.”

  King came out with a beer in one hand, a bat in the other. “What did he say? Do I need to break his kneecaps?”

  Tai moved in front of Cosmo, dropping into a fighting stance. “You will have to go through me first.”

  King looked at Tai, then Cosmo. “Ah sheot, really?”

  She didn’t look back to see what Cosmo was doing but heard the lazy tone to his voice as he said, “Yep.”

  “He won’t really break Cosmo’s kneecaps. First, I think Cosmo is faster than King. Second, he likes him.” Ayesha patted her shoulder as she spoke.

  “I would still break them if he deserved it,” King disagreed.

  “Shut up, King.”

  As Ayesha snarled, the President of the Royal Bastards lifted a brow, moving toward them until he could wrap his hand around her waist. “Ah, it looks like I’m gonna need to teach you who is the one in charge. That’ll have to wait though. We need to talk,” he said to Cosmo, tilting his head toward the door where they held Church.

  Nerves had her stomach rolling. “Is this about me?”

  “I’ll talk to your old man, then he can discuss it with you.” King didn’t give her any opening for discussion.

  Even knowing it was the way things ran, she wanted to demand he let her in on things.

  “I’ll be back in a little bit. Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone.” Cosmo kissed her hard and fast, leaving her standing with Ayesha.

  “Well that sucks hairy monkey balls,” Ayesha muttered, slapping her hands on her hips.

  Ayesha’s little sister picked up the bat King had left leaning against the wall. She tapped it against her palm, giving them a very wicked look.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Ayesha warned the younger girl.

  “I could really use some batting practice though, sis.” Tiana blinked her eyes way too fast to be natural.

  Tai looked from one woman to the other. “What is this batting practice? I heard some of the others talk about baseball, but I have a feeling this isn’t the same thing?”

  At times, she had a hard time with the language even though her family spoke English as well as Chinese.

  Tiana pointed the weapon she held toward Tai. “You need to get out more, my friend.”

  Ayesha took the bat from Tiana, whispering something Tai couldn’t hear. She turned away, knowing whatever it had been was more than likely about her, and the fact she’d hadn’t lived a whole lot outside of her home. Once in America her life had been within the boundaries of the prostitution ring. Although she was free, she had nothing and nowhere to go. Sure, Cosmo and the others had been good to her, no wonderful to her, but she wasn’t allowed to leave like the others. She truly felt useless with nothing. No papers stating who she was, giving her the right to come and go wherever she pleased. In fact, she’d researched and found that if she were to be apprehended by the authorities, they’d take her into custody and ship her back to her own country. If that happened, she’d be sent back to the place she’d escaped, and they probably wouldn’t even worry about donating her organs before killing her.

  “Hey, don’t let my sister upset you. She’s young and doesn’t always think before she speaks.” Ayesha eased in next to her.

  Tai looked around, trying to remember how she’d gotten where she was. “It’s fine. She’s only stating the truth. I can’t hide out here for the rest of my life. I...I need to figure out what I’m going to do for the rest of my life.” She choked on the last word. Her future loomed like a bleak stretch of road with nothing in front of her except darkness.

  “There’s the prettiest ladies in the entire state of California. Can I buy you both a drink? I’d offer Tidbit one, but she’s still jailbait.” Hollywood grinned down at them.

  She smiled slightly at the overly flirtatious man standing in front of them. He was probably one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen in her entire life. If anyone’s nickname was appropriate, his definitely was. Blond hair, blue eyes, and from what she could see when he had his jacket off, he was built like all the other men in the MC, ripped without being sickeningly so. He also had tattoos, which appeared to be the theme of most of the guys, but he had both arms and hands tattooed, and his eyes were always smiling but held secrets. She knew about secrets and scars. Her own were laid open now.

  “Hollywood, you know King will kick your ass, but I think Cosmo is a lot scarier than that. I have a feeling if you pissed him off, we’d never find your body.” Ayesha folded her hands on the table, nodding like she hadn’t just threatened a man.

  Hollywood pulled up a chair, swinging it around so he could straddle it. “Oh, that sounds fun. You should tell your sister she shouldn’t stand so close to me with that bat. It makes me twitchy.”

ai was watching him and Tiana, her gaze going from one to the other. She knew danger and she knew naivete. “Tiana, put the bat down and stop being silly,” she said in a singsong voice, hoping it eased the tension in the air.

  The handsome man in front of her lifted one corner of his lips that could be considered a smile, but she had seen his grins, and that wasn’t one.

  The door where King and Cosmo had gone opened, Keys walking out first with his computer bag slung over his shoulder. “You are never playing with my toys again, Cosmo.”

  Cosmo came out, chuckling. “I didn’t break it, asshole.”

  “All them squiggles aren’t okay. That is a virus. You gave my precious a virus,” Keys snarled.

  “No, I showed you how easy it was for someone to hack into your shit. You’re welcome.” Cosmo bowed, then hopped back as Keys swung his bag toward him.

  “Boys, I will fuck you both up if you don’t stop it. Keys, I get you being pissed, but can’t you see past your shit to what asshole here was showing you?” King grit out, pinching his nose.

  Tai got up, easing out of the booth on the opposite side so she didn’t have to ask Ayesha to get up. “What did you guys find out?” she asked in a hushed whisper, her hand going into Cosmo’s.

  Chapter Eleven

  Cosmo was hoping he’d get a chance to take Tai back to their little borrowed cottage before he had to break the news to her. Yet staring down at her weary eyes, there was no way she’d settle until she heard what they’d found out.

  “King, how secure is the Clubhouse right now?” he asked, taking a look around to see who all was in residence. He wasn’t sure who’d slept there the night before since he’d been holed up with Tai, but many of the brothers tended to stay in one of the rooms in the back. While they were all brothers, he wasn’t going to put his business out there. The memory sent a wave of lust through him that threatened to send his resolve to discuss shit with her then and there down the tubes.


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