Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6) Page 14

by Elle Boon

  “My cock and your pussy, which he will never reference again as willy and tunnel of love, ever again, or I’m telling Ayesha he’s been reading romance novels or some shit.” Cosmo glared over her shoulder, walking as he spoke. “You, my friend, have issues. Issues I think you need to speak with a doctor about and not Doc, but a headshrinking doctor.”

  This time she really did need a translator. “Why does he need his head shrank?”

  “Oh lord, what has my old man done now?” Ayesha asked from the doorway.

  Cosmo pointed his thumb over his shoulder, a wicked grin on his lips. “Ask Mr. Willy and Love Tunnel why.”

  With that parting shot, he carried Tai out, shutting the door on a glaring King, leaving him to explain to Ayesha what he’d meant. She wondered what he was going to say to Ayesha, but the mirth filling Cosmo’s face was worth whatever King would say to them later. In fact, she loved seeing her guy so happy, especially after she’d almost ruined things with her insecurity. “You know I can walk,” she said, her arms wrapped loosely around his head.

  “Yep,” he agreed.

  “Everyone is going to see you carrying me out of here if you don’t put me down,” she tried to reason with him.

  “Yep. Don’t care.”

  She looked backward, her hair flying into her mouth, she spit it out, trying to see who all was around. Several of the members of the MC she’d met sat at the bar drinking, while others were playing pool. She turned back around, laying her head on Cosmo’s shoulder. “I don’t care either.”

  “Good. They’re used to us carrying our ole ladies out. Hell, I’m pretty sure Ayesha’s normal mode of exit is over King’s shoulder.”

  Tai thought of herself being dangled over Cosmo’s shoulder, his hand on her ass. She didn’t think she’d mind that if he made it up to her once they were back at the cabin. Of course, they couldn’t stay at that small place forever. She knew Cosmo wasn’t totally comfortable in the house. He hadn’t said anything, but she could see it in the way he was careful about where he put things. He wanted his own place with his own things. For her, she had nothing, so she didn’t mind where they were as long as they were together.

  “We’re leaving tomorrow. We’ll be driving down and hauling our bikes with us. Keys is getting you some ID in case we need it.” Cosmo broke into her thoughts, his words startling her.


  “Keys created an ID that will pass even TSA, but I still prefer to drive and take our bikes. T-Rex and the others feel the same. We’ll meet up with the Tampa Chapter first and stay there overnight with Nycto and his ole lady. We’ll see if Keys has learned anything new, before heading down to Miami, which is where we believe our mark is.”

  Her stomach clenched as Cosmo explained what each Chapter did, unsure how they would react to her and the guys.

  “Do you think he’s there?” she asked.

  “His digital footprints have been traced there by Keys. Trust me, if anyone can find the sickfucks, it’ll be him. Bastards like them think they can run and hide, but they’ll learn. You can run, but you can’t hide when you got shit on you. The flies always know where you are, leaving a trail of maggots for anyone to see.”

  She took a deep breath before asking him her next question. “You said the guys in Tampa were into drugs, and the ones in Miami were into stuff. They won’t hurt me or turn on us, will they?”

  Cosmo slapped her ass but didn’t answer as they reached the cabin.

  He pushed the door to the cabin open, settling her on the counter in the kitchen. “Wait here.”

  She knew the drill. He always went through the place even though it had been locked when they came in. He had his own form of security that he double checked. The man was paranoid, but as he’d said, it kept them safe, and he looked at her safety as top priority. She still got a warm feeling in the center of her chest when he said those things. Love. He loved her. Tai didn’t think anyone would ever have such deep feelings for her.

  “What are you thinking, Baby?” Cosmo moved in front of her, nestling between her thighs.

  She loved when he called her Baby, or Baby Girl, in his deep voice. “I think you and I were meant to find each other when we did. You’re my soft place, my soulmate. My world was so dark until I found you, my guiding light. You’re more than my lover, you’re my best friend. When I look at you, I see my chance at a happily ever after. I didn’t think I’d ever find love or peace, but the universe gifted me with you, my love, my peace, my life, my soulmate.”

  “You undo me with your words. I want to be a good man; someone you’ll be proud of. When you say you love me, know I’ll always love you more. I’ll love you more than any of the bad shit that comes our way. We’re gonna fight, but I’ll love you more than any of the bullshit we fight about. Throw up an obstacle, and I’ll love you so damn much it will be nothing but dust at our feet. You’re my everything, Dai-tai.”

  “That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, Cosmo. Make love to me,” she whispered.

  He leaned forward, bracing his arms on the counter, their breaths mingling. “I always make love to you, Baby Girl.”

  Her breath hitched as he stood straight, tugging her shirt off, tossing it behind her. She knew he’d pick it up later. He couldn’t stand things out of place. Next he reached behind his head, holding her gaze while he tugged his shirt off. She didn’t watch where it landed, assuming it was near wherever hers was. “You’re so beautiful,” she breathed.

  “Ah, you’re the beautiful one.” His fingers went to the front clasp of her bra, releasing it.

  She shrugged her shoulders, helping the straps fall, the cups moved until her breasts were exposed. “We will have to agree to disagree because from where I’m sitting, you most definitely are the most gorgeous. I love your tattoos.”

  His arm was covered in the most gorgeous designs, with colors that were truly a work of art. “I want to get a tattoo.” She leaned forward, kissing his chest, then his right pectoral muscle, loving the way it jumped under her lips.

  “We’ll see about getting you in to Tymber or one of the artists at his shop, after we get back.”

  Cosmo’s hands went under her hips lifting her against him. “Kick your shoes off for me.”

  She didn’t even hesitate to comply. Her hands went to his waistband, unsnapping the top button, struggling to undo the denim. He pushed her hands out of the way and tugged on the stretchy fabric of the leggings she wore.

  “Here, let’s get you out of these first.” Cosmo stepped back, pulling the pants down along with the lacy panties. Before coming back to her, he shoved his denim down, his cock standing up hard and proud.

  “I love your willy,” she laughed, using the word King had.

  “I’ll turn you over my lap and spank your pretty little ass, then make you suck my willy till I come down your throat.”

  Tai grabbed his dick, running her hand up and down the smooth length. He had yet to let her suck him to completion. “Oh, that sounds fun,” she teased, running her thumb over the tip. A drop of milky fluid spilled out. She gathered it up, bringing it to her lips and sucked.

  “You’re trying to drive me out of my mind, aren’t you?”

  “Nope, I’m just tasting you. I love you, Cosmo.”

  One of his hands went to the back of her head, the other went to her pussy. “So wet for me and we haven’t even had any foreplay.”

  She tried to hold still as his fingers ran up and down her, the sounds of her wetness and his fingers going in and out seemed overly loud, yet she didn’t feel embarrassed. No, she was needy. She really didn’t think she needed any foreplay, but the wicked look in his dark eyes made her think he had other plans.

  Cosmo watched Tai as he petted her, then plunged his fingers inside. “I really need to taste you. I find I’m hungry.”

  He gave her a kiss, silencing her protest, then trailed kisses along her jaw, down her delicate neck to her chest, paying a little homage to her breasts. Wi
th a little bite on the tip of each nipple as a tease, he pulled her hips to the edge of the counter before dropping onto his knees, pressing her legs open wider. “Fuck, you have the prettiest pussy,” he said the words against her lower lips, knowing the vibrations would feel good. He loved the way she trembled and could tell she was trying to hold still by the way her muscles were flexing in her supple thighs.

  “Cosmo, I want to feel you in me.” She gave a whisper moan.

  Ah his little woman was getting so good at asking for what she wanted. He’d give it to her. Moving his lips around, he placed little kisses all over her smooth mound, then opened his mouth, sucking her clit inside. She moaned, letting him know she was enjoying what he was doing. He released the little hardened nub, sliding his tongue through her slit, tasting, sucking delving deeper, then pulling back with gentle sucks.

  Tai gave a whimper, her thighs shaking, hands fisting in his hair. He cupped her ass, holding her to his face. God he loved her taste, loved her smooth flesh in his mouth.

  He went back to sucking her clit, hot open-mouthed kisses that he knew would push her over the edge. She writhed, calling out his name, begging for release. Cosmo pushed two fingers in her spasming pussy at the same time he flicked his tongue over her clit, working her over until she released his hair.

  “Oh, Cosmo, fuck me, please,” she begged.

  His gaze locked on her green eyes; desperation seared him. “Oh yeah, I’m going to fuck you.” He stood, lined his dick up to her, drawing her face up toward his so he could stare into her eyes while he took her. “I’ll never get enough of your pussy.”

  Tai opened her mouth for him, her tongue playing with his. He caught her lower lip between his, then delved back inside, sharing the sweet taste of herself with her. He pushed forward slowly even when his dick was screaming to ram inside. Tai rocked forward, meeting his thrusts, their moans echoing around them.

  He stilled once he was fully seated, shifted his hips from side-to-side, then pulled out, thrusting back in, filling her. Each forward thrust he heard her breath catch. He looked down, pushed his hand between them, pulled the hood of her clit back so that each time he thrust forward his cock would hit it. The moment he did, she cried out, her eyes going wide, her gasp music to his ears.

  “You like that?” he did it again and again, reveling in the hungry gaze staring back at him.

  When she exploded around him a few thrusts later, he shifted again, pulling her thighs wider, putting his arms underneath, shuttling in and out, harder, faster. His balls slapped her ass with each pass. Tai held on to the counter, urging him on, her eyes staring down where their bodies connected.

  “Cosmo, that feels so good. Yes, right there, ohhhh,” she whimpered.

  He thrust deeper, mindless, unable to get enough of her, loving the sounds she made as their bodies clapped together. The feel of her body tensing, her pussy clamping down on him again pulled his own orgasm from him, his come shooting from him into her, filling her as she held him while she continued to contract around him.

  “Fuck yes, squeeze my dick, Baby Girl. Goddamn, you feel so damn good milking my cock,” he gritted out. Slowly, while he got his breathing under control and she was no longer pulsing around him, he would’ve sworn their breathing and hearts were synchronized. Neither of them said a word for long minutes, just stayed connected with him standing and her sitting on the counter.

  “Well, if we’d been caught like this in King’s office, he might’ve burned his desk,” she said with a laugh.

  Cosmo leaned back, his softening cock easing out of her. “You might be right. I’d have bought him ten more desks to feel you hugging my dick like that.”

  She slapped at his chest but didn’t protest when he lifted her over his shoulder, fireman style.

  “You’re probably going to get ick on you if you carry me this way,” she warned.

  “Nah, I got your legs clamped together. Besides, it’s our ick if I do.”

  Cosmo took Tai to bed and then made love to her again, showing her with his hands and mouth how much he didn’t care about their ick. He claimed her, loved her, and let her claim him with her hands and mouth until late in the night, falling into a dreamless sleep for once.

  The next day was crazy, but he was used to rolling with the punches. He almost wished he’d talked Tai into staying behind. One look at her stubborn profile, and he knew it wouldn’t have been possible.

  “I see who wears the pants in that relationship,” Hollywood said, slapping Cosmo on the shoulder as he stared over to where Tai stood talking to Ayesha.

  Cosmo gripped his friend’s hand, twisting until he had him against the wall. “And I see who wears the pants here, and it’s definitely me, friend. Got anything else stupid to say?”

  “Boys, can’t we all just get along?” Traeger asked, pulling them apart with ease.

  Hollywood was grinning like a fool. The man seriously was an idiot who loved to piss off the other brothers, but he was a good one to have on their side. Cosmo wasn’t kidding himself in thinking Hollywood couldn’t have gotten out of his hold.

  “Sorry, man, I’m on edge and fuck all if I didn’t wish she wasn’t going.” He ran his hand over his face, remembering how it felt last night to have Tai sitting on it. She’d been shy, almost scandalized when he’d maneuvered her over him. She’d nearly bit his dick as he’d pulled her legs further apart, teaching her the wonders of what the position sixty-nine could do for them.

  “Fuck, you got that ‘I got good pussy’ look on your face. You need to think of something else, or you’re gonna be walking around with a boner forever. Seriously, brother, you’re liable to put some kids, or short person’s eye out with that. Put it away,” Hollywood said, slapping him on the shoulder again, walking away before Cosmo could smack him back.

  “I’m thinking about all the ways I can hurt you,” Cosmo yelled, causing several heads to swivel his way.

  Hollywood lifted his right hand in the air, middle finger raised. “Fuck you very much.”

  Someday Hollywood was going to fall for a woman who was going to have his dick tied in knots. Cosmo was going to pop a chair in the front row and watch the show like it was a blockbuster hit.

  “Are you being mean to that nice man?” Tai slid her arms around his waist from behind, her soft breasts making him ache to turn around.

  “Who, Hollywood? He’s the farthest thing from nice, don’t let him fool you. What were you and King’s ole lady talking about?” He turned around, looping his arms around her shoulders. She was so small compared to him she brought out his every caveman instinct.

  Her smile lit up her entire face. “It’s a secret. I promise you’ll see and hopefully love.”

  He looked over his shoulder to where Ayesha was standing with Talena, Hollywood’s sister, both women raised their hand and waved. They looked as though they were up to something, which didn’t give him the warm and fuzzies. “Alright I gotta ask if whatever it is you have planned is illegal?” When she shook her head, he let out a breath, then another thought hit him. “Is it dangerous?”

  “Cosmo, it isn’t illegal, dangerous, or something that involves anyone but you and me. Now, stop interrogating me and chill.” She lifted up on her toes, tugged on his shirt until he met her halfway, and gave him a sweet kiss.

  He really treasured when she took the initiative and kissed him.

  “Get a damn room.” Duke walked by, clapping him on the back.

  “Motherfucker, I will beat you,” Cosmo warned.

  Tai fell against his chest, her laughter soothing his soul. He’d take Duke smacking him and Hollywood’s ribbing if it erased the shadows that clouded his woman’s eyes more often than he liked. He wasn’t fooling himself into thinking she wouldn’t still have demons or even the occasional nightmare. He still had his own shit he faced from time-to-time, but the big difference was he had something good to look forward to.

  “Happy looks good on you, brother,” Keys said, interrupting his musing
s with his quiet presence.

  Cosmo grinned at the other man, turning so that Tai could see the little boy nestled in his friend’s arms. They’d stayed at Keys’s home when they first arrived after spending a couple nights in his rooms at the clubhouse, while Keys had gone back to where he’d been raised as a kid. His friend had returned with the woman who he’d known as a teen, and her son. Keys claimed the little boy as his own since the bastard who fathered him was a dead prick. Anyone who had eyes could see his brother would die for Palmer and her son Lucas, which made them a part of their family as well. Tai didn’t realize it, but she was one of them as an extension of him, just as Keys ole lady and kid were.

  “Looking good there, Keys. Fatherhood makes you look less...murdery.” Cosmo lifted his hand, his intention to touch the sleeping boy, yet he paused with his hand halfway there as he realized he’d never touched a kid that small before.

  “First of all, I don’t think murdery is a word. Second, you can totally touch my kid. I mean, I let you take care of Maui and Moana, so if you were good enough for them, then you’re good enough for Lucas.” Keys held his arms out as if ready to pass his son over.

  Cosmo looked down at Tai, then at the kid, then up at Keys. “You realize you just compared your son, a human child, to the liking of dogs, right?”

  Keys shrugged, putting Lucas into Cosmo’s arms. “He might spit up or shit on you. He wouldn’t do it on purpose ‘cause he’s not a dick yet. Maui and Moana, they’ll do it because they can, and they’re mad.” He shrugged again as if he said something that was totally logical.

  Tai stood on her tiptoes, her hand smoothing over his head. “Babies are so precious,” she whispered.

  “Why don’t you let Tai hold him, while I talk to you for a sec?” Keys asked.

  “Sure. Where’s Palmer?” Cosmo passed Lucas over to Tai, who looked as if she was holding a half grown human instead of a baby.

  “She’ll be on her way in a little bit. I was watching big man so she could have some me time. You cool with Hoss Baby?” Keys asked Tai, running a caring hand over his son’s back.


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