Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6) Page 17

by Elle Boon

  “You like that, Baby Girl?” The next tap he made sure to hit her clit.

  “Oh my, Cosmo,” she wailed.

  “Holy shit, you gonna come already?” He used his fingers to spread her pussy lips, rubbing his thumb over the hardened little nub begging for attention. “Go on, Tai, come for me. We got a couple hours. Let’s see how many times I can make you scream my name.”

  He pressed down on her clit, then rubbed again. Her panting increased as he moved his hand off her chest, to run it over her breast. Plucking at one of her nipples through the shirt had her moaning. He fucking loved how responsive she was, gifting him with her every moan and gasp.

  He gave her little peak a pinch and tugged, wondering what they’d look like with clamps, or delicate little piercings. He’d give it a thought for another day, maybe when they went to Twisted Ink to see Tymber.

  Moving his thumb faster on her clit, he dropped to his knees, swiping up her sweet nectar.

  Shit, he could get drunk on her taste. He kissed one of her lower lips that shielded her pussy, then the other, pulling both into his mouth with a suck. Releasing them with a wet pop, Cosmo ran his fingers through her folds.

  “I love how you taste. Sweet, salty, and creamy. I think I’ll have you with my toast every morning,” he stroked her with his tongue after each word.

  The feel of her hands, twisting in his hair, scraping against his scalp urged him on.

  He pushed two fingers inside her pussy, and she arched up against his face, moaning his name.

  “Hmm, that’s two. Need you to be a little louder though.” He inserted a third finger, sucking her clit into his mouth.

  “I don’t think...Cosmo, ohhhh,” she yelled, the words lengthening into a moan as his fingers moved faster within her, pumping in and out, making her body rock. He pressed his fingers forward, finding her G-spot as he curled them, rubbing along that spongy area.

  “There we go,” he whispered, blowing a puff of air on her flesh when he felt her body tightening on his digits with each pass. Faster and faster, he pushed in and out, using his tongue to lap at her as he pushed her body to the edge of pleasure again.

  “Please, Cosmo, right there. I need,” she moaned.

  Pulling back so he could watch her face, he lifted her right leg over his shoulder, using both hands to push her the rest of the way to ecstasy. Her body bowed, her pussy clamped down, and his woman screamed his name so loud he was sure everyone in the Clubhouse had to have heard her. He waited until she calmed, letting her ride out the orgasm with gentle movements.

  “My ears are ringing,” she said, a smile on her face that he wished he could take a picture of.

  “You are so damn beautiful when you come, my Tai.”

  She leaned up on her elbows. “It’s my turn.”

  He raised a brow at her confident tone.

  “I’m all yours,” he told her, taking a step back.

  Tai got to her knees and moved to the side of the bed. “Sit down, please.”

  Cosmo moved onto the bed, keeping his smile small. Tai got up, comfortable in her nudity although she still wore her shirt and bra. He did that, gave her the confidence to be naked in his presence. She did like he had done with her, started at his feet. She struggled a bit with unlacing his boots, but she didn’t ask for his help. He wanted to offer to take them off himself, but she did it, doing a little fist pump when she got the first one done.

  “Good job, Baby Girl. Set it by the end table so I can get to them easily,” he instructed her.

  She finished with his second boot, then his socks, tickling his feet and laughing. “Even your feet are sexy, Cosmo.”

  “I’m glad you think so. My dick is wondering if you think he’s sexy too.” He ran his hand over the fly of his zipper.

  “Oh, poor guy. I bet he’s hurting something terrible. I’m gonna need you to stand up so I can take these off. They’re tight, unlike like mine.”

  He got to his feet once she backed away, keeping his hands to himself. She had the smallest hands, especially compared to him. When she worked the top button free and began moving the zipper down, he sucked in a breath so he wouldn’t embarrass himself.

  “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” She stopped, holding her hand over his dick through the denim.

  A laugh burst from him. “No, Baby, I was just thinking how small you are compared to me.”

  She smiled. “We fit perfectly. You said so yourself.”

  A hiss fell from him at the feel of her soft hand on his dick as she eased into his jeans. He decided he’d push his own jeans off, to hell with her doing it. “Fuck yeah, we do.”

  Without moving much, he kicked his discarded pants aside, pulled his shirt off and then, because he wanted to see and feel her skin-to-skin he pulled her shirt off. The black lace bra came undone with a flick of his wrist, and then she was standing there, hands on his cock, naked.

  “Perfect,” he repeated.

  “Will you sit on the bed again?” she asked, pumping her hands up and down his dick.

  If she’d have asked him to do just about anything, he’d have done it.

  Cosmo sat down, stunned she didn’t relinquish her hold on him.

  She moved between his thighs then. Holding his stare, she took a deep breath. “I love you,” she whispered against his lips.

  He framed her face with his palms. “I love you more, Baby Girl.” And he meant it. Nobody could love a person more than he loved the woman in front of him. She held more than his dick in her hands, she had heart as well, she just didn’t realize it.

  She licked her lips, a sweet temptation in a tiny package he couldn’t resist.

  He pulled her to him, their breaths mingling as she lowered her head a small fraction. Their lips brushed, and Cosmo decided she was going to be more than his ole lady, which was huge, but his wife as well, if she’d have him. He’d never wanted to tie anyone to his fucked-up legacy, but fuck, he needed Tai to be so tightly tied to him they wouldn’t know where he began, and she ended.

  Control was huge for him and allowing her to have it was a sweet form of torture. Her lips teased his, light little nips and swirls around his without delving inside, driving him a little crazy. However, her cute little giggle and smile gave him the strength to let her continue.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tai couldn’t believe he was letting her do what she wanted with his body. She didn’t know how long he’d be content to allow her control, so she wanted to take advantage for the time she had it.

  She left his lips, sucking on his neck, the slight stubble a little friction that felt good on her flesh, everywhere. His chest was all hard muscle covered by smooth skin. Placing small, open mouth kisses over his nipples, she looked up at him to gauge his reaction.

  His eyes were narrowed on her, but they were heated with desire.

  Tai’s tongue snaked out, licking over the little bud. He growled, lifting one of his hands, holding her head to him. Encouraged by his reaction, she sucked harder then released him. She moved to the other one, doing the same thing. Cosmo’s body gave a little shudder, yet he didn’t tug her away when she moved steadily downward, swirling the tip of her tongue in his belly button.

  “I’m all yours, Tai, but be careful, I only have so much control before I snap,” he warned.

  She took his words for what they were, moving her hands over his cock. “I love your cock. He’s so beautiful and big.” Both her hands side-by-side didn’t span his length, nor could she encircle his girth, yet he was perfect for her.

  Tai fit her mouth over him, taking the wide crown while twisting her hands, pumping up and down, staring up at him while she did so.

  They both moaned. His cock jerked within her. She didn’t know why, but everything he did was sexy, every action, every word, everything. She took her time, devouring him with her lips and tongue, using her hands when she couldn’t take all of him into her mouth.

  “Fuck, your mouth is a dream.” His hand went to the ba
ck of her head, tangling in her hair.

  Her body was needy again as if she hadn’t just come, her clit pulsing and throbbing, her sex needing to be filled. She licked the underside, swirling along the heavy vein, taking more of him until he hit the back of her throat.

  “Tai, damn, Baby. You do that again, and I’m going to...fuck,” he yelled, his hips jerked upward, forcing his dick down her throat more.

  Her eyes watered at the abrupt motion, but she didn’t protest, loving his reaction. She repeated the same thing again and again, swallowing around the head when he hit the back of her throat, her eyes watering. With one hand massaging his balls, she marveled as they drew up, preparing to taste him.

  He tugged on her hair, a clear sign he wanted her to stop. Tai wasn’t ready to give up her treat. She wanted to taste him, wanted to do this for him. With her right hand on the base of his cock, her left cradling his balls, she stared up at him as she sucked and licked, taking him down as far as she could go, letting him see the pleasure she was taking in giving to him.

  “Baby Girl, damn, you undo me. I’m gonna come down that throat, then I’m gonna beat that ass. Oh fuck, swallow everything I give you,” he ordered. His hips jerked uncontrollably.

  She did as she was told, sucking and swallowing. He came so much her mouth overfilled, but Tai wasn’t going to let that keep her from doing as he demanded. Once he eased his grip on her head, she worked to clean him, loving his dick with her mouth, taking care like he did with her.

  “That was...words can’t describe what that was. Come here.” Cosmo held his arms open.

  She climbed into his lap, letting him hold her.

  He pushed her legs outside his own, his semi-hard dick nestling between her legs. A whimper escaped her at the contact. “Ah, your pussy needy, Baby Girl?”

  “I can’t help it.” She rocked against him, the friction was nice but not enough.

  “Good, I like you just the way you are. Let’s see if we can’t get you off like this. My dick may need a little recovery time before he’s ready to go, but I can always take care of my ole lady.”

  Tai had no doubt he could, and he did, moving her back and forth, hitting her clit with each pass until she came again.

  He shifted them into the middle of the bed, making love to her for the next hour, proving he really did intend to have her calling out his name loud enough she was sure everyone out in the clubhouse had to have heard her.

  She woke up, a little disoriented. Her first reaction was to lay still until she was sure she was alone, and then she remembered Cosmo was with her. Slowly, she let the air out of her lungs. One by one, she relaxed her muscles, and finally, she opened her eyes. It was a little odd without a window to gauge the time of day. She wasn’t sure if she could live underground, but obviously Eva and the others could. Nycto looked as if he preferred the dark.

  “I was wondering how long you were gonna lay there before you actually opened your eyes.” Cosmo’s deep voice started her into looking over at him.

  He looked gorgeous and clean. “Did you already shower?” Stupid question since she could tell he had.

  “Yeah, I didn’t want to wake you. We’re gonna have a long day tomorrow. Tonight, we’re gonna hang out in the bunker with the Tampa Charter. Unless you’d rather we stay in here?” he asked.

  Tai wanted to be with him, wherever that was. She also liked Eva and Ivy. Both women inspired her to be more like them, just as Ayesha and the women back in California had. She’d thought they were an anomaly, something she truly couldn’t live up to. After seeing the women here, she truly felt as though could find her own footing while still being with Cosmo. Goodness knew the women she’d met in both places were tough as nails, yet they had men who would battle anyone who messed with them. She had that with Cosmo.

  “I need to shower, but then I’d like to hang out with the others.” She watched the pride well in Cosmo’s gaze. He didn’t say it, but he’d wanted to hang with Nycto and the others.

  “Hop to, Babe, time’s a wasting.” He strode to where she lay, lifting the light sheet from her body. “Damn, you’ve no clue how much I love looking at you.” He scooped one arm under her shoulders and the other beneath her knees.

  Tai didn’t remind him she could walk, remembering his words of how he liked carrying her. She liked him holding her as well. “You smell good.” She buried her nose in the crook of his neck, inhaling his clean masculine scent.

  “You keep doing that and I’m gonna be balls deep in you. Then we’ll never leave this room, you sassy wench.” He sat her on her feet outside the shower stall, giving her ass a playful swat.

  “I would say I wouldn’t mind that, but I really want to hang out with Eva and Ivy. They’ll be there tonight, won’t they?” she asked, biting her lip.

  “Oh yeah. Eva is the mixologist or something like that. Don’t be letting her make you some crazy concoction that gets you shitfaced. I’m giving you a one drink rule, and that drink can’t be filled with a bunch of liquor. I’ll make sure Nycto knows to tell his ole lady,” he warned.

  She laughed, his ferocity on her behalf was sweet. “The drink I tried earlier burned so much I don’t think I want to try another. Why don’t you order me something you think I’ll like?”

  He palmed her face between his hands, staring down at her. “Shit, you’re too damn sweet and innocent for me, but I’ll be damned if I’m letting you go. You, my love, are stuck with me forever. As soon as this is over, I’m taking you to the first jewelry store that I find and putting a rock on your finger. Got it?”

  Her eyes had to be as wide as saucers. “How can we...we get married. Don’t I need a birth thing?”

  Cosmo kissed her on the lips, silencing her questions. “Don’t worry about it. Keys has us covered.”

  She licked her lips, nodding. So much trust in that gesture. Cosmo thanked the universe for giving him a woman like Dai-tai. He’d fucked up so many things in his life, was such a screwup himself. If there was a Heaven and Hell, he was pretty sure he had a secure spot in the hot place. None of that mattered, since he had his own personal angel standing before him with sparkling green eyes, trust shining up at him.

  “Take your shower. I’ll be right outside making some phone calls and getting stuff organized for tomorrow and the day after.”

  He turned away from Tai before he did something stupid like rip his clothes off and join her in the small shower. Out in the large room that doubled as a bedroom and living space, he opened his laptop and cellphone, using his hotspot to access the internet. Once he had his search engine loaded, he dialed Keys.

  “Whatcha got for me, brother?” he asked without a proper greeting.

  “I got a lot as a matter of fact. How was the trip?” Keys asked, the sound of a kid show playing in the background becoming quieter.

  “Sorry, man, did I interrupt your movie?” he joked.

  “Hey, don’t knock it ‘til you watch it. Frozen is an epic drama everyone should watch a dozen times or so. Alright, I know you didn’t call to find out about my animation preferences. Check your email, all the info you need is in there. It’s not good news, my brother.” Keys sighed.

  Cosmo didn’t think it would be, but he’d held out a little bit of hope. “I’ll let you know if I need anything else. Did you let King know what you found?”

  “Yeah, I sent him the same information and had a call from him like thirty seconds later. Fucker never sleeps,” Keys grumbled.

  He laughed since they all knew how much the president of their chapter really was on top of shit. “I’ll give him a call and see if he has anything to add. Thanks for the documents you made for Tai. Do you think they’ll hold up, legally, say if we were to get married?”

  “Shit, you move fast. In her country, Dai-tai Zhou is dead. Unless she wanted to return there and prove she was alive and risk facing the same charges she’d fled from, then she can never be that person again. Her new identity is Dai-tai Royal. Her paperwork is as real looking as yours
or mine. I guarantee you if you were to get stopped by any official, even a border patrol, she’d pass any security check. You want to file for a marriage license with what I made her, do it with confidence.”

  His heart beat faster, a step in his plan falling into place. “Thank you, Keys.”

  “One question though. Have you asked her to marry you?”

  “That’s a huge thing, Cosmo,” Palmer yelled.

  “My ole lady clearly has no boundaries.”

  “You should put her over your lap and teach her some manners,” he suggested, half joking.

  He heard a very unladylike snort before Keys muttered a hasty goodbye.

  “I can never return to China?”

  His head whipped up at the sound of Tai’s voice. “C’mere.” He lifted his arm, holding his hand out.

  She walked to him in only a towel. “I’m sorry I listened to your conversation. I didn’t mean to, truly.”

  “It’s alright. I wasn’t planning to hide anything from you. As for you never returning to China, I don’t know. You can’t return as yourself. It’s dangerous, Baby. Your family thinks you died, as does the government. Of course, that same government is corrupt, so who the fuck knows what they believe. Going over there as a US citizen, I’d be safe, but you, I would be scared of what could happen to you.” He watched as she took in the possibilities. She’d been locked away in a farce of a jail, sentenced to death so some rich fuck could harvest her organs.

  “I don’t want to see my family because I love them. I just want them to know they...that they didn’t win,” she said in a whisper.

  He got that, the need for revenge. Shit, he’d hunted the fucks who’d hurt him, taking them out one by one. The damage he’d inflicted on each of them was truly gruesome. Did their crimes suit their punishment? Absofuckinglutely.

  “You let me take care of you. From here on out, you’re my woman. Your safety, your happiness, your every need I will see to. You need only to ask, and if it’s within my power, I’ll give it to you.” He trailed his hand across her collarbone, marveling at how delicate she was.


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