Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao c1-1294

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Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao c1-1294 Page 24

by Flying Alone 孤单地飞

  Liu Yu Tong’s steps paused, and she said, “Are you intending to participate in the Da Yuan Tournament?”

  “You’re quite smart,” Ling Han smiled.

  “Rain Country has a nationwide great tournament that is held once every three years. If you manage to get into the top fifty in the Da Yuan Tournament, then you’re guaranteed enrollment within Hu Yang Academy,” Liu Yu Tong said. “This was originally meant to discover geniuses for Rain Country.”

  So that’s how it is, Da Yuan City was not the only example.

  “If you’re talking about geniuses…” Liu Yu Tong pondered for a moment, lightly opened her mouth, and spoke, “The imperial city is too far away from here, so I’m not really sure. I only know of one person, because he is also a student of Hu Yang Academy.”

  “And who’s that?” Ling Han asked casually.

  “Qi Yong Ye, the fourth son of the current Da Yuan King. Others gave him the nickname: King of Eternal Night. He truly is extremely talented, with exceedingly high battle strength. When he was in the sixth layer of Element Gathering Tier, he had once killed a warrior in the eighth layer of Element Gathering Tier,” Liu Yu Tong did not hide her expression of admiration. Killing and defeating were two different matters after all.

  “Three years ago, he was in the sixth layer of Element Gathering Tier, and he had already gotten the second place in the Da Yuan Tournament. Now, he should already be in the ninth layer of Element Gathering Tier.”

  This truly was an extremely powerful opponent. Ling Han’s battle spirit uplifted–it would be invigorating to trample such a strong opponent.

  The two of them rendezvoused with Ling Dong Xing, and the company of three boarded a carriage that set out from the Ling Clan Residence. Meanwhile, closely following behind them were Ling Zhong Kuan and his grandson, who had also boarded a carriage of their own.

  “Father, you still haven’t dealt with them?” Ling Han asked.

  “When all is said and done, Ling Zhong Kuan is still the Chief Butler. Moreover, he has been running things for so many years that his power is deeply rooted. Although I’ve managed to remove some of his power, he’s not someone I can deal with in a short period of time,” Ling Dong Xing frowned, looking slightly displeased.

  This pair of grandfather and grandson actually dared to try to steal the opportunity to enroll in Hu Yang Academy he had earned for his son, they were truly despicable!

  Ling Han nodded. In the end, it was still the issue of actual power. If Ling Dong Xing was in the Gushing Spring Tier, then no matter how bold Ling Zhong Kuan was, he would not dare have any wild thoughts.

  The carriage swayed slightly on the way, and after about twenty minutes, they had arrived at the main door to the Cheng Clan Residence.

  The Cheng Clan was the other Great Clan of Gray Cloud Town, so naturally their mansion was not something that common people’s real estate could compare to. It occupied a space of a few tens of acres, the high walls of the mansion towering like a giant, creeping beast.

  Not only the Ling Clan was invited to the banquet tonight, for all clans that were even slightly powerful within Gray Cloud Town had all received invitations. Thus, the Cheng Clan had already spread out a red carpet at their main entrance, with eight servants standing on either side. Every time a guest arrived, these servants would announce their arrival loudly and clearly, and naturally, there would be someone to come out from the residence to receive the guest.

  When Ling Han and his companions stepped down from their carriage, immediately, a servant announced loudly, “Noble guest has arrived!”

  “Haha, Brother Ling, I’ve waited a long time for you!” A middle-aged man stepped out to receive them, raising his clasped hands in the direction of Ling Dong Xing. His face was redder than dates, and his figure tall and sturdy. He was the Cheng Clan Clan Head, Cheng Wen Kun.

  Chapter 37

  Translator: _Dark_Angel_ Editor: Kurisu

  “Brother Cheng!” Ling Dong Xing immediately plastered a smile on his face, raising his clasped hands towards Cheng Wen Kun in greeting.

  “Come, come, come, you’re the guest of honor today, I was worried you wouldn’t be coming!” Cheng Wen Kun tugged on Ling Dong Xing’s arm, presenting an image of cordiality and enthusiasm.

  “This is Brother Cheng’s banquet, how could I not give face to you?” Ling Dong Xing laughed loudly.

  The two of them exchanged words, looking for all the world like a pair of old buddies. Those who didn’t know the story would definitely not think that they were arch-enemies–either of them wanted nothing more than to see the other dead.

  Ling Han gave a shrug. He had an utmost dislike for this kind of false politeness. Thankfully, in his last life, he was a genius of alchemy, thus there were only those who would flatter and curry favor with him and there was no need for him to do the same with anyone.

  Cheng Wen Kun didn’t even glance at Ling Han, as if he did not know that this was the person that had injured his two sons, and also the culprit behind the economic war between the two clans.

  “Han’er, don’t go too far,” Ling Dong Xing instructed.

  “Yes, Father!” Ling Han answered and followed him with Liu Yu Tong in tow.

  Under the guidance of Cheng Wen Kun, they arrived very quickly at the Main Hall, where there were about a hundred banquet tables. At the moment, there were quite many who were already seated. As there was a name written on every banquet table, an incident of sitting at the wrong table would not happen easily.

  The one who had made the arrangements for the Main Hall was a very attentive person, as he had considered the fact that some guests may arrive with female companions. As a result, although there was space for ten people at every banquet table, there would only be about five names written on each.

  After Ling Han and Liu Yu Tong found their table, they took their seats.

  “Young Master Han!”

  There were already three others seated at this banquet table. They all greeted Ling Han, their faces filled with respect.

  They were all young people, and also students of Gray Cloud Academy. Not too long ago, they had all witnessed Ling Han display his invincible might and defeat Cheng Xiang and his brother, plus they’ve also heard the fact that he was in the seventh layer of Body Refining Tier. Thus, they naturally dared not to display the slightest bit of contempt.

  A sixteen-year-old in the seventh layer of Body Refining Tier…. in Gray Cloud Town, this kind of individual would more than deserve the name of genius.

  Ling Han smiled in response. After all, they were giving him face, so naturally, there was no reason for him to give them the cold shoulder.

  After a short while, Ling Mu Yun too took his seat at this table, and while he looked as if he had not seen Ling Han at all, his whole face was stiff. After another short while, Cheng Xiang walked over and also took a seat at this particular table.

  “Ling Han, you’re not looking too bad!” Cheng Xiang smiled coldly at Ling Han.

  Ling Han gave him a look over and said, “Hehe, the injuries on your face seem to have recovered quite quickly.”

  Cheng Xiang’s face reddened instantly. He considered the fact that he had been publicly defeated by Ling Han a great dishonor. Moreover, he was even forced to beg for mercy. Every time he recalled the incident, he wanted to commit suicide. However, after today, he would be able to completely erase this blemish on his honor and regain his pride.

  “You can only have this short while to be pleased with yourself!” He said, coldly smiling, “Later, you will be kneeling in front of me to beg for my forgiveness!”

  “Have you not taken your medicine? Or have you had an overdose?” Ling Han said, smiling.

  Cheng Xiang did not say anything more, but the corners of his lips lifted up slightly, forming a mysterious smile.

  The number of guests quickly increased. At first, most of the guests were still freely walking around. After all, this kind of banquet was also a good chance to endear yourself to
your betters and to discuss business. But as more and more guests arrived, most sat down in their respective seats to wait for the banquet to begin.

  The hostile relationship of the Ling Clan with the Cheng Clan was observed by all. They were the two greatest parties in Gray Cloud Town. If Cheng Clan decided to yield to Ling Han now, then after this, the Ling Clan would become the most dominant party in Gray Cloud Town.

  As a result, there were many guests attending the banquet tonight; they were all here to witness a possibly historical moment.

  Very soon, Cheng Wen Kun stood up and waved his hands in various directions, signifying that he had something to say. Most of the guests who had been whispering to each other also ceased their respective conversations, and the Main Hall became extremely quiet.

  Was he going to admit defeat to the Ling Clan in public?

  “The reason why I’ve invited all of you tonight here is to introduce someone to you,” Cheng Wen Kun began.

  As these words were heard, all those present put on blank expressions.

  What was going on here? Wasn’t the Cheng Clan supposed to be admitting defeat to the Ling Clan? How did this become someone’s reception banquet? If they had known earlier, most of the guests would not have attended this banquet.

  “Shua,” the attention of the guests all switched focus to Ling Dong Xing. Now that the Cheng Clan has made such a move, then the one bearing the brunt of it would naturally be this Clan Head of the Ling Clan. They wanted to see how he would react.

  But what invoked disappointment of most of the guests was the fact that Ling Dong Xing’s face still maintained a serene smile, as if he couldn’t care less.

  Cheng Wen Kun continued to speak, “This person would be my nephew, Cheng Xiao Yuan, who left the clan at thirteen years old to become the disciple of one of the Elders of Stone Wolf Sect. Now that he has become slightly skilled, he has returned for a family visit.”

  Stone Wolf Sect!

  All present experienced shock. The Stone Wolf Sect was the overlord within the surrounding thousand miles, and held ultimate power over tens of towns–including Gray Cloud Town. They could be considered the ultimate local tyrant. Cheng Wen Kun suddenly revealing this hidden card obviously meant that he had no plan to admit defeat to the Ling Clan. Instead, he was planning to use the Stone Wolf Sect to suppress the Ling Clan.

  However, no matter how it was, Cheng Xiao Yuan was just a disciple of one of the Elders of Stone Wolf Sect, so his ability should be quite limited, right?

  “Xiao Yuan has also very fortunately invited a very respected, noble guest!” Cheng Wen Kun was all smiles. This was his real trump card, “Let us welcome Chen Feng Lie, Elder Chen!”


  An Elder of Stone Wolf Sect? That was a powerful existence in Gushing Spring Tier!

  Cheng Wen Kun took the lead in clapping his hands in welcome, and consecutively, the other guests all joined in the applause. At this moment, an old man walked out of the living room and appeared in their midst. He had a medium-sized figure and was clad completely in vermilion. He had a full head of black hair and a rosy complexion that shone with a strange glow.

  Behind the old man closely followed a young man, who had his hands held at his sides and brow lowered, presenting an image of utmost respect.

  Without doubt, this old man must be Chen Feng Lie, while the young man should be Cheng Xiao Yuan.

  Chen Feng Lie strode towards the host’s table and, as if there wasn’t anyone else around him, took his seat, appearing extremely arrogant. But no one dared to express disapproval towards this kind of attitude from him, because he was a powerful warrior in Gushing Spring Tier. Even if the man was only in the first layer of Gushing Spring Tier, he’d be able to easily dominate a person in the ninth layer of Element Gathering Tier. This was the ironclad rule of martial arts.

  He did not speak a single word the whole while. In his eyes, this was the natural order of events. There was absolutely no one here that deserved to speak to him–had Cheng Xiao Yuan not begged and pleaded with him for many days, he would not even deign to show his face at such a setting.

  Cheng Wen Kun directed a self-satisfied glance at Ling Dong Xing. His meaning was more or less, ‘I’ve even managed to invite an Elder from the Stone Wolf Sect here, and you still dare to oppose me?’

  Cheng Xiao Yuan did not sit with Chen Feng Lie at the host’s table. Instead, he made his way to sit next to Cheng Xiang grandly.

  This guy was in the Element Gathering Tier. He should not have broken through too long ago, as he was still in the first layer of Element Gathering Tier.

  “Young Brother Xiang, I heard you had a spar with someone some days ago and lost?” Cheng Xiao Yuan asked Cheng Xiang.

  “I was less skilled than my opponent, ai!” Cheng Xiang gave a deliberate sigh.

  “Oh?” Cheng Xiao Yuan rose a brow, and said, “Who did you lose to? I would like to take a look at this person!”

  “Hehe, he’s seemingly far away, but actually close at hand!” Cheng Xiang’s gaze turned towards Ling Han.

  “So you lost to this young genius?” Cheng Xiao Yuan smiled coldly, also looking at Ling Han, and said in challenge, “Do you dare to have a spar with me?”

  Chapter 38

  Translator: _Dark_Angel_ Editor: Kurisu

  This pair of cousins continued their pleasant banter. How could the others not see that this was a deliberate challenge aimed at Ling Han?

  The corners of Cheng Xiang’s lips slightly lifted, and said loftily, “I forgot to mention, this cousin of mine just broke through to the Element Gathering Tier last year, and now he’s about to achieve the peak of the first layer of Element Gathering Tier; it could even be said that he’s an exceptional genius.”

  Meanwhile, Cheng Xiao Yuan smiled modestly, and said, “I only broke through to the Element Gathering Tier at twenty years old, so I can’t really be considered any kind of exceptional genius. I am only one step ahead of most people.”

  When they heard him say this, the others seated at the banquet table all held shocked expressions.

  Element Gathering Tier!

  Although Cheng Xiang was in the ninth layer of Body Refining Tier and was only nineteen years old, to advance such a big step forward would need at least three, five years–or it may not even be achieved in a lifetime. Thus, Cheng Xiao Yuan was being overly modest. Someone who broke through to the Element Gathering Tier at twenty years old definitely deserved the name of a genius.

  Of course, the praise of “exceptional genius” was a bit of an exaggeration. After all, Gray Cloud Town was still too small a place, so any person who displayed a slight bit of outstanding talent would be named as “genius”.

  The common knowledge of martial arts was that difference of tiers was a gap that was near impossible to breach during fight.

  Everyone looked at Ling Han, wondering how was this guy going to solve the predicament he was currently facing.

  If he accepted the challenge, then he would definitely lose. Cheng Xiao Yuan may even kill him–with an Elder from Stone Wolf Sect present, what did he dare not do? But if he did not accept the challenge, then the reputation he had worked so hard to build up would collapse. He was trapped between a rock and a hard place.

  But if you compare the possible consequences of each decision, then one should understand that refusing the challenge was the wisest move to make. After all, accepting the challenge could possible result in death.

  They wanted to shame him?

  Ling Han’s gaze focused on Cheng Xiang before switching to Cheng Xiao Yuan, and he couldn’t help the corners of his lips lifting up in a smile. This scheme was quite well planned, but the Cheng Clan would never have imagined that he had already advanced into Element Gathering Tier, as well as the fact that his Five Element Origin Nuclei gifted him with incomparable power.

  “All right, then let’s spar for a bit,” he said with a smile.

  What, Ling Han actually agreed?

  Not only did the ot
hers never think of such a thing happening, even Cheng Xiang and his cousin were shocked. But after a while, they both smiled coldly. Since this brat was looking for death, then let’s give him a hand!

  If Ling Dong Xing could not hold himself back from assisting his son, then Cheng Feng Lie too would take action to kill him too. This was what they hoped would happen. The script for tonight’s show was to find an excuse to eliminate both Ling Dong Xing and Ling Han.

  Even Ling Mu Yun could barely conceal the elation he felt. He too wanted nothing more than for Ling Han to die.

  For clans of martial artists, spars during banquets were something quite common. They only needed to clear some space outside the living room and there was a ready-made battleground.

  With the deliberate publicizing from Cheng Xiang, the news that Ling Han would be having a spar with Cheng Xiao Yuan spread to every table. Additionally, the individual strength of the two fighters, or at least the battle prowess of Cheng Xiao Yuan, was made known to everyone.


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