Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao c1-1294

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Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao c1-1294 Page 543

by Flying Alone 孤单地飞

  Zhao Lun!

  Why did he come?

  “Your Highness, under command of the Great General Zhao, I have led a small troop over. We shall obey the commands of the Ninth King henceforth,” Zhao Lun said to the Ninth King, half-kneeling on the ground.

  A hint of a cold smirk appeared at the corners of his lips. How could he possibly miss such a wonderful opportunity?

  It was natural for people to die in battle. In that case, he’d have Ling Han remain in this place forever.

  Chapter 1058 - Sudden Assault

  Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

  Although Hu Feiyun didn’t like Zhao Lun because of her relationship with Ling Han, she was still a very straightforward person who didn’t bear any grudges—she had already forgotten about Zhao Lun long ago. She was a little confused as she looked at him, and asked, “Who are you?”


  Zhao Lun was so infuriated that he almost vomited blood. ‘It was because of you that I was viciously humiliated by Ling Han, yet you actually forgot who I am?’

  However, he couldn’t take his anger out on Hu Feiyun no matter how enraged he was. He could only reply, “I’m Zhao Lun, Great General Zhao’s son.”

  “Oh.” Hu Feiyun nodded, and didn’t say anything else.

  Zhao Lun was left in an extremely awkward position—it would be awkward if he stood up, yet it would also be awkward if he remained sitting. All he could do was say, “This subordinate is willing to lead an army into battle and earn glory for Your Highness!” He took the opportunity to stand up while he spoke.

  The leading general of the Eastern Rain Nation was an elite at the high extreme of the Sun Moon Tier. This cultivation level was two minor levels above Zhao Lun’s, so there was no need for him to pay heed to Zhao Lun’s words. However, Zhao Lun was the only child of Great General Zhao, and his suggestion was also in line with the general’s own thoughts.

  Therefore, the general hurriedly nodded, and said, “Heir Zhao is indeed wise and courageous. It seems like Heir Zhao has inherited the mighty demeanor of Great General Zhao!”

  Zhao Lun was extremely satisfied upon hearing this as he also liked comparing himself to his father. However, although he was satisfied, he still modestly said, “Oh, you flatter me, General.”

  Meanwhile, Hu Feiyun didn’t have any complaints about Zhao Lun’s suggestion. She had no talent in leading an army into battle, and thus she was happy for someone else to take this burden from her. She handed the military leadership to Zhao Lun. He was a seventh-rank military officer anyway, so he naturally had the right to lead an army.

  Zhao Lun and the general from the Eastern Rain Nation started discussing the details of their assault. He was no pushover; under the influence of Great General Zhao, he was extremely talented when it came to warfare. However, this was his first genuine battle, after all, and reality was extremely different from theory. Even so, he didn’t change his tact and continued to be an armchair strategist.

  The general from the Eastern Rain Nation didn’t mind it at all. He couldn’t be happier if more students from the academy died. Only then would the Chaotic Stars Majestic Empire send a more powerful army. Otherwise, the Eastern Rain Nation would suffer severe losses even if they could force the Golden Lion Nation to retreat.

  They devised a plan wherein Zhao Lun would lead an army and launch a surprise attack, thereby sending the Golden Lion Nation’s encampment into chaos. Afterward, the army from the Eastern Rain Nation would seize the opportunity to cross the river and land the killing blow.

  After agreeing on this plan, Zhao Lun started to pick members for the assault squad.

  Quality was more important than quantity, and if there were too many people, the enemies on the opposite end of the river would definitely discover their movements.

  Only the most powerful students would be chosen, and the size of the assault squad was only around 1000 or so.

  Theoretically speaking, Ling Han wasn’t powerful enough to be chosen. However, his name surprisingly appeared on the list.

  It was evident that Zhao Lun was pushing him into danger.

  Although Zhao Lun’s actions were brazen, who could blame him for his decisions? He was fighting for the empire, yet you still wanted to nitpick and complain?

  After learning of this, Shui Yanyu wanted to visit Hu Feiyun and tell her to revoke Zhao Lun’s orders. However, Ling Han shook his head and didn’t let her. He wanted to cross the river and have a look at the other side.

  Initially, he hadn’t known much about the Golden Lion Nation. However, he gathered quite a lot of information during the past few days.

  The Golden Lion Nation wasn’t more powerful than the Eastern Rain Nation, with both nations being roughly as strong. Thus, even if the Eastern Rain Nation was taken by surprise, there was no way that they could have lost 14 cities in a row.

  Unless… the Eternity Sky Majestic Empire had a hand in all of this.

  However, the question was: why?

  These two small nations acted as a buffer zone for both Majestic Empires. The reason for their existence outweighed the reason for their destruction. This was also the reason why many smaller nations could survive and exist.

  However, if the Eternity Sky Majestic Empire was behind all of this, what was their reason?

  Did they want to trigger an all-out war with the Chaotic Stars Majestic Empire?

  Moreover, the army from the Golden Lion Nation had suddenly stopped advancing after reaching the furious river. Although the obstruction of nature could be a reason, Ling Han felt that the Golden Lion Nation’s aim was simply to seize the territories to the north of the furious river. They were uninterested in crossing the river and capturing more land.

  Anyhow, the Chaotic Stars Majestic Empire would never allow the Eastern Rain Nation to be conquered. How could the Golden Lion Nation be unaware of this? Once the Chaotic Stars Majestic Empire sent an army, they would eventually have to regurgitate all of the land that they had swallowed.

  That being the case, what was the point of triggering this battle?


  Perhaps the aim of the Golden Lion Nation was never to seize more land!

  As for what their true reason was, Ling Han naturally didn’t know. He would only be able to find out if he crossed the river to investigate himself.

  Thus, Ling Han wasn’t against becoming a member of the assault squad. After all, he was a soldier right now, so he obviously couldn’t go wherever he wanted. However, this would all change if he joined the assault squad. He could pretend that he had gotten separated from the squad, which would allow him to venture deeper into the enemy territory and conduct his investigation.

  Ling Han had the Black Tower, so he wasn’t worried about his own safety.

  He carefully explained this to Shui Yanyu, and she nodded in agreement, knowing fully well that she wouldn’t be able to stop him.

  “Follow the Ninth King closely. That way, you won’t face any grave danger,” Ling Han urged. He and Shui Yanyu were both members of the army now. In other words, they definitely couldn’t act privately. Otherwise, they would risk being punished by the army.

  Shui Yanyu was slightly surprised. ‘Although Hu Feiyun has a lofty status, her battle prowess isn’t all that impressive.’

  “Believe me. If you come across any dangers, you musn’t leave the Ninth King’s side. The battle prowess that this woman can wield is far beyond your imagination.” Ling Han only warned her, but didn’t tell her the truth.

  He had almost been killed by Empress Luan Xing after learning of the secret between her and the Ninth King. Thus, it was better that he didn’t reveal the secret to Shui Yanyu lest it brought them more trouble.

  Shui Yanyu nodded gently, and replied, “Mm-hm!”

  “Wife, why don’t we have a kid? Just in case I can’t make it back.” Ling Han’s hands started to become naughty.

  Shui Yanyu instantly rolled her eyes at him, and scolded, “Don�
�t jinx yourself!” She pushed Ling Han aside before turning around and running away.

  Meanwhile, Zhao Lun was standing atop a highland outside the encampment with his hands clasped behind his back. Having a divine sense as powerful as he did, he could naturally keep an eye on every single corner of the encampment. A cold sneer appeared on his face.

  ‘Ling Han, don’t think about making it back alive this time!’

  After a night’s rest, Zhao Lun and the assault squad set off early in the morning. They would skirt around the main battlefield and navigate their way around the Golden Lion Nation’s scouts. They would then cross the furious river and use the darkness of the night as cover as they launched a surprise attack on the Golden Lion Nation’s encampment.

  Although the darkness of the night didn’t affect cultivators, most ordinary people still had a habit of sleeping at night. Thus, surprise attacks were still most effective when launched under the cover of night.

  The elite assault squad 1000 men strong set off, and started to cross the furious river after traveling several hundred kilometers.

  There was a total of five ships, with each being able to carry 20 people at a time. The entire assault squad was ferried across the river after 10 trips.




  They all yelled in astonishment after crossing the river. This was because the land on this side of the river emanated a dense air of death.

  The land was barren, and all of the trees and flowers were wilted and dead. In fact, not even the chirps and buzzes of insects could be heard.

  Not a single bird could be seen in the air.

  This piece of land was as dead as dead could be.

  “Heir Zhao, this place is far too eerie. Should we report this to the main camp first?” The student who spoke was a supporter of Zhao Lun, which was why he dared to speak at this moment.

  Chapter 1059 - Unexpected Elites

  Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

  Zhao Lun furrowed his eyebrows. This place being a land of death was completely beyond his expectations.

  What on earth had happened here?

  Although he had learned a lot about warfare, such knowledge could merely raise him to the level of an armchair strategist. In terms of genuine battle experience, he had only ever battled as a single entity. Thus, he was completely stupefied by the sudden and unfamiliar sight that lay before him.

  “Heir Zhao, the situation seems off. I think we should play it safe and abandon our original plan,” another student suggested. They were also a supporter of the Zhao lineage.

  Zhao Lun mulled over this suggestion for a moment before shaking his head, and said, “No, continue with the original plan! We’re going to attack at night anyway, and the main army will also charge over at that time. There’s no need for us to return and report this.”

  This was his first time leading an army, so how could he give up halfway? In any case, his hatred for Ling Han was immense, so how could he let this golden opportunity slip?

  The assault squad remained where they were as they waited for night to fall. Darkness would be their signal to attack.

  Time flew by. When the moon rose into the sky, they stealthily crept toward Golden Lion Nation’s encampment.

  They were few, and there was only a single elite at the Sun Moon Tier in their ranks. As such, they didn’t dream of causing too much damage. Their aim was simply to spread chaos in the Golden Lion Nation’s encampment. At that time, the Eastern Rain Nation’s army would be able to cross the furious river with ease.

  Once they seized control of the furious river, they would blow the horn that signaled the beginning of their counterattack. If this natural barrier remained as no-man’s land, it would be easily defendable yet almost impossible to breach for either of the armies.

  The sky was dark, and the assault squad of 1000 closed in on the Golden Lion Nation’s encampment like silent ghosts.

  Although it was night, this place was still brightly lit, with gigantic torches lining the perimeter of the encampment.

  However, the aim of the assault squad was merely to catch the enemy encampment by surprise.

  “Charge!” Following Zhao Lun’s roar, the assault squad instantly started to launch ferocious attacks on the enemy encampment.

  Although a squad of 1000 was small, the minimum cultivation level of its members was the Mountain River Tier. Thus, they were like ferocious tigers as they surged toward their enemies.

  They even gave off deafening roars as they charged, intending to instill panic into their enemies. Meanwhile, this was also a signal calling for their allies on the opposite end of the furious river to attack.

  Sure enough, the sound waves emitted by 1000 cultivators at the Mountain River Tier roaring in unison were powerful enough to cause those at the Shattering Void Tier to vomit blood. As if hit by a level 10 hurricane, the tents in the enemy encampment were all smashed to the ground.

  The Golden Lion Nation’s army instantly descended into chaos. Under the tremors caused by the terrifying sound waves, even the commands of the commander couldn’t be passed along properly. The enemy army was like a dragon that was missing its head.

  “Humph!” Following a cold harrumph, a general clad in a golden armor appeared. He was standing atop a flagpole, and his body measured at least nine meters in height. The parts of his body that remained exposed were surprisingly flowing with bright red lava.

  “Great General Crimson Flames!” The Golden Lion Nation’s soldiers immediately calmed down. It was as if everything could be solved as long as this person was present.

  He was Liu Qing, a Great General of the Golden Lion Nation. He had the title of “Crimson Flame”, and he was a god for the Golden Lion Nation’s army. He had led armies into 109 battles, yet he had only suffered seven losses. It could be said that his commanding skills were godly.

  He was the soul of the army, and as long as he was present, the army would be as sturdy as Mount Tai 1 .

  “They are but a bunch of weaklings. What is there to be afraid of?” Liu Qing’s contemptuous voice boomed through the entire encampment.

  “Weaklings!” roared all the soldiers of the Golden Lion Nation in agreement. There wasn’t a hint of panic or alarm on their faces anymore.

  They all raised their weapons and roared loudly as they charged toward the members of the assault squad. Barely any of them were at the Mountain River Tier, yet their morale was no lower than that of the assault squad.

  The two sides instantly engaged in battle.

  Because the students from the Scarlet Heaven Academy had higher cultivation levels, they initially enjoyed a significant advantage over their enemies. However, this advantage gradually disappeared as more and more elites joined the battle.

  This was a large army, after all, so they could definitely find a few thousand soldiers at the Mountain River Tier.

  Ling Han only defended, and didn’t do anything extraordinary.

  This wasn’t his battle, nor did he hold any grudges against the Golden Lion Nation. He even more so didn’t have any relationship with the Eastern Rain Nation. So, why would he kill other innocent people?

  However, it was precisely because he didn’t do anything extraordinary that he wasn’t targeted by powerful enemy elites.

  Ling Han was under no pressure at all, and continued to mull over why this place was permeated with an air of death as he battled. When a nation set out on a campaign, their aim was always to conquer, not to kill.

  However, not only were the people in this place all dead, but even the plants, animals, and insects were completely wiped out. Why exactly was this the case?

  An acute sense of danger suddenly gripped Ling Han’s heart. He hurriedly leaped up and jumped toward his left.


  The ground where he had just been instantly exploded with a boom. A devastating shock wave soared into the sky and ripped his opponent into pieces.
/>   This shock wave had surged out from the ground, and it was definitely not an attack that could have been launched by a cultivator at the Mountain River Tier. The attack was still incredibly powerful after traveling through the ground, which meant that the attacker… was at the Sun Moon Tier!

  If the attacker were an enemy elite, why would they need to launch a surprise attack? The two sides were engaged in battle anyway, so they could have simply charged over to attack him.

  That being the case, there was only one possibility left.

  The attacker was Zhao Lun!

  Ling Han looked toward Zhao Lun, and found that he was currently engaged in a heated battle with Liu Qing. However, Zhao Lun glanced over to meet his gaze, his eyes filled with wicked killing intent.

  There was no doubt that the attacker was him!

  ‘Weird… He can fight Liu Qing and reach a stalemate?’

  Ling Han could clearly see the two Suns and Moons hovering behind Liu Qing’s back. This signified that his cultivation level was at the late stage of the medium extreme of the Sun Moon Tier. Meanwhile, Zhao Lun had only just broken through to the Sun Moon Tier, which could be seen from the miserably small red sun behind his back.

  The difference between their cultivation levels was at least seven stars! However, Zhao Lun was only a four-star genius, and there was no way he could draw on the power of the nation here. How could he overcome the three-star difference in battle prowess between him and his opponent? Did he suddenly become a seven-star genius?

  ‘Wait, no!’

  Ling Han immediately saw divine light radiating from the armor on Zhao Lun’s body. It seemed as if it was this armor that was battling, with Zhao Lun merely being a passenger on board.

  ‘Precious treasure… It’s definitely a precious treasure!’

  A mere armor was able to elevate Zhao Lun’s battle prowess by three stars. This was truly astounding.

  Zhao Lun couldn’t leave any clues, and thus he could only use these kinds of secretive methods to attack Ling Han. Fortunately, Ling Han’s reaction was fast enough. Otherwise, it was extremely likely that he would have been severely injured even with his incredibly sturdy physique.


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