Revelators MC: Highway To Hell

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Revelators MC: Highway To Hell Page 8

by Britt Collins

  “I don’t know,” Liam says. “I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t know or don’t remember because you’re fucking wasted? I hate junkies.”

  The prospect shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know.”

  Pontius ran his hand across his balding head as he observed the items being tossed around the stash house. This is the worse cover up job he’d seen in a long damn time. He has half a mind to beat the hell out of Liam himself for being so awful at staging a cover up.

  “I’m in a bad mood, so you need to get your shit straight,” Mud Dawg griped. “I hate being bothered when I have more important things to do than to clean up after your mistakes.”

  “Aren’t you always in a bad mood?’ Liam quickly replied. Mud Dawg is a pain in his ass.

  “Yeah motherfucker I am because I have to deal with idiots like you.”

  “It was some guy” Liam looks at Pontius when he responds; completely ignoring Mud Dawg.

  “You got a butt buddy now?” Mud Dawg continued on with his interrogation.

  Liam flips Mud Dawg off. He felt that Mud Dawg went out of his way to be an asshole; though all the officers in the club tended to be wound up tight.

  “Do that again dickhead and I’ll shove my fist down your damn throat.”

  Liam held back his anger. “Some guy bum rush me when I open the door. We struggled and he stabbed me and fled with some of our items.”

  A frown covers Mud Dawg chiseled features. “Bullshit! One guy got the jump on you and stole our shit. Do we fucking look like we were born yesterday?” Mud Dawg points back and forth between himself and Pontius.

  Pontius motioned Mud Dawg off again, “Start from the beginning Liam.”

  Liam took a long drag on his cigarette and tried to get the lie he’d rehearsed straight in his head. He’d had his cousin come and get some of the cell phones. The club had received the phones in payment for a protection run. This wasn’t his idea or his cousin; though he did need the money. He stabbed himself and gave the knife to his cousin to dispose of.

  His directions are to sell the merchandise and hint that Nikko Jones had something to do with it. “Someone knocks and the guy, and I went at it as soon as I open the door.” He glances up at Pontius.

  “What did he look like?”

  Liam took a deep breath as he stares Mud Dawg straight in the eyes. “Black, young, eighteen or nineteen maybe. He looked a bit like the Jones brothers. Maybe it was one of Nikko’s kids.”

  Mud Dawg rolls his eyes as he taps Pontius on the arm. “I’m going to black bag this asshole. If you’re going to lie, make it believable.”

  “I’m telling the truth.”

  “No you’re covering your own ass. What is it, you own someone money? You sold our merchandise to pay for your habit? Come on what’s the real reason? Because some random black dude sure as hell didn’t walk up in here all alone to steal some damn iPhone.”

  Pontius waves Mud Dawg off. Out of respect, Pontius brought Liam to the club as a hang around and now a prospect. He’d been close to his father and when he died a year and a half ago, he wanted to help Liam. However, Liam turned out to be a lost cause. “Give me the cut-off.”

  A shock looked crossed Liam face. He removed his leather and handed it to Pontius. “You have twenty-four hours to get back the merchandise back or repay us for what was stolen; five thousand. If not, we’ll take it out of your hide.”

  “What? I thought…” Liam didn’t complete his sentence before Pontius slugs him across the face. The blow sends him flying to the floor.

  Mud Dawg snickered. “You still got it old man!” he slaps Pontius on the back with a laugh.

  Liam stood up and Mud Dawg shoved him back down into the chair. “Five grand asshole, do you understand that?”

  “I can’t…what? No way it’s five grand worth of phones.” Liam spit onto the carpet. “I can’t afford that? I don’t have money like that!”

  “Fine, give us seven grand; the other two thousand is for being a dick.” Mud Dawg replied as he smacked Liam upside the head.

  Pontius smiled as he took the cut and tossed it over to Mud Dawg. “Money or the merchandise,” Pontius repeated.

  “And stop bleeding all over our shit!” Mud Dawg smacked Liam upside the head again.


  Chanel walked into Kickers with a confident stride. No longer is she unsure when he enters the bar. She waves at Janice the bartender as she heads down the hallway towards Mud Dawg office. He looks up from the desk and she knew that something was wrong.

  She had thought that the hardest part would be taking the leap and going after him. The hardest part is figuring out all of his different moods. That man as much as the wind blows. “Hey,” she said as leans over the desk and gives him a quick kiss. “What’s wrong, why you frowning?”

  “Bad morning and you’re late.”

  Chanel glances to the clock on the wall. “I’m not that late. Fifteen minutes at the most. I was talking with my friends, about us.” She tried to smooth over the situation. She wasn’t going to say that she had to defend him and his club.

  “Did you call me to say you would be late?”

  “Well no but…”

  “That’s wrong. You should have called.”

  “I’ll call next time.”

  “There shouldn’t be a next time. If you tell me you’re going to be here at a certain time, then do it.”

  She bit down on her lip. “You’re not upset with me. You’re really upset because you had a bad morning.”

  He stood up and walked around to the front of his desk. “You think I don’t know what has me pissed off? Did you think I was joking when I said you need to be trained?” He cups her chin. “Should you have called me yes or no?”

  “Yes, I should have called you.”

  “Why am I upset?”

  “Because I didn’t call to say I was going to be late.”

  “No, why am I upset? Think about it.”

  She feels out of herself when she’s with him. It’s like a part of her that she’d kept hidden began to break free every time she’s with him. The sound of his firm voice, the look in his eyes how could she feel turned on and confused, frighten at the same time?

  “Answer the question.”

  She wanted this man so bad that she couldn’t stand the thought of something going wrong in their relationship. He wants her too, she could tell. “You were worried. You though something is had happen to me. You’re like me, we both want this so bad that the thought of something happening to either one of us makes us crazy.”

  “I was crazy before you met me! “Pull your pants down and face the desk. You need a training session today. It’s for your own good.”

  “WHAT?” Chanel squeals. He couldn’t be serious. Not here, not now.

  He slapped her hard on the bottom. She immediately felt her eyes become wet as she slid her pants down.

  “Put your hands flat on the desk.” He told her as he moved her lower body into the position that he wanted. As he looked at her plump ass in her purple panties and he had a fleeting moment of not disciplining her but fucking her long and hard.

  “Your behavior is going to be corrected.” He whispered into her ear as he yanks her panties down to her ankles.

  Six more hard slaps rose the temperature of her bottom. “OW, Ow!” Chanel cried. She feels embarrassed. She didn’t want anyone in the bar to know what is going on behind his office door. “STOP!” She spun around.

  “Keep your hands on the desk and hold still. If you keep misbehaving the harsher your punishment will be. Do you understand me?”

  She knew from the look in his eyes that he’s dead serious about going through with this. “Yes, I understand.” She turns back around and got into position once more.

  “Now we have to begin again. This time count.” He commands her as he lands another blow to her ass.



  “THREE! Please stop! People wil
l hear us!”

  “I don’t give a fuck and the only person you need to worry about is me. Because you keep on being disobedient, we will begin again.”

  She burst into tears as she began counting each firm hand on her ass. He grips her hair and held her in place. His cock is throbbing and it infuriated him that this woman had him throw off his game.

  “You belong to me and I have discipline you whenever I feel like it!” The slapping sounds, the jiggly of her flesh and her tears has him rock hard. He leans in, his body presses up against her. They both were breathing hard. He pushes his face into her hair as he held on to her to gain his composure. This is exactly what he envisioned from the first time he laid eyes on her. Him making her his property. A reddish glow covers her ass. “Have you going to behave?”

  “Yes please, yes,” she sobbed.

  Reaching up he took her by the hair again and forces her down onto her knees. He led her around to the other side of the desk. “Press your face and tits to the floor, ass up and don’t move.” He said as he sat back down. No sex he kept on repeating in his head. She needs to know that this isn’t about sex. It’s about discipline. Never before had he been so grateful to hear the knock at the door. The sound of her sobbing and being half naked on the floor has him ready to blow, balls deep inside of her.

  “Come in.” He saw Chanel jerk. He touched her with his foot. She’s behind the desk, no one could see.

  Janice walked in. Her eyes glanced at the pile of clothes on the floor and she could hear Chanel sobbing. “I though you would want to know that the delivery truck is here. The driver wants to see you.”

  “You can’t handle it?” He cut his eyes over at Chanel. He feels like a dam that’s needs to burst.

  “He said he really needs to speak with you.”

  He glances down at Chanel again then back to Janice. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” She turns and quickly exited. He took out his throbbing cock. He began rubbing it hard as he watched her cry. Discipline, she hadn’t earned his cock. He got up and walked in front of her. He shot his load all over the floor in front of her. “Lick it up.” He orders her as he shoves his cock back into his pants and left the room.

  Chapter Six

  They rode in silence through Apache Grove and onto the highway. It hurt to sit. His lesson in discipline is a current reminder every time they hit a bump on the street.

  Fifteen minutes outside the city, her hear began to pound. They turn down a long, winding driveway. Ahead of her, she could see the lineup of motorcycles parked near the front porch. She felt flush as they near the place she needs to get use too if she plans on being with Mud Dawg.

  She may have played it tough with her friends but deep down inside, she’s scared to death. Wanting Mud Dawg is one thing; learning to deal with his club is going to be another. Meeting the random club member at Kickers is far from being inside their clubhouse.

  The hub of the Revelators activity had one been a family farmhouse. Now the home is painted dark green with black trim, marking their territory. Two men are sitting on the porch as they ride up onto the grass. One of the men jumps off of the porch and approaches them. She vaguely remembers seeing him the night of the shooting. She could tell by his cut that he’s a prospect and the name on his leather is Utah.

  The prospect looks her up and down as she climbs off of the motorcycle. Then he turns his blue eyes to Mud Dawg. “Nice, thick in the right places,” he smiled.

  His sneer is dirty causes her to cringe. He won’t let anything happen to me she reminds herself as she grips Mud Dawg hand tight. He held onto her as he steps up to Utah.

  “Anyone touches her they answer to me. We clear? She’s private fucking property. She’s my Ol’lady.”

  That made her insides flutter.

  His stare changed. A friendly smile covered his young face, “I know, it’s a compliment. Nice to meet you Miss, I’m Utah.”

  “Chanel,” she replied. “Nice to meet you too.”

  “I meant no disrespect.”

  “None taken,” Chanel replies as Mud Dawg led her up onto the porch.

  “I hope you’re ready for this,” Mud Dawg joked as he opens the door.

  She takes a deep breath as they crossed the threshold and into the clubhouse; her new reality.

  It seems that every woman that had brought him to physical therapy is in the room. They all stop and gawked at them. In fact, everyone turns to ogle the new couple. The one with the most noticeable scowl of evil is from the red head Samantha.

  “Chanel this isn’t even close to being everyone. I’m not sure where people are at.” Mud Dawg looks around the room a bit bewildered. “The bikes are here.”

  “Hi,” Chanel waves, trying to defuse the angry looks coming from the women. The few men in the room could care less.

  “What’s up CB?” Clutch lift his chin to her.

  His comment brought a few chuckles. Then the people in the room went back to doing what they were doing before they’d walked into the clubhouse. All but Samantha that is; her look intensified which Chanel expected that it would. Still it all seemed anticlimactic. She expected something more dramatic to happen.

  “I hate that he calls me CB?” she whispers to Mud Dawg.

  “He’s being an asshole like always!”

  “Boost bought an Indiana frame.” Clutch replies as he continued to smirk. “They’re out back, staring at it. Their dicks are hard with envy. It’s just a damn frame, I’ll go see it when he actually does something with it.”

  Mud Dawg laugh. “Come on, I’ll give you a quick tour of the first floor before they get back.” He takes Chanel by the hand. “I mean it’s nothing special, just an old farm house. Kind of cool though, it was built in the eighteen hundreds. We’ve done a lot of remodeling since we moved out here eight years ago. It’s much better out here. In fact the nearest neighbor lives four miles away.”

  “Upstairs are the bedroom, we also have two more down here.” Mud Dawg led her down an adjacent hallway. He let go of her hand and starts to walk backwards. He began using flight attendant hand signals as he pointed out different photos on the walls. “Over here we have the first twelve. They were the first twelve members of the Revelators.” He spoke with a noticeable proudness in his voice.

  “Is it biblical, like the disciples?” Chanel asked.

  “Yeah, Joey established all kinds of cryptic biblical stuff in our bylaws.

  “I wish it didn’t bother me that Clutch calls me CB.”

  Mud Dawg stopped for a moment. “He’s trying to be funny. He’s actually starting to like you.”

  “Okay,” she replied.

  “Hey,” he cupped her chin. “You have to admit, I am always eating you like a chocolate bunny,” he laughed.

  Chanel chuckles, “Yes you do and well too, I might add!” she smiled.

  “Okay, well, here to your right are the photos of past and present club members. This guy here,” he pointed to a photograph of a man with long blonde hair and a bushy beard. His name was Keith. He, Clutch and I were inseparable.”


  “Yeah, he was killed eight years ago.”

  She noticed the sadness in his eyes. She felt it in her soul. Not only for Mud Dawg but for herself. The reality of being with someone that could die because of the life he has chosen. Dangerous men do violent things, the words of warning flashed in her mind.

  On the left side of the hallway are our mugshots, here’s mine,” he points to a photo as he continued on.

  “That’s really nice,” she replied. “I’m not sure what it is that I’m supposed to say. I’ve never had anyone show me their mugshot before.”

  “It’s alright babe, you don’t have to say anything. I’m just showing you stuff.”

  “You had short hair then.”

  “Yeah,” he subconsciously touches his long locks. “The long hair didn’t start until after the accident. I just left it for now.”

  “Long hair or short, you’re still a
hot. What did you get arrested for?” She stepped up close to get a better look at the photograph.

  “It was an assault and battery charge.”

  Again she isn’t sure of the correct response. “Who or can I ask that question?”

  “Nobody important; it was at a rally. I got into with some Rub. Remind me later when we go back to my place to show you my rap sheet. I’m trying to do this right with you.”

  “I appreciate that. What’s a Rub?”

  “Rich Urban Biker. You know those fake ass weekend Harley ridding motherfuckers who buy all the gear and try to look cool. I beat his ass and he got a reality check that he’s not one of us.”

  “How did the fight start?”

  “He smacked my girlfriend on the ass.”

  Her jaw clinched, “Your girlfriend?”

  “Girlfriend at the time, that arrest was sixteen years ago babe. I’ve been arrested many times since then. Had a lot more women since then too.”

  She stopped walking. She could hear her friends clearly in her head saying I told you so he’s a player.

  He immediately recognized that look. “Stop it! I see that expression on your face. You’re my woman, there is no one else. It’s one of the reasons I brought you here, I need for you to see that there is a lot of women around us but that doesn’t mean I’m screwing them. I’ve done that shit alright; I need something different, something that is meaningful. I know you probably think I’m full of shit, especially after how your ex-husband cheated on you, but I’m telling you the truth. Let me ask you this, would you want to be with me if I wasn’t a Revelator?”

  “Yes” she answered without even having to think about the answer. “When I first saw you, I didn’t know that you were a Revelator. You didn’t have your colors on the first time you came to physical therapy. I was attracted to you as a man not your colors.”

  He smiles and reaches out for her hand as he continued on with the tour. They entered another room on the first floor. “Alright, this is our game room. We have various BDSM equipment. A bed, various toys,” he laughed. He took a deep breath before he continued on. He wasn’t sure how she is going to respond to what he is about to say. “We sometimes record specialty porn here. No a lot but you know if the price is right we try to get it done for the client.”


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