“Oh my God, what happen?” Chanel stopped eating and waited with baited breath.
“He was shot a several times. I’m bringing it up because Darnell said that Shawn was deeply involved with the Revelators.”
Chanel rolled her eyes.
“You can roll your eyes all you want but that is the reality of the man you’re dealing with. You need to stop playing biker chick.”
“I’m not playing biker chick. Look, just because Darnell said that Shawn was involved with the club doesn’t make it true. He’s not that upstanding himself. Let’s not even get into how shady your uncles were.”
“That doesn’t mean Darnell is lying about his cousin. Chanel you need to leave this man alone before the feds start following you if they already aren’t doing it now. My aunt told me that Nikko is hiding out in Lima with some chick he knows. He doesn’t know what to do. He can’t sell the drugs because everyone knows they belong to the Revelators. He also said that one of them is in on it.”
“Nikko is a perverted asshole. Serves him right if someone is really after him. Another thing, those will be some bored ass government agents if they start following me around.”
“Chanel that was eight years ago with Nikko. He apologized to you more than once”
“Your drunk, asshole criminal uncle tried to sexually assault me in the kitchen at an eight years old birthday party. Honestly I don’t give a damn what happens to him.” Chanel reaches into her purse and takes out her phone. “Look,” she turns the phone around to show Monica and Angie. “Did I already send you both this picture of us?”
Monica shook her head no. “I saw that picture of the two of you on Facebook. He does have creepy eyes; like Seville said,” Monica adds.
Chanel ignored her and pulls up several more photos of her with her man. “See, we look good together.”
Angie nods and took the phone. She has to admit that they did make a great couple.
“You know I got the sight. I can sense things about people. This doesn’t feel right Chanel.” Monica leans over and looks at the photos as Angie scans through them.
“Don’t look at all of the pictures, you might see something you don’t want too,” Chanel starts laughing.
“You know what your problem is, he’s got a big dick,” Angie said with a straight face.
“Oh so you did see the cock pictures?” She continues to chuckle.
“We’re serious Chanel.”
“So am I. I do have pictures of his dick on my phone.”
“You need to take this seriously.” Monica scolds her.
Chanel smirked. “You know what I really like about him? He’s knows what he wants, how he wants it and when he wants it.”
Monica arches her perfectly manicured eyebrow. “So in other worlds what he says goes? Since when did you become that kind of woman?”
“Is he making you have sex with the other gang members?” Angie adds to the questions.
“No! It’s not what he says goes. I’m just saying that he’s a man who knows what he wants. Also, it’s a club not a gang and I don’t have sex with the other members. He doesn’t share me and he wouldn’t. We have a lot in common and we make each other feel good. Did I tell you that he said he liked me from the first day he saw me?”
“That’s very romantic.”
“Is that sarcasm I detect Angie?”
“Yep it is!” Angie shot back.
“How long are you two going to keep hounding me about this?” Chanel asked.
“Until you get common sense about this relationship you’re in,” Monica fired back.
Chanel picked at her salad. “He's a great guy. He treats me well. Better than any other man I’ve been.” She hesitated for a moment. “We’re moving in together.”
“I bet he’s moving into your place,” Angie snidely replied.
“Actually no he isn’t. He lives above Kickers, he owns the building. It would make more sense to live with him than to move in my house and pay rent. My least isn’t up for another two months but he’s going to pay the last two months for me”
“You do realize that moving into his place will give him more control over you? He’s like a predator, luring you into his den of lies before he strikes.”
Chanel made a noise, “Strike and do what exactly? I don’t have anything for him to take advantage of.”
“You, he has you to take away from everyone and everything you know.”
“For what reason?” Chanel replied as the conversation between friends became tense again.
They ate in silence until the server approached the table asking if they wanted desert. Monica and Angie ordered something, Chanel had lost her appetite.
“Did you have to ask permission to come here today?” Angie asked.
“Not exactly, no. He just likes to know where I’m at. He worries.”
“Worrying, is that the new term for controlling?” Angie wasn’t about to let this go. “Does he tell you where he’s going all of the time?”
“No he doesn’t tell me where he’s going all of the time. I don’t expect him too either. I understand that some things he does are club business”
Both women nod but neither one of them spoke.
“You both really don’t have to worry about me. I feel safe with him. He’s never hurt me either physically or mentally.”
“So what’s that?” Monica pointed to a mark on her wrist.
Chanel smiled, “Oh, that’s a rope burn.”
The women look at each other. They failed to see the humor in her comment. “You’re grown. You can do what you want” Angie is getting angry. “You’re not going to listen to us anyway. You letting that crazy ass man tie you up. ”
“I like being tied up.”
“He’s a psychopath or a sociopath. I don’t know the difference. What I do know is both kinds people you need to stay away from for your own safety.”
“What’s wrong with the both of you?” Chanel stared at her childhood friends. “This is crazy.”
“You’re what’s wrong with us. I know you’re sick of dating idiots but what single person isn’t. You need to stop thinking with your pussy and use your head. Did you really read his rap sheet? He’s FUCKING VIOLENT! Do you think he won’t turn on you one day? You’re in the honeymoon period with him. You saw him hit a woman. Her being a bitch isn’t in question here. What you need to look at is the he doesn’t have a problem beating on women.”
“Angie,” Monica tried to shush her because of the attention her voice was drawing to their table.
“I just don’t know what’s wrong with you. He put his dick in you and you lost your damn mind. He’s a liar, he’s a thief and he’s probably a murderer.”
Chanel bit back her anger.
“Can you say the same thing about the men that you’ve dated?” She fired back.
“The men I date might be broke but they sure as hell aren’t murders, drug dealers and thieves.”
Chanel reaches into her purse and took out a twenty and laid it on the table. “I’m going to go before they throw us out of here.” Chanel stands up. “You know sometimes in life you have to let people fuck up. If this is wrong, let me make my mistake so I don’t repeat it.” She walks away before they could reply.
“This is giving me a bad vibe,” Mud Dawg states as he and Vulture walk into the apartment complex.
“Me too but we have to do something. It’s one of the problems that come with being in a smaller club. Every penny we lose we feel the hit.”
“Mo money, mo problems,” Mud Dawg laughs.
“No shit!”
“We don’t do this man. We’ve never done something like this. It’s bad for business. This is going to come back around and fuck us hard in the ass,” Mud Dawg grumbled.
“You got a better idea?”
“Yeah, I do. Like I’ve said before, we need to stop trying to run with the big dogs and just maintain our place in the middle of the pack. The higher up you ran
k, the more attention you draw from the feds.”
“If we stay small then sooner or later some larger club is going to try and patch us over.”
“Then maybe we need to patch in the Filthy Vicious.”
“That Blasphemy,” Vulture laughed.
“You know it’s a good idea. A damn good one. Together we’d be unstoppable.”
“I agree but that will mean a lot of negations by a level headed people. Egos need to be left at the door. You know anyone like that because I sure as hell don’t.”
“No, I guess not.”
“Do you know what’s up with Pontius and Roland?”
“Naw, but Pontius hasn’t been acting right for a while now.” Mud Dawg grimace slightly as they started to walk up the back stairs.
“Are you hurting from your wreck or from Chanel screwing your brains out?” Vulture chuckled as he reached into his pocket and takes out a rubber band. He pulls his hair back into a ponytail. Then he pulls the hoodie up onto his head.
“Her, she’s killing me. I swear she’s hornier than I am,” Mud Dawg laughs.
They turn another corner and head up more stairs. “She’s cool, I like her. She’s really trying to fit in. That’s a good sign when they do that. Patty, she was like that, remember?”
Mud Dawg nodded. “How long has it been?”
“Six years this November. We got that bad ice storm right before Thanksgiving. She hit black ice on her way back from the grocery store.”
Mud Dawg wants Vulture to be on point considering what they are about to do. If he thought too much about his deceased wife he’d end up being depressed for weeks. He decides to switch subjects. “Chanel, her friends are giving her shit about me. She sent me a text before we got here. We’re solid though, she’s not letting them get to her.”
“Why don’t they like you? Is it because you’re white?”
“No, it’s because I’m a Revelator.”
“Yeah, that happens with civilians. Family, friends need to mind their own damn business. She’s good for you though. She brings balance to your life and you need balance.”
“What do you mean by that?” he asked as they round a corner and walk up another flight.
“I mean that you’re always one step away from losing it.”
“It’s the accident, it put me on edge.”
“No,” Vulture shakes his head. “It’s not the accident. Granted, we’re all crazy to a certain degree, but damn son when you black bag someone you over eliminate, you know what I mean? Your road name shouldn’t be Mud Dawg it should be Nuclear because you destroy everything in your path. However, since you hooked up with that civilian, you’re obtaining balance.
Like the other night at Kickers when you toss those guys out. You just removed them like any other bar would have; you didn’t beat the shit out of them like you normally do.”
“So you’re saying that since I’ve hooked up with her you think I’m a pussy?”
Vulture grunted, stops and turns around on the narrow staircase. “No dickhead, I’m saying that with her in your life, if you don’t manage to fuck up your relationship, you might just actually live to be fifty. At the rate you were going, you weren’t going to make it the next three years and see forty. Stop being so paranoid.”
Mud Dawg stared at him. Vulture turns back around and continued on the stairs. “You know,” Mud Dawg calls out as he followed behind him. “Only the paranoid survive!” Mud Dawg snickered.
They both chuckled as they exited the stairwell and stop at the third door on the left. Mud Dawg put on his black gloves and lifted the hood onto his head. It hung down, shielding most of his face from anyone that might see them. They have to be more careful in the daytime. This is why they were incognito. He removes the expandable steel baton from his inside pocket as Vulture knocks on the door.
They rush into the apartment as soon as the door opens. Mud Dawg starts swinging. He lands blows to Barry’s head and body while Vulture searches the apartment.
Mud Dawg continued his attack as the man curled up into a ball on the floor. Blood drips from his head, nose and mouth. “Where’s your daddy Nikko?” Mud Dawg yells as he works up a sweat beating the man. “Where’s your daddy? Where the fuck is Nikko?”
“Did you steal our cell phones?”
Mud Dawg heard a rib crack as he struck him again. “Your daddy doesn’t give a shit about you. So make a choice, his life or yours?”
“I don’t know where he’s at,” he sobbed.
Vulture motioned for Mud Dawg to stop as he knelt down and breathed into Barry’s face. “We need to know his whereabouts or my friend here will rip your spine out,” Vulture smile is evil.
Barry is close to passing out but he manages to raise his bloody, broken hand and point into the kitchen. “I have money, it’s behind, refrigerator. Take it, please just take it and go.”
“You know V. This don’t feel right. It doesn’t feel right at all. He doesn’t know shit. Do you?”
Barry shakes his head no.
“When was the last time you saw your daddy?”
“Saw him at the gas station last summer. Look man, I don’t know anything about what he and Uncle Norton had going on. I’m not into that life. I deal weed man, that’s it. I don’t bother anybody and nobody bothers me.”
Vulture stands up and walks back into the kitchen. He scoots the refrigerator out from the corner. He saw nothing. He was about to signal to Mud Dawg to continue the beating when he tapa the floor with his foot. He noticed a loose floor board. He bends over and lifts the piece of flooring up and stuck his hand inside. He dug around until he touches a bag. He grabs it and pulls it out. Looking inside, he reaches in and takes out the money. He groaned and tosses the brown paper sack onto the floor.
“Only two grand here.”
Mud Dawg closes his eyes with a heavy sigh. “It’s you’re call Sergeant at Arms,” Mud Dawg said as he turns toward Vulture. “This isn’t right though and you know it.”
Vulture looks at Barry then to Mud Dawg. “We need to send a message. Bag him.”
“WAIT!” Barry throws up his hands.
“All of a sudden you have info now?” Mud Dawg sneers.
“If I tell you what I know. Will you let me live?”
“I won’t kill you.” Mud Dawg replies.
Barry breathed a sigh of relief. “I heard that he and uncle Norton were working with one of the Revelators.”
“Bullshit!” Mud Dawg kicks Barry in the face. His blood sprays onto the floor and Mud Dawg boot.
“No, no I swear. He and Uncle Norton had a partner. I’m nearly positive that it was one of your own.”
“Nearly positive?” Vulture ask as he walks back over and stands next to Mud Dawg. “Who is it?”
“I don’t have a name,” Barry moves to sit up but is shoved back to the floor by Vulture. “You got a rank?”
Barry shook his head no. “But I think it was someone high up.”
“When was the last time you really saw him?” Mud Dawg questioned.
“Last summer, I swear. What I hear about him and my uncle didn’t come from him. It came from his baby mama Trina. She’s the one that told me about him working with one of the Revelators to steal from the club. It’s why she kicked him out. She didn’t want that kind of heat blowing back on her and her kids.”
Mud Dawg glances over at Vulture as he put his baton away. “I believe him. My gut is telling me it’s Pontius. He isn’t right. I’m telling you man, you’ve seen it too. His beef with Roland. Fuck, he’s had it out for me since I took ownership of Kickers. Something is up with him and you know it. We all know it but we don’t want to admit it.”
“I need more proof and we’re not going to get it here.” Vulture reaches behind his back and pulled out his nine millimeter.
“STOP!” Barry threw up his hands again. “He said I wouldn�
��t be killed!”
“No, he said he wouldn’t kill you.” Vulture replied. “I didn’t say shit.”
“I’m sorry man, I really am,” Mud Dawg honestly admits as he watches Vulture put a bullet into Barry’s head.
Chapter Eight
Chanel smiled as she clocks out. It had been a really long day and she’s ready to go home. She climbs into the truck just as her phone vibrated. She removes it from her purse. She didn’t recognize the number and for some reason her stomach instantly knots. This isn’t going to be good. She clicks on the text. One sentence is written; ‘he’s lying to you.’ She hesitates then she clicks on the video.
Chanel parks in front of her house. Her driveway is filled with motorcycles, three to be exact including Mud Dawg’s. She stayed put inside the truck as she glares at the house. She didn’t want to go in there and deal with him along with two more members of the Revelators.
She finally gathers her strength. How could she be so stupid? She wipes the tears from her eyes and climbs out of the truck. Her legs feel weak. Her heart is heavy with every step that she takes.
It took all she had to force herself not to start crying again as she opens the front door. The living room is a mess and it smelled like beer, weed, and leather.
“Hey babe” Mud Dawg calls over to her. He’s placing more of her items into a box on the floor.
“CB, what up?” Clutch calls to her from the kitchen. Clutch walks over with his plate and sits down. Einstein gave her a chin nod from his seat at the kitchen table.
She didn’t respond.
“Chanel, are you alright? What’s going on?”
Mud Dawg moves toward her. He slows his advance when he looks into her eyes and she shifts away from him. It’s obvious that she’s upset. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He reaches out to touch her and she moves even further away.
“Trouble in paradise” Clutch said as he takes a bite of his sandwich.
She looks at all of them. She asked for this. She wants the man, she inherited the club and the bullshit that comes with it. “You didn’t have to lie to me.”
Revelators MC: Highway To Hell Page 11