Training Adam [Hard Hits 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Training Adam [Hard Hits 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 9

by Tatum Throne

  Everything started to go fuzzy around Seth. “What?”

  “SWAT was called in? I thought you’d know about this shit. You work for them.”

  “I did. I mean I had no idea that it was Dad and Dylan. I’ll be right there.”

  * * * *

  TJ was at Adam’s side.

  “We need to go in,” TJ said.

  Adam nodded in agreement. “It’s the only way out of this.”

  The building was cleared. They were on the forty-third floor of the high-rise. They had a disgruntled employee holding a CEO and VP hostage in a conference room of the London Corporation. Adam had a bad feeling that it was Seth’s father in there. They were in a stairwell. The door was opened a crack. Through the crack, Adam could see the conference room.

  The gunman paced back and forth like a caged animal. He was ranting incoherently at the two men sitting on the floor.

  “Who are the guys?” Adam asked.

  TJ got on his radio to confirm. “The CEO is William London and his son Dylan.”

  “Seth’s father and brother,” Adam said.

  The connection came fast in TJ’s eyes. “Motherfucker.”

  TJ radioed down to the officers securing the scene to be on the lookout for Seth and to not let him up. Adam listened to the communications as he learned that Seth had just pulled up. They needed to do something fast. Things were spinning out of control with their target. Adam looked through the gap in the doorway. His eyes went beyond the conference room to the windows. Through the windows, he saw a guy on an office building across the street cleaning the windows. Well, he was supposed to be washing the windows. He had a cell phone out pointed at the building across the street, but his gaze was trained on the commotion down on the street.

  “That’s our in,” Adam said.

  “The window?”

  “There’s probably a washer bucket we can use to distract him long enough for SWAT to move in. We need to get to the roof.”

  “West and Evans, you’re with me,” TJ said.

  They raced through the stairwell to the rooftop and looked over the north side. Lt. Evans and Adam got inside and started to lower the crane. There was cold, clinical fear in Evans’s eyes. The kind that said this was probably suicide. There was only one safety line and harness. Adam grabbed it, helping Evans step into it. He tightened the straps up fast as they waited for TJ’s call to take the bucket lower.

  “What about you?” Evans asked.

  “I’ll hold on tight.”

  “There’s time to get a safety line and harness out of the repelling equipment,” she said.

  “No time.”

  Ten agonizing minutes ticked by as they waited for TJ’s confirmation that everyone was in place to move.

  “Go!” TJ said.

  Adam flipped open the control box, sending the bucket down two floors fast. The gunman startled, pointing his gun at the windows. Several shots were fired at the glass. Adam grabbed Evans, protecting her with his body.

  Distracted by the lowering bucket, SWAT moved into the conference room. Bullets ricocheted off the metal bucket. Adam felt a bullet graze his temple. The heat of blood trickled down his cheek. SWAT stormed in, calling commands with TJ leading the way. Adam glanced over his shoulder to see if they had their suspect subdued. Evans was up, too.

  The target turned, at the last second, getting one more shot off before being taken down. The broken window shattered the remaining glass when the bullet passed through it.

  The bullet hit Adam, knocking him to the bottom of the bucket. Evans reached for him as he slid and started to fall out the side. The bucket swung hard against the glass, dropping down sharply to the right. Evans screamed as she slid into Adam, but her safety line caught as she fell from the bucket. The bucket went from horizontal to vertical, causing Adam to fall through the opening. At the last second, Adam’s left hand caught the metal box that operated the bucket and his right caught one of the rails.

  Adam knew he shouldn’t look down beneath his legs, but he had to know if Evans was all right.


  “I’m okay! Hold on, Adam. Do not fucking let go!”

  Adam heard Evans on the radio calling for support. Through the broken window he saw several SWAT members look through. Adam wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold on. Evans swung by her safety harness. Adam’s left hand started to slip. He rocked his body back and forth, reaching for the next handhold up. Relief poured through his body when he got a solid handhold on the bucket. When his right hand started to go, he reached up again. His hand locked onto another rail. There was no way he could climb any further. There were no more handholds.

  From up above, Adam caught sight of two SWAT members repelling down the side of the building fast. Adam’s hands started to slip.

  “Hold on! Don’t you fucking let go! Don’t let go, Adam!”

  Adam screamed as his right hand gave out. His body spun out away from the bucket. Evans’s terrified face was wet with tears. She pulled up on her harness, climbing up toward the bucket. Adam tried to get hold again but he couldn’t. He couldn’t hang on any longer.

  A safety line swung around Adam’s body as TJ worked to keep him from face planting forty floors. It was too late. He started to slip.

  “Hurry! He can’t hold on!” Evans screamed.

  Everything around Adam slowed down. TJ’s eyes were focused on the safety harness he was frantically tightening.

  “Take my hand!” Evans screamed.

  Evans had climbed up her rope, locking her arm with his. TJ’s eyes went wide as Adam’s hands slipped. He fell hard, but Evans held on tight. Adam swung away from the bucket and down below Evans’s legs. The harness and line that held his body went tight.

  “Perfect fucking timing,” TJ said.

  “God that was close,” Evans said.

  With his body secured and locked into the rope, Adam was able to let go of Evans. His body gave out as he swung into the window. His feet balanced on the thin window ledge as his body shook violently. He’d never been so close before. When he opened his eyes, he saw the blood pouring from his shoulder.

  Adam looked down at Evans. His arm burned from the cut of the bullet. “I’m okay. Are you?”

  “I’m okay.”

  With Adam secured, TJ worked to rescue Evans from the bucket. They were pulled to the safety of the rooftop. Adam collapsed onto the roof where SWAT doctor P. Woods went to work on his shoulder.

  Adam couldn’t get control of his racing heart. God help all of them if they had to go through the retraining program for this. “Are the hostages okay?”

  “Both made it out alive. No injuries,” TJ said.


  “Seth is downstairs with them now. How’s the arm?” TJ asked.

  “It’s just a scratch.”

  “We still need to take you to the hospital to get you cleared,” Woods said.

  With the commotion of the team finishing up, Adam was taken downstairs to an awaiting ambulance. He insisted on walking out of the building. He was grazed in the temple and the shoulder. He could walk. Seth was on the sidewalk by a police cruiser with his father and brother. Another man was at his side. Seth took one look at Adam and crossed the distance between them. He grabbed Adam, hugging him hard.

  “God damn you,” Seth whispered.

  “I’m okay.”

  Seth pulled away. “You better fucking be. Do not ever put me through something like that again.”

  “I won’t.”

  Adam was led toward the ambulance. The guy at Seth’s side asked, “Is that him?”

  “Yeah, it is,” Seth said.

  “Who the hell is that?” Adam asked.

  “I think that’s one of Seth’s brothers,” TJ said.

  Adam climbed into the ambulance with SWAT doc Woods. Right before the doors closed, Adam’s eyes locked with Seth’s. He could’ve sworn he saw him mouth words “I love you.”

  Two hours later and six stitches, Adam w
as on his way back to district headquarters with a few over-the-counter pain meds pumping through his system.

  * * * *

  Adam was alone.

  He stood in front of his locker in the SWAT locker room, searching for his shower kit. The quiet hum of the shower he clicked on faded into the background. Seth came into the locker room. His gaze went from the top of Adam’s head to his feet.

  “Are you okay?” Seth asked.

  “It was just a scratch. The bullet grazed me.”

  Adam’s heart seized in his chest when he looked at Seth. He loved Seth, but Seth couldn’t admit the truth that Adam so longed to hear.

  Despite Seth being right next to him, Adam went to work on taking off his pants. He flinched as he worked his shirt over his head. He felt Seth’s hands reach out to help him. Seth’s gaze went to the heavy bandage on his arm. Adam stood in front of his locker, wearing only his boxers. He needed a shower to wipe away the last few hours of adrenaline and fear. Heat spiraled through Adam’s eyes as he lifted them to Seth’s. There was a few feet of space between them. Seth came in close.

  “I almost lost you,” Seth said.

  Adam felt his heart skip a funny beat. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...”

  “Shut up, Adam.”

  Seth pressed a possessive kiss to his lips, silencing him. Adam let the kiss go on for a long time. Their tongues flicked together as they both got lost in the kiss. Seth pulled away.

  “Come over tonight,” Seth whispered.


  “I want to see you.”

  Adam wasn’t sure if he could go on with Seth without those words he needed to hear. “I don’t know if I can.”


  “We shouldn’t be having this conversation here,” Adam said.

  “You’re right. So, let’s have it at my place tonight.”

  Seth was serious. He wanted Adam to come over tonight as though everything was going to go on as though things were just perfect. Adam didn’t know how to tell Seth no. He sighed heavily as he pulled his shower kit from his locker.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  He was very aware that Seth was following him to the shower. He stepped under the hot water, dipping his body within the hot spray. Seth was hanging off to the side, but clearly not going away.

  “I was so scared,” Seth said.

  The words were soft and whispered across the tile to Adam’s ears. He almost couldn’t hear the confession from the splash of water against the tile.

  “I’m fine. Really. It was all just a scratch.”

  “You were lucky. TJ came to tell me what had happened and what you suggested in the field. You saved my family from a lot of pain today.”

  “You would’ve done the same.”

  Seth smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m the guy behind the scenes. You’re the guy that gets things done. You’re a great officer. I’m glad to have you on my team.”

  Adam felt his heart start to break when Seth started to walk away. “What time?”

  Seth froze in mid stride. “Whenever you can make it. I’ll be waiting.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Romance wasn’t something that came naturally for Seth. He had to think long and hard on how to add romance into his seduction of Adam. Candles were lit throughout the living room. Smooth jazz played from his sound system. Adam was right. They could have it all. They didn’t need to lead secret lives. With everything that Seth had, all Adam wanted was his love. Could it really be that simple?

  Dinner was takeout from the Indian restaurant off Ludlow. Adam was running late. Seth wasn’t sure if he was coming at all. A powerful longing rippled through Seth’s heart. He wanted everything with Adam, but was afraid to take that step. Part of him was afraid of being outed at work. Another part of him didn’t give a fuck about what the people at work thought. The place was big. There were close to five hundred employees just in their district. Everyone stayed out of each other’s way. No one gave a shit about who was doing what in their bedroom.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  Adam. Seth’s heart raced. He didn’t want to screw this up. Seth knew there was a good chance he’d lose Adam forever if he didn’t tell him the truth of how he felt. Seth opened the door. Adam was on the other side. There was distance in his eyes. Seth hated how he put that look in his eyes. It was wrong to pull away from someone that loved him.

  Seth offered his hand and was relieved when Adam took it. He pulled him inside, lifting Adam’s hand to his lips. Seth kissed the back of his hand, brushing his thumb over the side of his fingers.

  “I’m so glad you came,” Seth said.

  Adam looked around, seeing the lit candles on the table and the dinner on the stove. “I am, too.”

  They went to the table where Seth served Adam dinner. He poured wine for both of them. “Hungry?”


  Seth sat down. “I wanted to talk with you about the arrangement we have between us.”

  Adam frowned. “I made it pretty clear that the arrangement was over.”

  “I think I mentioned to you that I would be the one that decides when it’s over.”

  “Don’t mess with me, Seth. I’m not in the mood to have my heart played with.”

  Seth felt his heart breaking. Why was he screwing this up? “I’m not trying to play with you. I’m trying to tell you that I want more.”

  “More? More of what...dinner? Sex?”

  “Why are you making this so difficult for me?” Seth asked.

  “It’s not difficult, Seth.”

  They stared at each other from across the long length of the table. “No, it’s not.”

  Adam slammed back the chair, knocking it over. “I’m not doing this.”

  “Whoa, hold on.” Seth grabbed Adam by the crook of the arm, swinging him away from the door and taking him toward the living room. “Don’t run away from me.”

  “What do you want, Seth?”

  Seth blocked Adam in against the wall with his palms on either side of his head. “I’m trying to tell you what I want.”

  “What do you want?” Adam asked.

  “I want you.”

  “Then say it.”

  “I am. I have.”

  “You haven’t said what I need to hear,” Adam accused.

  Seth wasn’t a guy that ever said those words to anyone. Not even anyone in his family ever said those words. Why were they so important for Adam to hear?

  “I love you.”

  Adam froze. “Say it again.”

  “I love you. I’m in love with you.”

  “Just because you love me, it doesn’t mean we’re supposed to be together,” Adam said.

  All the air left Seth in a rush of despair. He was screwing it up again. “Adam, please. Don’t do this.”

  “Don’t do what? I’m giving you exactly what you want.”

  Seth pressed his forehead to his lover as he held him close. Life felt as though it was spinning out of control. “No, you’re not. You’re not giving me what I need. I can’t let you go. Not like this.”

  How could Seth prove to Adam that he was serious about loving and needing him? It wasn’t easy to come out and to live so openly with a man. There were prejudices lurking around the corner for both of them. Why wasn’t Adam afraid of the what-if? Why wasn’t he afraid?

  “You’re not afraid?” Seth asked.

  “Of loving you? No. I’m not. I love you, Seth. Don’t say the words just for me. Say them because you mean them. Because you love me. Because you only want to be with me for the rest of our lives. If you can’t do that, then we’re not meant to be together.”

  Adam gave Seth a sweet kiss and slipped away. This time, Seth didn’t stop Adam from leaving. The door shut behind him with a quiet click. He couldn’t stop him. Right then, Seth wasn’t sure what he knew about love. Hurt crushed through his heart. He’d hoped that Adam would stay the night again. He imagined that he
would say the words Adam longed to hear and that he would fall right into Seth’s open arms. Now, he realized that it was much more complicated than that. Love wasn’t something he had experience with. Seth knew how to have relationships, but love was never a pillar in the foundation of those encounters. Why was this time different? He really didn’t need to look hard to know the answer to that question. Seth knew the answer. This time it was Adam.

  Seth brushed his hand back and forth through his red hair. How the hell was he going to make this right before he lost Adam forever?

  * * * *

  Dark-gray smoke billowed from the kitchen. What the fuck? Adam slammed the front door shut behind him and ran to his kitchen. Troy was had a flaming skillet under the tap water. He was in nothing but jeans. Adam went to the kitchen window, throwing it open to let the smoky air escape.

  “What the fuck?” Adam asked.

  “I burnt some eggs.”

  Who the fuck made eggs at nine o’clock in the evening? Adam shook his head. Thank God it wasn’t more serious. With his brother, things tended to be more serious. Adam took over with the skillet before he hurt himself. Troy stepped back shutting off the flame on the gas stovetop.

  “What happened to you?” Troy asked.

  “I had an accident at work,” Adam said.

  “Uh-huh. I didn’t think you guys worked off skyscrapers.”


  “It’s all over the news. Why the fuck didn’t you call me?”

  Adam saw a flash of pain in Troy’s eyes. “I was fine.”

  “Well, next time call me if you have to go to the hospital.”

  The doorbell rang. “Go answer the fucking door before I hit you over the head with this.”

  Troy chuckled. “Sounds like someone isn’t getting any.”

  “Fuck off!”

  The sound of Troy’s laughter echoed down the hallway as he went to the front door. Adam heard the sound of Seth’s voice as he stepped into the hallway. Troy did a back and forth between the two of them as he put two and two together.

  “I’ll just...go. I mean give you guys a minute. Unless you don’t want to be alone?” Troy asked.

  Seth looked aggravated. “I didn’t know you had a roommate.”


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