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Punished Page 2

by Sandy Kline

  “I said… I’m… freaking cold! Can’t I… just have… a blanket?”

  I hear footsteps coming towards me. I think it’s a man judging by the heavy footfalls. I wait until they get very close then open my mouth to ask again when a blanket actually falls on top of me.


  Then someone reaches down and arranges it so that I’m covered from my chin to my toes.

  “What are you doing?” Asks a woman’s voice. It’s Dr. Frazer again I think.

  “She was cold. She’s been laying here for hours shivering so I brought a blanket.”

  “Don’t start getting soft now.” The doctor advises.

  “No point in being needlessly cruel either.” He argues.

  “You start getting soft you won’t be able to do what’s necessary or what may end up being necessary. Now that you’ve given her a blanket we have to move her so pick her up and come with me.”

  Someone reaches down and grabs me roughly like a child and just carries me. I have no idea who this man is but I can tell the guy works out. I can feel his bulging muscles against my body. I had thought that Boomer or King or even Cutter could be involved but I don’t recognize his voice.

  “Why… are you doing this? What… do you... want from me?”

  No response.


  Still no one says anything. Presently a door opens and a sudden chilly wind goes right though me. It’s a good thing the guy carrying me is warm or I would surely freeze to death. At least it feels like that. I hear a car door open then I feel the man setting me down on my side. I’m just about to ask for water again when I feel a water bottle against my lips. Because of my position half of it leaks out of my mouth and down my chin onto the seat. I have never tasted anything so sweet and I can’t help but gulp it as fast as I can.

  “Slow down, you’ll be sick.”

  I nod, but continue to gulp. I have no idea when I’ll get my next drink. After a few more swallows he pulls the bottle away from my lips. I’m no longer thirsty but the pain in my shoulders is unbearable. And my son…where is my son. I thought he was going with me to the fight. I must have left him with a babysitter. I rack my brains but I can’t think who I would have left him with. He’s pretty independent, maybe I left him by himself. But if that’s the case he’ll be terrified when I don’t come home. My poor little boy is going to be all along. I hope Jamarcus stops by when he sees I never made it to the fight. Why did I have to come back to California? My thoughts continue their downward spiral until I begin to wish for death again.

  I thought the worst days of my life were long since behind me, but despite everything I do my life keeps rocketing towards another round of misery. One more time my son’s life is in jeopardy. How is it that I didn’t see this coming? Is it that hard to protect my sons? Am I a bad mother? I can’t imagine that there are many mothers out there who keep getting into trouble like this. I have to believe that this kind of thing is rare, but if it is, why does this stuff keep happening to me?

  I don’t know how long we drive but it seems like we’re in the car for an hour before we finally stop. Of course they had to blindfold me so there’s no way to figure out where I am. Something else occurs to me. I still have my phone in my front pocket. At least I think it is. Something is bulging there digging into my side painfully. If my hands weren’t behind my back maybe I could reach it and text Jake or Jamarcus. No body better call me. I swear to god if I get some wrong number call or some sales person calling me I’m gonna reach through the phone and strangle them. My only hope of survival rests in my front pocket. It’s a pretty new phone so the battery life is pretty impressive. I just can’t remember if I have it on vibrate which I do often or if the volume is turned up.

  By the time we stop at wherever we are going the pain in my shoulders has become so bad I can’t keep quiet about it. Every little bump or vibration from the car sends excruciating pain through my body.

  “Please tie me in a different position.” I beg. “My shoulders are coming out of their sockets.”

  “Soon as we get you inside I’ll retie you with your hands in front.” Whispers a man’s voice.

  Ten minutes later he makes good on his promise. With my hands in front of me there’s a chance I may be able to get my phone out of my pocket and text Jake. After the man reties me he removes my blindfold. It’s too dark in here to see anything but judging by the echoing sounds I must be in a large building. I decide to wait about a half hour just to make sure I’m totally alone before trying to fish my phone out of my pocket.

  Chapter Four

  Jake’s Triumph

  Back at the arena…

  The festivities are off the hook! Jake has just knocked out the reigning Surge champion, Randall King, the King of Pain in three rounds. Fans, reporters, ring girls, and other fighters swamp the Punisher the second he climbs out of the cage. Jake’s hands drift down to the fifteen pound gold plated champion’s belt around his waist. Damn these things are uncomfortable! He thinks to himself.

  As he makes his way through the crowd towards the locker rooms with his trusty trainer in tow, someone shoves a microphone in his face.

  “Punisher, how does it feel to be the new King of Pain?”

  “Oh I’m still the Punisher!” Jake announces. “And I came here tonight to deal out King’s punishment. It could have only gone one way tonight. I came here to balance the Scales of Justice and they’re balanced!”

  “That’s pretty specific. What do you mean King’s punishment? What do you mean Scales of Justice? Has he done something to you Punisher? Does this have anything to do with you being with his ex-wife now?”

  “I’m only answering questions about the fight tonight.” Jake replies as he shoves the reporter’s mike aside.

  Ignoring his statement another reporter shoves a microphone in his face and asks. “Why do you think your woman was a no show tonight? Did that have anything to do with the fact that you had to fight her ex-husband tonight?”

  Before Jake can formulate a response another reporter chimes in. “Could it be that she still has feelings for the King?”

  “Enough already!” Jamarcus bellows in his fighter’s defense. No more questions tonight!”

  Jake picks up his feet and pushes the pace to a jog as he makes his way into the long corridor leading up to the lockers. Could Christine really have been a no show tonight? He can’t imagine her missing it given the fact that Diego was totally excited about the fight. She’d be sure to take him even if she had no interest in the fight. He turns to Jamarcus.

  “Did she really not show up?” He asks.

  “I didn’t see either of them.” He replies.

  “What are you telling me Jamarcus? What do you mean she wasn’t there? I sent a car, a limousine actually.”

  “I know, I got a text confirming they were picked up at 6:15 tonight.”

  “So what could have happened?” Jake asks.

  “There’s no reason to believe that she…they did not make it to the fights.” Jamarcus replies. “No accident was reported. The car had that On Star service where they know immediately if the vehicle has been involved in an accident and where it happened; if one did happen. The only logical explanation is that they arrived to the fights on time. Maybe they couldn’t find their seats and had to sit somewhere else. I just looked for them in their assigned seats.”

  “You called them right?”

  “Of course I did. I called and left two messages.”

  “Something’s wrong Jamarcus, something is really wrong.”

  “What do you mean boss?”

  Jake slams the doors behind them finally separating them from prying eyes and ears. He sits on one of the benches in the locker room and takes a deep breath.

  “What do you know of her past…troubles Jamarcus? She ever talk to you about anything that happened to her in the past. Like a long time in the past?”

  “Not really… I mean I knew she was married to
King for a number of years and it didn’t end well.” Jamarcus replies. “I guess she and her son moved out of the state to get away from him. She did say he was into steroids and drank a lot.”

  “She ever tell you why she came back to Oakland after like, ten years of being away from the Bay Area?”

  “I’m not one to pry so…” Jamarcus replies.

  “So you don’t know then.” Jake says.

  “Sorry boss. I try to keep my head down and out of other’s troubles. But I really like them. And the kid, he’s a natural. Just like you only he’s much younger. Could be a spectacular fighter one day if that’s what he wants.”

  Suddenly the doors to the locker room fly open and two event security guards burst in out of breath.

  “Mr. Punisher,” one of them begins. “There’s a kid here that says he knows you. Wants to talk to you. Looks like somebody roughed him up too. Guess nobody wanted him to come back here.”

  “Well let him in for fuck’s sake.” Jake replies.

  “Wait, did he give a name?” Jamarcus asks.

  “Diego.” The guard says. “Said you’d know him.”

  “Let him in.” Jake barks.

  One of the guards turns and leaves for a minute then returns with a wide-eyed, disheveled ten year old in tow. The second Diego sees Jake he charges in and leaps into the fighter’s outstretched arms.

  “What’s wrong little man?” Jake asks. “Where’s your mother?”

  “Somebody took her.”

  “What do you mean took her? Didn’t you guys get in the limousine I sent?”

  “Yeah and it crashed and somebody shot our driver and they took my mom. They just yanked her out of the car and took off.”

  “Are you hurt?” Jamarcus asks as he retrieves his medical kit from the lockers.

  Diego pauses as if to consider the question, and then shakes his head. “You have to get my mom back.”

  “What did the police say when they came? Did you see the kidnappers?”

  “No police no ambulance, no nothing. It was like, superfast. There was a huge crash and we were spinning around upside down and then they just yanked her out and took her away.”

  “How many were there?” Jake asks.

  “Just two I guess.” Diego replies. “There was some guy and a lady. That was it I think.”

  “How’d you know it was a woman?” Jamarcus asks.

  “Cause she was wearing those ugly boots that mom always wears.” Diego says.

  “Ugly boots?” Jamarcus replies.

  “Their UGG’s.” Says Jake. “Special boots for women.”

  “And I heard her talking to the man.”

  “What did they say?”

  “I don’t know…I just heard voices. Kind of garbled I guess. You have to get my mom back Jake.”

  “We will, but first we call the cops.”

  “No way boss.” Jamarcus replies. “Kidnappers always say no cops. We gotta try to figure this one out ourselves.”

  “Then we gotta get the hell out of here.” Jake replies. “Any chance we can sneak out and avoid the reporters and fans?”

  “Actually there is.” Jamarcus says. “This place was built with a private back entrance designed so fighters could avoid the crowds if they wanted to. If it’s not locked from this side we should be able to avoid everyone long enough to jump into a taxi and split. We got to be fast though because if they get wind that we may be trying to escape they’ll just bust right in here just like the guards did.”

  “Alright Jamarcus, I want you to check the kid out thoroughly. Chances are he’s not completely unhurt given the nature of that accident. I’ll call a cab and get changed into my street clothes. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

  Jake snatches his duffle bag from his locker and goes down the hall to shower, change clothes, and make the call for a cab. The first call is to Yellow Cab Limousine Service. They’ll be at the rear of the arena in fifteen minutes. Then he makes one more call.

  On the fifth ring a woman answers. “Jake?”

  “What’s going on?” He demands.

  “What do you mean?” She replies.

  “The accident, was that any of your doing? Did you take the woman and kid?” Jake asks, barely able to control his fury.

  “Alright settle down Jake, she’s fine. We just need some answers, that’s all.”

  “What happens when you get your answers? What if you don’t like those answers doctor? Do you know how much she means to me and what I’ll do if something happens to her? I’ll rip your heart out of your chest so fast you’ll still be alive when I crush it under my boot!”

  “Who you talking to Jake?” Says a trembling voice behind him.

  Jake whips around in shock. Standing behind him is Diego looking surprised and confused.

  “Sorry little man. Was just talking to my mother’s doctor. She’s…uh very sick and her doctor doesn’t seem to be doing anything and she just keeps getting sicker and sicker. She’s got cancer.”

  “You were pretty mean to-”

  “Think about it son. What if your mother was dying and her doctors weren’t doing anything to get her well. You’d be pretty angry too wouldn’t you?”

  “Yeah…I would.”

  “So Jamarcus give you a clean bill of health then?”

  “He’s fine boss.” Jamarcus says as he comes in. “We should get going though.”

  Chapter Five

  Pinch Me I’m Not Dreaming

  Jake takes the bottom of his skin tight tee and pulls it up his smooth muscular body, over his chest and handsome face and then throws it unceremoniously to the bedroom floor. Without waiting for further encouragement he unbuckles his belt. I catch my breath as he unzips the fly exposing a triangular wedge of white boxers beneath. Unconsciously I lick my lips in anticipation of treats promised. Without further ado the pants slide down his muscular thighs past the knees and to his ankles where he kicks them off.

  I’m half tempted to pinch myself just to make sure this isn’t a dream. I take the soft flesh of my thigh between my thumb and forefinger to give myself a sharp pinch when Jake pulls the elastic band of his boxers down over a long thick shaft leaving my mouth watering. To hell with pinching myself. This is no dream!

  Instead of pinching myself I grab the bottom of my tee shirt and pull it up my flat tummy and over my 100% real breasts. I hear Jakes quick intake of breath as his eyes set their sights on my stiffening nipples. And if I wasn’t sure of the compliment I only have to look at his thickening cock and the blush of his cheeks to know he likes what he sees.

  Then with the self-assured confidence that only a man with a big cock can bring to the bedroom, Jake swaggers across the room towards me as his right hand strokes the length of his shaft from base to head with practiced movements. I want it. I want his huge throbbing dick ramming my pink hole stretching me to the limit and sending shockwaves of pure pleasure from my kitty to my brain and back again. Keeping my eyes on the prize I scramble backwards onto the bed, lifting my pelvis to enable me to slide my skinny jeans over my womanly hips, down over my knees, and to my ankles. Jake stands at the end of the bed as I kick my heels furiously until my jeans sail across the room and onto the only desk in the room and knocking over the small table lamp. I hold my breath for a second, momentarily distracted for fear of the lamp breaking on the floor and starting a fire from the sizzling light bulb. Lucky for me the lampshade breaks the fall and keeps the whole contraption on the desk.

  We both breathe a sigh of relief and return our attention to the matter at hand. When I remove my panties I drop them cautiously on the floor beside the bed.

  “Good choice.” Jake remarks as he crawls across the bed towards me.

  I don’t know if it ever occurred to me before, the disparity in our sizes, but he is huge; and not just his dick. I straighten my legs keeping my knees together as he straddles my legs crawling towards me. He pauses, and then lowers his chin until I can feel his warm breath on my shaved quim. It sends tiny lit
tle ripples of delight through my body. Determined to keep my knees together I hold my breath as his lips graze the top of my kitty. His lips part and his tongue presses gently at the top of my lips. I can feel my resolve melting and my knees slowly part. At this point there’s no use playing hard to get. We both know where this is going to end. Suddenly the phrase rode hard and put away wet comes to mind. And as if he’s reading my mind and decides to punctuate the thought he spreads my thighs and dives in tongue first.

  His technique is perfect. The effect is instantaneous! My entire body shivers and vibrates with sweet pleasure. He’s so damn talented I have to wonder how he’s become so adept at it. He must have had a good teacher.

  But my magic button can take only so much intimate stimulation before the need to be filled, stretched, and pounded takes over. I grab his bulky shoulders and pull him up to me. He licks a delicious trail up my belly to the swellings of my breasts and my super sensitive nipples. They’re like rocks as his teeth sink it causing me to squeal and squirm with abandon. I grab his head squeezing tight mashing his face into my breasts. He happily obliges, then pauses. I feel the bulging head of his cock brushing my wet lips so I spread my legs as he rams home. Suddenly his mouth is on my neck, kissing, licking, and getting dangerously close to hickying. I grab his ass squeezing and pulling with every thrust. If I don’t end up with at least one bruise out of this I’m going to be disappointed.

  A sudden jolt to my ribs reminds me that sometimes rough play can be a little too rough.

  “Take it easy there slugger.” I murmur into his ear.

  He responds with a sharp dig into my ribs so I bite down on his ear hard enough to draw blood. The coppery smell and taste is more than a little off putting. I squirm around beneath him but I feel like I’m trapped. In fact I can barely move.

  Chapter Six

  The Chickens Come Home to Roost


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