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Punished Page 4

by Sandy Kline

  My phone ringing wakes me up from a dead sleep. I scramble for it hoping to answer before it wakes Diego. When I finally get my hands on it I still am reluctant to answer it because I don’t recognize the number. My phone tells me the time is fifteen minutes after one in the morning. I guess it must be pretty damn important to someone so I go ahead and answer.



  “Who’d you expect to answer this number?” I ask, mildly irritated.

  “Yeah I guess it’d have to be you. Oh, this is Jamarcus by the way.”

  “I recognize your voice. Is something wrong with Jake? Did he get shot at work?”

  “No no, I’m sure he’s fine. I just wanted to talk to you before he comes home.”

  “Home, what do you mean home? Where are you?”

  “At his house. Ever since that attack I’ve been staying with him and when I’m at the gym he has someone guarding the place.”

  “So why do you have to talk to me when he’s gone? What’s going on Jamarcus?”

  “I’d rather do this in person but I know you’ve got the kid so…”

  “Just spit it out. What in the world is wrong?”

  I really like the old trainer and I know he wouldn’t be calling me in the middle of the night if it wasn’t super important so with my heart pounding in my ears I listen to his story with growing dread.

  “Ever since I heard about your troubles with your ex-husband and your sudden appearance back here in Oakland I’ve had this uneasy feeling about things. It just doesn’t add up. I understand that you lost a period of two months when you first came here and you still can’t remember that time right?”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much it.”

  “Ever wonder why you still can’t remember that time period?” He asks me.

  “Every day.”

  “I think I got some answers for you but you’re not going to like it.”

  “Yeah I’m pretty used to that now. Anything about the last several months are…well there’s nothing to like about it so what do you have to tell me Jamarcus?”

  “You’re really not-”

  “Spit it out man, just spit it out!” I holler, getting more frustrated and worried by the second.

  “Jake’s been drugging you.” He barks into the phone.

  And my world falls apart! I don’t realize I’m shouting until Diego is grabbing my arm and shaking me.

  “No fucking way!” I shout. “No way in hell he would ever do that.”

  “But you believe me.” Jamarcus says. “You wouldn’t be reacting like this if you didn’t.”

  “You’re wrong.” I seethe at him.

  “Mom! What’s wrong? Is Jake hurt mom? What happened to Jake? Diego asks over and over. “Is he dead mom? Did another fighter make him die? What happened to him?”

  “Wait a second.” I say into the phone, then turn and hug my terrified son. “I’m so sorry honey; I didn’t mean to wake you or to scare you.”

  “What happened to Jake?”

  “He’s fine sweetie. He’s not hurt.”

  “Then why were you hollering about him? Did he do something to you mom? Is he going to be like King?”

  “No sweetie, he’ll never be like King no matter what. Jake doesn’t take drugs.”

  “Then tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Sweetie I can’t really say. I just started talking to Jamarcus when you came in so I don’t really know. Please just go back to bed and tomorrow when I find out what is wrong I’ll tell you everything.” Then I hold up my pinkie finger. “Pinkie swear.” I say to him.

  He hooks his own pinkie with mine and I repeat my promise. Somewhat satisfied he returns to the bedroom and I go out on the balcony so I can talk in private with Jamarcus.

  “Sorry,” I say into the phone. “I’m back. I just freaked out my son.”

  “It’s okay. Now you ready to hear everything?” He asks me.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  “I’ll try to make this make sense.” He begins. “Some time ago those drug dealers that were after your husband, the ones that said you owed the debt, remember them? Well they finally caught up with King and Boomer. The main guy who goes by the name Cutter, when he saw that the guys didn’t have his money he told King that Ethan was dead and that King had killed him. Dumb move on Cutter’s part. He threatened to blackmail King so king and Boomer went after him. Turns out Cutter was prepared for something like that and there was a big fight. One of King’s buddies got killed and one of Cutter’s brothers died also before they went separate ways.”

  “While that’s a fascinating story, I don’t see what that has to do with Jake or Jake supposedly drugging me.”

  “Turns out King was instrumental in getting Jake a contract with Cold Steel. In fact as I hear it, King is the only reason that happened. Cold Steel was concerned that Jake’s wins were all against sub-par opponents and he wouldn’t fare well against pro fighters. I guess Cold Steel was right.”

  “So Jake feels like he owes a big debt to King then…”

  “Yes, that’s part of it. You have to remember, Jake was young and very impressionable and King at that time was with Surge and his star was on the rise. Jake wanted to hitch himself to King’s star in a big way.”


  “Remember your friend Taylor?”

  “She was in on this too?”

  “Yeah, she was supposed to befriend you and try to find out what you were doing back in California. Jake was given the drugs who then gave them to Taylor. Trouble is she did her job too well.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ever wonder where she is? When’s the last time you saw her?”

  “In Carburetor having drinks either before or after a fight.”

  “Well she got to a point where she really liked you and she couldn’t play along anymore and she just disappeared. The reason you started waking up was because she stopped slipping stuff in your drinks. You began to wake up so she left before you could wake up enough to remember her. At least that was the plan.”

  “And the reason I came to California?”

  The deeper we go into this the more depressing it gets. The more hopeless I feel. The question is what is stopping me from returning to Oregon and leaving this whole mess behind me.

  “I’m guessing you came to try to get your money back or to…I don’t know; maybe get a confession out of him or something. That’s what they have been trying to find out what you want to do about what happened.”

  “So where’s Cutter in all this?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe he and King settled their differences and parted ways or maybe he’s trying to figure out how to get his ten grand plus interest out either of you. Stay away from Cutter. That man is dangerous.”

  Another thought pops into my head. “This whole thing with Dr. Frazer, was that a setup too? Did Jake arrange that?”

  “King wanted to know what you remembered. He wasn’t sure if you blamed him for Ethan’s death and if you remembered anything else, like being assaulted. He wanted to find out if he really did kill Ethan. He may have done something else to you these past two months Christine and maybe that’s why he’s so worried. King’s a big star now and he’s just making sure he’s not a falling star.”

  I have to ask something that I really don’t want the answer to. Jamarcus said something about assault a second ago but I really need to know the truth. So with my heart in my mouth I swallow my fear and ask the question that’s been burning in the back of my mind.

  “So…I really was assaulted then?” I ask her. I can’t bring myself to say the word rape.

  “Yes… I believe so. And it’s called rape.” He finally says after a long pause. “I don’t know any details but if you think you remembered something, then that’s a memory you can trust. I’m sorry Christine. I am truly sorry. You weren’t supposed to remember the assault. Dr. Frazer’s job was to find out what you remembered and guide you to remembering w
hat they wanted and to possibly plant some false memories to lead you away from King and Boomer and probably Cutter too.”

  “This can’t have been easy Jamarcus; telling me all this stuff especially when it concerns your protégé.”

  “I love that boy Christine, but if he done somethin’ wrong then he has to take responsibility for it and he got to do what he can to make things right.”

  “Why would Jake do that to me Jamarcus? I really thought we had an amazing thing going between us.”

  “I don’t know Christine. I thought you guys had something special too. I’m sure what you have is real and I don’t think he set out to screw you over. Things were already set in motion before he even met you. And then he started falling for you and he couldn’t bring himself to tell you his part for fear of losing you. I’m just spit balling here but in a way it makes sense to me.”

  We talk for a little longer but I am crushed. To think I was actually falling for the guy. How could he even do this to me? Now what’s going to happen? Diego will be hurt most of all. I think he really wanted us to be together and for Jake to kind of take that father figure role that he clearly wants and needs. How am I going to explain to him what Jake did? He won’t understand a thing. That much I do know.

  One more time I wonder, is it time to go home. Jake was the only thing keeping me here…I think. Before turning in I decide to raid the mini bar and drink all those tiny plastic bottles of liquor that come with the room. They cost about seven dollars a bottle but if you drink enough they get the job done. The last time I glance at my phone it’s four in the morning and high time I got to sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Get Out of Jail Free Card

  Over the next couple days I lay low and avoid Jake like the plague. Diego knows something is up but he’s not sure. He also knows better than to pester me with lots of questions when I get like this so things get pretty quiet over the next few days. Somehow Jake must have gotten wind that he’s in the doghouse because he keeps away as well. That is until he ambushes me in Starbucks. I’m just sitting and having a rare cup of coffee out when he just plops down in the seat across the table from me.

  “Gotcha!” He says with a brave smile.

  “I suppose you think you’re due an explanation.” I begin.

  “That would be nice.”

  “How long have you known me Jake?”

  “Um…I don’t remember the exact date we met. It was that night you and that woman came into the bar. That rude fighter who I now know was king was with you. I think I actually hassled you about your tab, if I remember right.”

  I promised myself I wouldn’t get angry if he just showed up sometime to talk but I can feel that promise evaporate with each lie he tells.

  “You sure about that?” I ask.

  “Oh yeah…I’d no way I’d forget your hottie friend.” He shoots me a playful smile just to let me know he’s kidding about Taylor.”

  “Yeah so how long have you known Taylor; if that’s even her real name. Is that her real name Jake?”

  “I don’t know, is it? You introduced me to her not the other way around.”

  “You did a good job making me think that at least.” I reply.

  “Making you think what?”

  “Making me think that you and she didn’t know each other and that I introduced her to you. That’s so much bullshit Jake. You’ve known her for quite a while I bet whereas I met her what 2 months ago when I returned to Oakland.”

  “Okay, now you’re not making any sense at all Christine.”

  “Oh my god Jake, how long are you going to do this?”

  “Do what?”

  “Pretend that you don’t know that I know what you’re up to.”

  “What the hell? You lost me there.” He replies, still sticking to his guns.

  “Am I going to have to drag it out of you?” I’m starting to raise my voice and customers are shooting me furtive glances. “Out of respect for me and my son can you at least come clean?”

  “You know what; I think I’m going to leave. Here I was missing you and just thought I’d say a quick hi and leave out of respect for your boundaries. Figured you needed your space for some reason so that’s why I haven’t just popped up at your door step or called you. I have no freaking idea what is going on here but clearly I’m not wanted so…so when you’re done with this shit and you want a friend you know my number.”

  He gets up and stomps out. I hear a collective sigh of relief from the other customers nearby. I think they thought this was going to be some huge fight or something. I even noticed a couple people were suspiciously looking like they were preparing to video the incident on their smart phones. Suddenly I’m feeling very unwanted here so I get up, toss what’s left of my coffee in the garbage and walk out. Some outing that was.

  As painful as it’s going to be Jake and I will have to revisit this conversation again and again until this mess gets sorted out. Then after that I have to figure out how to break it to Diego. It’s going to crush him if we just pick up and go back to Oregon leaving behind Jake and the world of MMA and boxing that my son now loves. I’m a little surprised that Jake hasn’t figured out that Jamarcus spilled the beans about everything. I guess given their history, that’s pretty unthinkable to him. Still surprises me actually. It’s getting harder and harder to deal with Diego who wonders why he can’t at least talk to Jake on the phone. He sorta buys the excuse I gave about Jake having to go dark during a certain very difficult phase in his training. I can only keep this up for so long before Diego is going to demand a real answer and no more of this vague shit I’ve been tossing his way.

  Later the same day I go into a café to get some takeout food and after I get my order and am walking out I run smack into none other than Taylor; or whatever her name happens to be. She’s got her purse in her hands like she’s getting out her pocketbook and she actually drops it on the floor. Her ID happens to fall out on the floor as well. She quickly reaches for it but I’m too fast for her and snatch it up off the floor. According to the state of California Taylor is actually Carmen Delacruz and she is actually married! She looks sheepishly at me while I examine her license. It takes me a minute to process the fact that this woman who for a while I thought was my friend when actually she’s just some lady off the street that Jake got to do his dirty work for him. And that really pisses me off!

  “How are you…Carmen?” I say as I hand her license back to her.

  She gives me an awkward smile. “Fine, thank you.”

  “How much was my betrayal worth to you?” I ask her.


  “How much did Jake pay you to pretend to be my friend?”

  “Who’s Jake?” She asks, looking genuinely surprised.

  “Wow, that’s good. You’re really good. So good I’d almost believe you if I hadn’t talked to Jamarcus. So how much were you paid to be my friend and to keep me drugged up?”

  People are starting to look at us.

  “Can we talk outside?” She asks.

  “What, are you afraid someone might hear what you did to me?”

  “Please…can we take this outside?” She pleads.

  Then turns around and standing behind her is a young girl who is maybe five years old. I didn’t even see her standing behind her mother. She takes the little girl be the hand and leads her out of the café.

  “Momma is everything alright?” The little girl asks her mother.

  “Everything’s fine mija.” She replies. Then she turns to me. “Can we go across the street to the park and talk while my little girl plays?”


  The three of us go across the street to the park. Carmen talks to her daughter briefly in Spanish and the girl goes off to play on the play structures. We take a seat on the bench to talk while she keeps her eye on the little girl.

  “How old is she?” I ask.

  “She’s six.”

  “And your boy?”

  “My son is ten.
” I reply.

  I’m not really sure what I want to say to the woman so small talk helps me calm my nerves and think of a game plan.

  “So why’d you do it?” I finally ask her.

  “I needed the money. I’m a single mother with health problems and I’m raising a girl on my own with no help from her father.”

  “Where’s he at?”

  “Somewhere in Mexico I’d imagine.”

  “You have a job now?”

  I don’t know why I keep asking questions or why I’m even taking even the slightest interest in the woman but I can’t seem to stop myself.

  “I work as a caregiver for an elderly woman but it’s getting increasingly difficult because of my back.”

  “What’s up with your back?”

  “I have degenerative disk disease affecting the last five disks in my spine. The cartilage between the disks deteriorates and the bones grind on my nerves making doing just about anything nearly impossible. My landlord was going to evict me for being two months late on my rent when a man showed up asking if I would help him with a small problem of his. He gave my $500 just to listen to him for five minutes then I could take the job or walk away. Five hundred dollars! That’s almost half my rent for a month. I couldn’t say no.”

  “So what’d you do?”

  “I just hung out at the Carburetor every night until you finally showed up. That’s one scary place for a woman on her own to be hanging around in. After the bar tender pointed you out I slipped the drug into your drink and just set about becoming your friend.”

  I’m trying not to get mad here, but as her story unfolds I begin to forget why she did it and focus on what she did to me.

  “What’d you put into my drink?”

  “I don’t know what it was. I was just told it would make you more susceptible to suggestion and you would probably not remember anything while you were taking the drugs. They said there would be no long term side effects at all.”


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