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Page 7

by Sandy Kline

  Jake’s next move is a thing of deadly beauty. When a person’s upper arm and lower arm separate at the elbow the owner of that arm lose total control of the appendage. Knowing that Jake bends the man’s arm back towards his own shoulder. The move was so fast blade doesn’t even have time to drop the knife before it becomes embedding in his carotid artery. Jake leaps back to avoid the initial spray from the man’s severed artery.

  At first the crowd is too shocked to react. But as the head referee lifts Jakes hand in victory rabid fans go wild. As for me, I just can’t believe what I’ve just seen. How can a human being be that fast? It’s so incredible it’s almost enough to get me excited. Awe, who am I kidding, I am excited! That’s my man up there. That’s my cool dude that’s kicked the bastard’s ass.

  Suddenly two burley men in suits approach Jake as he steps down from the cage. As I walk up one of the men hands Jake a fat envelope. I follow Jake back to the locker area where we were sequestered before. The same two men with guns, Bo and his little friend are there as well but his time their attitudes are totally different. They’re actually friendly.

  “That Blade dude,” Bo says to Jake. “Way to fuck him up! Remind me never to pull a blade on your ass.”

  “Can you really jump out of the shallow end of a swimming pool and up on the deck?” The other man asks.

  “It’s all in the video brother. Just check out my Jake the Punisher YouTube channel. It’s all in there.”

  “I’ll check it out bro.”

  On the way back home Jake calls Jamarcus to give him a heads up about the night and see if he can hang with Diego for a little while longer ‘cause me and Jake, we got some lost time to make up for.

  Chapter Twelve

  Making up for Lost Time

  “Can you forgive me?” Jake asks the moment we’re alone.

  “I’m standing here in my bra and panties and that’s what you’re thinking about? Do you actually think I’d be standing here like this if I hadn’t? Believe me, I’m not that desperate.”

  “But I was…I was terrible to you.”

  “Yes, you were. But like you said, you only did those things before you knew me. When I began to realize the kind of person you were I stopped giving Carmen the drugs.”

  “Wait a second; she said she stopped giving me the drugs after she got to liking me. So you’re saying you are the one who stopped giving out the drugs?”

  “Of course it was me. Half the time I was the one who slipped it into your drinks. She was pretty useless much of the time. But what made you…forgive me?”

  “You risked everything to help me out. Not only did you risk your career tonight, but you risked your life. That guy, Blade, he was good. In fact he was more than good and I’m surprised he didn’t carve you up in there.”

  “Yeah I’m a little surprised at that myself. To be honest Christine, I pretty much wrote myself off tonight.”

  “I know you did. And more than anything, that’s why I forgive you. If I hadn’t seen the letter it would have been a lot harder.”

  “You saw my note?”

  “Yeah. One of the organizers gave it to me. He thought I should see it.”

  “Are we talking about what I think we’re talking about?”

  “Yes…the note where you bequeathed to me and Diego any winnings due you if you won but died later from your injuries and your house that you recently paid off. I saw all that and that is the real reason I’m able to stand here nearly naked and shivering having forgiven you. You clearly expected to die and you did it anyway. Jamarcus also said you made him promise to take Diego under his wing and train him to be a fighter if that is what he wanted.”

  “I see…”

  “This hasn’t been an easy road to walk Jake. After what my ex-husband put me through it’s been difficult not thinking of you as the same as he and Boomer. You can think Jamarcus for that. He’s helped me get to know Jake the man rather than just Jake the Punisher MMA fighter. Now I’m really cold here so can you just wrap your arms around me and make sweet love to me?”

  “Yeah…I think I can do that.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Unbeatable Foe

  Jake and I are getting some rare alone time this afternoon at the gym. And just to make sure we’re alone Jamarcus has promised to do some more training with Diego. My son is turning into one heck of a martial artist. Because he likes karate so much training him in MMA fighting was a better fit than my first choice of boxing. Boxers have a longer shelf life than guys on the MMA Circuit. Jake started his formal training as a young teen if I remember correctly so my son has a four year head start and both Jake and Jamarcus swears he’s a natural.

  We get to the gym around four and find the atmosphere unusually gloomy. There are a few people doing some bag work but for the most part no one is doing much of anything. As I walk through the gym towards the office I see Jake in there with Jamarcus deep in conversation. Something has happened. I rap on the door and Jamarcus waves us in.

  “Hey little man!” Jake says to Diego, giving him a warm hug.

  “Ready for a workout?” Jamarcus asks Diego as he gets up.

  “Totally!” Diego exclaims.

  “He’s been doing shadow boxing and katas all morning.” I inform the men.

  “Well let’s get at it then.” Jamarcus announces as he walks out of the office with my son in tow.

  Jamarcus shuts the door behind them.

  “Who died?” I ask him immediately.

  “You’d think someone did, wouldn’t you?” Jake replies.

  “So what happened?”

  For an answer Jake flips on the screen to the computer sitting at Jamarcus’s desk. It’s a frozen frame of what looks to be a close up of a fight. Jake hits the space bar and the screen explodes into action. I only have to see a few seconds to know exactly what I’m looking at. It’s a video of Jake’s underground fight with Blade.

  “I thought they made sure no one took any videos. I even had to turn in my phone and was searched head to toe before entering the arena. What the hell happened and how’d you get this?”

  “Someone stuck it through the mail slot this morning or late last night.”

  “Don’t you guys have cameras on that door? You see who dropped it?”

  “That camera hasn’t been working for months according to Jamarcus. When it stopped working he never got it fixed. He figured there was no reason to fix it or get a new one. No one ever messes with the gym anyway. There are too many other newer updated gyms in the area.”

  “So…someone is blackmailing you then?” I ask my heart filling with dread.

  “That seems to be the case.” He replies.

  “What do you mean seems to be?”

  “There hasn’t been any demands as of yet. Just this CD.”

  “What do you think is going on then?”

  “Someone doesn’t want me to fight next month…or ever I guess. This thing ever got to the promoters and I’d be banned from the Circuit. And if I’m banned then I certainly can’t fight for Surge so endeth my career.” Jake concludes despondently.

  ‘What about Cutter and his guys? Did yo-”

  “They’ve been paid off. Gave them the whole 25k just to make sure we’re good with them.”

  “So he was happy with the payment then?”

  Jake gives me a sheepish look. I don’t like the look of that.

  “What Jake? What’s with that look? Don’t tell me you didn’t personally give them the money?”

  “I used an intermediary.”

  “What? Are you kidding?”

  “Hey I know the guy. I can’t show my face around their club. People would get the wrong idea…well it’d be the right idea but I can’t let people know I’m paying off a drug dealing motorcycle gang now can I?”

  “No…I guess not, but you’d better have a talk with your ‘friend’ to make sure he really did give them all the money. That was a lot of money to put into someone else’s hands for any reason.”

  “I know…I know. Don’t you think I’ve been over all this before you came? Someone obviously does not want me to fight next week.”

  “Who are you fighting by the way?”

  “Dude who goes by the name of SHU.”

  “Shoe? That’s not a very fighter like name. How’d he get saddled with that one?”

  “He’s an ex-con from Pelican Bay who spent so much time in their solitary confinement area that the name just stuck.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “The area for those prisoners who have to be isolated from the general populace is called the SHU.”

  “Despite his reputation there for causing problems when it was discovered that the key witnesses in the case were lying he was exonerated and was let go based on time served. He spent 7 years in Pelican Bay; all but three months were in the SHU.”

  “He’s gotta be a tough guy.” I reply. “Why would anyone not want you to fight him?”

  “Did you not see my last fight?”

  “You know I did.”

  “Well obviously he did too and he’s probably trying to get me to back out. Or whoever is sponsoring him is trying to get me to back out. Next they’ll try to make me throw the fight if this doesn’t work.”

  “Who does this SHU fight for?”

  “He fights in a circuit on the east coast and is one of Camillus’ main fighters.”

  “I’ve never heard of Camillus.”

  “They’re a century old tactical knife making company that a half a dozen years ago decided to get into MMA and began sponsoring fighters. He’s not a top tier fighter as far as the New York scene goes but he’ll be a challenge for me I’m sure.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Out of Time

  “Jamarcus, you gotta help me!”

  “What?” He asks me.

  “Help! I need your help.”

  “Help?” He shouts back to me.

  “Where are you?” I shout into the phone.

  “The arena. The fight’s going to start soon. I can barely hear you.”

  “They’ve got my son.”

  “Your son? What are you talking….wait a second. I’m going to step out of the building so I can hear you.”

  I wait anxiously for five long minutes. I’m just about to hang up thinking we lost the connection and he can’t call me back, when he comes back on the phone.

  “Okay I’m here. What did you say about your son?”

  “They’ve got him. He’s been kidnapped.”


  “Yes Diego. They took him. I stepped out to get some dinner for him and when I came back he was gone. They took my son dammit! What do I do?”

  “Call the cops.”

  “Can’t do that. They left me with a burner phone and sent a text, cops equals death.”

  “Who took him?” Jamarcus asks.

  “I don’t know. I’m waiting for a call with further instructions. What do I do? They have my baby Jamarcus. I can’t lose another son. Please help me…please.”

  “Alright…I… of course I’ll help. I guess Jake’s going to have to do this one without me. You have a car?”

  “I have a rental.”

  “Okay I’m at the back of the arena. Never mind I’ll be in parking lot G right under the light post closest to the edge of the lot. You can’t miss me.”

  “I’ll be there in…in like twenty minutes.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Just don’t get stopped for speeding.”

  “I’ll be careful.”

  I hang up my phone and sprint for me car. My heart is pounding so fast and so freaking hard I feel like my chest is going to explode. I can’t believe they have my son. Somebody has my son oh my god this is going to kill me.

  I literally cannot drive the speed limit. I look down at my speedometer and I’m going 87 in a 55 zone. I take a deep breath and apply the brakes. That lasts for about two minutes then I’m back on the gas. I peel into the parking lot and the light pole where Jamarcus is standing in ten minutes.

  “Settle down sister.” Jamarcus says as he gets in and slams the door.

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Let’s go to the hotel where they took your son. That’s a good place to start. We can wait there for instructions. How about that?”

  “Okay…yeah that sounds fine.”

  “But maybe I should drive though?” Jamarcus asks.

  “No I’m good.”

  With remarkable restraint I drive out of the parking lot and head back to the hotel.

  “When does the fight start?”

  Jamarcus looks at his watch. “Just over an hour. When did they take your son?”

  “Um…About an hour ago I guess.”

  “Why did you wait so long to call me?” He asks me.

  “I didn’t want to interrupt your fight night.”

  “Christine, there’s nothing in this world that’s more important than getting your son back; you hear me?”

  “I hea-”

  Suddenly my burner phone that the kidnappers gave me starts to ring. I just about sideswipe the car in the next lane fishing in my purse for the phone. When I finally get it in my hands I promptly drop it on the floor and it slides under the brake pedal.


  “Wait!” Jamarcus says. “You drive, and I’ll get the phone.”

  Jamarcus leans over across the seat and disappears beneath the dash. Unfortunately the phone stops ringing before he can hand me the phone.

  “Oh my god they’re going to kill him. They’re going to ki-”

  The phone rings again. I answer before the second ring.

  “Sorry I was driving and I dropped the phone and I couldn’t reach it so please don’t kill my baby.”

  “Shut up lady!” Says a very creepy electronic voice.

  “How can I get my son back? I don’t have much money.”

  “We’re not looking for money bitch. You tell your fighter to throw the fight. Tell him to throw the fight in the third round and we’ll let your son go.”


  “Did I stutter lady? You tell The Punisher to throw the fight in the third round and we’ll release your son. Soon as we have word that SHU has won the fight we’ll send you a text with an address to pick up your son. If the Punisher wins the fight, if he doesn’t throw the fight in the third round we’ll send you a text telling you where you can pick up his body. Have I made myself clear?”

  “What did they say?” Jamarcus asks.

  “Jake has to throw the fight in the third round!”

  “What? That’s what they want? No money, just Jake has to throw the fight?”

  “That’s it.”

  Jamarcus takes out his cell phone. “I’ll call Jake and tell him what he as to do. He’ll do it. No way in hell he’ll risk your son’s life.”

  “You think so? I mean, if he throws the fight won’t he get in big trouble?”

  “I’m sure he can make it look natural. Crazy things happen in these fights. The real risk here is that he could accidently win even if he tries to lose.”

  He grows silent for a few seconds then starts talking. “Jake it’s me. Diego’s been taken and the ransom is you gotta throw the fight in the third round. Throw the fight in the third round Jake. If you get this call me so I know you’re on board.”

  “Oh my god…what if he doesn’t get the message?”

  Jamarcus looks at his watch. “His fight is going to start in…say 75 minutes and then you have fifteen more minutes for him to do the deed. That’s 100 minutes to get ahold of Jake and tell him to throw the fight. No problem. Let’s go back to the arena and I’ll go tell him myself.”

  We waste another precious twenty-three minutes going back to the arena and letting Jake off by the door he came out of earlier. I watch as he goes up to the door praying that he can get to Jake and that Jake will do it. Jamarcus runs up to the door and yanks on the handle. To my horror the door is locked. Jamarcus yanks on it a c
ouple times then starts pounding on the door. I roll down my window.

  “What’s wrong?” I scream.

  “It’s okay!” He shouts. “I’ll go to another door. One of these doors has to be open.”

  I sit in the driver’s seat literally vibrating with nervous energy. I can’t believe this is happening to me. And Diego must be terrified! After a couple minutes I open the door and get out and start burning a path around the car. On about my tenth revolution Jamarcus comes running back.

  “I can’t get in.” He tells me. “I can’t believe it but I can’t get in. It’s too close to the fight time so the doors are locked.”

  “Can’t you kick the door in or something?” I ask. “Or wait, I brought my gun. I can shoot the lock.”

  “The doors are far too thick to kick in and shooting the lock only works in the movies.”

  “Then what do we do?” I ask.

  “We either find your son or we stay here pounding on doors until someone happens by and lets us in. Problem is the doors are all at the end of long hallways so no one can hear you.”

  “Did you try calling him again?”

  “Left five messages but I’m sure his phone is in his locker or something and he’s off somewhere getting warmed up.”

  “My son’s going to die Jamarcus. He’s going to die.” I finally break down and start crying after that last declaration.

  I just collapse in the back seat of the rental and cry my eyes out. I went through the death of one child and I don’t have it in me to go through the death of my remaining child. Why does life have to be so damn unfair?

  “Let me think for a minute.” Jamarcus replies as he collapses in the seat next to me.

  “Well don’t waist them, we’ve only got a few left.”

  One thing I do know is that the longer I sit here doing nothing the more paralyzing my fear becomes. Because I can’t think of anything else to do I set the timer on my watch to count down from seventy-two, which is my remaining time, to zero which is when round three will finally be over.


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