Aftereffect (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 1)

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Aftereffect (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 1) Page 30

by T. L Hodel

  Logan shot me a smirk and winked. “My pleasure.”

  Cocky bastard.

  They didn’t give me anytime to think about it. Micha growled and pressed in letting me feel his hard cock, while Logan’s jutted out hard and proud. His dick was longer, but not as thick. I licked my lips and swallowed. Both of them were big. Could I even do this?

  “Nervous yet, sis?” Logan asked, ripping a foil packet open with his teeth, and rolling the condom along his shaft.

  “No,” I lied.

  “Hurry the fuck up,” Micha growled, yanking my head back so he could claim my lips. “I need to fuck her now.”

  Logan lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and the three of us shifted. Micha’s lips never left mine, nor did his fingers. He continued to scissor in and out, stretching my tight hole, as Logan sat down on the tattoo bed, and pulled me to straddle him. The thick head of his cock pressed against my entrance, making my pussy squeeze.

  I gasped in Micha’s mouth when he sunk into me in one thrust.

  “Fuck,” Logan groaned, pulling my lips away from Micha and taking them for himself.

  “You need to relax baby.” Micha squeezed my ass and pulled my cheeks apart.

  The second I felt something impossibly large press against my back hole, I shot up.

  No fucking way!

  Micha simply pushed down on my back, pressing my chest into Logan’s. With a grunt, he forced his way past my tight muscles. Tears sprang from my eyes, as a burn unlike any I’d felt shook my thighs.

  “Hey,” Logan said, cupping my face and resting my forehead on his. “Look at me. Look in my eyes, and just breathe.”

  I tried to listen to him. I stared into those deep green depths and tried forget about the pain. Every time Micha inched forward, I winced, which caused Logan’s dick to twitch inside me. Almost as if he liked this. Enjoyed my pain. His face twisted in pleasure, while mine twisted in pain.

  “Do you . . . Are you enjoying this?”

  “Pain gets me hard, sis.” Logan said with a smile. “But don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. Micha would kill me if I did.”

  Micha’s fingers were just above Logan’s and tightened around my hips. “You bet your fucking ass I will,” he growled, and forced another inch inside me.

  I gritted my teeth and asked, “You like pain?”

  Logan nodded.

  “Then use it.” I winced. “Fuck me, please.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. Logan lifted my hips, sliding out of me, only to slam back in. Fucking me hard and fast.

  It was a weird concoction. Pain and pleasure. My body wasn’t sure what to do. Roll my hips and fuck Logan back, or rock back into Micha. Because despite the pain, I needed to feel him. I ended up doing both and soon pain was out weighed by the pleasurable sensation of them moving inside me, filling me in a way I didn’t know was possible.

  “Oh God.” I moaned, arching back into Micha, while Logan wrapped his mouth around my tight nipple.

  “Fuck, Mouse,” Micha wrapped his hand around my neck and drug his tongue up my cheek. “I love your tight little ass.”

  They slid in and out. One filled me up, when the other pulled away. Sparks of extasy shot though me, spreading from the tips of my toes, to the top of my head. Logan groaned and Micha grunted. It was dirty, wrong, and utterly perfect.

  I went first. My body bowed and muscles seizing as the most intense orgasm I’d experienced, rocked through me. Logan was next, slamming up into me with a grunt. Follow by Micha, who growled and bit down on my shoulder.

  Afterward we lay there spent, in a content heap of sweat and panting breaths. That is until Logan chuckled.

  “If Mom and Dad could see us now.”

  I groaned and slapped his chest.

  “Asshole,” Micha muttered and slowly slid out of me, making me wince.

  “Way to ruin the moment,” I said and jumped down to find my clothes.

  I had my shirt and panties on when a thought occurred to me.

  “You’re not going to be mad at me for this later, are you?” I asked, looking up at Micha, who was holding my jeans out for me.

  “No.” He wrapped his arms tightly around me and placed a tender kiss on my forehead. “I wanted it as much as you did. Did you like it?”

  “Did you?”

  “If he was anyone else, I’d have killed him.” His hard glare turned on Logan, who was busy pulling up his jeans. “Still might.”

  Nestled up against Micha’s warm chest, breathing in his intoxicating scent, I realized that Mason was right. I did love him. Yes he was cruel, and unrepentant. He’d never be sorry for what he did to me, but he’d also never let anyone hurt me. Because I was his. Always had been.

  I had to tell him about The Piper.


  A couple of soft clicks stopped me dead. We all turned and looked at Tanner, who was holding two guns, cocked and aimed at the guys.

  “You boys done fucked up.”

  Micha immediately pushed me behind his back, shielding me with his body. While it was a sweet gesture, I was probably the only thing standing between him and a bullet. Logan, however, seemed completely unphased by the threat of impending death.

  He casually slipped his shirt over his head and said, “Hey, Tanner.”

  “Who the fuck is this guy,” Micha growled loudly and passed me my jeans, which I quickly put on.

  “That’s just Tanner,” I said, trying to slip out from behind him, but I’d take a step and he’d push me back. “For the love of God,” I grumbled, “he’s not going to shoot me.”

  “He’s got a fucking gun.” Micha barked out angrily. “That’s good enough for me.”

  “Her you don’t have to worry about.” Tanner said, confirming my statement, “You on the other hand . . .”

  “How’d you know?” Logan asked looking around. “What, do you have cameras in this place?”

  “I live upstairs, dickhead.”

  I groaned and pressed my face into Micha’s back. Tanner probably heard everything.

  “I told you what would happen if you touched her.” I assumed he was talking to Logan. I couldn’t tell, because I couldn’t friggin see.

  “Yeah, yeah. You’re gonna cut my dick off,” Logan sang. “She started it by the way.”

  “That’s because he tainted her.”

  “Jealous?” Micha responded smugly.

  Yup, it was definitely time to defuse this situation.

  “He didn’t taint me, Tanner. Micha’s my boyfriend.” I snarled, managing to slip past Micha to face Tanner. “And if you hurt him, I swear to God, I’ll tell every girl that walks in here that you have syphilis.”

  “Aw, come on, baby girl. That’s just playing dirty.”

  “Well, I did learn from the best.”

  He looked at me and the guys, and then sighed. “Fine.” He dropped his arms, and holstered the guns. “But if he hurts you, I’m putting a bullet between his eyes.”

  “That’s fair.”

  Micha grumbled behind me, and I smirked.

  “And I’m telling Chase,” Tanner added, and spun around.

  “What! No!” I shrieked, running after him.

  Thankfully, I managed to catch him and convinced him not to tell Chase. Tanner was bad enough. If Chase found out, one of two things would happen. Micha would disappear, or I’d end up locked in the basement until I was thirty.

  Tanner left and I cleaned up while the guys took their sweet time getting dressed. By the time they came around the corner, I had everything but the front door locked up. Neither one looked too impressed when they came out from the back.

  Logan wouldn’t even look at me. He just said, “See you at my house.” to Micha and walked out.

  “Ready to go.” I asked, smiling up at Micha.

  He coldly glared down at me.

  “Forgot your phone,” he said, tossing it to me, before marching out the door.

  What crawled up his butt?

sp; Chapter Thirty-Four


  Betrayal stings like a bitch. It burns its way down your throat and rots your insides out. The festering cesspool inside me started the day my mother tried to drag me and my brother to hell with her. I lived in that pit. Reveled in the dark abyss of my dead heart for so long I didn’t even notice it was beating again. My mouse had breathed life back into me. Life that was tramped down the second I read the text message that came in on her phone.

  The Piper: Have you got what I asked for?

  Not only did she name the contact, but she didn’t erase the message history properly. All a person had to do to read deleted texts was know where to look, which I did. Ryker wanted my fingerprint and key, meaning he wanted access to the Order. When he died, my father took him out of the system. The only thing he couldn’t remove was the tattoo, and Ryker had that covered. I might’ve done the same thing in Riley’s shoes. Only difference is, I would’ve pulled that knife across my throat.

  I didn’t think she could get anymore perfect, and then she started that shit with Logan. She didn’t want to fuck him because she fell for his shit or thought he was attractive. It was the pain inside him. She wanted to heal him, and maybe I did too. I’d do anything to take away his nightmare past. When her eyes met mine, silently seeking permission, my heart damn near burst out of my chest. I could picture a future with her. Marriage, kids, and not just out of reproductive obligations. An actual happy family. But it was all just a play. She was only bidding her time until she could strike back.

  Touché, Mouse, touché.

  Unfortunately, this was chess, and she’d merely moved her pawn in check. Problem was, I couldn’t make myself do what I should. I wanted to wrap my hands around her pretty little neck, and strangle the life out of her. At least then I wouldn’t have to feel this goddamn ache in the pit of my stomach. Wouldn’t have to worry about losing her, because I’d be the one to take her away, and this shit would be over.

  But what did I do when we got to Logan’s? Nothing. We walked in the house, Riley turned those sapphire eyes my way, and I just stood there. Let her walk up the stairs without doing a motherfucking thing. Why? Because as much as I hated her, I still fucking wanted her.


  Mase walked in the kitchen and slapped his hand on my back. “You look like you need a drink.”

  “Got one right here,” I said, holding up the beer in my hand.

  “Party?” Logan asked. He knew the reason for my mood. He read the messages with me. Though he was more scared for Riley than pissed. But she wasn’t betraying him. “Derek took Mom out of town for the weekend, so we got the house to ourselves.”

  I shrugged. Why the fuck not? I was already well into my third drink.

  Logan pulled out his phone and walked away, making calls to set shit up.

  “You think Riley dances?” Mason sighed longingly. “I’ve been starting at that ass all day and I’d love to see it shaking around.”

  Great, now I was thinking about it. Her hips swaying as she ground against me. My fist tightened around the glass neck, and I quickly swallowed the rest of my beer, washing away the images with the bubbles gliding down my throat.

  “No offence bro but I’d tap that shit in a hot minute.”

  “You want her?” I said, grabbing another beer out the fridge and twisting the top off. “She’s all fucking yours.” I marched past my brother and slipped out the patio doors to the pool. “Have fucking fun.”

  An hour later, the party was in full swing. ‘Teeth’ by 5 Seconds of Summer blared from in the house. A couple groups were spread out pool side while a few others splashed in the water. My eyes landed on Mase, who was sitting by the fire with a blonde in his lap. Silas was on the other side of the fire, looking as bored as I was.

  Across the pool, under a canopy of string lights, Parker was engaged in an active game of beer pong with Ivy and Dunkin. He’d probably have both of them in bed by the end of the night. Though based on the way Dunkin had his arm around Ivy, it’d take some convincing to get him on his knees. Parker would do it though. It was amazing what people were willing to do once you got a few drinks in them. Speaking of drinks . . .

  I looked in my cup and frowned.

  “Here,” Logan said, holding out a fresh drink.

  My fucking savior.

  I tossed the empty solo cup, and took the full one.

  “You gonna to tell me what’s up?” He flopped down on the chair beside me.

  I brought the cup to my mouth and swallowed half the contents. This wasn’t beer, it was real alcohol burning my throat on the way down. Just what I need.

  “Mase said you gave him the go ahead to bang Riley?”

  I rolled my eyes Logan’s way, and sighed.

  Can’t a guy drink in peace?

  “She really pissed you off huh?”

  “Nope,” I said, sloshing my cup in his direction. “Don’t give a fuck.”

  “Uh huh?” Logan hummed. “Is that why you’re out here watching Mase, because you don’t give a fuck?”

  I glared over at my brother and gritted my teeth. “He can do whatever the fuck he wants.”

  “So, I can fuck her again?”

  “Go for it,” I growled, gulping down the rest of my drink and crunching the empty cup in my fist, rather than punching my best friend.

  Logan flopped his head back on the chair and said, “When I walked past her room earlier, I heard her crying.”

  My eyes snapped over to him. Why the fuck was she crying?

  “I think she thinks you hate her because of what happened.”

  It was so fucking hot watching her touch Logan. The thought of her crying over it made my chest ache. It also made me hate her more because fuck her for ever making me feel this way.

  “So?” I sighed, scrubbing a hand down my face. “Why the fuck should I care?”

  “Look, I get that you’re pissed, but you know my dad.” Logan’s green eyes rolled my way. “He’d have gotten Riley to cooperate one way or another. If anything, she bought herself some time.”

  Couldn’t argue that. When Paisley’s family wouldn’t sign the contract, he killed every single man, woman, and child, until she was all that was left.

  “She could’ve told me about it.”

  “Would you have?”

  I wasn’t nearly drunk enough for this conversation. I pushed myself up off the chair, which was harder than it should’ve been, and grumbled, “Doesn’t matter.” Then I made my way to the house.

  I wanted was a stiff drink, not a fucking heart to heart. Pushing a few assholes out of my way, I made my way to the cupboard above the fridge – that’s where Rosy hid the premium shit. She’d kick my ass if she saw me drinking like this. Her husband lost his life trying to break up a fight I started, but fuck it, right?


  When I turned around, I was met with Riley’s stormy eyes, red rimmed from shed tears. Logan was right, she had been crying.


  “What do you want?” I said, pouring myself a glass of scotch.

  “Can we talk?”

  Her big blue eyes met mine, and I felt my breath hitch. My hands itched to touch her, and I couldn’t stop myself from breathing in her sweet coconut scent.

  Fuck my life.

  “I don’t see what we have to talk about.” My dick didn’t agree. It wanted to talk all night long.

  Guilt flashed across her face. “I need to tell you something.”

  “I’ve got a better idea.” I bent over the counter. Fuck, she smelled good. I ran the tip of my nose up her neck and whispered, “Why don’t you come over here and suck my dick.”

  She reared back, eyes wide with shock.

  “No?” I frowned, looking at a brunette in the corner. She was a poor substitute for my mouse, but not bad. Decent ass and tits. “Guess I’ll have to find someone else then.”

  My plan was to lose myself in the brunette. Pussy was pussy, right? Riley stopped that when sh
e grabbed my arm.

  “Please, Micha, it’s important.”

  Maybe it was sheer morbid curiosity, that had me following her in an unoccupied room, because it sure as hell wasn’t the unshed tears shinning in her eyes. I wanted those to fall. At least that’s what I told myself.

  I gritted my teeth at the large desk and filled bookshelves. Did she have to pick Ryker’s old office? I swear she was trying to punish me.

  “What the fuck was so important that you had to drag me away from a party?” I growled, running my hand over the smooth oak desk.

  “You don’t strike me as much of a partier.”

  I’m not, but there’s alcohol out there, and you’re in here.

  “What do you want Riley?” I sighed and, stared at a painting on the wall, pulling my eyes over the white sails of boat in the raging water. It was easier than looking at her.

  “I think someone’s trying to hurt you.”

  I snorted.

  Too late for that, Mouse.

  “I don’t know who he is. He calls himself The Piper.”

  I spun around, brows knit together. Was this a trick?

  “How’d you meet him?”

  “He messaged me one day, saying he could help me get out of the contract.”

  “And you accepted?” I folded my arms across my chest, and leaned back against the desk.

  She nodded and shifted her guilty eyes away. “I didn’t give him anything though.”

  At first, I thought maybe Riley knew that I knew, until she passed me her phone, explaining that she’d erased most of the messages, but he sent one tonight. She even gave me the key mold she hadn’t used yet and glass with my fingerprints.

  “I’m sorry. I know you hate me for what happened with Logan,” she whispered in a cracked voice, “but I thought you should know.”

  Every fiber of my being wanted to grab her. Wipe away her tears, and tell her I wanted what happened as much as she did. Instead, I gazed down at the stuff she’d given me and said, “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I think I love you.”

  My heart jumped. “What?”


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