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By the Light of the Scottish Moon - Unrated (My Kilted Wolf, #1)

Page 5

by Red Phoenix

“Nor I.” His eyes glowed with an inner light that drew her in and held her captive. He explained huskily as he leaned closer, “I’ve heard when ye find yer true mate it’s like this.”

  “True mate?”

  He kissed her again, groaning the moment their lips made contact. This time when he pulled away his eyes shone with a possessive need that was intoxicating. She’d never felt so cherished or desired by another.

  “I spent my youth growing up with fairytales of it,” he explained. “The story goes that a wolf knows the moment he meets his true mate because the connection is instantaneous and unbreakable. However, I’ve never felt that with anyone, not even ye—until now.”

  She looked at him, her mouth open in blind admiration. “I can’t stop staring. I can’t get enough of your kisses, your touches. I. Need. More.”

  He cocked his head. “What a compelling craving I feel fer ye. I can smell it on ye, I taste it in yer kisses, I feel it in yer touch. Yer meant to be mine.”

  She touched his chest just to feel the thrill of the connection. “The Moon brought us together using my visions, Bryn. It was meant to be.”

  “Aye, I suppose yer right. The Moon brought ye to me in human form, but it took the Athrú fer me to finally recognize her gift.” Bryn took her hand, guiding it over his naked body. Both were entranced by the fiery power of the contact.

  “Kiss me again,” she pleaded.

  Bryn swooped down and plundered her mouth. Even his kisses were different than any she’d experienced. His tongue was alive with electricity as he teased her lips and skimmed the ridges of her teeth before exploring her mouth.

  She had to pull back, the feeling too intense. “You make me lightheaded.”

  He chuckled, laying her head back on the pillow. “I need to remember you’ve just completed the Athrú.” He growled in frustration, abruptly moving away from her. “The first order of business is to introduce ye to the pack so that we can officially become Everlasting. I will not touch ye again until the ceremony. It seems I have zero restraint.”

  Bryn opened the window and threw back the shutters, howling at the Moon in his human form. It was a glorious, emotionally uplifting cry. He turned back to her, his naked body outlined by the pale caress of the moon. He stared at her lustfully. “Yes, I need to stay far away from ye until then.”

  He ignored his own declaration, striding back to her. As he lay down beside her again, she took in his masculine form. Her eyes picked up every ridge and muscle, every bump and individual hair. Bryn was an undiscovered continent ripe for exploration.

  She ran her hand lightly over his pecs, thrilled at the electrical current it caused as her fingers ran through his thick chest hair. Her wolf was well-built. His tight, defined muscles were made for fighting and defending his pack, not pumping iron like the men she knew. As her hands glided over them in wonderment, she felt the rawness of their power.

  Freya allowed her hand to travel lower as she stared openly at his naked shaft. It was unlike any she had seen, long, smooth and thinner than most. When she tentatively touched it, his cock sprang to life as if it had a will of its own. She looked up at Bryn and smiled nervously.

  The look on his face made her heart skip a beat. He wanted her… he wanted her in the worst way.

  Freya shivered, physically responding to his animal need. When she reached out to touch him again, he commanded in a low growl, “Dinnae.”

  His warning both frightened and excited her. She smiled coyly at him, asking, “Why not?” as she moved to caress his manhood.

  Bryn grabbed her wrist to stop her. “Making love to one of The Chosen is not the same.”

  She was intrigued and gazed at his shaft. “How is it different?”

  “I will guide you through it after our Everlasting.”

  When her fingers headed southward, his tone became deadly serious. “Freya, you can touch me anywhere but there.”

  It almost sounded like a challenge, but she chose to honor his request. She realized this was the perfect opportunity to survey the scars on his back. “Fine, since I find your shaft too much of a temptation, you’ll need to lie on your stomach.”

  Although Bryn was reluctant, he rolled over, folding his arms to support his head as he looked back to watch her.

  Freya kept her expression relaxed knowing his eyes were on her as she scanned the wounds on his back up close. They were far more extensive and deep than she’d imagined. Truly, it was a miracle he’d survived the vicious attack. Looking at the extent of his injuries, she had more appreciation for the violence he had endured—that his whole family had endured.

  She shuddered at the thought of it.

  “Hideous, I kin.” He laughed bitterly. “I’m a monster among monsters.”

  She lightly traced one of the lesser scars with her finger. “No, Bryn. They are a testament to your courage and loyalty.”

  “How does it feel to find how cruel Mistress is to partner you with one such as I?” he joked.

  Freya’s heart ached hearing the pain in his voice. She curled up beside him, laying her head down beside his so she could stare into his eyes. “I am to be mated to the Ceannard. I would say I am very blessed indeed.”

  He snorted. “Ye’ll soon know differently.”

  Freya brushed the hair out of his eyes. “What I know is that the Moon saw fit to bring us together.”

  He breathed in her smell, pulling her to him. “As good as this feels right now, the road ahead will not be easy. I’ve broken the law. As Ceannard, there will be a heavy price to be paid.”

  Freya snuggled closer to him. “Whatever the price, I don’t regret this. To find my true mate—to know the power of this connection—is worth any price.”

  He kissed her again, running his hands through her hair, sending delicious chills down her spine. She got lost in his kiss, her spirit mingling with his. Bryn grunted, forcing himself away but staring at her hungrily.

  “I never believed in finding one’s true mate, it was simply a fanciful tale.”

  “Like fairies and dragons?” she teased.

  Bryn smiled, leaning down to growl in her ear. “Nae, Freya. Dragons are real.”

  She caught her breath. Dragons?

  Freya couldn’t believe that through her death she had been reborn into a completely new life. A life full of mystical charm and dangerous allure, one she was ready and eager to discover at Bryn’s side. This wondrous gift she’d been given was beyond price.

  “Bryn, I need to get up.”

  “No, Freya, rest.”

  She pointed to the window. “Please,” she asked, silently begging him with her eyes.

  “I cannae say no to those puppy dog eyes,” he complained, holding out his hand to her. Bryn supported her as she made her way to the window on wobbly legs. He opened the shutters wide.

  Freya stared up at the glorious Moon and howled for the very first time. It was the sound of pure joy and gratitude.

  Pleasant chills coursed through her when Bryn joined in her song…

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  Preview of the exciting Sequel


  “Stand before the assembly, Ceannard.”

  “No!” Freya cried, running towards Bryn. Strong hands grabbed her, holding her in place as Bryn willingly approached Kade and turned towards his clan.

  Kade stated formally, “Ye stand before yer pack in shame.”

  The entire pack howled in anger.

  “I stand before ye guilty of performing the Athrú,” Bryn said clearly, correcting him.

  The group snarled in answer, the building hostility no longer directed at Freya, but at him. “Justice!” they howled in unison.

  Kade raised his hands to the Moon. “Mistress, ye have been dishonored by the very leader of our people. What is thy punishment?”

  The assembly suddenly became silent as they waited for the verdict. Freya looked at Bryn and then at
Kade in growing terror. Would they kill him for having saved her? Her stomach twisted when Kade nodded his head slowly, as if he had heard directly from the Moon herself.

  He turned to Bryn. “It has been decided. Strip before the assembly.”

  “No!” Freya wailed. “He did it for me.”

  Kade glared at her, explaining to her as if she were a child, “The Ceannard knows the law. No human shall be honored with the Athrú unless there is agreement among the pack.”

  “Then if anyone should be punished, it should be me,” Freya pleaded. “I was the one who begged him to save my life.”

  Kade’s eyes narrowed as he growled, “How dare ye assume ye have any power over the Ceannard.”


  “Enough!” Bryn barked. He spoke directly to his people. “I did this of my own free will, and understood there would be a consequence.”

  “So be it,” Kade announced.

  Bryn nodded towards Freya. “She is not to be harmed.”

  Tavin spoke up, moving beside her. “No harm will come to her, Ceannard.”

  Kade turned to Freya. “We accept ye into the pack because ye are now one of us, but this can never happen again. Our Ceannard betrayed our trust and must atone fer it.”

  Freya watched in horror as Bryn stripped before them, his eyes locked on her.

  “Turn and face the Sacred Tree,” Kade commanded.

  Bryn nodded to Freya, willing her to be strong, before turning around and putting his hands against the huge trunk as support.

  Kade reminded the pack, “We cannot allow the desires of one to jeopardize the needs of the many. We learned that lesson well from our former Ceannard. The Chosen are doomed if we do not abide by the law,”

  Freya struggled against those who held her, screaming through her tears as Kade transformed into wolf form while the entire pack silently stood by and watched…

  You can find Red on:

  Twitter: @redphoenix69


  Facebook: Red Phoenix

  If you love their romantic tale, please check out my other paranormal works:

  Red Phoenix is the author of:

  Paranormal Erotic Romances

  His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Scottish Dom—A sexy Dom escapes to Scotland in the late 1400s. He encounters a waif who has the potential to free him from his tragic curse)

  (Novellas and Novelettes available as eBooks)

  Varick: The Reckoning

  (Savory Vampire—A dark, sexy vampire story. The hero navigates the dangerous world he has been thrust into with lusty passion and a pure heart)

  Keeper of the Wolf Clan (Keeper of Wolves, #1)

  (Sexual Secrets—A virginal werewolf must act as the clan’s mysterious Keeper)

  The Keeper Finds Her Mate (Keeper of Wolves, #2)

  (Second Chances—A young she-wolf must choose between old ties or new beginnings)

  Other Delicious Erotic Romances by Red Phoenix

  Brie Learns the Art of Submission

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Submissive Exploration—A young woman enters a world of new experiences when she enrolls in the Submissive Training Center)

  Brie Embraces the Heart of Submission

  * Available in eBook and Paperback

  (Submission of the Heart—After being collared, Brie learns that submission is sexier and more challenging than she’d ever imagined)

  Blissfully Undone

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Snowy Fun—Two people find themselves snowbound in a cabin where hidden love can flourish, taking one couple on a sensual journey into ménage à trois)

  Sensual Erotica: The Erotic Love Story of Amy and Troy

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Sexual Adventures—True love reigns, but fate continually throws Troy and Amy into the arms of others)


  Socrates Inspires Cherry to Blossom

  (Satisfying Surrender—a mature and curvaceous woman becomes fascinated by an online Dom who has much to teach her)

  In 9 Days

  (Sweet Romance—A young girl falls in love with the new student, nicknamed ‘the Freak’)

  9 Days and Counting

  (Sacrificial Love—The sequel to In 9 Days delves into the emotional reunion of two longtime lovers)

  And Then He Saved Me

  (Saving Tenderness—When a young girl tries to kill herself, a man of great character intervenes with a love that heals)

  Play With Me at Noon

  (Seeking Fulfillment—A desperate wife lives out her fantasies by taking five different men in five days)

  Yes it is true!

  The New Brie Series Begins…

  Submissive in Love:

  #1 Brie’s Tokyo Tryst

  #2 Brie’s Denver Desires

  #3 Brie’s Christmas Pearls

  A Sneak Peek into Red’s other paranormal works!

  Keeper of the Wolf Clan

  Keeper of Wolves, #1

  By Red Phoenix

  (Sexual Secrets—A virginal werewolf must act as the clan’s mysterious Keeper)

  Exclusive Excerpt

  Her time was drawing near…

  Her insides twisted in fear as she walked into the center of the village. The entire clan stood up when she arrived. During the Bonding Ritual, the clan would eat, drink and celebrate loudly. Layla knew this because every full moon she had joined her clansmen in the joyous revelry. She’d never given thought to what was happening to her mother after Mika left with the four Alphas. After several hours of celebration, a lone wolf would howl in the night. It was the signal for the clan to join the five at the Sacred Hill. They would spread flower petals on the Keeper in thanks for her supporting the bond between the Alpha males.

  Now Layla would be the one to walk away with the four, away from the party and the safety of her friends and her father. It didn’t seem real.

  She was led to the table where the four Alpha leaders sat. Layla sat down in the honorary seat in the middle of the four, beside Maska and Etan. Maska took her hand and kissed it tenderly. “Welcome, Keeper. We are honored to have you with us tonight.”

  Layla trembled inside at the intimate gesture, still hoping that he might be the one to take her tonight. She sat down and looked to her left. Etan actually blushed when she caught his eye. “You look lovely,” he mumbled and then quickly looked away. Layla wondered now if it was going to be Etan who would claim her virginity. He’d never been bashful around her before or called her “lovely”. The thought scared her, but Layla knew he would be gentle—as gentle as he could be for as big as he was.

  Layla looked further down the table and saw Amira. He stared back at her with intensity. She could tell the Alpha was contemplating whether she was capable of performing her duty. The expression on his face made her think he was unsure, but he gave her an encouraging smile and went back to his food.

  That left only one man, the one to the right of Maska. As much as Layla didn’t want to look, her curiosity got the best of her. She tried to sneak a peek without being caught, but Valen was staring straight at her—right into her soul with those hateful green eyes. She quickly glanced down at her dinner bowl. It was full of succulent meat, but there was no way she could eat. Instead, Layla grabbed the cup of spirits in front of her. She took a tentative taste and nearly spat it out. It was bitter and burned like fire down her throat.

  Maska smiled and held up his glass. “It’ll help with the evening if you partake, Keeper.” He took a long gulp and burped afterwards. Layla shook her head. Maska was crass, but in a charming way. She took another sip and was glad that it went down easier. He winked at her.

  Etan picked up his cup and the three drank in unison. The fire traveled straight to her groin. Soon the area between her legs was tingling. Layla giggled when she took another sip and found she was all out. She looke
d around, hoping someone would refill it.

  Maska laughed and whispered in her ear, “You only get one, my dear. You must be able to perform your duties and I think one more glass would take you out.”

  Layla pouted. The spirits relaxed her and made her body feel good, real good. Just a little more and she would be able to face anything, even Valen. She looked down the line again and stuck her tongue out at him.

  Etan’s hand wrapped around her wrist in a flash. “No, Keeper. At all times you must be respectful and dignified. What would your mother think?”

  His words filled her with shame. Mika had always taken the role of Keeper seriously and would not have approved of her behavior. “I’m sorry, Etan,” she said in a hushed tone.

  “I know you won’t let it happened again,” he said, just like a parent. She glanced up, looking for forgiveness. He smiled down at her with that big grin and bushy beard, but she couldn’t miss the look of lust in his eye. Her heart skipped a beat. He was definitely going to be the one.

  When the full moon crested the horizon, the four stood up. It was their cue for the Bonding Ritual to begin. Layla suddenly felt weak, her heart threatening to pound out of her chest. She stood up, bracing herself against the chair. Valen walked over and offered his hand. She wanted to spit in his face, but Layla took it and allowed herself to be led away.

  The Keeper Finds Her Mate

  Keeper of Wolves, #2

  By Red Phoenix

  (Second Chances—A young she-wolf must choose between old ties or new beginnings)

  Exclusive Excerpt

  He was only a few winters old, beaten and scorned for being born an abomination. His people wanted him dead. Even at his tender age, he was aware of that. He’d seen his parents hacked to death before his eyes in retribution for their abhorrent behavior.

  If it hadn’t been for the old man, he would have shared their fate.

  Instead he was passed from clan to clan as a scorned slave until he chanced into a clan that appreciated his unique heritage. He still lived as an outsider, never fitting into their community, but no longer abused. He was not one of them, but was raised with the knowledge and assurance that he was needed by the pack.


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