Lasses, Lords, and Lovers: A Medieval Romance Bundle

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Lasses, Lords, and Lovers: A Medieval Romance Bundle Page 7

by Kathryn Le Veque

  The first sight that greeted him was Joselyn, heading towards him from the east side of the room. She was dressed in the cranberry wool, her luscious figure emphasized by the cut of the garment. Her dark hair was pulled away from her face and the pale blue eyes were brilliant. Stephen watched her with appreciation as she smiled and curtsied politely.

  “Welcome home, my lord,” she said, glancing to de Lara and bobbing another curtsy. “Lord de Lara.”

  Tate acknowledged the lovely woman, grinning at Stephen when the man turned to look at him as if to reaffirm the fact that he had married a truly beautiful lady. Removing his helm, de Lara scratched his head and, still grinning, moved off towards the dais where a huge table of food was spread out.

  Stephen didn’t notice that Tate had left; he was entirely focused on his wife. She looked absolutely radiant, a far cry from the cold and dirty creature he had met last night. Sleep, new clothing and an improving relationship with her new husband had worked wonders. He could hardly believe it was the same woman.

  Joselyn gazed up at him, feeling the intensity of his stare as if he had reached out and grabbed her. Her cheeks flushed a delightful shade of pink.

  “I hope the meal pleases you,” she said, sweeping her arm in the direction of the table. “There were virtually no provisions left at the castle and we only had what your men brought in since yesterday.”

  Stephen knew that the city of Berwick, including the castle, had basically been starved out during the siege but he made no reference to it. He didn’t want to dampen the mood and there was no point in reiterating what they both knew. So he took her gently by the elbow and escorted her to the heavily-laden table.

  “The fare looks quite generous, my lady,” he reassured her.

  In fact, he was quite surprised to see all of the food. There were dishes everywhere, things he didn’t even recognize. But he remembered that during that unpleasant encounter last night she had told him that the nuns of Jedburgh had taught her the art of cooking. He had no idea what she meant until this moment. He gestured at the table, somewhat in awe.

  “Good Christ,” he couldn’t help the soft exclamation. “Did you do all of this?”

  She nodded, somewhat modestly. “Your men brought flour, salt, bags of dried currants and apricots, wine, a few jars of honey, bags of nuts, and slabs of mutton and pork. I did what I could with it.”

  He looked at her, stunned. “Surely you had help.”

  She shrugged, reaching down for a wooden plate filled with something gooey and sweet-looking. “There were two women that aided me. Berwick has no cook, so the servants take turns.” She lifted the plate. “These are sweet cakes with apricots, nuts and honey. Would you try one?”

  He just stared at her. Then, he reached for one of the pastries, realized he had his mail gloves on and paused to rip them both off, tossing them to the bench. He then took one of the pastries and put the entire thing in his mouth. Joselyn watched with trepidation as he chewed a couple of times, stopped, and then resumed at a slower pace.

  “Is… is it not to your liking?” she asked timidly.

  Stephen chewed a few more times before swallowing. He licked his lips and looked at her. “Lady, that was by far the most marvelous thing I have ever eaten and if you let anyone else have one, I shall be sorely disappointed. I would have them all for myself.”

  She grinned brightly and he returned her smile, adding a bold wink with it. In truth, the little cake had been luscious. He gestured at the rest of the table. “What else do we have that is decadent and wonderful?”

  Everything was. She had cooked the pork in honey, the mutton in rich gravy, and had a variety of completely fattening breads about the table. The only vegetable they had were carrots, which she had boiled in honey and cloves, the only manner of spice that they had. They were exquisite. Stephen sat down next to his wife and ate until he could hardly move. Even then, there was still more food on the table and he continued to try everything put before him. As the night wore on and de Lara joined them, Stephen was so gorged that he was sure he would become ill.

  Tate was no better off. He, too, had eaten himself sick and he finally excused himself as the hour grew very late. As Stephen licked his fingers of the last of the apricot pastries, he watched de Lara wander away to sleep off his overindulgence. Joselyn sat next to her husband, her trencher licked clean of the pork she had stuffed herself with. When Stephen glanced at her, he caught her staring at him and he smiled.

  “Lady, if I had not already married you, I would have married you this instant based on the skill of that meal alone,” he said, watching her blush furiously. “Do you mean to tell me that the nuns at Jedburgh taught you to cook like this?”

  She shrugged modestly. “My tasks were mostly kitchen-related. One of the nuns was from Paris and she was a wonderful cook. I learned a great deal from her.”

  “No doubt,” he replied sincerely. “But tonight was a feast fit for a king and I did not, in fact, see Edward at all this eve.”

  “He was here earlier,” she told him. “I heard him tell some of his men that he would be leaving on the morrow.”

  Stephen scratched his black head wearily. “I see,” he muttered. “Then I must seek the man out before he leaves.”

  Joselyn watched him shove a last pastry into his mouth, hardly able to swallow it because he was so full. She laughed softly at him.

  “This will not be the last opportunity for you to eat pastries, my lord,” she told him. “I will make more, I promise.”

  He grinned at her, burped loudly, and then rose to his considerable height. “See that you do,” he commanded, but it was lightly done. “My lady, your culinary skill is beyond compare. I have never in my life had such a fine meal and I thank you deeply. I cannot help wonder if this was meant for a special occasion.”

  She stood up next to him, so petite against his considerable height that she only came to his diaphragm area. Her smile faded as she groped for words.

  “I suppose it is a special occasion,” she ventured. “I wanted to show my gratitude for what you have done for me and for my mother.” Her smile vanished as she looked up at him. “I said terrible things to you last night, my lord. I called you heartless and cold, and clearly that is not the case. What you did for my mother, and for me, goes beyond what I believed you capable of. I am very sorry that I said such horrid things. I hope that someday you will forgive the tongue of a scared, exhausted woman.”

  His blue eyes grew warm and a faint smile played on his lips. “There is no need to apologize,” he murmured. “I know it was a difficult night and I further know that I did not make it easier for you. War dictates my behavior, lady. Last night, we were still at war. Today, we are not.”

  She smiled gratefully. “You are too forgiving,” she said. “But I thank you just the same. I hope this meal was a worthy token of my gratitude for your kindness.”

  Stephen reached up and stroked her tender cheek; he couldn’t help himself. “It is more than worthy,” he said softly. “As are you.”

  Joselyn flushed brilliantly and he laughed softly. “You’re still unused to sweet words, are you?” he flirted gently.

  She shook her head vigorously and he continued to laugh, taking her by the hand and gently pulling her away from the table. Together, they made their way towards the great hall entry door.

  “Well, you had better become used to it,” he told her frankly. “I intend to speak a great many sweet words to you in the days and years to come. Would you like to hear more?”

  She was beside herself with embarrassment, but it was of a good sort. She had never in her life known any manner of flirting or interaction with a man, so her experience with such things was nil. Her cheeks were hot and she put her free hand on her face, looking away from him.

  “I do not think I can,” she said, muffled by her hand. “If my face grows any warmer I will go up in flame.”

  He laughed loudly. “I have not seen a woman go up in flame yet, no matter ho
w flattering the words,” he gazed up into the summer night sky, brilliant with stars. “Let me think. I suppose I could tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but I believe you already know that.”

  She shook her head, hand still against her face. “Nay, I do not.”

  He bent over, peering down at her and trying to look at her lowered face as they continued out into the darkened courtyard. The night outside was cool and clear in sharp contrast to the sultry day, bringing some relief from the cloying hall.

  “You do not?” he repeated, straightening. “A pity. Then I shall tell you, quite honestly, that your beauty outshines that of any woman I have ever known.”

  She peered up at him now that he was not trying to look her in the eye. “How many women have you known?”

  He looked down his nose at her. “Only two or three.”

  Now it was her turn to laugh at him. “I would not believe that in the least.”

  “You would not?”

  “Nay,” she said firmly. “Sir Stephen, I am not sure if you realize this, but you are an exceptionally handsome man. I cannot imagine that every woman you have ever come across has not realized that, which leads me to believe that you have known more than two or three woman in your life. You probably have armies of them that follow you around, begging for a lock of your hair or a glimpse of your smile. Am I wrong?”

  He suddenly grabbed her and pulled her tight against him, looking around frantically as if he was deeply fearful.

  “Dear God,” he breathed. “Now that you know my secret, will you protect me from these ravenous females?”

  She laughed. “Not a chance. You must fend them off for yourself.” He looked down at her as if she had just grievously insulted him. She would have believed it, too, had she not seen the smile playing on his lips.

  “You are my wife,” he reminded her pointedly. “It is your duty to protect me.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Oh, very well, you coward,” she pulled away from him, hands on her hips as she looked around the bailey. “Where are they? Well?”

  He just stood there and grinned at her. “I seem to have escaped them for now, but have no doubt, they will be back,” he reached out a hand to her. “Until then, shall we retire and hope for the best?”

  She laughed softly, placing her small hand in his and allowing him to lead her into the keep. Inside, it was dark and cold as they made their way up the spiral stairs to the second floor. There were two rooms on this floor; a smaller servant’s chamber and then a larger master’s chamber. Joselyn opened the door to the larger chamber and Stephen was surprised as he stepped inside.

  At some point while he had been away, she’d had the smaller bed removed and replaced by a larger bed with a rope frame. A mattress sat atop it and he pushed on it, feeling that it was firm with fresh straw. Several coverlets draped over the bed, clean from what he could see, and the room itself had been cleaned and swept free of all dirt and cobwebs. A warm fire burned in the hearth and he turned to look at her curiously.

  “Is this the same room you slept in last night?” he asked a question with an obvious answer, simply because it had been so nicely transformed.

  Joselyn nodded, smiling at his approval. “I had the smaller bed removed and replaced with a larger one that had been stored in another room,” she told him. “The same women who helped me with the cooking also helped me repair and re-stuff this mattress, and the coverlets were from a chest we found on the fourth floor of the keep. There is a room up there stuffed with all manner of items, things that the last occupant must have left behind. I had some of it brought to this room.”

  Stephen looked around to the table she had brought down with two fat tapers burning on top of it. There was a small chest under the lancet window and a pile of thick, pale linen atop the chest. He went over and fingered the material.

  “What is this?” he asked.

  She motioned to the canopy frame around the bed. “Curtains for the bed,” she replied. “They are old and need to be mended, but I believe they are serviceable.”

  He nodded, letting go of the material and inspecting the corner near the edge of the bed. There was a little pallet on the floor, surrounded by rushes. He pointed at it. “What is that?”

  She wandered over to see what he was pointing at. “That is for the fawn,” she said. “He was sleeping there this afternoon.”

  “Where is it now?”

  “In the kitchen with the servants. It is very warm in the kitchen and he seemed to like it better in there.”

  “So am I to understand that you now have a pet?”

  “If you do not mind.”

  He gave her a smirk as if it didn’t matter whether or not he minded. She was going to keep it anyway and he would let her.

  “I do not,” he replied, facing his wife with his hands on his hips. “You have done an exceptional job with both the meal and this room. I am impressed with your accomplishments and your foresight to duty.”

  She smiled happily. “Thank you, my lord.”

  “What did I tell you about addressing me in private?”

  “I meant, thank you, husband.”

  He winked at her. “Good,” he said with a heavy sigh as he made his way back to the door. “I have duties to attend to before I retire for the night, but I will be back. You will stay here and not leave this room. Is that understood?”

  She nodded. “I will not leave.”

  He moved to the door and she scooted past him, opening it for him. He smiled down at her, the cornflower blue eyes glittering with warmth.

  “Good eve, husband,” she said softly.

  His gaze was steady. “I shall return,” he replied. Then a hand came up, gently grasping her face. “Perhaps you will still be awake when I do.”

  She knew it was a request no matter how he phrased it. Her belly quivered with excitement, the heat of his touch sending waves of delight rippling through her body. It suddenly didn’t matter anymore that this man was an enemy, a stranger she had been forced to marry. He was proving himself to be an exceptional man regardless of his loyalties. She was coming to like him just the slightest. She smiled, her lips quivering because her body was quivering from the thrill of having him so near.

  “I will be awake all night,” she told him, “watching for the hordes of women who follow you around like a wolf pack. I told you I would fend them off, did I not?”

  He laughed softly and his other hand came up, cupping her lovely face between his two enormous palms. His smile faded as he gazed intently into her pale blue eyes.

  “You did indeed,” he murmured, somehow moving closer to her as he spoke. “I will hold you to that.”

  Not only was he moving closer to her, but she was moving closer to him as well. Joselyn didn’t realize that she was fairly collapsing against the man, his enormous height and bulk filling every corner of her mind. She could see his full lips looming over her and feel the heat from his hands as if he meant to scorch every inch of her. She couldn’t even think of a witty answer as he loomed closer still, his hot breath on her face.

  Before she realized it, his lips were on her soft mouth, gently kissing her with the very first real kiss she had ever experienced. She had never been kissed on the mouth, not even by her father or mother, and she froze for a moment, evaluating the feel of his powerful lips upon hers. But her lack of reaction lasted only a fraction of a second. Without thinking, her natural instincts took hold and she returned his kiss, tasting his lips and suckling him gently as he carefully probed her soft mouth. It was apparently all of the encouragement that Stephen needed, because before Joselyn realized it, he had wrapped his enormous arms around her slender body and had backed her up against the wall.

  She heard the door slam, unaware that Stephen had kicked it shut the moment his arms went around her. Her arms found their way around his neck and he lifted her up off the ground, bracing her against the wall as his tongue licked at her lips, demanding entry. Her mouth opene
d slightly and it was all the inducement he needed to invade her mouth, tasting her sweetness and gorging himself. Through it all, Joselyn held him tightly around the neck and mimicked his actions, passionate instincts she had never known taking hold. The more demanding he was with her, the more demanding she was in return.

  While one massive arm held her against the wall, one hand moved freely down her back and across her torso, acquainting himself with the feel of her. She was petite yet curvy, healthy in the right places, and it aroused him enormously. He remembered her naked body from the night before when she had stripped in front of him and he was not at all pressured to admit that his lust had the better of him. He had told Edward and Tate that he would wait until the time was right to consummate his marriage. He knew that the time was now. In any case, he was going to take the opportunity.

  But he was in battle armor, restricting him and no doubt biting into her although she’d not uttered a sound about it. Gently lowering her to the ground, he continued to kiss her as he used one hand to unlatch his armor. Joselyn, distracted from his probing mouth by the fact that he was no longer holding her close, pulled her swollen lips away from him to note what he was doing.

  “Would you like me to help you with that?” she asked breathlessly.

  Stephen could only nod. Quickly, silently, he unfastened the protection on his forearms, his breastplate, handing them over to Joselyn, who put them silently and efficiently into a neat pile against the wall. When it came to his mail, he held out his arms and she pulled it free. In little time, he was down to his tunic, heavy breeches and boots. He sat down on the bed and pulled his boots off, removed his tunic, and then looked up at his wife.

  She was standing next to him, staring at his bare chest with the expression of someone who had never before seen such a thing. There was awe and fascination in her features. Stephen was powerfully built, with thick shoulders, neck and arms, a broad chest and slender waist. His chest was covered with a fine matting of dark hair and he sat patiently while she visually inspected him. He didn’t want to rush her, not now when the experience was thus far such a gentle and passionate thing. As he sat and watched her, she moved toward him and reached out a hand, touching the hair on his chest.


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