A Glimpse of the Dark Side: Adult Paranormal Erotic Romance Collection

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A Glimpse of the Dark Side: Adult Paranormal Erotic Romance Collection Page 10

by Eden Laroux

Secret is no stranger to vampires. A nightwalker of New Orleans since her teenage years, she first sensed a vampire at the same time she realized she had a special knack for premonition. Not only is she an adept psychic, she also senses superhuman qualities in people when she sees them. Secret remembers her first meeting with a beautiful young vampire temptress, the one who's had a mysterious fear of Secret.

  But Kane is unique -- he is attracted to her like no other. Her preternatural abilities are exceptionally alluring to him, but since meeting him, Secret notices that vampires keep appearing on her doorstep, like they sense something they want in her blood....

  Is Secret in danger, or is she about to find her past, her present, and her future?



  by Sandra Ross


  Chapter One

  "HONESTLY, DR. ADDISON! This is all a huge misunderstanding!"

  Dr. Dreama Addison studied the attractive young woman sitting across from her. She was a bit on the thin side with long, brown hair and deep brown eyes, but she was pretty enough. At the moment, she was fidgeting without seeming to notice it. To Dreama, this was a sign of lying.

  "Allison, do you understand why you've been court-ordered to see me?" Dreama asked.

  "Of course, I understand why the judge thought I might need some therapy sessions, but I promise you that it is all a misunderstanding!" Allison replied with her voice squeaking into higher levels at certain points.

  "Why don't you tell me why the judge feels that you need to see me, Allison?"

  "Well, because Daniel said that I was stalking him, of all things! But I wasn't stalking him. We just happen to eat and shop or whatever at the same places. Just because we aren't together just now shouldn't mean that I have change my favorite places."

  "Allison, how long have you and Daniel been apart?"

  "Well, about six months ago, he said that we needed to take a break, but he's going to come back to me."

  Repressing a sigh, Dreama made a few notes and then looked back at her patient.

  "Allison, I was under the impression that Daniel and his wife had reunited. Is that correct?"

  "Oh that's just what she says! You see, Daniel just had to pretend to go back to her, don't you see? He's just waiting for the right time before he comes back to me."

  "Allison, let me explain to you what I've been told and then we can discuss it together," Dreama said.

  Then she read all of the facts regarding her patient.

  Allison Gardner and Daniel Bradley had begun an affair over a year ago. Approximately, six months previously, Allison had begun to demand that Daniel leave his wife and commit to Allison. Daniel refused and, instead, left Allison after deciding to give his marriage another try.

  That was when all of the trouble began.

  Allison simply could not, or would not, accept that Daniel was no longer a part of her life. She began to stalk him, although she adamantly refused to admit that it was anything more than just running into him when they were both out dining or shopping. Of course it also made perfect sense to Allison that they would run into each other at such places as the public library, coffee shop, diner at lunch, and even the car wash. They simply must have maintained the exact same schedule for these things.

  There might not have been any action that Daniel could take if she had just kept to these places where anyone had a right to be no matter who else may have been there.

  However, Allison branched out to parking down the street from Daniel's house.

  She also took to following Daniel's wife all over the place and gave her threatening glares. These instances increased by leaps and bounds, but they still had not reached the point where any legal action could be taken.

  That all changed one night, when Allison broke into Daniel's house while they were out.

  She went into the master bedroom and meticulously cut all his wife's clothing items into ribbons with a pair of scissors. Then she left all of the evidence strewn across the, bed as well as the floor and dresser. Next, she poured bleach all over Daniel's clothes, leaving white discoloration everywhere.

  Once she had left as much damage as possible, she went back outside to her car, which she had left parked a few houses down. In fact, she had not even attempted to hide. She had waited until Daniel and his wife returned home so she could witness their reaction to what she had done.

  This meant that she was still watching when the police arrived to investigate. This made it so much easier for them to arrest her for breaking and entering, plus malicious vandalism.

  Since Allison had a clean record with not even a parking ticket in her past, she was let off easy as long as she attended regular therapy sessions with a psychiatrist. Dreama offered to take a few court-ordered cases each month, depending on her caseload. She just happened to have a few vacancies at the moment so she had agreed to take on Allison as a patient.

  Allison was proving to be quite interesting. So far, Dreama could see that this woman was completely delusional. But that was only scraping the surface. There were many more layers to this woman's personality and Dreama intended to uncover them all.

  She watched Allison's face as she heard the accusations against her. It was clear that Allison didn't accept them. She had excuses for all of the stalking incidents. As for the breaking and entering and vandalism, she simply refused to acknowledge or discuss that.

  "Well, Allison, you and I have quite a bit of work to do but I'll be here with you every step of the way. The first step is for you to understand what has actually taken place and what the difference is between reality and what you perceive as reality. So far, you don't seem to comprehend what your situation is and that is what we need to work on first. Do you understand what I am saying to you?"

  "Of course I understand what you're saying! Do you think I'm a complete moron?" Allison cried.

  "No, Allison, I don't think you're a moron -- complete or any other kind. But we do have some work to do so that you can fully comprehend what has happened. However, I cannot help you until you agree that you need treatment."

  "I don't need anything, Dr. Addison. That's what I am trying to tell you! This has all been a complete and total misunderstanding!"

  "Allison, if you are refusing to work with me, you leave me no choice but to hospitalize you for a few days to stabilize you. In case you do not understand, the court has ordered that you either work with me or you will be remanded to custody."

  "What does that mean? They can't force me to do this!"

  "Actually, Allison, they can. But I would much rather that you work with me willingly rather than having to hospitalize you for a bit. That will be up to you, though."

  At this point, Allison came completely unglued.

  Chapter Two

  ALLISON BEGAN SHRIEKING at the top of her lungs, gnashing her teeth and thrashing about on the sofa.

  Quickly, Dreama pushed a concealed button underneath her desk while opening a draw and withdrawing a syringe and a vial containing a sedative. She kept these on hand for just such emergencies. They didn't happen often but one of these situations only had to happen once to insure that she wasn't caught unawares again.

  Within seconds, Noah, her assistant was in her office and was in the process of restraining Allison long enough for Dreama to give her a shot. The sedative was fast acting and started to take effect almost instantly.

  Allison gradually stopped shrieking and started to fall over.

  Noah caught her and laid her gently on the sofa.

  "Wow," he said as he stepped back and stood with Dreama. "What happened to her?"

  "She's very delusional," Dreama answered quietly. "I didn't realize just how serious it was until it was too late. Thank you for your help. I'm going to have to hospitalize her. I'll call and make the arrangements."

  "Okay, Doc," Noah said. "Do you need for me keep an eye on her for you?"

  "No, she will be fine. I expect she will remain unc
onscious until the ambulance arrives, but thank you."

  "Sure thing. That's why you pay me the big bucks," he said over his shoulder as he left her office and headed back to the reception area.

  Noah Chase was a true lifesaver. Not only was he a registered nurse but was a body builder proficient in several forms of martial arts as well as a great office manager. With Noah, she got an office manager, emergency nurse and a bodyguard all in one. She damn well paid him what he was worth and then some.

  He was, quite simply, irreplaceable.

  Dreama made the phone calls to arrange what she needed for Allison. She had really hoped to avoid this step, but it was pretty clear that she had no choice.

  Allison was not functional enough to be on her own. She had at least 72 hours to work with Allison and try to get her grounded somewhat.

  Beyond that, she would have to see.

  The ambulance arrived in record time, and without flashing lights or sirens. Dreama had requested that they not draw any more attention to themselves than necessary. She had explained that the patient was sedated for now and was in no immediate danger.

  Most of the EMTs had worked with her at one time or another and she had a good relationship with them, that's why they paid attention to her requests when she needed to call on them. She was happy to say this wasn't all that often.

  Noah let the EMTs into her office and she explained the situation. She told them what she had given Allison and how much of it. They noted everything as they loaded her onto a gurney.

  "I will be at the hospital shortly," she told them as they were leaving with Allison.

  Noah would need to postpone her last two appointments of the day and reschedule them. She was going to need to make sure Allison was settled and receiving medication immediately.

  Well, maybe she would at least be finished in time to make dinner with Hollianne and Erick, she thought.

  She had promised them for ages that she would visit them, but something always seemed to get in the way. Hollianne had come into Moon Bay a few times so that they could grab lunch and do some dress fittings for Holli's upcoming wedding to Erick Angell. But, so far, Dreama hadn't quite made it to the castle.

  Dreama couldn't help but smile.

  That's what she had dubbed the enormous structure that Erick and Hollianne called home. It actually was a castle and was very beautiful, located on one of the most amazing property that she had ever seen.

  Whenever she got a chance, she would drive out and spend a few days there. It was so relaxing there.

  Her friendship with Holli started the moment they met each other on one of the social gatherings organized by her sister Raven for their father's Law Firm. Erick Angell and his beautiful fiancee were invited, and she only went because her dad personally called her to attend. And, all right, because she knew Simon would also be there.

  Simon Draco, one of the youngest partners in the firm and a brilliant lawyer, happened to be her friend. She knew the party wouldn't be dull with him there.

  What surprised her was when she found out he was a personal friend to Erick Angell, one of the youngest billionaire businessman in the country. And it was a delightful bonus that she and Hollianne had become friends right away -- actually, as soon as they started talking.

  Holli was honest and delightfully real to the core. It was thrilling to actually meet someone like her.

  When she learned her background and how she managed to hold on until Erick found and saved her from her dire situation, she couldn't help but admire and respect her strength. Holli also liked her and said so, even saying as much as that she was like a twin sister she never had. Their friendship and subsequent closeness just went so smoothly that it felt like it was something that's just waiting to happen.

  It was one of those things that made her feel sad that she had never enjoyed even a minimal part of that closeness with her own sister, Raven. But this time, being Holli's friend also made her feel relieved that she had someone now to really be like a sister to. She had wanted something like this for a long time, and she was grateful that it seemed the heavens had finally granted her prayer.

  Thinking about all of it also brought a stray thought to her mind.

  She idly wondered if Simon Draco might be joining them for dinner.

  Chapter Three

  DREAMA'S HEART THUDDED just a bit harder and beat a bit faster as she thought of the handsome Simon. But he did not even see her as a woman. Oh, if only he did not see her as Raven's younger sister... maybe?

  Even though she knew that she would never have a chance with him, she still couldn't help the way she felt about him.

  She sighed heavily. If she could find a man that could even compare to someone like Simon, this wouldn't be so difficult. Most of the times that she thought about him, her body reacted like a teenager who was going to pass by her crush in the corridor -- each and every time. For a woman her age, this was really a bit aggravating. She shouldn't be feeling like this anymore. She should have moved on a long time ago from behavior like this -- especially after what career she had chosen to study! One would think she would have found a way to cure this infatuation a long time ago.

  She sighed again, and this time, she also shook her head.

  At any rate, she had some things to take care of if she was going to make it to dinner. With that, she gathered her purse and briefcase and locked her office door.

  Waving to Noah as she went out, she knew that he had already re-scheduled those last two appointments. That's just how efficient this man was.

  Maybe it was time to give him another raise.

  SIMON LOOKED ACROSS his massive desk at the young man seated there.

  He had known that he was going to help Andrew Martin from the second they had shaken hands. That little current that ran through him when someone was innocent had alerted him that Andrew was, indeed, telling the truth with his version of events.

  But he had to go through the motions. Part of being successful as a human being was to act as clueless and normal as them. He had perfected this trick after practicing it for so many years.

  Besides, he had to hear the full story so that he would know how to proceed and where to look for the evidence that would clear Andrew.

  "So you're saying that you were never at Ms. Stevens' home on the evening of November 24th," Simon said. "Is that right?"

  "Yes, Mr. Draco," a very nervous but earnest Andrew replied. "I was at home and I was passed out." He frowned. "That's another thing -- I know I only had a couple of beers with my buddy Jake. We were at my house watching the game. After I had my second beer, I started to feel kind of weird, and then there was just nothing. When I woke up, it was like 7 o'clock the next morning, I was still lying on my couch with an afghan over me. I guess Jake covered me with it and turned off the television before he left, whenever that was."

  "I see," Simon replied. The wheels were already turning in his head. He had a feeling that Andrew's good "buddy" Jake knew quite a lot about what had happened to Pamela Stevens on that fateful night. He just needed the evidence that would prove his hunch was right.

  Pamela was Andrew's ex-girlfriend and he had been having trouble moving on from her. He genuinely loved her, even though the relationship had not worked out, and it had been very painful for him to let go of her.

  So the breakup had been very hard on Andrew. He freely admitted that. He also had, admittedly, shown up at her house on more than one occasion following the breakup in an extremely intoxicated state, and loudly begged her to come back to him. But he had never been threatening and had only served to embarrass himself as well as Pamela. Sadly, she had moved on and simply felt bad that Andrew couldn't do the same.

  Yet, on the night of November 24th, someone had broken into Pamela's house. This person had attacked her while she slept, raped her and cold-bloodedly left her for dead. She did not die, but she was now in a coma from which the doctors weren't sure she would emerge.

  Being the only suspect because of
motive, the police had focused their entire investigation on Andrew and would most certainly be arresting him any day now if he couldn't prove his innocence. But his alibi was weak. Someone who knew Andrew personally and never believed the young man could do such a thing had recommended Simon to him, and now they sat talking here in Simon's office about what measures could be taken to help his case.

  "Did the police speak to Jake?" Simon asked while making some notes on his legal pad.

  "Yeah, they talked to him and he told them that I got drunk and passed out. He said that he finished watching the game, covered me up, turned off the television and left."

  "Okay. Do you know if they checked into this more thoroughly?"

  "Actually, I don't know. They seemed so focused on me that I don't think they looked at anyone else too closely."

  "What about the man Pamela had been seeing? Victor Campbell?" Simon asked. "Did the police question him?"

  "Yeah," Andrew sighed heavily. "It turns out that the only thing that guy is guilty of is being an asshole. Do you know he went to see her in the hospital, took one look at her, and ran out of the room gagging? He hasn't been back, either from what I understand. Can you imagine? The woman you're supposed to love is that near death and you can't even be with her? That's disgusting!"

  "Sounds like a true man," Simon commented dryly.

  "Look, Mr. Draco, I know that I made an ass out of myself more than once after Pam broke up with me. But it was only because I loved her so much and I desperately wanted to get back together with her! I would never hurt her! All I want is for her to wake up and be okay again. Of course, she also can tell everyone that I would never hurt her, true, but she must wake up and be okay. That is the most important thing to me." His voice broke and he had to pause for a moment. "Even if she never speaks to me again, I still want her to wake up so she can have a chance to be happy whether that's with someone else or not. I mean, the breakup wasn't the high point of my life, but we don't hate each other or anything like that. Do you think you can help me, Mr. Draco?"


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