Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Volume 1

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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Volume 1 Page 7

by Hajime Kamoshida

  “Sure, why not?”

  “You’re surprisingly frisky.”

  “For personal use only, mind? If it winds up online, I’d lose my job.”

  Sakuta decided he shouldn’t engage her further and turned to go.

  But a few steps away, an idea struck him.

  “Um,” he began, turning back.

  “Mm?” She didn’t look up from her phone.

  “Nanjou…” He hesitated a moment, then asked, “Do you know Mai Sakurajima?”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  She still hadn’t looked up.

  “Do you know why she quit the business?”

  He knew Fumika covered celebrity gossip sometimes.


  She was looking at him, surprised—clearly taken aback by the question. But this soon gave way to curiosity. Now she wanted to know why he’d asked.

  He could tell that much from her face, but she didn’t voice the question.

  “I know things that weren’t made public, at the least.”


  “So? Is this a request from a child? Or an equal exchange between grown-ups?”

  “Don’t treat me like a kid.”

  “Fine. Then I’m not telling you for free.”

  “If one photo of me will do it…”

  “Heh-heh. Then we have ourselves a deal.”

  It was like he’d flipped a switch. Fumika put her phone back in her purse and glanced at the seat across from her. Sakuta took a seat. Two grown-ups, sharing a table.

  Sakuta worked until nine, then stopped at a convenience store on the way home. He passed through deserted residential streets before finally reaching his apartment after a ten-minute stroll.

  He took the elevator straight to the fifth floor, where he found someone waiting outside his apartment door.

  Mai was sitting against the wall in her school uniform. Arms around her knees. Knees and thighs pressed tightly together, only her lower legs apart. She must have stalked someone past the auto lock below.

  When he approached, she glared balefully up at him.

  “You’re finally home.”

  “I was at work.”


  “The family restaurant by the station.”




  He clapped his hands together. Then he held up two fingers. Next, he made a big circle with his arms over his head. Finally, he made glasses with his thumbs and index fingers, then held them up to his eyes. He had mimed out “I can see your panties” with classic Japanese gestures.

  “Charades?” she asked, like he was the idiot.

  Apparently, she had failed to realize he could see white panties through her black tights. How defenseless!

  He gave up and said it out loud. “I can see your panties.”

  Mai gasped and looked down at herself.

  “I-it’s hardly a problem for me if some younger guy sees my underwear!” she sputtered but hastily put her hand between her legs, tugging her skirt down over it. Sakuta wondered why he found it sexier seeing her try to hide them than when they were on full display.

  “You’ve turned bright red.”

  “I-I’m very worked up right now!”

  “Wow, everyone’s feeling frisky tonight.”

  “I’m not being frisky!”

  Mai gave him a long, hard glare.

  “Standing up should solve the problem.”

  He held out a hand.

  Mai reached up, but just before she touched his hand, she yanked it back, like she’d just remembered she was still mad at him. She snorted once, then stood up without his help.

  “I’m not touching a boy’s hand—no telling what else it’s been wrapped around.”

  She flashed him a triumphant grin. She seemed to be enjoying herself. But this moment was immediately undermined by a loud growl from her stomach.



  “Gosh, I’m sooo hungry,” he said, in the phoniest voice he could muster.

  “Do you have to rub it in?”

  “Bad habit, I know.”

  Sakuta took a cream bun out of his shopping bag.

  She hesitated, then reached for it. He felt like he was feeding a stray cat.

  Mai ripped the package open and tore into the cream bun.

  “So when did you become the perpetually hungry type?”


  She continued chewing in silence.

  Only when she’d swallowed properly did she snap, “I can’t shop,” like this was Sakuta’s fault.

  “Ohhh. That explains it…”

  If nobody could see her, then Mai obviously couldn’t go through the checkout line. He’d already seen the woman at the station stall totally ignore her efforts to buy a cream bun. It had been painful to watch.

  “The last two weeks, more and more places can’t see me. Everything around Fujisawa Station is a wash now. Even if I order online, they can’t see me, so I can’t accept deliveries.”

  “Wanna come in?” Sakuta suggested, pulling out his key and pointing at the door. “I can be charitable.”

  “That’s dubious phrasing,” Mai groused, glaring at him.

  Her apparent anger wasn’t at all frightening. It was actually kinda cute.

  “Then I’ll treat you.”

  “No. If I went into a boy’s place at this time of day, it’d be like telling him he can do whatever he wants.”

  “I see! So that’s how you signal consent. Good to know.”

  “Forget I said that.”

  She dropped a karate chop on his head.


  “Stop goofing around and help me shop.”

  “Sure, just hang on a second. Gotta let my sister know what’s up.”

  “Fine. I’ll be waiting downstairs.”

  As Sakuta put his key in the door, Mai turned her back on him, heading for the elevators.

  Kaede had been waiting for Sakuta to come home, and it took a good fifteen minutes of explaining to get her to settle down. It then took the same amount of time for Mai to get over waiting that long. The grocery store was by the station, a ten-minute walk, so by the time they arrived, it was already past ten.

  This store closed at eleven, so there was still a decent crowd. Lots of young men in suits. Likely bachelors stopping by on their way home from work.

  Sakuta shopped here regularly but hadn’t often come this late. It felt like a whole new experience.

  And that feeling was only enhanced by the fact that he wasn’t alone. And the person with him was the Mai Sakurajima.

  Mai was walking ahead of him, choosing her groceries. He was rather enjoying pushing the cart along behind her. He couldn’t keep the grin off his face.

  “We definitely look like a couple.”

  “What did you say?” Mai asked, looking up from the carrots in her hands.


  “It’s fine. Nobody here can see me.”

  So she had heard him.

  “It’s my first time staying over, and you’ve agreed to cook me dinner.”

  “The more time you waste on dumb fantasies, the stupider you get.”

  She put the carrot in her right hand back on the shelf.

  “Okay, serious question.”

  “Really, now?” She seemed to think that was highly questionable.

  “So that carrot you’re waving around. What does it look like to everyone else? Is it floating?”

  “They can’t see it, either,” she said. Apparently, she’d already tested this.

  She demonstrated, dangling the carrot in front of a businessman’s face. He didn’t react.


  “Guess you’re right.”

  “I tried putting everything in a basket and taking that to the checkout line, but it was no use. I mean, we already know they can’t see my clothes, either.”

  That was true. This clearly
wasn’t just her body turning invisible.

  “Maybe everything I touch turns invisible.”

  “By that logic, the entire earth would be invisible.”

  “You’re sure thinking on a grand scale.”

  “I’m a man meant for greater things.”

  “Yeah, sure,” she said, brushing it off.

  “But, uh, if you touch me, what happens then?”

  “Is that a roundabout way to trick me into holding your hand?”

  “No, just an experiment.”

  If all he wanted was a touch, that had already happened. When she’d visited his room, she’d touched Sakuta’s chest scars. She’d also shoved his shoulder on the train, while joking about getting pregnant.

  But neither of these had resulted in Sakuta becoming invisible. It seemed likely the ingredients she’d put in the cart he was pushing would be visible once he reached the checkout line.

  What he wanted to know was what happened while she was touching him.

  “If that’s the reason, I’m not doing it.”

  She turned and walked off toward the meat section.

  He called after her, keeping a close eye on her reaction. “The truth is that was just me trying to hide my embarrassment. I do actually just want to hold your hand.”

  “And?” she asked, smiling over her shoulder.

  “Will you do me the honor of being the first girl to hold my hand?”

  “A little creepy…but I’ll take it.”

  Mai let him catch up, then they walked side by side. Sakuta felt her warmth pressed against him. She’d put her arm around his.

  Surprised, he felt his heart racing.

  Mai was tall enough that her face was just a glance away. So close he felt like he could count her eyelashes.


  The longer she held on to him, the more conscious he was of the side boob pressed into his arm. He’d learned a lot about them while she’d been wearing that bunny-girl outfit, but they were definitely on the generous side for someone with a build as slim as hers.

  And she smelled good. His head was swimming.

  “Your mind went straight to the gutter, right?”

  “I think it went a hundred times deeper than you’re assuming,” he admitted.

  Mai let go of him.

  “But you’re so grown-up, that would never bother you,” he said.

  “Yes. A younger boy having erotic fantasies about me is n-nothing.”

  Feeling stubborn, Mai grabbed his arm again.


  Even he knew that noise was weird.

  A nearby businessman shot him a suspicious glance. Their eyes met. He could definitely see Sakuta. But it didn’t seem like he could see Mai Sakurajima. She remained invisible.

  “Uh, Mai?”

  “Not enough for you?”

  “Sorry. You’ve defeated me. Please let go before it becomes difficult for me to walk.”

  “That’s what you get for winding me up.”

  Mai seemed to be having fun teasing him and wasn’t letting go. She was building up immunities to this sort of interaction.

  But having her on his arm was hardly a punishment. It was great. Nothing but rewarding.

  “You know, I just remembered—aren’t we supposed to be fighting?”

  “Oh, right.”

  Her smile faded, and she pulled away from him, looking disappointed. He was surprised by how quickly her demeanor changed. He genuinely couldn’t tell if it was real or if she was just acting.

  Part of him regretted this choice, but he still managed to enjoy the rest of their shopping trip.

  The approach to the checkout was somewhat nerve-racking, but everything in the cart got rung up without any problems. He paid like always and was handed bags stuffed with veggies, meat, and snacks.

  Then they left the store. Sakuta carried both bags.

  He and Mai walked side by side. Sakuta had no idea where they were headed.

  “Where do you live, Mai?”

  If she was shopping near Fujisawa Station, she must live within walking distance of it.

  “Earth,” she said.

  So he just matched pace with her, letting her lead. For the moment, they were headed in the same direction as his apartment.

  “Can’t wait to see your place, Mai.”

  “You’re not coming in,” she snapped. She clearly meant it.


  “Don’t act like a spoiled child. We’re fighting, remember?”

  “Only because you can’t admit the truth.”

  “Oh? This is my fault?”

  “If you want to act, you should.”

  “Don’t bring that up again,” she said. Her tone was quiet but definitely threatening. This was stronger than a simple rejection. She was coldly pushing him away.

  “Because I know nothing about you?”

  “Yes. So mind your own business.”

  “Too bad! I actually do know why you quit.”

  “Sure you do,” she sneered.

  “In your third year of junior high, you put out a certain photo album.”


  Mai looked distinctly rattled by this.

  “You’d said you’d never do a swimsuit shoot, but your mother signed the contract anyway because she knew it would boost sales.”

  She’d posed for a lot of magazine pinups but never in a swimsuit. And she’d been in high demand anyway. In fact, the lack of skin had set her apart. Her natural beauty had been more than enough.

  “But you had a huge fight with your mom over that and figured the best way to get back at her was to leave the business.”


  “But I think you’re being ridiculous.”

  “Shut up.”

  “That’s no reason to throw away what you want.”

  “Shut up!”

  “You’re the one shouting! Settle down; you’re annoying the neigh—” Before he could finish, her hand struck his cheek. The crack echoed through the quiet street.

  “I struggled with it a lot!”


  “I was still in junior high! But I got to the studio, and they sprang a swimsuit on me, adults all around. And my mom said we’d signed the contract, that no matter how much I didn’t want to, it was my job, so I had to do it! I had to force myself to smile!”

  If her life had been more ordinary, maybe she could have fought it. Thrown a fit, refused to do the job. But she was Mai Sakurajima. She’d been a working professional since she was six years old. And surrounded by grown-ups…

  Making a scene wasn’t an option. She had to read the room and make the professional choice. She was a kid, but she had to act like an adult.

  “She was just using me. I was nothing but a way for her to make money.”

  Mai spat out the words, a dark edge to her voice.

  Still, Sakuta was sure this was her true reason. She was getting back at her mother for treating her like a product.

  He could only guess how that might feel. He’d never experienced anything like it. He couldn’t claim to understand, but there was one thing he was certain of.

  “I’d say that’s all the more reason to go back to work.”

  “How so?”

  “Because as awful as that all must have been, the way things are now, you’re still suffering from it.”


  “If you want to do something, there’s no reason to force yourself not to. You should just do it. Even I know that! And I know you get it, too, Mai.”


  Mai stared at the ground, the flush of anger fading away.


  She was silent for a good ten seconds.

  “I’m sorry I slapped you,” she apologized softly.

  Only then did Sakuta register the throbbing pain on his cheek.

  “I’ve got both hands full and can’t even defend myself, you know?”

  “That’s why it wasn’t a punch.�

  “…Thank you so, so much,” he said, making his feelings clear.

  “You don’t sound at all grateful.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m the one who got slapped. Ow. Owww.”

  “You’re so dramatic.”

  “It hurts so bad! I don’t think it’ll feel better until my kind, beautiful senpai rubs it…”

  “Serves you right.”

  “Uh…how so?”

  Sakuta believed himself entirely blameless.

  “You deliberately worded things so I’d get mad,” she accused crossly.

  “I did?” It was a bit late to play dumb, but he couldn’t exactly come right out and admit it, either.

  “You were hoping I’d get emotional and blurt something out, right?”

  “Heavens no.”

  “You’re a real crafty one.”

  Mai reached out and touched Sakuta’s cheek. He thought she was going to rub it, but instead, she pinched him. She pinched the side she hadn’t slapped, too, yanking both cheeks.


  “That aside, Sakuta,” Mai said, totally herself again. “Who told you why I quit?”


  His gaze drifted upward.

  “Don’t you look away.”

  Her grip on his cheeks got tighter.


  “Who told you?”

  Didn’t seem like silence would get him out of this. Neither would playing dumb. Mai knew better than anyone how few people had access to that information. They’d managed to keep it well under wraps.

  “I know a reporter. She interviewed me back when Kaede was being bullied.”


  “Fumika Nanjou.”

  “Oh. Her.”

  “You know her?”

  “She’s been a daytime tabloid talk show assistant for a while. Our paths have crossed before.”

  Those didn’t sound like fun times.

  “But why do you still know her? Your sister’s thing was two years ago.”

  “Oh, uh…”

  “Spit it out.”

  “Well, she got interested in Adolescence Syndrome. She saw my chest scars. She drops in every now and then trying to get me to work with her on that.”

  When he’d asked about Mai, Fumika had nodded and said, “Some of this is guesswork, mind” and mentioned that there’d been a lot of pressure to keep it from going public.

  “So you offered her something to get info on me,” Mai said pointedly.

  “Nope,” denied Sakuta, trying to get his heart to stop beating so fast.


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