Battle Ready

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by Tom Clancy

  AS I REFLECT on my own forty years of military service, and my later years of diplomacy and peacemaking, I have to ask: “What is our legacy?” My son is now a Marine captain. What have we left for him to look forward to?

  We all know that burgeoning technology will widen his horizons beyond anything we can imagine. It will also present new questions of ethics and morality that we have barely begun to fathom. Yet he must also live with the organization I have had to live with for forty years. Napoleon could reappear today and recognize the Central Command staff organization: J-1, administration stovepipe; J-2, intelligence stovepipe—you get the idea. This antiquated organization is oblivious to what everyone else in the world is doing: flattening organization structure, with decentralized operations and more direct communications. This must be fixed.

  My son will have to deal with the inevitable military-civilian rift and drift—which will become more severe in the future. He will also have to deal with the social issues we have not been able to fix. And they will get tougher, within a national debate over why we still need a strong military. My son’s generation must ultimately face the question of how much the military should be a reflection of U.S. society. The people of America will get the military they want, in due course, but it is up to the military to advise them about the risks and consequences of their decisions.

  My son will face nontraditional missions in messy places that will make Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq look like a picnic. He will see a changed battlefield, with an accelerated tempo and greatly expanded knowledge base. He will witness a great drop in the sense of calling. People entering the military will not be imprinted with his code. On his watch, my son is likely to see a weapons of mass destruction event. Another and worse 9/11 will occur in some city, somewhere in the world where Americans are gathered. When that nasty bug or gas or nuke is released, it will forever change him and his institutions. At that point, all the lip service paid to dealing with such an eventuality will be revealed for what it is—lip service. And he will have to deal with it for real. In its wake, I hope he gets to deal with yet another—and better—Goldwater-Nichols arrangement.

  What will we expect of him as a battlefield commander? Brains, guts, and determination—nothing new here. But we would ask for more than battlefield skill from our future commanders. We want character, sense of moral responsibility, and an ethical standard that rises above those of all other professions. We want him to be a model who accepts the profession of arms as a calling. We want him to take care of our sons and daughters and treat their lives as precious—putting them in harm’s way only if it truly counts. We’ll expect him to stand up to civilian leadership before thinking of his own career.

  And I hope that we would think enough of him and his compatriots to show some respect for them along the way.

  I have been all over this globe and exposed to most of the cultures on it. I am fascinated by them. I love the diversity. I want to understand them and embrace them. I could never understand prejudice or rejection or the sense of superiority that drive the hatemongers of the world. I lived through a tumultuous period of our history when our own minorities broke from second-class citizenship into full participation in this wonderful dream we call America. I have been proud of their accomplishments and contributions. They have proven the bigots wrong and made our nation greater. I hope the dream we have struggled to realize can be extended to the rest of the planet.


  Working on this book has been a long, hard process. Thanks to the friendship, encouragement, patience, prodding, creativity, and skillful contributions of Tom Clancy, Tony Koltz, Neil Nyren, Marty Greenberg, and Fred Williams, this project was made possible.

  —Tony Zinni


  Abdullah, King (Jordan)

  Abdullah, Crown Prince (Saudi Arabia)

  Abdullah, Zaini, Dr.

  Abramowitz, Mort

  Aceh-Indonesia conflict

  Addis Ababa

  AD Skyraider aircraft

  Advanced Operating Base


  Africa . See also Somalia

  African Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS)

  African Crisis Response Initiatives (ACRI)

  Aideed, Mohammed Farrah

  Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)

  Air campaign

  Air Power Doctrine

  Ala, Abu

  Albright, Madeleine

  Al Jazeera

  All-Volunteer Force

  Al Qaeda

  Altynbayev, Gen.


  American Empire

  Amphibious ops

  Anderson, W. M., Maj.

  Annan, Kofi


  Arafat, Yasser

  Armitage, Richard

  Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN)

  Arroyo, Gloria

  Asymmetric capabilities

  Atto, Osman

  Authorized Weapons Storage Sites (AWSSs)

  Avebury, Eric, Lord

  Ba’ath party headquarters


  Baker, James


  Bandar, Prince

  Bangladeshi Battalion

  Barak, Ehud

  Barre, Siad

  Barzani, Masoud

  Battle Command Training Program (BCTP)

  Battlefield commander

  Battlefield reports

  Battle of the Bong Son Plain

  Battle of Gallipoli

  Battle of Mogadishu

  Battle rhythm

  Battle Staff

  Bedard, Buck, Col.

  Beirut Air Bridge

  Beirut Marine barracks bombing

  Berger, Sandy


  Berlin Wall

  Binh Dinh Province (II CTZ)

  Bin Jassim, Hamad

  Bin Laden, Osama

  Birddog light observation plane (“Herbie”)

  Body counts

  Bong Son Plain

  battle of

  Booby traps

  Booz Allen


  Boutros-Ghali, Boutros

  Bright Star (military exercise)

  Brooks, Karen

  Burch, Hal, Brig.

  Burns, Bill

  Buscemi, Mario, Lt. Gen.

  Bush, George H. W.

  Bush, George W.

  Bushnell, Prudence

  Butler, Richard


  Cadre status

  Campbell, Don, Brig. Gen.

  Camp David negotiations

  Camp Foster

  Camp Hansen

  Camp Hauge

  Camp Lejeune

  Camp Pendleton

  Capstone course



  Carter administration

  Center of gravity

  Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

  Central Asia

  Central Command, U.S. (CENTCOM)

  Zinni appointed DCINC

  Zinni appointed CINC

  and Somalia

  staff organization

  strategy, politics, and New American Empire

  CH-53 helo

  Chalabi, Ahmed

  Checkpoint Charlie

  Chelberg, Bob, Lt. Gen.

  Cheney, Dick




  Civil Agency Response Element (CARE)

  Civil-Military Operations Center (CMOC)

  Clark Air Force Base

  Clinton administration

  Camp David negotiations

  National Security Strategy

  new global strategy

  Coalition Support Teams

  Code to live by

  Cohen, William

  Cold War . See also Soviet Union

  aftermath of

  peace dividend from

  vestiges of

  Combat missions

Combined Task Force (CTF)

  Commander in chief (CINC)

  Commander in chief Europe (CINCEUR)

  Company D

  Company tactical test

  Company training


  Concepts and Capabilities Branch

  Conflict resolution

  Congress, U.S.

  Congressional delegation (CODEL)

  Constitution, U.S.


  Conventional war

  Crisis Action Team (CAT)

  Croizat, Victor J., Col.

  Cuban revolution

  Cymkin, Tom

  Dahlan, Mohamed

  Dalton, John

  Dam Tra O


  Danger close

  Danoon, Nashwan, Brig. Gen.

  DeCosta, Dick, Gunnery Sgt.

  Defense Department, U.S.

  Deputy commander in chief (DCINC)

  Dereliction of Duty (McMaster)

  Deskins, Corp.


  DiSabatino, Cecilia

  DiSabatino, Zupito

  Disaster assistance

  Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART)

  Displaced persons

  Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières)

  Dong Nai boats

  Downing, Wayne, Gen.

  Downing Commission


  Drug use

  Dual Containment

  Dunant, Henri

  Durant, Michael, Chief Warrant Officer

  Early Bird

  East Africa

  East African Community (EAC)

  East Berlin

  Eastern bloc nations

  East Timor

  East-West competition


  Eisenhower, Dwight

  Ekeus, Rolf

  Eliezer, Ben

  Elmo, Capt.

  Emerald Express


  Environmental security

  Erekat, Sa’eb



  Ethiopia-Eritrea war

  Ethnic hatred


  European Command, U.S. (EUCOM)

  Evil Empire

  Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)

  Failed states

  Fast-breaking missions




  sense of

  Fire procedure

  1st Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF)

  Flak jacket


  Fleet Antiterrorist Support Team (FAST)

  Former Soviet Union (FSU)

  Forward headquarters


  Franks, Tommy, Gen.

  Free Aceh Movement (GAM)

  Fugit, Ed

  Fulda Gap

  Galvin, Jack, Gen.

  Garcia, Lt. Gen.

  Garner, Jay, Maj. Gen.

  Garrett, John, Col.

  Gbeho, Victor

  Geneva Convention requirements

  Giap, Gen.

  Gingrich, Newt


  Godfrey, Jack, Maj. Gen.

  Golden Spear

  Goldwater-Nichols Act

  Gray, Al, Gen.

  Griffiths, Martin

  Grossman, Marc

  Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

  Gulf War

  Gunn, Lee, Rear Adm.

  Habbaniyah Air Base


  Hamilton, Bob, Capt.

  Haynes, Fred, Maj. Gen.

  Heebner, Dave, Gen.


  Henri Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HDC)

  “Herbies” (observation planes)

  Hess, Capt.

  Highway 1

  Hirsch, John

  Hoar, Joe, Gen.

  Hobson, Jim, Brig. Gen.

  Ho Chi Minh

  Ho Chi Minh Trail

  Horn of Africa

  “House of Pain” (Iraq intelligence HQ)

  Howe, Jonathan, Adm.

  H & S Company

  Hue City

  Hughes, Dan

  Humanitarian Assessment Support Team (HAST)

  Humanitarian assistance

  in Iraq

  in Somalia

  Humanitarian Operation Center (HOC)

  Humanitarian Relief Sectors (HRSs)

  Human relations training

  Hussein, Saddam

  Ia Drang Valley

  Incirlik Air Base

  Independence movements

  Inderfer, Rick




  Information revolution


  Institute of Peace, U.S. (USIP)

  Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC)



  destroys WMD

  and Gulf War

  hypothetical post-Saddam

  Kurds in

  no-fly zone in

  orders U.S. inspectors to leave

  Republican Guard in

  sanctions against

  U-2 flights over

  U.S. goal shift for

  Iraqi Liberation Act

  Iraqi National Congress (INC)

  Iraq War

  Iron Curtain

  Isaias, Afwerki


  Islamic Jihad



  Middle East peace negotiations

  J-3 command center

  Jackson, Bobby, Gunnery Sgt.

  Jamerson, Jim, Maj. Gen.


  Jaskilka, Sam, Maj. Gen.

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jess, Omar, Col.


  Johnston, Bob, Lt. Gen.

  Johnston, Phil

  Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)

  Joint Fires operating procedure

  Joint Task Force (JTF)

  Joint Task Force Kuwait


  Karamat, Jehangir, Gen.


  Karine A takedown



  Kelley., Gen.

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Kevin, Col.



  Khat chewers

  Khe Sanh

  Khobar Towers suicide bombing

  Kim Jong Il

  Kinh, Capt.


  Kit Carson Scouts

  Kittani, Ismat


  Korean War


  Krulak, Chuck, Lt. Gen.

  Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP)


  Kurtzer, Dan


  Lake, Tony

  Lambert, Staff Sgt.

  Laney, Jim

  Larson, Terje

  Latin America





  Legacy of military

  Lehman, John

  LePage, Maurice, Maj. Gen.

  Liaison Office, U.S. (USLO)


  Line of Control

  Loi, Nguyen Dac

  Loncur, Budamir

  Luck, Gary, Gen.

  M-16 rifle

  M-60 machine gun

  MacPherson, Bob, Col.

  Madison, James

  Maneuver Warfare

  Mariam, Mengitsu Haile

  Marine Advisory Unit

  Marine Air Ground Task Force Staff Training Program (MSTP)

  Marine Corps, U.S.

  Beirut barracks bombing

  drug use in


  post-Cold War changes in

  post-Vietnam changes in

  qualities of

  racial tensions in

  rifle company training

cial operations capability

  “Striking Ninth” regiment

  unit cohesion

  Vietnam War legacy

  Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC)

  Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB)

  Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU)

  Marine Expeditionary Unit (SOC)

  Marshall, Andrew

  Marshall, George

  Marshall Plan

  Master Air Attack Plan

  Mauldin, Bill

  Maxwell, Dayton

  Maxwell Air Force Base

  Mazen, Abu

  McCain, John

  McCarthy, Jim, Gen.

  McMaster, H. R., Maj.

  McNamara, Robert

  Medevac helo



  Megawati, Sukarnoputri

  Meles Zenawi

  Mentor relationship

  Metzger, Pete, Lt.

  Middle East

  Middle East peace mission

  round one

  round two

  round three

  Military Assistance, Training, and Advisory course (MATA)

  Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)

  Military for twenty-first century

  Miller, Aaron


  Minority troops

  Mitchell, George


  Mofaz, Shaul

  Moffett, John, Col.


  Mohamed, Ali Mahdi

  Mohood, Malik Haythar

  Moi, Daniel

  Montgomery, Tom, Maj. Gen.

  Moore, Willy, Vice Adm.

  Moral courage

  Moratinos, Miguel

  Morgan, Hersi, Gen.

  Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

  Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF)

  Moshe, Romen, Col.

  Mubarak, Hosni


  Mundy, Carl, Gen.

  Musharraf, Pervez, Gen.

  Myers, Bob, Lt.

  Nabb, Dick, Col.


  National Defense University

  National Guard

  National Security Strategy

  National War College



  reshaping of

  Natural Fire

  Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group (SSG)

  Navy and Marine Corps Medal

  Neal, Butch, Gen.

  Nesbit, Nelgun

  Newbold, Greg, Lt. Gen.

  New World Order

  Nguyen, Hoa Dang, Lt.


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